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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 4月 魔羯座(原文)
時間 2014年04月02日 Wed. AM 09:42:08

Capricorn Forecast for April 2014

By Susan Miller

You have now arrived at April, one of the most action-packed months of the year. It holds the influential, difficult, but yet adventurous new moon that occurred on March 30, still exerting its power during the first two weeks of April. After that, at mid-month, the world will see two eclipses - first, a full moon lunar eclipse in Libra on April 15, and then two weeks later, a new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 28/29 (depending on your time zone). The areas of your life that will light up will be your home and family, to be followed by major emphasis on your career, and April will end with a big emphasis on your romantic life. This is a LOT of activity.

It's hard to fathom how much you will accomplish this month, but it seems like you will be a virtual wizard of productivity. Depending on the precise day of your birth, you may feel things very strongly, or much more mildly, so be sure to note when I mention the precise birth dates of those members of your sign who will be in a position to hear news. I feel Capricorn born near January 2 and those born near January 15 will be the most in the news, and to those dates, add a tolerance of a plus or minus five days. Astrologers work with bell curves, and that explains why I always ask you to add additional days on either side of the date.

This month planets in cardinal signs are squabbling, the reason you may notice a lot of sudden, jittery news and at times, much tension in the air. You are one of the four signs in this classification that includes Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, so you will be in the spotlight. You already know that since 2011, you've experienced massive life changes, and that trend will continue this month. You are cleaning out the cobwebs, dear Capricorn. In truth I could have gone back to the time of your most difficult eclipses from mid-2000 to mid-2002 with special emphasis on 2001.

After this month's gale force winds have ceased to blow, what will remain for you is a cleaner, more vital, and productive future. You will know who is on your side, and who is not, and from then on, you will be able to plan your life with more certainty, at least for the coming few months.

The new moon that arrived on March 30 seemed bent on bringing you news about a home or family situation. Or, it may bring up breakthrough news about other property you have that you want to buy, sell, or lease. You may have just moved a few days ago, or have (or soon will) find a new space that interests you if you hope to move soon. Whenever you THINK you are moving or creating changes to your living quarters, it is likely sooner. You will know where you stand this month.

Even if you've been looking to buy, sell, or lease a piece of property for quite a while to no avail, be sure you power up your cell phone, because it looks like you are about to find a situation that is just right for you. This will be a key moment of the year, and if this does not work, then you are looking at the next eclipse, October 8. Other than that, there will be no other months this year to make big changes.

This slow orbit of Mars matters because Mars rules Aries and also rules your fourth house of home. You may be interested in making a property deal (lease or buy) because you feel you will have better career opportunities in another city. This new moon comes with obstacles. Mars is currently retrograde, so it will take longer than you estimate to get your plans signed, sealed, and delivered. You may have already moved, but to get all things in place with Mars languishing in retrograde might take time. This will improve noticeably after May 19.

The Sun and new moon was conjunct Uranus at the time of the new moon, so surprises are likely to come up regarding credit and other people's money. This includes money you need to make your plan happen - a mortgage or refinanced mortgage, or a home improvement loan would apply here.

Your partner (or soon-to-be ex) may not share similar views of how this all should go. If you say that your marriage partner (or steady, established partner) is on the same page as you, then it may be that you are not seeing eye-to-eye with your broker, contractor, decorator, architect, roommate, or other person associated with your home. Be sure to talk through any plans you have with the home-related person around you so that you can prepare the very people whose support you need. Doing so will save you heartache later.

The full moon total eclipse of the moon, April 15, will now layer on a bit more news. This full moon will center on your career and your status in the firm, the industry, the community, or the world at large. You may now hear the final news about a big position you have interviewed for earlier, and you may now also settle on the perks and benefits that the company wants to offer you. I feel you have a superb chance of getting the job. It comes with a lot of responsibility, so you will need to factor in that you will spend much time at the office. Someone older who is a mentor type will be on hand to help you.

A VIP, possibly a female boss in your company (or a client), may announce a departure, sending shock waves through the company, because it's clear no one saw this development coming. It would be easy for you to feel broadsided by this news. Big life events always happen at eclipse time, but this news seems to jar you, as you may have joined the company specifically to learn from this person. Now you may feel like an orphan with no one to watch over your interests. Keep an open mind - do nothing yet. Give the new boss a chance, for if you find you aren't happy, you can always change jobs later in the year.

Full moon eclipses bring endings, so you seem to be winding down career talks or a major project that has had many moving parts. You may be very proud of the work you did, but may miss the people you worked with on this project. Looking at the patterns forming in your chart, your partner seems to be stressed out and asking you a lot of questions, but your partner's unending inquisitiveness seems to be unnerving you - try to keep your partner or collaborator (in love or business, as the case may be) calm and optimistic.

If you are breaking up a romantic relationship, and you both have been living together, it may explain why your housing situation will become so urgently important to solve this month. Either you or your partner may be hunting for a residence quickly - an eclipse will make it happen.

There is a completely different way this April 15 eclipse might affect you, and in your case it may focus on your mother, or a person you think of as your mother. This person may be leaving your direct environment, for example, if she has decided to move away. Or it may be that your mother will need special assistance from you this month, and you will have to switch all your attention from work to your beloved relative.

I say "mother" because a lunar eclipse usually points to the most prominent female authority figure in the family, but not a sister. Most usually it translates to mother, grandmother, aunt, or your mother-in-law, but actually, it is more likely to be your mother. If your mom has passed, then it may be that you will be focused on a female broker or designer you have been dealing with concerning any plans for your property or landscape.

This is a very strong eclipse that will provide you a way to break with the past and set your compass toward a completely new future, particularly if your birthday falls on January 15, plus or minus five days. Although you will feel a lot of pressure this month, even happy events bring tension, like the move to a new address, the arrival of a baby, or winning a new position - any big life event can keep you up at night until you fully adjust.

The aspects from April 20 to 23 will be wild, and among them, the fierce opposition of Mars to Uranus seems to be the hardest day of the month. At this time everyone will need you at once, from those connected to your home and family to those at the very top echelon of your career. No one, not at home or at work, will be sympathetic to your need to attend to other people or situations, so the push-pull will be very strong. It's important that you not overbook your schedule, and find ways to take a deep breath when you can. Schedule a massage for some point in April - for you a massage would not be a luxury but a necessity!

You will be barely done with the career and home situations, when a new moon solar eclipse will arrive on April 28/29. This eclipse will be in Taurus, 10 degrees, and Taurus is a sign that blends beautifully with your earthy Capricorn Sun. This eclipse will center you on your private, romantic life. You may meet someone new while you are on a short trip or through the introduction of your sibling or neighbor. In fact, you may be simply doing errands at the supermarket, post office, or flower shop when you strike up a conversation with this new person. Of course you will need to make an effort, and I realize you will have so much going on this month that you might find it hard to feel like getting nicely dressed to go out. Yet I urge you to do so, for you have spectacular aspects for finding love if you do.

With a solar eclipse in the mix, you may leave one romantic person for another, for solar eclipses sometimes bring on that kind of sudden switch. In this case, a solar eclipse may take a prominent person out of your direct path, so that sounds like a possible breakup. I am not saying you will definitely break up - not at all! Eclipses simply test the strength of relationships, and if yours is strong and productive, you will not feel any negative affects. If your relationship was hanging on a string, you will see it dissolve.

The same house that engenders love also helps conception along, so if you have longed for a baby, you may find out the two of you are expecting, especially if you will try for a baby in the two weeks that follow the April 28/29 eclipse. If you are not ready to be a parent, be very careful this month. A new moon in Taurus, multiplied in strength by being a solar eclipse, is powerful enough to change the course of your life. If you have filled out adoption papers, you may suddenly hear that your baby is ready for you both to meet your new baby and bring her home. Wow, that would be exciting, too.

Capricorn is a very artistic sign, especially in the realm of illustration and comedy writing (as two examples), and you'll get plenty of ideas to turn out first-rate work. No matter what your specialty talent happens to be, you owe it to yourself to spend time on your craft. This month you may get the green light to start an important project just after April 28-29. If you need funding to get it going, there will be a discussion about that. Prepare to need to negotiate quite a bit, but you are skilled at that, dear Capricorn. While it won't easy to find accord but if anyone can, it's you.

Venus governs your career, for you have Libra at the very top of your chart, and Venus is connected to Libra. You have three very delicious aspects to help you boost your career. First, let me say that Venus will be in water sign Pisces that blends beautifully with your earth sign element.

On April 11, if the topic is arts and culture, specifically film, video, photography, art, poetry, dance, or music, you will be in luck, for Venus will link with Neptune, and together these two planets will spin a dream of a day. Your work will be simply heavenly.

Next, on April 17, Venus will meet with Jupiter on your behalf. In this instance, your publicist, agent, representative, or lawyer may be worth her weight in gold to you. She will likely be in a position to be of enormous help to have you be considered for a lucrative deal, project, or prestigious position.

You will have one other day that will be superb - April 24 - when Venus in Pisces will receive golden beams from your ruling planet, Saturn, indicating that promises made on this day to anyone important to you will be promises kept. Venus will be in your travel and negotiation sector, so if you have to see a client to find accord, or to sell an idea, product, or service, this would be the right day to do it.

Your fourth and final happy day to circle in gold on your calendar will be April 29, when Mercury and Jupiter will act like little encouraging relatives to help you achieve success in any talks, interviews, or meetings you happen to have. If you have to travel on this day (or if you will be away on a trip when this day comes up), you will be in luck. If you go for business, schedule your most important meeting for this day.

I know life has demanded a lot from you in recent years, dear Capricorn, but you are doing so very well, and you are an inspiration to others near you. This month you will see how far you have come, for finally all that hard work will start to add up. It will be exciting to see the reward coming soon.


April won't be a straightforward month, for planets in four corners of the sky will bring up challenges and obstacles, and you will feel the crosscurrents from the start of April. Everyone, it will seem, will want your attention. The new moon of March 30 will place a big emphasis on your home, with decisions about how, where, with whom, and the style in which you'd like to live coming up, and everyone is looking at you to provide those answers.

Your career will have a very strong bearing on how your housing questions will be addressed. With Uranus orbiting close to the new moon, you'll feel jittery until you complete your planning and move into action stage next month. So much information may come at you at once that you may have difficulty sorting out what to do first. You are a cool, practical Capricorn, especially well suited to months like this, and while other signs might feel overwhelmed, with a little effort you can get on top of things.

As you get to mid-month, your attention will switch quickly to your career. This is due to a cresting full moon lunar eclipse in Libra, April 15, energizing your career sector. This eclipse will be filled with fury and might because planets will be at odds with one another. You may finish a major assignment now, or a boss or client may depart, as two examples, but these shifts may create tremors throughout the company.

When Venus and Jupiter trade signals, April 17, you may hear that a generous check is heading your way and will make you feel secure. If you have an agent, representative, headhunter, or other middleman, that person will be worth his weight in gold at this time.

In a month that seems to touch on all phases of your life, a new moon solar eclipse in sweetly compatible Taurus will appear on April 28/29. This eclipse will light your area of romance, children, and creative projects. This eclipse will have the power to help you find genuine love, which seems remarkable in such a highly charged month. At the same time - month's end - home and career demands will be at all time highs, creating a very high contrast situation.

Still, you can make progress on the romantic front if you are willing to circulate to meet new people in all walks of life. It only takes one special person to change your life, and this April 28/29 eclipse has the power to bring a fateful meeting from an unusual source. An older friend may make an introduction now, and this time, you may find that love clicks.

Would you like to read more about the April eclipses?

I wrote a piece about the April eclipses for Refinery29.com

Here is the link! http://bit.ly/1dqrKIa

Capricorn Dates to Note

Most Romantic Dates: April 11 and 17.

Venus in Pisces April 5 to May 3 will be in good angle to your Sun, and make short trips, perhaps into the countryside - fun.

Your home may be the center of your thinking in the first ten days of April. Events will move swiftly and without notice. You may need to move, or make a sudden repair. Or a family member may require help.

The full moon lunar eclipse on April 15 will affect your career. Your reputation will be affected, so you may be offered a very high level spot. Or you may lose the one boss you loved and hoped to work with in the future. This is a difficult eclipse, and even your partner seems to be of no help. Keep your own counsel.

Whatever is going on at home and at work will reach a critical point, where both areas will need your attention and nothing seems to go right, April 22-23.

The new moon solar eclipse of April 28/29 will fall in your house of love, romance, children, pregnancy, and creative pursuits. Again, this second eclipse can help you find love, but this eclipse will also be troublesome, so you may have to work through a sticky problem or obstacle. A new moon always opens a new set of circumstances, and often an opportunity, very possibly to find love. See what comes up, but be careful in this, a month of smoke and mirrors.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-04-02 09:42:08
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 351 
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