看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 10月 天秤座(原文)
時間 2013年10月02日 Wed. AM 11:52:30

10月 Monthly Horoscope for Libra

The month coming is a turbulent one, so steel your courage, and stand tall. Take comfort in knowing that everyone, of every sign, will have difficulties with October. It is a month that will require very deliberate approach to all you do, so that you can avoid some of the pitfalls that rogue planets will create this month. Great days will stand next to angry ones, and in short, this is a very messy month.

It all starts immediately. October 1 will bring a hard aspect between the Sun and Pluto. You've had this aspect before - think back to March 29 and September 29 in 2012 - and you lived through that, but admittedly, it has not been easy. (If you cannot recall, check back in your email to see what you were doing at the time.) Pluto is still in Capricorn, so the topic you will be focused on will be your home or a family member.

The matter may be physical or emotional. If it is physical, you may have to fix something - your basement, roof, windows, or walls - some part of the house's structure appears to need change or a fix. If that does not resonate, it may be that you have an emotional situation - a tyrant landlord, a psycho roommate, or noisy, nosey neighbor that has finally crossed the line and has acted in an outrageous way toward you. Expect to have some sort of problem with this person as the month opens. If your birthday falls on this day or close to it, you will feel this manifestation more personally than most.

Then, on Wednesday, things will get worse but more likely on another front.

On October 3, Uranus in Aries will oppose the Sun in Libra, bringing into play a tug-of-war between your first house (you) and your seventh house (your significant other, in the romantic or business sense). This is a terribly difficult day, where an argument can lead to a complete meltdown. It is the classic aspect of a separation, breakup, or divorce. Anger could become very wild and pronounced, so chose your words carefully, for after being verbalized, getting the toothpaste back in the tube will be impossible.

Emotions will run very high on that day, October 3, and be almost uncontrollable, so be careful with every move you make. Keep in mind that the Sun opposed to Uranus has a long area of influence, so the first week of October will be affected. Libras with birthdays that fall in the first week of October will have this aspect in their solar return, so the matter that arises could take six months to a year to decide. You are dealing with a problem that has to be treated with kid gloves, as if it were nitroglycerine.

The hardest aspect of the week will be the new moon, October 4. We were used to seeing monster full moons, but not monster new moons like this one. New moons begin long trends and discussions, not end them like a big full moon tends to do. This one is unusual in that it opens up a new life chapter, but it might not be the chapter that you had in mind. Still, sometimes life has to test our ability to be resourceful and adaptable, and this month appears to do that.

What makes this new moon hard is that the moon will have to fend off Pluto's challenges and at the same time, Uranus' opposition of the moon. Brace for difficult news from a partner. This may be because your partner feels he/she no longer can get along with you, and feels the differences are irreconcilable. Or, it may be just the opposite, that you have plenty of love between you, but that your partner is suddenly - quite out of the blue - facing a very difficult life challenge and needs your help. Again, the partner in question may not be your romantic partner in an established relationship or marriage, but rather a business partner, agent, manager, publicist, lawyer, or other expert you hired to help you work one-on-one with you on your career.

Uranus is being very aggressive in the first week, and Uranus rules your children and if single, your lover - one may come to you with news that seems like a meteorite out of the sky.

It appears so much of life is volatile in October for everyone, and with gale force winds blowing, when all this is over, you will know what is strong and what is weak. All that is weak in your life will break open with a blink of an eye. The good part is, you will be left with what is sturdy and powerful, and you can work on fixing what needs repair. Astrology is never about predestination. All I can show you are the influences you will feel. In the end, you have the option to fix what is not working, or leave without regret. In the matter of a child, of course, you would want to help. My point is that you have free will, and the final choice of what to do will always be yours.

These are very strenuous aspects, and for some, it will not be career, partnership, love, career, or home that concerns you, but rather, your health or the health of your partner. The Sun and moon rules the eyes, so you might want to have your vision checked this month. If you should notice anything amiss in any part of your body, consult a doctor. In all medical situations, the sooner you get help, the better.

I cannot tell how these aspects might affect you from where I sit, and it is possible they will not affect your health at all but instead focus on one of the other areas I have detailed (home, partner, lover, child, or your career). The hallmark of Uranus is that you can never tell what will happen, because it's always something you are not looking at or even considered possible.

If you were born on October 4, plus or minus five days, you will feel these aspects more than other Libras, not only now, but over the coming weeks and months, for you will need time to sort things out over time. The Libras born at the end of September are done with their greatest challenges, and have felt these aspects, so if you know one or more Libras born at that time (or have Libra rising in very early degrees, from 0 to 8 degrees), ask those Libra about how they dealt with life's twists and turns. Chances are, they have become quite wise and will have advice to share (as you will, too, in time).

The month will keep rolling. One of the year's five eclipses will occur next, October 18. This will be a full moon lunar eclipse in your opposite sign of Aries and, as is true of all eclipses, will have the power of three full moons rolled into one. Eclipses set up the themes of our lives, and they run through a family of signs for about 30 months, appearing every six months. This one will be the first of the Aries-Libra family and is not too troublesome as eclipses go. Again, you will be tested, and this time, the eclipse will be looking at your closest relationship and your health. I like that Mars is very friendly to this eclipse in Aries - that's a good sign that the outcome can be very, very positive for you. Now that's an important aspect!

Mars will oppose Neptune at the very same time, however, on October 19 (the day after the eclipse, still considered significant, as all eclipses have a plus or minus a week). Neptune can cloud health matters, or facts in general. (Be very careful about asking about possible side effects of any new medicine you might take this month.) When it comes to relationships, do not rush to judgment, and be sure you are hearing facts correctly. Check your own communication style too, as your partner may misunderstand you.

It is alternatively possible that you may have a disagreement with a co-worker or subordinate, and later, after the outburst is over, you may shake your head, and ask yourself, what was this disagreement really about? Chances are, you won't really know. It looks as though it may be about something that is troubling your co-worker but that was never voiced. You don't have to psychoanalyze this person - just wait to see what happens in days and weeks that follow.

If your partnership / marriage / established romantic relationship and health prove to be strong, this eclipse might bring a competitor out in the open. At least you can identify this person and what he or she is doing. There will be no inclination for this competitor to hide, for this person will be very vocal and assertive in the way he or she goes after your piece of the pie. This is very possibly how things may turn out because Aries rules Mars, and by this time of the month, Mars will be in Virgo, so any political intrigue that may have been festering may now come out in the open.

Whatever news you hear or events that happen now will be echoed in the coming April 15, 2014, eclipse but at an advanced level. All eclipses in a family of signs advance the discussion of the last eclipse. Pay attention to this eclipse, and take copious notes that you can re-read later, when I will ask you to look back to the October 18 eclipse. All eclipses are joined together like pearls on a necklace. It is as if the universe knows we cannot take too much change all at once, so we receive change from each subsequent eclipse every six months, all in manageable portions. (You may feel that nothing is manageable about the changes this month, but you will be able to handle them. Not only can you survive, but will flourish from all you learn, too.)

If your birthday falls on October 18, plus or minus five days, you will feel this lunar eclipse more than most. If you notice nothing much happening, watch November 18, plus or minus four days, as sometimes an eclipse delivers news one month to the day later, plus or minus four days.

Speaking about Mars, the first two weeks of October will be your best socially. (I say this, but remember the first week of October will be very distracting, possibly emotionally upsetting, but then again, that's when we value the warmth of friendship the most.) Mars will be in Leo until October 15, a fire sign that blends perfectly with your air sign Libra Sun. This is when you'll have the most time and fun with friends. They will support you wholeheartedly.

You will have another special day for socializing, October 16, when your ruler, Venus, this month in Sagittarius, will receive a contact from Uranus in Aries. You may decide to see a friend who lives in a nearby city. This is a great day.

When Mars goes into Virgo, you will want to go into privacy mode, catch your breath, and attend to things on your to-do list. You will also need to shore up your health by eating well and making sure you get enough exercise and sleep. (On all of these elements, follow your own doctor's orders).

If you have felt that life has been over the top, that would be perfectly understandable, and this is true whether you are a Libra or have Libra rising. (You'd only know if you have Libra rising if you have your chart done.) Rather than try to make sense of things on your own and try to craft a new path, this month would be a perfect time to seek the advice of a professional therapist - make your first appointment between October 15 and December 7. During this phase, Mars will be in the area of your chart ruling your subconscious mind (twelfth house), so by talking this out, you would likely see a lot of progress.

The month will end quietly, which is good - we have another eclipse due, the last one of 2013, in Scorpio, a new moon solar eclipse November 3. That one will require a decision about money, and possibly a new job offer. For now you need not think about much. Take time off from socializing and rest.

Meetings will cancel anyway, for Mercury is about to go retrograde in Scorpio, in your second house of earned income, from October 21 to November 10. This is a signal to try to curtail spending early in the month until you know what news this eclipse will bring. The November 3 eclipse is a new moon solar eclipse, so it could open a door to a new source of income, but with Mercury retrograde for a week beyond that date, until November 10, it would be wise to think deeply about this job before you respond. I would prefer you give word on November 12, for best luck for a variety of reasons, but not before that.

If you have been out of work a long time, then take any job offer instantly, even if Mercury is retrograde. You can always get another job later. Moreover, it is always easier to get a new job once you have one. We need to factor that truth into the equation too, even though it is not wise to accept anything while Mercury is retrograde. See how you feel.

There is one exception to this rule of "never take a new job whenever Mercury is retrograde" and that is, if you have worked with the employer you want to join in the past then go ahead and join the firm. When we continue an ongoing relationship that started a long time ago (that is, a relationship you started not yesterday or last month for example, but a long time ago) then it is fine to join a firm you used to work with again while Mercury is retrograde. You may also join a boss who you used to work with in another company now in his new role. You would be simply extending an already established relationship.

If you are in sales, Mercury retrograde is a signal to go back to clients who have always given you lucrative orders. They have always been good to you - now they will likely be generous to you again.

The month ends with Halloween, and Mars in Virgo will be beautifully oriented to Pluto in Capricorn. At last, a perfect aspect for pure fun! You might want to invite some friends to your house - go ahead. (You would have to hold your party at your place, not a club or restaurant.) The moon will be in Libra, and with planets (Pluto and Mars) ruling ghosts and goblins in perfect sync, this would be a party to remember. This night is just made for you.

Keep posting on Twitter, dear Libra, on my account, @AstrologyZone. I want to hear your concerns, and I am standing by to help.

This is birthday month, but due to the plans of Uranus and Pluto to rail against the new moon, October 4, you will have to carefully plan your every move. All month, allow for the possibility that unexpected events might pop up to throw you off course. Vow to stay flexible and adaptable, for it's the only way to navigate such a topsy-turvy month.

The new moon will appear on October 4, and if you are born near this date you will be more strongly affected than most. Your attention will be drawn to two different areas of your life. The first area will be to your partner or a prominent male in your life (like your father or boss) who will bring somewhat unexpected or shocking news to you that would have never expected. It is not clear whether your partner will suddenly need your support and assistance, or if your partner will act out of character to do something that is hurtful to you.

The days leading to this new moon will be difficult too, October 1 and 3, but the problem is, no aspect is operative for just a day, but for several days - you see that all these days will have circles that overlap each other. There is no way to know what will come up, but all new moons, full moons, and eclipses are tied to past events, so let your history with those around you guide your thinking.

The second planet that will battle the new moon, Pluto, may bring up questions of what to do about your home or a family matter. A roommate, landlord, family member, or other person connected to your home will challenge you and be quite insistent that you fall in line with his or her dictates. No one can easily dominate a Libra, but standing up for yourself may feel strenuous, and, at times, you may feel like you are fighting City Hall. Make sure you care enough about this matter to go to the mat for it.

If the person you are focused on is not acting in a pushy way, it may be the situation is urgent and complex, and not easy to fix. Pluto rules the government, so a certain government agency may be involved with news you receive now. You seem to feel checkmated, but you are smart - you may be able to find a way out. Avoid an automatic reaction - there is an answer to every question if you spend a little time thinking. This month will teach us all to be original, flexible, and resourceful.

The full moon lunar eclipse on October 18 will be in your opposite sign of Aries, so if your birthday falls within three days of this date, you may be surprised and changed by events that come up. You are ready for a new chapter, and the universe is ready to give it to you, ready or not. A friend, or many friends, may be extremely helpful to you at this time, and you are likely to be touched by their kindness and wise advice. Venus will be well angled to Uranus, signaling that the outcome of any situation can be positive at this time, but you will have to brainstorm through your many options to find the golden nugget in this situation.

Mars will be opposed to foggy Neptune near the eclipse of October 18 (Mars and Neptune will reach a peak opposition on October 19), so it seems you will still be trying to decide how to help your partner or how to deal with a betrayal of you that your partner finally revealed. On the other hand, if you were hurt by this person's comments or behavior earlier this month, you will need to decide how to fix or separate from the relationship. Everyone will be subject to the foggy environment of October, so be comforted in knowing most people will be grappling with the same situation as you, only in different ways.

The old wise axiom "When in doubt, do nothing" seems to apply here, for Mercury will go retrograde from October 21 to November 10. This makes it a very bad time to announce final decisions, life directions, or new launches. Do not sign contracts, and do not buy anything expensive until mid-November. It's not a time to institute a new plan of action, but rather it is a time to watch and wait for news that will almost certainly require you to adjust your thinking.

Your best day for romance will come mid-month, October 16, when Venus and Uranus will have a sparkling conversation. Venus is your ruler, so if single, you can be sure Uranus will be helpful in getting you plenty of attention from admirers. Attached? You, too, will have plenty of fun.

Another important weekend for fun and love - as runner up - will be over the weekend of October 12-14.

Do you want to go to a Halloween party? The moon will be in Libra, suggesting you'll love what happens. Go!

Celebrate the tiny moments that come - they will help you cope with the big life events that will rage side-by-side. You are getting stronger every day, and after this period is over, any gale force winds you encounter will not likely hurt you. Your motto will be, like the words of the Helen Reddy song, "I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman!" (And in the case of my male readers - "I AM MAN!") You are not one to ever be thrown over in a storm!

Dates to Note for LIBRA

Most romantic dates, and days you can use for other things, too: October 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 21, 22, 26, 27, and 31.

October 1 and October 3 will bring tension in regard to a home or family matter, and also in terms of one close relationship.

The new moon in Libra on October 4 will bring an important new discussion with your partner in coming weeks. You are getting closer to knowing what you need to do to make your life happier and more in balance.

Your friends will be very helpful to you while Mars tours Leo, October 1 to October 14.

On October 16, your ruler Venus will receive a positive vibration from Uranus. If you are single, this day may spark an exciting date night.

The lunar eclipse, October 18, will fall in your partnership house and may bring jarring news out of the blue. This eclipse may be strenuous to you, so protect your health.

On Monday, October 21 to November 10, Mercury will go retrograde. You may find a check due you may be held up. Send reminder statements in advance of this trend.

Celebrate Halloween on October 31! The moon will be in Libra, so it will be your night to shine.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-10-02 11:52:30
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