看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 4月 金牛座(原文)
時間 2013年04月01日 Mon. AM 11:56:33

4月 Horoscope for Taurus
The big news this month is that we are back in eclipse season, and this season will be bigger than most. Usually, we see two eclipses coming at one time, two weeks apart from the other. Not now, for when one family of eclipses is about to end and a new series is just starting up, like now, you see three sets, all two weeks apart. All eclipses coincide with new moons and full moons, and multiply their power and might by at least a factor of three.

This month, on April 25, a full moon lunar eclipse will appear in Scorpio. Two weeks later, you will see on May 9 a new moon solar eclipse in Taurus, and on May 25, a lunar full moon eclipse in Sagittarius. That last eclipse in Sagittarius will end the series of eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius, which will not appear again until June 2020.

In the meantime the family of eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio first started with a new moon solar eclipse on November 13, and continues with a full moon lunar eclipse April 25. Next month, on May 9, you will have a friendly solar eclipse in Taurus, a new moon, that will open a new door for you, and life will become exciting. The Taurus-Scorpio series of eclipses will continue approximately every six months until October 2014. In the process these eclipses will shake you out of your rut, show you truths, and force you to move forward rather than stay content with the status quo.

The full moon eclipse of April 25 will ask you to make a fateful decision about a close partner, most likely in love, but it may alternatively be about a person you are thinking about signing in a business. Saturn will conjoin the full moon, giving it a weighty, serious overtone. At the same time, the moon will oppose the Sun and Mars, as well as Venus, your ruler. Full moon eclipses bring information up to the surface, the kind you cannot ignore, and sometimes the news is troublesome, as a part of character is revealed that you never saw or ever imagined would be part of this person. Think back to November 13 and the discussions you were having then. This eclipse may bring up more talks about the same subject and advance things forward another step.

The fact that Mars will be in your sign starting April 20, to stay through May 31, is a good sign, as you will have the rare advantage of having ultimate control. The eclipse will bring up information, but it will be up to you to decide what you feel you want, or must, do about it.

It is likely at eclipse time that you will see another person's true intent, sentiments, and moral fiber. At the same time, conditions may be rapidly changing around you - for example, your one true love may be getting transferred to another city. Under this eclipse you may move up your timetable and choose to get engaged or married now, rather than wait until sometime in the future so that you can move to that city together. If you are not happy with what you learn at eclipse time, you may choose to talk it out together or with a therapist, or give up on the relationship and leave altogether. Saturn will oppose the Sun by April 28, but certainly within orb on April 25, indicating concern over where you'll live or concurrently be concerned about the welfare of a parent.

Overall, this eclipse looks to be more upsetting than uplifting, and it could cause a split between you and the partner you are committed to in marriage or business. I cannot see all in your chart, which is why I must allow for things to play out positively as well for you - it is possible. You might decide to end your single life and start getting serious about having a family of your own. Certainly, your choices will matter most here, and you won't be a victim of someone else's dictates. I love that Mars is in Taurus, for that puts you in the driver's seat. Taurus born on or within five days of April 25 will feel this eclipse the most and others may only feel the effects mildly.

Once you make a decision as a result of what comes up April 25, you won't be able to go back and change it. Lunar eclipses tend to bring final, non-negotiable endings, so think carefully before you announce a decision. This time Saturn comes conjunct the moon, so that means any decision you make will be quite indelible. No matter what you hear, you must never assume others have more control over you than you have over yourself, because as said, you are the one in charge here. This is due to the fact that Mars is in Taurus now, along with the Sun and Venus. This full moon eclipse will end one way of life and help you begin a new one.

Pluto, from his perch in your ninth house, will be very helpful to Venus, sending a perfect beam on April 24 - close enough to the full moon, April 25. Pluto is powerful, and Venus, for Taurus is too, for Venus is your ruler. You may find that a person based at a distance is helpful to you - a foreign person or even an in-law may be on your side. Travel, for any purpose, taken on or near April 24 will be rejuvenating.

If you work in publishing or broadcasting, or are a university professor or a college student, or work in academia as support staff, you may find joy in your work and want to devote more time to your work, especially if your relationship is causing upset. Having something else to focus on while your mind sorts out what comes up at eclipse time April 25 could be very therapeutic. Eclipses tend to bring events you're not quite anticipating, so don't spend time trying to figure out what might come up - just sit back, open the window, and see what flies in.

I have jumped to the end of the month, but let's go back to the start of April to look at that, too.

April 1 is quite special when Jupiter, still in Gemini, will send a lovely vibration to the Sun. You may benefit in two ways: You may move to a new address and love your large new space, especially the view and the big closets! Second, you may get news that you have sold something that will net you cash, find a side job that will pay well, or hear that you are due a raise.

Another excellent day for financial deal-making news would be April 23 when Mercury (news) will work beautifully with Jupiter, the benefic planet, now in your house of earned income.

Many planets will be building up in your twelfth house of secrets, privacy, and work done in solitude during the first half of April. This means the first half of the month will be quiet, allowing you to think and plan your next moves. The new moon April 10 will fall in this house too, a good time to plan your new birthday year ahead. Your intuition will be working at high energy levels, so don't doubt what your inner voice is telling you in early April, especially from April 10 to 20.

In regard to your health, if you've been concerned about a habit that you can't quite kick but know is undermining your health, this new moon will be your signal to get help to end it. You can see a doctor, join a group, enter rehab, or inquire to find out if there is medicine that may help. Take this opportunity to get started, as this new moon will be your friend to help you see progress.

I should mention here that you must be very vigilant about your health while eclipses are falling in Scorpio and Taurus, as you will be making many changes and adjustments, which can be draining on your health. Do all you can to live a healthy lifestyle, doubly so from now until October 2014. Saturn is opposed to your Sun, too, another pressing influence, so be smart and take good care of yourself, if only for me! (I worry!)

Romantically, you will be popular almost the moment Venus enters Taurus on April 15, and Mars enters your sign on April 20. The Sun will herald "Taurus time" on April 19 this year too, so planets are starting to gather in your sign to make you feel happy and valued. Having Venus and Mars on your side in the second half of April (into May) is considerable luck for finding and enjoying love, dear Taurus. You will be alluring and energetic, and others will feel a pull to you. The second half of April - not including the time near the eclipse April 25, plus or minus four days, when you must not do much of anything - would be a good time to make changes to your appearance. You will have time in early May to buy new things to refresh your look, too, so plan on doing that then if you like. May should be quite wonderful for you.

April 21 or April 22 may be depressing for love - Venus will receive an opposition from stern Saturn, not a time to schedule a first date.

I am a little concerned that Venus and Mars will meet in your twelfth house of clandestine affairs on April 6 (one day later, April 7, if you live in the Far or Middle East). I worry that you may get involved with someone who is not available at this time. The chemistry will be very strong, but the person you meet may never tell you if he or she is not available. I want to save you heartache, dear Taurus - be careful and ask a lot of questions.

The month ends with Saturn opposed to the Sun on April 28, another difficult day. You may be worried about the health of a relative, possibly your father or other male in your close-knit circle. If your birthday falls on April 28, it is clear you've been under strain lately, and the hard times may last six more months. (You seem to know that already, as I am not telling you anything you didn't already sense - it's good to know that this period WILL end.) Give yourself every opportunity to rest. All Taurus should not plan to do anything strenuous on April 28 - instead book a spa package and let others attend to you!
An eclipse is due in Scorpio, the sign that falls opposite yours on the old horoscope wheel, on April 25, so it will be time to decide about a current relationship. If your birthday falls on or within five days of April 25, you will feel double the urgency to decide. It may not be easy to do what you know you need to do, as Saturn's influence will be very heavy at this time. Yet it will be time to make a fateful decision, to promise your love forever, or leave without regret. The decision you make now will be permanent, as Saturn's position, so close to the eclipse, will make it so.

You will have a spectacular month in May, so remain cheerful. If you get engaged, clearly you'll be happy. If you are breaking up a long-term relationship, you may be sad or fearful about the future, but never doubt that your aspects are positive for happiness. If you are not married, and not dating anyone, you may feel this eclipse does not apply to you, but it might. In that case, keep your eye on a business partnership that may form and become official, or conversely, break up at this time. Alternatively, a competitor, critic, or detractor may become very aggressive at the time of the eclipse and you will have to find a way to counter this openly aggressive person.

In April, you will soon see that there will be no middle ground, and when all matters and relationships will be cast in the light of high contrast and high relief, you will need to order your priorities and get in touch with your deepest feelings and desires. With five heavenly bodies lining up in Aries in your twelfth house of intuition at the start of the month, you do not need others to counsel you - this is your decision to make by yourself, through meditation alone. Your instincts will not fail you. Do not allow anyone to pressure you, but realize that you will be ready to state your decision soon after the eclipse of April 25. By then, your choice will flow easily. Mars will move over the precise degree of the eclipse (6 degrees) on April 29, pointing to a finish by the time the month is out.

If, for any reason, this does not prove true for you, and things do not reach a crescendo this month in regard to a relationship, the matter will move to the time near May 25 for sure, as occasionally an eclipse will deliver news one month to the day later, plus or minus five days.

Mars will move into Taurus on April 20, just in time for your birthday, indicating that you are now starting an important two-year cycle. The Sun will enter Taurus at the same time (just a few hours prior). So you will have the force of the universe behind you.

If single and looking for love, Venus, your ruler, will link to Mars on April 6, but both planets will fall in a clandestine part of your chart. This would be no month to take risks - specifically, do not fall for an admirer who is married but promises to be available soon. This is a treacherous place in your chart for Mars to link to Venus, so you may not be told the truth of your admirer's martial status or intent. Be wary over April 6 and 7.

Dates to note Taurus:

Most romantic dates: April 2, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, and 20-21.

Venus enters Taurus April 15 until May 9. Use this time to refresh your look.

The new moon on April 10 will occur in your house of solitude. In the days to follow, work on a creative project by yourself, and forge a breakthrough.

Your instinct will be very strong April 10 to 24.

Your intuition will be especially sharp on Saturday, April 20 - brainstorm!

Mars enters Taurus on April 20 to stay until May 31, giving you rare favor and magnetism.

You can sign a contract if you feel ready on April 23, thanks to collaboration between Mercury and Jupiter. Travel on this day, too - it's lucky.

Storm clouds enter at the lunar eclipse April 25. You may learn something about your partner that proves to be disconcerting. There is always the possibility that you will LIKE what you hear, however, as I cannot see all in your chart. Stop, look, and listen carefully and keep your schedule wide open so you are not overtaxed with work at month's end.

Do not do anything romantic over the weekend of April 27-28 because Saturn will oppose the Sun, not considered a lighthearted aspect.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-04-01 11:56:33
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2013-04-01 11:56:53
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