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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 11月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2014年11月02日 Sun. AM 09:58:32

Aquarius Forecast for November 2014

By Susan Miller

Mars is now touring the most private part of your chart, so take November to collect your thoughts and to make your plan for the New Year. You will enter the busiest time of 2014 when Mars, the action planet, will enter Aquarius on December 4 for the first time in two years. At that time, you will be moving at the speed of light. Having Mars in your sign is no small advantage, for ventures and relationships started during that phase tend to become successful. Not all your ventures will, but at least one will astound you, because you will be so determined, you will be willing to go to the mat to see it thrive. You won't take "no" for an answer from anyone either!

Your house, apartment, or other property you lease or own will be the subject of your attention at the full moon November 6. This full moon is filled with sweetness: a supportive Mars, Pluto, and Neptune make it a standout, so any plan you have had to improve your housing situation or look of your decor will reach a beautiful conclusion now. Neptune's involvement suggests you can find the funds to make several small artistic updates that will yield big results, not the least of which will be to have an encouraging boost of morale to all who share your space. Your career has brought you to a place of high visibility, so it is often hard for you to take your eyes off what is happening there to attend to home or family-related needs. Still, this time, near November 6, you can, and with superb results.

Despite November's warm and encouraging tone, you will have one day to watch as potentially troublesome, November 12, when Mars will be at direct odds with your ruler, Uranus. Be careful what you say on this day, as this aspect's difficult mood will emanate from your communication sector. As they say, once the toothpaste is out of the tube, you won't be able to get it back in again.

New friends and associates can pour into your life as a result of the new moon, November 22. This will kick off your holiday season, and within a week, you may connect with many present friends and be invited to parties where you meet new people. Aquarians are known to have more friends than any other sign, but you are also known to only let in a chosen few to your inner circle. This is the way you manage to have such a large number of friends and not be overwhelmed by them.

You also are known to be drawn to charitable, humanitarian, or community projects, for you are always on the lookout for ways to help the overlooked, marginalized, or those people who have been treated unfairly in society You may find a way to help your favorite cause now, after that new moon appears, and others will be grateful for your leadership and passion.

Next month might be an even bigger month for romance for you, because by then will have Mars in Aquarius as of December 4, which will make you popular and sought after. However, the new moon of November 22 will work hard to bring you into contact with many others, and if you comply and attend many of those events, you may meet a number of intriguing, worldly people, increasing the possibility for romance. Venus will enter Sagittarius, a fire sign, on November 17 and remain until December 11, another boon to your love life. One day may stand out: November 26, when Uranus, your ruler, will send a thunder bolt to Venus, causing your heart to beat double time when your eyes lock with another. Watch that date!

Dates to Note for AQUARIUS

Luckiest days for luck but also for other purposes in your life: November 1, 5, 6, 8, 22, 23, 26, and 27.

The full moon in Taurus, November 6, will bring together a home-related renovation or other residential or other property plan. This full moon is friendly to Mars, so you will see high energy around you as you finish up. Pluto will also be friendly too, indicating help from someone behind the scenes. Stay mum on any project you are working on until Mars enters Aquarius, December 4.

Mars will be in hard angle to Uranus, your ruler, on November 12. Travel is likely to be very difficult.

A potentially difficult day for home-related matters will be November 12 when Mars and Uranus have a row.

Neptune will go direct on November 16, and that will help you in the financial arena.

A day when a critical person may challenge your reputation or work on a high profile assignment, November 17 and 18, due to Saturn conjunct the Sun. This will be a day when you will need to work very hard.

Distant, exciting travel may come up after the new moon arrives, November 22. Legal matters or media (publishing or broadcasting) might be initiated, and academic interests shine.

One of your best days - when Venus and your ruler Uranus combine energies - will be November 26. This day sparkles for social activity and unexpected news through email, phone, or letter. You may need to travel a short distance too.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-11-02 09:58:32
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 600 
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