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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 9月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2014年09月13日 Sat. PM 02:22:27

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your September Horoscope by Susan Miller

Pisces Horoscope for September 2014

By Susan Miller

You are about to enter a very exciting period for seeing fruition to your personal desires, and also for your career, for certain planets are quietly moving into perfect positions to help you get ahead. Things will start to be revealed this month, in September, and at first you may think each burst of good news or opportunity that comes up is an isolated event. It is not. Each of these events are coming together to create an exciting new life for you, and if you watch carefully, you will see that parts of your life that seem happy but completely unrelated are actually very much part of a whole.

As you read this, you have just come through a full moon in Pisces at 16 degrees. Something of vital importance reached a culmination point, and it looks like you were excited to see it happen. A full moon in your own sign is so personal to you that it is known only to you, not even your astrologer. Think about what you were doing near September 8, plus or minus four days, for chances are, those actions and discussions were important to your future.

That new moon was in ideal angle to Pluto, now situated in your eleventh house of friendships, indicating that you seem to have at least one powerful, influential friend, or will soon make the acquaintance of a new successful person this month. It appears that you may have attended a party or dinner in a restaurant where you met this person, and it appears your friend will be able to help you in some substantial way - if not now, down the line. Saturn was also unusually strong and friendly, and that suggests that the work you are doing (or did) on the full moon will add stability to your life and add to your sense of security.

If your birthday falls on March 7, plus or minus five days, you will be affected by, and benefit most from this full moon. The same is true if you have Pisces rising, or a natal planet in Scorpio or Cancer at 16 degrees (or within five degrees).

Mars is heading to your career sector on September 13, to stay until October 23, and this will be the first time you've had active Mars to help you professionally in two years. Mars will light your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, and during those weeks you will interact with high-level people and possibly get very positive publicity for work well done. This new appearance of Mars is significant, for it appears you are about to rise in visibility and to score a major career victory.

Saturn is also heading to this same part of your chart, your prestigious tenth house of profession on December 23, to stay there almost permanently for three years. I say "almost permanently" because Saturn will briefly retrograde out of Sagittarius, back to Scorpio, from June 14 to September 17, 2015, a period of thirteen weeks. That time will fly by, and Saturn will re-enter Sagittarius for good, not to leave your career sector until December 20, 2017. It appears you are moving into a completely new realm, where you will need to learn many new things and need to stretch to meet new standards of excellence. Your role will be one of leader, but you will need advice, and an older person will be on hand to teach you all you need to know.

Saturn will be demanding, but all that you gain when Saturn tutors you are accomplishments that will stay with you forever. Saturn will demand an all-or-nothing response from you, but in three years, if you work with Saturn, you will become quite a force to be reckoned with. If you are old enough, you may recall the last visit of Saturn, 1985 to 1988. So much of what you did in your career over the years will be rewarded now. You could not have been ready for the role you are about to take on earlier, but you are ready now, and there is no limit to how high you can fly.

Make September your productive month. Mercury will be retrograde from October 4 to 25 next month, and we will also have two eclipses, a total eclipse of the (full) moon on October 4 in Aries, in your earned income sector. The other eclipse will be a friendly new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio October 23. These eclipses may take a thread from the last ones, April 15 and April 28, and advance the conversation, but neither of the new eclipses will be as troubling as the ones that arrived in April. I will describe what is due in October in more detail next month, but as you may have gathered, October will bring last minute changes to your schedule. Eclipses always bring unexpected news that seems to need instant attention whether it is convenient to attend to the news or not. These lunar and solar events often look for weak links to show you so that you can take action to protect yourself.

Your social life will bring you more satisfaction and fun once Pluto goes direct on September 22. Pluto has been in weak condition, in retrograde since April 14, but now your social life will take on new luster. You may make new friends now, or new people you've met recently will be interested in getting together, and you will see if you'd like to cultivate the friendship.

Romantically, this month favors Pisces who are attached more than it does single Pisces. (Single Pisces, you will get your turn in several weeks, so don't be blue.) Venus will glide through your committed relationship sector (seventh house) from September 5 to September 28, so you may find that your interactions with your mate or steady lover will go silky smooth this month. The Sun will shine in Virgo in the first three weeks of September, lighting your house of marriage and partnership, a perfect time to discuss the future together. If a touchy subject has come up, you can talk about it to your significant other while Venus is near - you will find all the right words and get a loving response. If you have no romantic relationship, you can use this energy toward building a fine business partnership. Make things official this month, or wait until November. There is no need to rush.

Your finances will be top of mind at the new moon in Libra, 1 degree on September 24, and this time the news is very positive. This new moon won't be an eclipse but a very helpful new moon to help you make or get access to more money. The house it will light is your solar eighth house of other people's money. You may apply for a student loan, research grant, a mortgage or refinanced mortgage, venture capital, or line of credit, or apply for a large insurance payout. Alternatively, you may be the executor of the estate that you and your siblings inherited, and you may begin the long process of disbursing the personal property and the financial proceeds to all involved.

This new moon September 24 will be particularly powerful, because it will arrive at a critical degree. Any time you see 0 or 1 degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn - this one is Libra), it suggests that you will see plenty of activity. You may be working out a business deal that you devote your heart and soul to soon, certainly by the time Saturn moves into Sagittarius at year's end. Mars will be very supportive of this new moon, so you will see a whirlwind of activity the moment that new moon arrives, and you will see talks turn to financial topics quickly.

Now for the biggest news of all! This year didn't have many sparkling, encouraging aspects, but it does have one five-star day due that will arrive this month on September 25. Uranus will send a brilliant beam to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in your workaday sector. This suggests that you will get a very lucrative assignment out of the blue. With Uranus you can never quite tell precisely how he will work. Often Uranus brings news from a source you would have never considered, and news comes like lightning, with a big surprise. Also both Jupiter and Uranus move very slowly, so you may feel the glow from these two planets for weeks, as they will be within orb from mid-September to mid-October. September will be the stronger month, because the aspect - the two planets - will be coming closer and closer, and building in energy.

Although this day, September 25 appears to be about work and money (with all good news on that score), it is also possible you will also get heartening news about your health. Your solar sixth house, which holds benefic Jupiter, also rules health and the proactive steps you take (or your doctor prescribes) for you to feel your best. You may get unexpectedly good news on that score too.

Take this aspect of September seriously - it's as rare as it is special, a five-star day that can offer you hope, a fresh start, optimism, and hope for the future. This year has not been that easy - this aspect will come precisely when you need it most. You'll have a smile back on your face and a spring in your step. Circle this date on your calendar, but remember, you may feel the effects earlier in September, as you get closer. Although it looks like news will fly in the window, you can also be sure to use September 25 for an important presentation, interview, or other initiative. It's your golden day!


You've had a close romantic relationship on your mind quite a bit late last month, and you may have been thrilled when you became engaged or married, or made another exchange of promises with your one-and-only. It was time to realize you could not do everything in life alone, and that having a partner at your side could feel very comforting.

Venus, the planet of love that makes all interaction as smooth as cutting through butter, will tour your partnership sector from September 5 to September 29. This seems to ensure you will have a very happy time with your one-and-only. While most Pisces will be centered on their romantic partner, some Pisces will have exciting plans for a business partner or collaborator and be getting ready to sign papers to make things official.

This month, the Harvest Moon (a full moon) on September 8 fell in Pisces, so something highly personal and important to you culminated. Pluto was friendly, so it is clear you have the support of an influential friend who will offer her hand to help you get closer to a goal. Saturn was at an ideal angle to this full moon too, lending his gifts of stability and longevity to any venture or relationship you were busy crystalizing then. Mercury, the planet of contractual agreements, was beautifully conversing with Jupiter, a perfect aspect for contractual agreements, or for promises made, for those will be kept. We think of contracts mainly for business, but marriage is a contract too, and astrology recognizes this fact. On this full moon, both personal and commercial agreements will be blessed.

Adding fun to the month will be Mars as he tours your ninth house of long distant travel. You may be packing your bags and joyfully heading to the airport in early September, prior to September 13. This trip could be your honeymoon or a distant trip to see friends. If you just signed a new business partner, agent, publicist, or other expert, you both may be traveling to see this person or a client, and to set the blueprints of a big project. Or, you may be interviewing for a new position in another city, or going to accept an award, as some examples. If you do plan to head out of town, do so while Mars tours compatible Scorpio, September 1 to 13.

Your career will zoom into the stratosphere when Mars moves through Sagittarius, from September 13 to October 26. During this time, if you have worked hard and smart over the past two years, your name will be in lights on the big marquee. You will be buzzed about in all the right circles, for clearly, you are doing well. You may now change positions for one with more power and responsibility, or if self-employed, bring in a very high status client. Publicity about you should be positive, and help you get ahead. Make your biggest moves in September because next month, from October 4 to 25, Mercury will be retrograde, never the time to make big moves or announcements. September will be your month to shine and to begin your most important initiations.

Finances have been, at times, a sore point for you this year, for news has been up and down and always unexpected. At times you were hit with huge expenses and at other times, got news of a large check heading your way. Mars was a big part of the problem when Mars toured Libra for an unending eight months, but fortunately Mars left that thorny position on July 25. You still were left with surprise-a-minute Uranus in your second house of earned income. It's not easy to have the planet of surprise in a money house. Admittedly, at times you were surprised in a positive way, receiving news of a large stash of cash due to you when you least expected such news.

Overall, your finances are improving, and never more than now, with the new moon in Libra in your house of other people's money, September 23. That new moon will be beautifully oriented to Mars, now in your career sector, suggesting you may be negotiating generous company benefits - better health care, a fair commission rate if you are in sales, more vacation days, flex time, the key to the executive gym - or other perks that have great value. If you need a loan from a bank, a mortgage, or tuition financial aid, put in your application on September 24 or 25 and chances are, you'll get it.

You have a very exciting financial day due on September 25, when Jupiter, planet of good fortune, will receive shimmering beams from Uranus, the planet, as said, of out-of-the-blue developments. This aspect is so rare that it has not occurred in a similar way since January 2011. It appears you will be given an enviable work assignment that should pay very well. This would be no ordinary assignment either - the job seems to have the ability to elevate your status in the industry and put you in line for more creative assignments in the future. Put a circle on September 25, but you could hear good news as early as September 15 or as late as October 15. The fact that this day comes on the heels of the new moon in your financial sector will bring even more punch to this day. Enjoy your good fortune!

Dates to Note: PISCES

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions: 4, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 22, 26, and 27.

The new moon in Virgo of late August 25 is still strong and may bring a major development in your romantic timeline, especially if you are a February-born Pisces.

A friend may reach out and touch your heart by doing a great favor on your behalf - one you never asked him or her to do. This may happen once Pluto goes direct, September 22.

Your efforts toward naturalization, immigration, green card, or visa will do very well on this day, when the Sun sextiles Saturn on or very close to September 11.

Your work is superb and has now reached a tipping point where others will have heard of your fine reputation. This will be very evident when Mars tours Sagittarius from September 13 to October 26. This phase could become a phase of enormous career importance - the most vital one in two years.

The new moon in Libra on September 24 will help you set out to change your finances for the better. Consult with your trusted advisor, but this new moon could set you on a steadier, sturdier track for generating profits.

Your favorite day this month, and possibly of all 2014, will be when Jupiter will work with powerhouse Uranus on September 25. A project that comes in like a thunderbolt, quite suddenly, could bring you a way to showcase your talents and bring you an excellent salary or fee. This job seems massive and may represent a project that has "legs" to take you to bigger and better things for the future.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-09-13 14:22:27
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 202 
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