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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 3月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2015年03月01日 Sun. AM 03:26:32

Pisces Forecast for March 2015

By Susan Miller

Your life is getting more exciting by the minute. The month starts out with a lovely interplay between Jupiter (good luck) and Uranus (surprises) on March 3, one of the special features of 2015 - this aspect is rare. An assignment may come in at that time that can allow you to earn quite a bit of money. Don't be afraid to raise your fees at that time - it seems a top level VIP wants you in is or her corner. More assignments will come your way a week later, near March 10, and again, the pay will thrill you.

A relationship - someone who means a great deal to you - will be your full focus at the full moon, March 5. This will be an unusually friendly full moon, for Saturn, planet of longevity, will be supportive. You may get engaged or married at this full moon, move in together, or at the very least, promise to be exclusive to one another. If you are already married, you may now draw up new goals, or even renew your vows and give a party to celebrate. If you are not seriously dating, then you may be making a pact with a business partner or collaborator. No matter what you choose to do, with Saturn making such a strong and positive presence, you will be building a very firm foundation for your future.

A bigger moment of the month will occur at the new moon solar eclipse in Pisces, March 20. A big opportunity is coming to you, and it's filled with solid ways for you to make money and to make you feel more secure and settled in life. Saturn, the taskmaster planet, will guide you and urge you to be practical and realistic as you approach your new career opportunity. A chance as big as this one would have been unsafe in your hands a few years ago, but you are older and wiser, and you are ready to pick up the gauntlet and run with it. Assuming you concentrate and work earnestly with Saturn until his exit in December 2017, over the coming two years, you will prove your mettle, rise in stature, and silence your critics. In short, you will become a respected force to be reckoned with in your field.

Neptune is orbiting close to the transiting Sun, so it appears your face will be "out there" this month for many to see. You may be on TV or written up in a magazine, or have a major story about you in one of the newspapers. Film or video, however, seems to be the venue of choice. Neptune first entered Pisces in April 2011, so you may already have seen evidence of how Neptune has been spinning his magic. Neptune takes 168 years to circle the Sun and the twelve signs of the zodiac, so it's clear many people never get to experience what you will be experiencing now.

This month will be more important than most, because other planets, plus the solar eclipse, will be boosting your visibility and opening doors for you. Neptune is your ruler, so the fact that Neptune is in Pisces means it's "home" and therefore is a very comfortable, welcome influence in your life. It also means you will absorb the teachings of Neptune quite easily and naturally. Neptune will give you the motivation and drive to develop your natural creativity; don't be shy about voicing your ideas. Some of them will be ahead of their time and very much on target.

If you need to have a meeting with a VIP concerning your career, or need to sign an agreement, do so on March 25, when Saturn will be looking over you and making sure you will be building a secure structure for your burgeoning career.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-03-01 03:26:32
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 292 
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