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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 2月 處女座(原文)
時間 2015年02月01日 Sun. PM 07:00:16

Virgo Horoscope for February 2015

By Susan Miller

This will be a happy month, with surprises, mysteries, and time for fun and romance. The full moon on February 3 will light your house of secrets and confidential matters, all in the best way possible. This full moon will orbit next to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, so it will work strongly in your favor. This full moon suggests that a woman VIP may be a staunch supporter behind closed doors. She doesn't want you to know of her help to you, so if you do find out, you need to keep that information to yourself for the time being. Your fine work is being recognized, dear Virgo, and you seem to have made quite a good impression on influential people who matter.

Alternatively, at this full moon, you may casually uncover the goings on behind the scenes, by accident, and be able to protect yourself as a result. Or you may have a secret that you will be ready to share with the world, quite joyfully, during this first week of February. The twelfth house, where this full moon will light, rules all things that go on unseen in the background, behind closed doors. If you've been waiting for an answer on an application - say, about a job you want and have interviewed for - you may get the answer now, and it seems to please you. Keep in mind that all full moons have an area of influence of plus or minus four days.

There are two qualities of this full moon that make me happy and may make you happy too. First, the full moon's proximity to Jupiter tells me the news it will bring will be positive, quite exciting, or allow you to heal in some way. The second part of this full moon that I like is that Uranus will be active and friendly too, and that means what comes up will likely be completely unexpected, in the best sense.

If you have been seeing a therapist about deleting a bad habit you had picked up, or seeing a coach to help you to solve a problem, you may be reaching the end of your sessions at this full moon, with the possibility of a new view of life. If you need a procedure or surgery in a hospital, you may schedule it within four days of this full moon, with the outlook very cheery for relief or recovery. I cannot see all in your chart, so I must temper my remarks, but I will say that it is a good time to be speaking to doctors about your care. Do your homework, and make sure your specialist is the very best you can find to help you with your condition. Your timing is right on target this month. The new moon, February 18, and the days to follow, will open a door for greater health, and you will notice that you will be motivated to do all you can to get strong.

Mercury has been retrograde since January 21 and will now go direct on February 11. Mercury rules your sign, so this Mercury's activities affects you more directly than most other people (except Gemini who is also ruled by Mercury). This time, Mercury has been retrograding in your sixth house of health matters, so you may be going back to address a health concern that you had put aside earlier. The full moon, operative plus or minus four days from February 3, will be helpful in planning a course of action. I would prefer you act on any plan AFTER Mercury turns direct February 11, just to be sure you are on board with any initiations you are about to do. You may want to join a gym, hire a trainer, see a nutritionist, or do any other proactive activity to make yourself stronger and more vibrant. You have the perfect time to do so.

If you discover that you need surgery, you may want to agree to it at the full moon, but schedule it for after February 11 if possible. However, if you are in an emergency, have the operation immediately. I tend to split hairs, sometimes a little too often, dear reader - if your doctor says, "Have this procedure now!" do it!

The new moon last month and this month, February 18, will put further emphasis on your work and health. In terms of health, you may now initiate a protocol that has a good chance of working for you. The new moon will be in Aquarius, 29 degrees 59 minutes, ruling new scientific discoveries, so check into new medicines, procedures, and breakthroughs in regard to conditions. Ask your doctor if something newly discovered or approved could bring you relief.

This new moon will bring a lot of new assignments to your desk after February 18, and you'll need to be organized so that no small facts or instructions, phone numbers, or email addresses slip through the cracks and get lost. (What Virgo is not organized? Not many!) If you are self-employed, or if you are doing some of these assignments on the side, you will have a chance to make surprisingly good money from them. It will be a comforting feeling to have a measure of financial security.

Speaking of finances, Mars will enter your credit sector on February 20 and remain there through March. This will raise your expenses, but you may have planned to make a big outlay at this time. Uranus, the surprise planet, is sitting in your house of other people's money and is in ideal angle to Jupiter (to hit perfection on March 3), indicating that you seem to have an influx of cash coming to you any minute.

One weekend I would like you to pay close attention to for a surprise bonus coming to you would be over February 21-22. Mars will conjoin Venus in your house of other people's money, suggesting this would be a generous one-time payment rather than a raise in salary. I see you very happy with news, so don't be away over this weekend! It is very rare that Venus can embrace her lover Mars, but when she does, money cannot be far behind, especially if this happens in a money house of your chart, as it will. (Most people think of Venus as the love planet, and Mars as a charming, sexy guy, and he is, but Venus especially always has sway over money too. If you look at the old masters paintings, Venus is always portrayed very elegantly, and always holding her small silk drawstring purse - perfect to carry her gold coins.)

Because you do have lovely aspects this month for money, you may want to get a scratch-off lotto ticket on Saturday, February 21. I like scratch-off tickets because you can control the day you find out if you won or not - February 21 should be lucky for you. You might win a small cash prize. When I say things like this, I always worry that one reader might bet the farm - moderation in all things, dear Virgo. If you are lucky, you are lucky - no need for dozens of lotto tickets. Alternatively, someone who cares about you very much may give you a valuable gift.

Virgo had been concerned about a shortfall of cash flow, especially last year at the monster full moon lunar eclipse on April 15, 2014. Happily, you appear to be moving into a much better financial phase. As a matter of fact, as early as the full moon of February 3, you may hear news that a nice bundle of cash may be heading your way too, along with the other possibilities I listed at the start of your report.

Once you reach February 20, Mars and Venus will be focusing you on "other people's money" which includes taxes, student loans, lines of credit, refinancing plans, credit cards, insurance payouts, and the like. Mars may raise your expenses, but they might have been planned some time ago. Venus' presence suggests money will be coming in too. I feel you will be able to generate as much cash as you need to cover expenses if you stay focused and keep an eye open for possibilities to make money. Stay optimistic and speak up for a good fee - you are worth it.

The new moon of February 18 will bring an opportunity for you to get involved with measures to become slim and healthy. If you are hoping to get started at the gym, do so after this new moon arrives (not before). Saturn will be in hard angle, so don't overdo your workouts in a burst of enthusiasm. Saturn will want you to be practical - consistency of effort will be more important than any other element for success in fitness. Neptune will orbit near this new moon too, so check with your doctor to be sure you are in good health and ready to start a new exercise program. Neptune can hide information, in this case any latent little problem, so it will be your job is to bring it to the surface and address it (if indeed, there is anything to find).

Romantically, you will be very focused on your one-and-only love, this month and next month too. The new moon of February 18 technically falls in Aquarius, 29 degrees 59 minutes, just one little minute away from Pisces, ruling your committed relationships. This means this unusual new moon will be cusp-y and bring opportunity not only to your health and work area of your chart, but to a close relationship too. Next month you have a wildly friendly solar eclipse in this area of your chart, so when it comes to collaborations, marriage, and commitment, something seems to be in the air.

For now, your chart shows that from February 1 to 19, you'll have sexy Mars; gentle, magnetic Venus; and heavenly Neptune in your house of marriage and commitment, setting the stage for a gorgeous Valentine's Day, February 14. Many Virgos will get engaged on this day for lovers, but if you are not even nearly ready for taking such a big step, you can find small ways to grow closer. You may even hear a confession of love.

If you are already married, your spouse is about to show you that you are loved and cherished. The transiting moon on Valentine's Day will be in Capricorn, the very best place for the moon to be, for Capricorn is found on the cusp of your solar fifth house of true love. Plan something fun together, dear Virgo. You can build a wonderful memory that you'll love recalling forever.

If you are not thinking "marriage" you may be thinking about signing a business partner or collaborator. All kinds of one-on-one partnerships will glow for you, and something exciting involving a partner (or an agreement that you may make with a professional expert, like a manager, agent, new lawyer, accountant, publicist, and such) appears to be in the works.

You also have Venus in Pisces, filling your relationship sector until February 19. Venus in any house of the horoscopes makes interactions within that house silky smooth. Even if you say you have had a few differences with your significant other lately, this month should go well, and you may be ready to bury the hatchet on an old sticky matter.

If you have no special someone, gather together some friends and have dinner out on Valentine's Day. Nothing is worse than sitting home on that day for lovers if you are feeling left out. Remember, it's only when you leave the house that exciting things begin to happen!

My Brazilian readers - I know you celebrate Valentine's Day on June 12, but you might want to have a fun night out on our Valentine's Day, February 14. If you gave up chocolate for Lent, you can still find things on the menu that are wonderful and won't spoil your promise to give up certain foods. This month, you can still share a memorable evening with the one you love - not everything has to revolve around food anyway!


On or near the full moon, February 3, a VIP - most likely a high level, influential woman - will go far out of her way on your behalf, and because she is discreet, you may not be aware of her efforts. If you do find out, she will ask you not to speak of her assistance to others. If you have confidential talks going on in your own life, you are likely to get close to finalizing a plan of action in the first week. Early February is simply glorious, so if you need support or funding to launch an idea, plan to be out and about pitching your ideas.

Mercury will be retrograde in Aquarius, a holdover from last month, January 21, and will turn direct February 11. Mercury rules Virgo, so you may be somewhat frustrated by the slow pace that any of your talks, secret or not, may have taken. Mercury is in Aquarius, and will affect your day-to-day work projects, causing projects to run behind schedule or to be subject to a change in direction by the client. Fear not, the delays that you feel are so maddening are actually working in your favor. Clients and management are not sure of the direction of the project you're working on, so allow VIPs more time to think things through - doing so will help you in the end.

Life will normalize after Mercury turns direct on February 11. In the meantime, carve nothing in stone and make no formal announcements until the second half of the month, for if you do so earlier, those decisions will be subject to change radically up ahead.

Your romantic partner will be on the top of your mind, and you seem to be in a very happy phase in your relationship. If, conversely, you say that you are in the process of a divorce, your talks will go surprisingly well, and questions about such matters involving division of property or custody should be resolved in a cordial, civilized way. I feel badly even bringing up the possibly of a split - your chart is glowing, dear Virgo.

A lot of emphasis is moving to your eighth house of joint property, so if you have to come to an agreement on how to accomplish a fair division of property, you should have little or no difficulty doing so month as you and your partner are likely to be on the same page. If you are in a solid, happy relationship, you will work with your significant other to draw up future goals. Allow your partner take the lead - with Venus and Mars traveling through your marriage / established relationship sector, you are likely to feel your partner's ideas are fair and workable. Neptune in your same partnership house may inspire you, or just the opposite, confuse you - make sure you understand all details of any plan you agree to in February.

When Venus and Mars conjoin on February 21-22, buy a raffle ticket - you may win a small prize.

Dates to Note for Virgo

Surprisingly good news about money may come in on February 2, thanks to the Sun and Uranus in sync.

The full moon of February 3 is full of sugar and spice. A prominent woman may be working on your behalf behind the scenes. Or, it may be you have a surprise you've been working on that you are ready to show the world. Allow a plus or minus of four days to this full moon. If you have been seeing a therapist, your sessions may now wind down - you may feel ready.

Mercury has been direct since January 21 and will go direct on February 11.

Valentine's Day may be a standout this year on Saturday, February 14. Plan a festive night.

The new moon of February 18 will bring opportunity to get fit and strong - it's perfect for health initiatives as long as you don't overdo. This same new moon will bring more projects for you to do, and they seem interesting and lucrative.

Expenses will go up after Mars enters Aries February 19 through March, but you may have planned for this eventuality. Your outlook for making money is strong.

Watch the weekend of February 21-22 for good news about money. You may get a valuable gift, or you may win a small prize.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-02-01 19:00:16
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 344 
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