看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 8月 天秤座
時間 2013年08月04日 Sun. AM 02:18:08

  【天秤座】蘇珊· 米勒天秤座 2013年8月運勢(終於...
來自: Hugebee(風一樣的麥子) 2013-07-31 12:36:52

標題:【天秤座】蘇珊· 米勒天秤座 2013年8月運勢(終於好了)


Susan Miller 2013年8月天秤座運勢



Your career life is shifting now and soon will bring you exciting news if you have not already heard something exciting along these lines last month in the best sense, dear Libra. Can you feel it? Career opportunities are opening up for you in a big way, giving you so much reason to be proud. This is the only the start of a full year of exceptional professional opportunity that will almost certainly flow your way. You can fly very high, but it will be imperative that you look for opportunities that seem right for you, as it is unlikely anyone will knock on your door without your involvement!


This is an important trend because Jupiter, the planet initiating this trend, has not visited your career sector in twelve years. Now that Jupiter has arrived, this planet of goodness and financial expansion will stay in your career house until mid-July 2014, a period of nearly thirteen months. You are now in a period of exceptional reward, and your status in your industry is due for a big boost upward. The harder you have worked over the past decade, the bigger your reward will be now. All great aspects build on past experience and are cumulative. If you feel you have not come as far as you hoped to be in your career by now, Jupiter will give you a second chance. Every Libra has reason to be excited and optimistic.


In coming months, you will come to know some very distinguished high-level VIPs in your industry, and they will care for you by putting you under their wing. From now on, aim high, for you should not settle for anything less than thrilling career situations from now on, for you are holding all the aces, dear Libra. What is special about this trend is that you will get to show the full range of your talent under Jupiter's tutelage.


If you didn't get a chance to read my forecast for you for July, you may want to have a look at it now, after you read your August forecast. (Or, if you did read it, it may be worth reading again - all the news is so good!) Find the link just below the Dates to Note. I spelled out quite a bit for you, so you can see why you are about to start a whole new chapter.


While July brought serious discussions about your career and a need for focus and concentration on projects at hand, this month, with its emphasis on Leo, will bring a feeling of fun and lightness. Mars will energize your career sector throughout almost all of August, so you won't lose any career momentum by adding some socializing to your mix. Your chances of moving ahead will be just as strong this month as it was last month. Keep pressing forward, dear Libra.


It is very possible that something you are doing now - a certain project - will bring you attention, great publicity, awards, applause, and praise. Give your present projects everything you've got - this is an important juncture, dear Libra. No doubt that you are making a name for yourself in a new way, even if you are not aware that the pendulum that you began pushing last month will still be swinging at top speed. It will be good news that you will not need to work quite as hard at getting ahead now - as you go along, building a name for yourself will become easier, for Jupiter will help you. Great aspects always build on all the work you did before - you've already put in a lot of yourself, and the harder you worked, the higher you will fly.

Your friends will help you, for clearly, they have your best interests in mind. You will begin to see just how much they love you at the new moon in Leo 15 degrees on August 6, for that new moon will light your house of friendship and fun. The fact that this new moon is at 15 degrees is important because it is considered a critical, powerful degree of a fixed sign. (Leo is a fixed sign.) Powerful degrees often bring powerful results.

Some of the people you meet and will get to know will be fascinating - even brilliant - due to the fine support Uranus will beam to this new moon. Uranus is called the higher octave of Mercury, taking thinking qualities of Mercury into a much higher realm of innovation, high-level creativity, and even genius. You will likely be very inspired by the people you meet, another reason you should try to get out more. The way you will make some of your most important new friends will be through an intermediary - such as an agent, manager, lawyer, headhunter, broker, romantic partner, or other middleman - who will help you make the acquaintance of new people that you could not meet any other way. If you belong to a social or professional organization, make it a point to go to meetings. If you are intrigued by different types of social media, decide to get more active, because all sorts of fun and relaxation will engage you.


The new moon of August 6 in Leo will get the ball rolling. If your birthday falls on October 7, plus or minus five days, you will feel this generous, happy new moon the most.

Whether you are a guy or a girl, you will sparkle at all gatherings when Venus moves into Libra on August 16, to stay through September 10. Venus will be a big help to you on most all days, but NOT on August 26, when Venus will oppose Uranus, making love go right out the window with one untoward glance or angry word.

Venus' tour of Libra would be an ideal time to browse websites and shop for new things for the new season. Venus will make sure you find things that are madly flattering and get you many compliments.

You have an exciting, highly romantic full moon coming on August 20, for it will fall in Aquarius at 28 degrees and be felt within four days of this date. This is the second full moon to light your house of true love two months running (highly unusual), as you had one last month, in Aquarius 0 degrees on July 22. This suggests life has become dazzlingly happy, and if it has not for you, hold on to your hat, it seems to be on the way. (Dear Libra, go out more!)

If your birthday falls on or very close to October 21, you will benefit the most from this full moon. Check your chart to see if you have any planets at 28 degrees of Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra, or if your rising sign is at 28 degrees Libra (or close to it), for if you do, you will have lots of news from this full moon.

If you were born near September 22, plus or minus four days, or have Libra rising at 0 degrees, you would have felt last month's full moon more than this one, but still, we all feel full moons to some degree. This one is just made for you.

With a full moon in your fifth house love sector, if single and not dating, you may meet someone new, and very compelling and intriguing. If you are dating someone special, you may now make a decision about how to bring the relationship to the next level. Children come under the fifth house (so lit up for you now and last month), so you may decide whether to have a baby, or you may discuss how to do something special for a child you have, of any age, that you want to help.

Your creative expressions also come under the fifth house, so a major artistic project - something that you have been working on that had the scope to show the range of your talents - will now finish, as full moons are prone to do. It looks like you will have plenty of reason to celebrate! There appears to be something mighty special about this project.

This full moon will orbit very close to Neptune, so romantically, this particular full moon could be quite enchanting. Also, because Neptune also rules the arts, your lyrical, artistic input to a creative project could be so special it will bring those who are exposed to your work to tears. The beauty of your work may be that touching. If you are a comic, then people will laugh - my point is, you will elicit a powerful emotional response.

As the month goes on, you'll have a chance to relax even more. Mars will move out of your career house and into friendly Leo on August 27 - by then you'll feel light as a feather, and footloose and fancy free. In September, you will be able to catch your breath, which will be important to do while the universe gives you a window of opportunity to do so. Once Mars enters Libra on October 15 for an astounding eight months, you'll be on a skateboard all the way into July 2014, with very few ways to rest and recharge your batteries. It will be an exciting period, but also an exhausting one, too! Rest now, while you can, dear Libra.

When Mercury sends a high five to Jupiter, you will have one of your very best moments of the month to travel - August 28 through August 30. It's a popular week to go away, so do it! Anytime Mercury meets with Jupiter is a great time to pack and go!


The exceptional news that you may have received in connection with your career in July could become even stronger in August. Opportunity this special - that you have now - will not be seen again in the same way for years. You will have lots of opportunities to have fun in August, but because career progress could become so exciting, it may be wise for you to put off your vacation until September.

With Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury filling your house of fame and honors, you will have all the planetary power you need to make a name for yourself in your field. The new moon last month opened a portal of opportunity, so it will be important to follow up on offers and conversations that come up now.

Thanks to a golden triangle formed by Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, in different corners of the sky that first appeared last month, you can leap ahead of the competition quite handily. Those wonderful planets have joined hands to form a triangle, linking your houses of reputation, job projects, and salary. You may already have seen how special life can be, and if not - it's still on the way to you. The way astrology works is that you have to make an initiation toward something dearly important to you during a potent phase. That phase is now!
感謝這輪黃金大三角,它由木星,土星和海王星構成,這三顆星體在天空中的不同位置構成了這個大三角,並且在上個月第一次形成完美相位,你可以駕輕就熟地在所有的競爭中拔得頭籌。這些強有力的行星手拉手形成一個大三角,將你的榮譽,工作計劃和工資聯繫在一起。你可能已經看到生活可以如此特別,如果還沒有看到-這樣的美好期許正向你姍姍而來。占星學的主要工作方式是在一個存在機會的時機,讓自己去做一些努力。而現在 這個契機就在眼前。

Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck, and has not been in Cancer since mid-2001 to mid-2002, and this visit to your house of fame and honors promises to bring better news than it did in 2002. Make tracks while you can, and be open to Influential people who will offer to go to the mat for you, just so you can do well.

This won't be a month that's all work and no play. The new moon of August 6 will herald a wonderfully social period for you. Unexpected invitations will show up when you least expect them to appear. You may mix your friends with those of your partners successfully now, so mix to your heart's content. Everyone wins - everyone makes new associations and becomes exposed to new interests. With a new moon in Leo, events could be quite luxurious and pampering - someone seems to spare no expense to see you happy! You may attend a wedding or lavish party this month, or go to an elegant conference or award show.
這不是一個只有工作沒有娛樂的月份。8月6日的新月將為你展開廣泛的社交活動。無法預期的邀請將在你毫無準備的情況下紛至沓來。你可能會 和你的朋友和家人相處融洽。每個人各取所需-每個人都有新的人際際遇並且各種新的興趣愛好噴薄而出。在獅子的新月來臨之際,事物會顯得格外奢華且嬌寵-有些人似乎願意為了你的快樂而付出一切!你可能會參加婚禮或者豐盛的聚會,或者參加精緻的會議或者頒獎禮。

Jupiter and Pluto will oppose each other on August 7, bringing on deep thinking about your public and private home life, or concerning a real estate matter. I didn't mention this above, but thinking about this aspect, I do want to flag it for you.

Jupiter and Pluto met in conjunction back in December 2007, so think back - did you buy property, renovate, or buy new furniture at the time? Did you sign a contract? No matter what venture you started, or large purchase you made but that is now not working out as well as you had hoped, it's time to find out why that is, and what you need to do to make things more profitable.

Libra needs balance and harmony in life, so if you feel you are spending too much time at work, to the detriment of your home life, you may now find ways to more efficiently juggle your time. Your private life will get the lion's share of your time once Mars enters Leo, after August 27.

The full moon of August 20 may bring an episode of tender expression of love within four days of this date. This is due to be a romantic full moon that you'll long remember. This full moon will fall in Aquarius, a sign that blends beautifully with yours. Neptune will orbit very close to this full moon, adding sparkle and heightened feelings of loving emotion. This will be one moment to remember of 2013 - special in every way that may bring a lyrical evening over the weekend of August 17-18 or over August 24-25 - or both!
8月20日的滿月將帶 來其前後四天的溫馨感受和浪漫情懷。這是由於一輪浪漫滿月將會使你記憶猶新。這輪滿月將落在水瓶座,一個守護你的美麗的星座。海王星將會在滿月附近運行,更為這場濃情帶來炫目的火花。這將會是2013年值得你記憶重要時刻-從各個方面來說都獨一無二,8月17-18的週末或者24-25的週末-或者兩者皆是。

Your magical social phase won't end any time soon. Once Mars enters Leo on August 27, to stay until October 10, you'll find an exciting period that will bring even more new faces to your circle. In coming weeks, you may want to pick up tickets to a Broadway show, or attend the ballet, a concert, or a blockbuster movie. Museum visits, art gallery openings - you'll crave the freshness of experiencing the best that culture has to offer near this full moon. Taking the time to experience some of these types of events will be purely delicious.

Dates to Note LIBRA 需要標記的日子
Best days for Libra, romance and for other things too: August 1, 2, 6, 10-11, 13, 14, 15, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, and 30.
天秤的幸運日,浪漫日,以及其他美好的日子:八月1, 2, 6, 10-11, 13, 14, 15, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 和 30.

The new moon in Leo on August 6 will usher in two weeks of social fun. If you make a new friend in that time, your friendship will be for keeps.

When Jupiter and Pluto are at odds, you may have to reassess a project or financial relationship you started in December 2007. It's time to have a look at it and see what you need to do to make it more profitable. Balancing home and family life may also be a subject of meditation.

When the new moon's social energies fade, Mars will move into Leo on August 27 to stay until October 15 to keep the party going. Lucky you, you have a long social period ahead.

Venus will enter Libra on August 16 to stay until September 10. Use this time to improve your appearance, and if single, to circulate to meet new romantic interests.

August 20 (plus or minus four days) should be amazingly romantic, thanks to the full moon in Aquarius.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-08-04 02:18:08
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2013-08-05 15:55:56
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