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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 10月 雙子座(原文)
時間 2014年10月05日 Sun. PM 11:51:10

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller

Gemini Forecast for October 2014

By Susan Miller

October will be a month when you step out of your normal routine, rip up your schedule, and wait to see what the universe wants you to attend to quickly. You will have Mercury retrograde all month, and two major eclipses (not as dramatic as the ones that occurred in April). Yet don't be blue - the month has many special moments spaced over the entire month, like multi-colored sprinkles on a pretty cupcake. Have faith - the structure, the bones of this month show positive outcomes are possible on many levels.

First, let's look at Mercury retrograde. Mercury is your ruling planet, so the movements of Mercury are more important for you than any other planet, and more important than for most other signs.

Mercury will be retrograde from October 4 to 26, but don't take those dates too literally as your boundary points for taking action in everyday life. You began to feel the slowdowns that Mercury is so notorious about creating in late September. Bookend dates of Mercury retrograde periods (that is, the start and end dates - this time, October 4 and 26) are always when Mercury is most out of control, so you want to avoid those dates. Do not rush to do things the day prior. It is already too late to outrun Mercury retrograde. Sit tight.

As you enter October, be determined to wait until November before you resume enacting your most important initiations. Do not buy any electronic items, appliances, or machines, nor should you buy a car. Mercury rules all the moving parts in any machine, even an electronic, so it will be all too easy to buy an item that does not perform properly. We also become forgetful, so when Mercury is retrograde, we buy the wrong model, often because we fail to assess our future needs, and later have buyer's remorse.

Don't sign contracts, nor give your verbal agreement to any deals. Verbal commitments are considered the same as putting your signature on an important document. Your priorities will be changing, although you won't know this to be true just yet - that will become clear later. For now, goals and criteria you use to make decisions will appear very stable and very much the same, but some of those are about to shift radically, so appearances can be deceiving. Shifts are coming up, so sit tight, listen, and observe.

Two major eclipses are due too, making matters more complicated and confusing, so even if Mercury were not retrograde, you would still have the eclipses that will deliver news of change and adjustment that you will have to take into account when you create October's schedule. If you say that this month is not a convenient time to address the subjects that the eclipses bring up, the universe will simply let out a deep belly laugh, and put its hand at your back, and push you forward in a forceful way.

The problem of having Mercury retrograde at the same time as two eclipses are appearing is that a lot of dust will be kicked up, and it will be hard to see the path ahead. Take your time until you adjust to all news, and do not make judgments or decisions, as every eclipse has a second act, and in that second act, you will be given more information. You need all the data you can get, and even after you do, you will need to reflect on what you need to do next.

The first eclipse, a total eclipse of the moon (in other words, an emotional full moon eclipse) will arrive in Aries at 15 degrees on October 8. Next we will have a solar new moon eclipse in Scorpio 0 degrees, October 23. Solar eclipses, like the one October 23, are often harbingers of good news, as these types of eclipses open a new path of opportunity, and that one, October 23, is one of the sweet ones of the year.

The two October eclipses won't be as severe as the ones that occurred April 15 and April 28 of this year (each year we typically have four eclipses). The October eclipses will be linked in theme to matters that came up last April, as this month those discussions will be advance to a new level. I will show you how this is likely to occur in a second, so let's start at the top of the month. I will go through each important day so that you will have a map to navigate the month. There is plenty of good news this month, so keep that in mind.

Let's look at the first one, October 8. That's a full moon total eclipse, so it means something is about to end. (Later something new will begin, but for the time being, an end or culmination is due.) This eclipse will fall in a fire sign that is compatible to yours, in your fifth house of romance, children, and creativity. Initially you will be shocked by news, as Uranus, the planet that is known to bring completely unexpected news, will be conjunct the full moon eclipse and oppose the Sun and Venus. It will at first be hard to think straight, so as the old wives' tale goes, when in doubt do nothing. Wait to get all the information you need, and verify the accuracy of it. Mercury will obscure certain facts and cross wires, so take time to think about what is coming to the surface.

Here is the good news about this eclipse. This eclipse falls in Aries, which means Mars, Aries' ruler, will play the leading role. Mars will be beautifully oriented toward Jupiter and to Uranus, forming a golden fire triangle in the sky, reaching a peak by October 10. Also on October 10, we have one of the most giving and happy aspects of the month, when the mighty Sun and Jupiter send signals to one another, making for a glorious day.

I feel you may hear news about a lover or friend that you find troubling, or concerning a situation with your child that you will have to fix. A creative project may suddenly go off the rails. One of these may apply to you, and of course, it is not likely all of these areas will light up. At first you will be completely thrown off balance because you didn't see this news coming. However, we have that golden triangle clicking into calibration within three days after the October 8 arrives, so let things sit, and reflect on what you heard.

The golden triangle's points (indicating areas of luck) will include Jupiter in Leo, making sure your powers of articulation and communication are top notch. You will have Mars in Sagittarius in your partnership house, indicating a partner or someone who represents you (like a lawyer) will be quite helpful. Uranus will be in your friendship house, so a friend may go out of his or her way for you, in a way that you find especially kind.

Looking back to April 15, you may have been betrayed or severely let down by a friend. If a friend helps you now, it will be a different friend. You may have to have finish things with the other friend that gave you the problems, as painful as that might be this month. You may not have confronted your friend yet, or if you have, it appears there may be still details for you to work out. Keep in mind that the ruler of the eclipse - this one is in Aries, so that's Mars - shows the final resolve, and Mars will be in ideal agreement with Uranus and Jupiter, indicating that you will be protected and actually move to a fine result that you feel is fair and very satisfactory.

There will be a small percentage of Gemini who find this October 8 full moon eclipse to be positive in every way. You may meet a new romantic interest on this eclipse, find out you are pregnant (and be joyful about that news), or your steady sweetheart may propose marriage. A new or ongoing creative project may be crystalized. With Uranus, the planet that strikes like lightning and brings what you least expect, anything is possible. You never know for sure until you reach the day - it's always something you are not looking at.

In the chart, I see the initial harsh oppositions of Uranus opposed to the Sun and conjunct the moon, so I see you may feel nervous and in shock, but that things will resolve in a way that pleases you. I see that this eclipse will work in your favor, even if it does not immediately seem that way at first.

If your birthday falls on June 5, plus or minus five days, you will feel this eclipse directly. If you have Gemini rising at 15 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, or a planet at 15 degrees of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, with the same tolerance of five degrees in either direction, you will be affected by the October 8 eclipse, and although you may become tense with news, things will work out to your full satisfaction.

The second eclipse, October 23, is clearly one that will be full of good news. This eclipse is a solar new moon in Scorpio, and solar eclipses are famous for opening a new door. This eclipse will be conjunct Venus, and more importantly, be in ideal angle to Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, and planet of action. Many Gemini have had health concerns at some point since Saturn entered Scorpio in October 2012. This new moon will give you a chance to get the right diagnosis or medicine to ease symptoms. This is a new moon in your sixth house, heralding a new direction in matters involving health, and the change might be quite dramatic. Think back to the eclipse of April 28, and what was going on at that time - this eclipse may fix something that came up then, and will put you on a road that will give you reason to be optimistic.

If your doctor says you can exercise, this new moon eclipse would be the ideal time to begin. Don't wait until January (when everyone makes New Year's resolutions) - you won't have a new moon in your fitness and health sector then, and it will be harder to see impressive progress as you go along. If you are busy this month (of course you are), just sign up for the gym to do one class, say three times a week, or have a trainer work with you for two times a week. In astrology, it's when you begin a venture that matters, for in that date you begin, you plant the seed for a new future. If you want your timing to be perfect, you must act very soon after the solar eclipse of October 23 arrives. I would suggest October 25, the date Mercury will turn direct.

This same eclipse may bring new assignments and perhaps new business that you will have to get started working on quickly. Again, the aspects are helpful, and you will soon see life take flight. The pace will quicken, and before you know it, you will be moving on fast forward. Eclipses always accelerate timetables, but the fact that Mercury will go direct will add to the feeling of rapid movement.

Mars will be in Sagittarius all month, putting your emphasis on your partner, in love or business. If there is anything you need to discuss, it's fine to do it during Mercury retrograde. If you hope to reconcile with a past love, you can do so this month and find out if your former partner still has feelings for you. Mars in the seventh house, where you have Mars now, often is difficult, for it can, at that angle to your Sun, create strife, but not now, as Mars forms one side of the golden triangle. This month, partners are golden for you.

Mars will move through Capricorn from October 25 to December 4, setting off a larger than usual emphasis on money for you. You may see money fly out of your bank account, perhaps because you have planned to buy a new computer or car or to close on a house. You may be making your big purchase in November. Or, it may be that you need many new clothes and other items for the coming season, and you will go through a pricey period for spending. Mercury retrograde often makes machines with moving parts break down, so you may need to show up at the repair shop to fix an item - this could be part of the outgo too.

Now let's look at some days that sparkle, and I hope you will note all of them on your calendar.

On Saturday, October 4, a friend may reach out to you to make an introduction to a new romantic interest. That first meeting may be quite electric, thanks to the beam between Uranus and Mars. It's a great day.

On Thursday, October 9, Mars will move on to meet with Jupiter on your behalf, and again your actions will have "tooth" and help you get the traction you need to make things happen. Jupiter is in your short travel and communication house, so a negotiation should go well, and a trip to see someone not too far from your base is the client you should be thinking about now.

You have a stellar day coming on October 10, when the Sun and Jupiter trade signals. With Jupiter in your third house, you may have luck again through writing, speaking, editing, or research projects, or through getting publicity from the media. You may travel on this day to see someone high level - it's a good idea to go. This day, October 10, is also one that may help you find thrilling romance - I would give it a gold star.

Mars and his lover Venus will spice up your love life over the weekend of October 18-19, when Venus, in your love sector all month until October 23, a big plus, brings pizzazz to your social life. Your magnetism will be high, and it will be easier than usual to draw love interests to you.

One of your best days of the month will be October 20 when Mercury, your ruler, will be in divine conversation with Jupiter. Your communication skills will be in great demand on this day, so if you want to send a query letter to an editor with an idea for a book or article, do so on this day. If you need to hand in a manuscript for a book or screenplay, this would also be the day to have it land on your editor's desk. If you are an agent, you may sell an author's book proposal.

October 20 is such a golden day for you that you can use it for other purposes too - with your ruling planet, Mercury, talking to good fortune Jupiter, just about everything will go right for you. Too bad Mercury will still be retrograde (not for long - only three more days) - just anticipate some backtracking, but all in your favor. Your editor may ask for changes in the manuscript's flow, or ask you to create more development of a character or an idea you had put forth (as an example). Listening to her advice will only make your piece stronger.

Neptune will be active on October 27 when Venus and Neptune will be in perfect sync, an ideal day to have your picture taken, whether for the press or just for your passport. October 28 brings the Sun and Neptune in ideal conversation for you, indicating you may find your face is prevalent in the press or in other ways "out there" and creating a buzz about you in the media.

As you see, this will be a busy month, with change, reward, a need for adjustment - just about everything will happen in October, but all the shifts will be in your favor, and that's what matters most.


Your ruler, Mercury is retrograde all month, from October 4 to 26, indicating you will need to watch events carefully, rather than move forward on any big launches or the formation of an important relationship now. Facts will continue to shift until mid-November, so it will be very hard to make an informed decision.

Against this background, two important eclipses are due. The first, October 8, will fall be in Aries, and fall in your house of friendship, so you may have a falling out with a friend because you feel you were betrayed, or, conversely, you will hear of a friend in dire need of your assistance because she's in a crisis. (This is a lunar eclipse, so the friend would likely be female.) Whatever comes up will be shocking and unexpected, and temporarily knock you sideways. You may recall an incident involving a friend back at the last eclipse, April 15, and now the October 8 eclipse may again bring up the topic, or bring concern about another friend.

Every eclipse is very different, so don't assume one is just like another. In this case, thankfully, Mars, which rules Aries, will be friendly on October 8, suggesting that no matter how jarring the eclipse will be (and it will be that, and more), the final resolve can be positive. At any rate, this eclipse will protect you and will advance the discussion about a matter that may have come up at the last eclipse, April 15. Jupiter will also be very supportive, so you will find the right words to convey your thoughts. You can (and likely will) finesse the situation masterfully. If in the manifestation of this eclipse you will need to rush to help a friend facing daunting conditions, you will find strength you never knew you had, and find wise advice to share that your friend will deeply appreciate.

Many Gemini have been battling a health concern ever since Saturn entered Scorpio in October 2012 or in the months that subsequently followed. If you have been frustrated with a health matter that seems to have dragged on too long, you may be near relief. The friendliest eclipse of the year will arrive in Scorpio, October 23, and would have the power to open a new path to stronger health through traditional medicine. This eclipse will relate directly to discussions that occurred on an earlier eclipse in the same family of signs, on April 28 of this year. Mars rules this particular eclipse, and Mars will be well angled to Jupiter (in wide mathematical degree) - a positive sign for a resolve you may celebrate. With a mutual reception (a collaborative aspect) between Pluto and Neptune, a newly introduced medicine on the market might prove helpful - ask your doctor if one might be appropriate for you.

This same October 23 eclipse will help you take on new and exciting projects, ones that can lead you to a promotion in late February 2015 that can bring you more prestige, power, and fame. Do a great job on projects that you tackle now, for if you do, later the world will be your oyster.

Present a highly imaginative idea when the Sun in your fifth house of creativity signals Neptune in your house of fame, October 28.

If you want to take a quick short trip, hop in your car on October 10, when the Sun and Jupiter will be beautifully angled. This date, a Thursday, would be ideal for a romantic getaway, so see if you can put together several vacation days to create a long weekend together.

Your other superb day, October 20, brings Mercury in ideal angle to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. You can't sign a contract yet because Mercury will be retrograde, but you can negotiate and get arrangements ready by the time Mercury goes direct on October 26. This day is nevertheless fortunate for you, so use it for personal, happy pleasures - like a trip. Shopping would be fine as long as you not buy electronics. If you buy things for the home, or new clothes, save receipts carefully, for you may need to make an exchange or return later.

Dates to Note: GEMINI

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions: 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31.

Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio / Libra from October 4 to 26. Expect delays and re-do's. This is a good time to go back to projects you had put aside, but not to start new ones.

The full moon lunar eclipse will occur in Aries on October 8. A friend may be the source of your meditation, either because she has betrayed you terribly, or conversely, because she desperately needs you to help her find peace in a dark hour.

Mars and the Sun will be beautifully oriented toward Jupiter on October 9-10, so you may travel, a perfect time to do so. You need not cover many miles to reap the benefits.

Give a gold star to October 20, when Mercury, your ruler, will work with Jupiter. Give a speech, hand in a manuscript, travel, or take an important test. Mercury will still be retrograde, but will go direct at the end of this week (October 26), so don't seal anything in stone quite yet. You can have wildly successful meetings now.

The solar eclipse will open a door in your house of health, October 25. New work assignments should start to pop up too. Be ready and learn to pace yourself.

Mars will focus you on money from October 25 to December 5. Your accountant may want to do some savvy year-end planning. Expenses during this time may run very high.

Accolades for your visionary work will likely arrive October 27 or 28.

Venus in Libra will enlarge your social life from the start of the month to October 23. You may want to reconcile with an old lover - this would be the time to see if that former relationship could work now.

Mars in your relationship sector may bring conflict for Gemini who are attached. Part of Mars' job is to cleanse any house it visits, and in this month's case, if your partner has harbored any resentment, you will have a chance to discuss this difficulty before it festers.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-10-05 23:51:10
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 101 
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