看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 5月 金牛座(原文)
時間 2013年05月01日 Wed. PM 12:25:42

5月 Horoscope for Taurus

Last month, April, you had to wait for things to be tweaked and finished before you could launch a new venture or relationship important to you. Now, your waiting is over - the pieces of your puzzle are falling neatly into place. It's time to take your blueprints out and take the first steps to materialize your dreams in mid-May.

Recently, you experienced a full moon lunar eclipse on April 25 in your opposite sign of Scorpio. That full moon was not an easy one as it came arm-in-arm with stern Saturn. It put the spotlight on your closest committed relationship in business or your personal life, and the topic that came up was what you owe this person in terms of time, money, and promises, and what that person owes you. Taurus born in April felt last month's eclipse most strongly. If that eclipse did bring news, you are likely still sorting out what to do next.

Now, a different, very friendly solar eclipse is coming your way as a new moon in Taurus 20 degrees, on May 9. This eclipse will allow you a fresh start. All Taurus will have something to cheer about, as this new moon should open the door to work on a dream that is dear to you. In fact, whatever is going on now is so close to your heart, and linked to your very identity, even I cannot tell you precisely what it is, but chances are, you have inkling. While most full moon eclipses like the one you had April 25 will bring an end to things, the new eclipse will open the gates to something new and special. This new moon will appear close to Mars, a very energizing influence. You should see opportunity pop up almost immediately in the days following May 9.

If your birthday falls on May 9, or within five days of this date in either direction, you will get a double dip of pleasure from this new moon. It has your name all over it, dear Taurus! Also if you have a planet, or the moon, at or near 20 degrees Virgo or Capricorn, you will likely benefit too, so because I cannot see all in your chart, I cannot be sure, but it sure looks like you will do well. You might even benefit from a natal planet in Taurus near the same degree. See what happens, and take notes.

Another bright spot is that many planets - half the solar system - will be clustered in Taurus in early May, and that's great news. Those planets will rally around you like loving little relatives who will put their little arms around you. It will be clear they will want the very best for you. Life cannot always be this sweet. By later in the month, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will move on to Gemini, so while you are the "it" girl or guy, take full advantage. Remember Simple Simon Says, the childhood game? Simple Simon would tell everyone standing in the circle around him to do this or that - Simon would call all the shots and the other kids would have to react quickly to do what Simon says - the last person to react was out. Guess what? In early May you are king or queen, and all your subjects have to do what you say to do! That's an enviable position to be in!

Pluto will be in perfect angle to this eclipse to provide top level, VIP help to you from his perch in your ninth house. This area of your chart is all about expanding your mind and your understanding of the world around you. You may be preparing to go to college or graduate school, or you may be able to move ahead with immigration matters in regard to a passport, visa, green card, or final citizenship. You will be able to travel to a distant, foreign city, and because this coming as a result of the eclipse May 9, you will experience important, possibly exciting life-altering gains from your journey as result. If you are involved in a court case, or if you are filing a trademark or patent, this new moon will set things in motion.

When Mars moves into 20 degrees Taurus (the same degree as the solar eclipse) on May 16 (for the first time in two years), that day will become very energized, so circle it in gold and see what comes up.

Financially, a generous check may suddenly appear in your mailbox or through other means on May 17 or May 18, thanks to a sweet angle of Venus to Uranus. You'll be surprised! This should be a happy day for you on many levels, as Venus will be so nicely angled - romance on Saturday night, May 18, should sparkle.

Saturn is now opposed to your Sun if you were born in April, so you may be prone to overwork or lowered resistance. You need to take very good care of yourself - this is only temporary. If you are in an unhappy relationship, Saturn will reveal the truth to you, and you will know to stay or go. The universe wants you to be happy and productive on earth - if you are not in a good relationship, the strains of last month's eclipse may be the final straw. Eclipses cleanse situations. If you must leave, do, and don't look back.

This is an unusual month, in that we have another eclipse, the third in a row within the space of only four weeks.

That eclipse, coming on May 25 as a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius 4 degrees, will light your eighth house of finances. The house that will be directly lit will be your eighth house of other people's money. You may finalize a divorce settlement, pay or receive back child support, or you may see a bonus, royalty, or commission arrive in your hands. You may settle on a licensing fee agreement, receive a tax refund, agree to an insurance payout, or get financial aid for college, or even a scholarship. If you have been looking for venture capital, this lunar eclipse will bring the final pledge of an investment. No matter what, this eclipse will bring financial talks to a final phase. The sum in question appears to be a lump sum, so hopefully you will like what you see!

Neptune will be in hard angle to this eclipse, May 25, and will be prone to cloud the information you are told. It may be that you are unclear about the terms, or misunderstand something important about the agreement you are being asked to sign. Question all your assumptions, now, before you agree to the deal. The other side may have withheld financial information or have altered it to mislead you. You will be pressured to sign quickly, but you should not rush. Huddle with your lawyer to decide what questions you need to ask and which clauses you may have to add - ones that were never in the agreement when it was drafted, mainly because you never imagined you'd have to protect yourself in the areas that now will be coming up. The job of an eclipse is to provide a floodlight of truth, so you are likely to catch things in time - but only if you concentrate and work closely with your lawyer to get things "just so."

A perfect day to agree to your deal will be May 27, when Mercury, which rules your solar second house of income, will meet with Jupiter. This will be a holiday in America, Memorial Day, so you won't likely be at work if you work in the States. I love this date for signing contracts, so if you can sign, even if on a mini-vacation, do. Mercury rules contracts and agreements, even verbal ones, and Jupiter rules fairness - and profits!

The following day will be special too, May 28, when Venus, your guardian planet, and good fortune Jupiter link up to bring you outstanding happiness - and possibly a nice raise, a check, or luxurious gift. This is a day when you will be happy, and just about everything will go your way. Your guardian planet, Venus, only meets with Jupiter once a year, so this is the day! You may want to do something luxurious for yourself, go for a spa treatment, or if you are female, ask the stylist to help you choose new makeup for the coming season. Men or women Taurus will love the results of a new haircut or buying new clothes. If you need a medical consultation or procedure, this day would be great for that, too.

All month, Mars will be in Taurus, and this is a fantastic advantage that won't happen again until March 15 to May 11, 2015, a very long time from now. When you have Mars in your sign, you are more courageous and energetic. The projects you start with Mars in your sign tend to work out exceptionally well, if only because you'll be willing to go to the mat to make sure your plans materialize! You won't take "no" for an answer - nor should you! Things won't happen on their own by themselves - you have to harness this energy and show the universe your intent. Take the initiative, dear Taurus, while you have so much of the universe behind you!

The world is your oyster in May, and it may well turn out to be your favorite time of the year. With Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and later, on May 9, the new moon solar eclipse, all in Taurus, you will have a remarkable chance to seize the day and turn things to the way you've long dreamed it to be. Having so many heavenly bodies in Taurus is remarkable, and these planets will support your every wish. You will have rare control over the course of events, if only for a short window of time. If there were ever a time to stretch both arms out in front of you to take hold of the world with both hands, the time is now.

The start of the month will be divine, but it's after the new moon solar eclipse, May 9, that doors will open wide. At that time you will lead the brigade and discover opportunities. You won't need others to bring them to you, so fly solo, and keep exploring the areas that matter most to you. The fact that Mars is part of the cluster of stars in Taurus suggests you are starting an important cycle that will last a year or much longer - your endeavor may last forever. Venus, your ruler, will be in Taurus, too, this month, showing how strongly your determination will be to shape your life to your vision.

Financial opportunities are growing, so watch to see what crystallizes at the full moon lunar eclipse May 25. You may see a bundle of money, in one large payment, come to you at this time. Still, if you have to sign papers, the hard angle of Neptune to the eclipse is a warning to be careful. Ask a lot of questions, and if necessary, ask for backup data. If the matter concerns salary compensation, by early June, your deal will be within reach, and you are likely to be very pleased with the final agreement. Just after that eclipse of May 25, on May 28 you will reach one of your wonder days of the year when your ruler, Venus, meets with Jupiter. The day before, May 27, will be mighty special for financial news and agreements.

With Saturn opposed to your Sun, you may meet opposition from a partner or collaborator, and if so, this will frustrate you. You may view this person as an impediment to your progress - too stodgy and conservative for your taste. In that case you will need to silence this person's objections, perhaps by being ready with a series of persuasive points before you are free to move forward. Still, there's always the possibility this person will offer a gram of wise advice. If you sense that this may be true, hear this person out, and reflect on what was said. See if you can integrate any of this person's perspective into your choices.

If your birthday falls at the end of April, you are feeling the drain of the many demands being made on you. You may feel isolated, as if no one understands you or your situation. This is due to a rare visit from Saturn opposed to your Sun, which is temporary, but that can create a heavy feeling that may last a total of nine months. It will be up to you to find a way to deal with present-day challenges, for that will be the purpose of Saturn's visit. Keep in mind that this has all the makings of a landmark period when you can show the world all the stuff you are made of. You will finally discover the depth of your strength, the force of your determination, and the range of your resourcefulness. You won't be the same again - you'll be new and improved, better than ever before.

Dates to Note for Taurus

Most romantic dates: May 4, 9, 10, 18, 27, 28, and 30.

The solar eclipse, a new moon in Taurus, May 9-10 (depending on your time zone), will mark a major moment in your timeline. It will open the door on a whole new life, and you will see your old life start to recede into history.

Mars will be in Taurus all month, giving you exceptional control, but that's only half the story - you have the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the new moon solar eclipse, too, in Taurus. The world is changing, and you are changing with it!

Watch May 16 when Mars will move over the precise degree of the eclipse. It should reveal something, and may bring a breakthrough.

Venus will receive a beam from Uranus on May 18, a surprisingly sweet day for you, filled with fun and romance.

You will have finances on your mind within days of May 25, thanks to the lunar eclipse, a full moon. You will finalize a deal with a person or entity, such as with a bank or credit card company. Or you may conclude a joint venture with a person or company you will be partnering with soon.

One of your best days of the year will be May 28, when your ruler, Venus, aligns with Jupiter. You may see an influx of cash within two days of this date.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-05-01 12:25:42
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[運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 5月 金牛座(原文)
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