全靠單一兵器就能打天下"的想法 ※ 引述《laleche (leche)》之銘言: : 蟑螂整天高潮這些大內宣 : 台灣海峽這麼淺又這麼窄 : 還要買一個潛艦打潛艦的魚雷 真的是笑死 : 直接陸基反潛飛彈就可以解決的問題 : 便宜又好用 : 更別說台灣只有兩艘潛艦可以發射這款魚雷 : 哪怕這兩艘跟水下哥吉拉一樣可以一個打十個 : 是能多有用? : 台海戰爭是登陸戰 : 潛艦到底要幹嘛? : ※ 引述《ss910126 (Yukino my wife)》之銘言: : : 原文來源:https://reurl.cc/pdKGZ8 : : 美國國防部國防安全合作局(Defense Security Cooperation Agency, DSCA) : : 原文:WASHINGTON, May 20, 2020 - The State Department has made a determination : : approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to TECRO of eighteen (18) MK-48 : : Mod6 Advanced Technology (AT) Heavy Weight Torpedoes (HWT) and related : : equipment for an estimated cost of $180 million. The Defense Security : : Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of : : this possible sale today. : : TECRO has requested to buy eighteen (18) MK-48 Mod6 Advanced Technology (AT) : : Heavy Weight Torpedoes (HWT). Also included are spare parts, support and test : : equipment, shipping and shipping containers, operator manuals, technical : : documentation, training, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, : : technical and logistics support services; and other related elements of : : logistics support. The total estimated program cost is $180 million. : : This proposed sale is consistent with U.S. law and policy as expressed in : : Public Law 96-8. : : This proposed sale serves U.S. national, economic, and security interests by : : supporting the recipient’s continuing efforts to modernize its armed forces : : and to maintain a credible defensive capability. The proposed sale will help : : improve the security of the recipient and assist in maintaining political : : stability, military balance, and economic progress in the region. : : The proposed sale will improve the recipient's capability in current and : : future defensive efforts. The recipient will use the enhanced capability as a : : deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen homeland defense. The : : recipient will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed : : forces. : : The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic : : military balance in the region. : : There are no prime contractors associated with this case as all materials : : will be procured from U.S. Navy stocks. There are no known offset agreements : : proposed in connection with this potential sale. : : Implementation of this proposed sale is estimated to require assignment of a : : number of U.S. Government and contractor representatives to the recipient or : : travel there intermittently during the program. : : There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this : : proposed sale. : : This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale : : has been concluded. : : 美國國防部國防安全合作局(Defense Security Cooperation Agency, DSCA)剛剛(5月 : : 20日)宣佈,以1.8億美元賣給台灣18顆Mk-48 Pod 6AT重型魚雷、週邊配備、武器系統、 : : 及訓練等售後服務。這是美國在2019年8月20日答應賣給台灣66架F-16V後最新的一筆大型 : : 軍購案。其實在2017年6月29日,美國也賣給台灣同一款魚雷。因爲這款魚雷威力強大, : : 過去美國在賣給台灣時較有顧忌。但在台美新政府上任後,這款魚雷不但賣給台灣,還在 : : 今天賣了第二批。除了表現美台軍售常態化,也是美國對近期解放軍在台海週邊活動的強 : : 力反制。美國對解放軍海軍動向的關注,從美軍近來經常出動偵察機及反潛機在台灣海峽 : : 及南海巡航都看得出來。 : : 這款魚雷可以由台灣向荷蘭購買的兩艘劍龍級潛艦發射。長5.8公尺,重1.5噸。在水底 : : 下可以以102公里的時速攻擊敵方航母或核動力潛艦,但噪音極低又抗干擾。前陣子台灣 : : 基進立委陳柏惟在立法院質詢國防部是否擔心中國在台灣海峽南端的「台灣灘」抽砂形成 : : --------------------------------------------------------------------- : : 中文翻譯來源:US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站 : : 連結:https://www.facebook.com/ustaiwanwatch/ : : 耿爽早起又要不爽了 : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my iPhone