看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 5月 天秤座(原文)
時間 2014年05月08日 Thu. AM 12:21:50

Libra Horoscope for May 2014

By Susan Miller

After having come through April, the coming month may seem like a garden party. Everyone had problems with the April 15 eclipse, but I feel Libra had the most difficulties. Your closest relationship was under the microscope at that eclipse, but also your own needs, and events were forcing you to look closer and come to some conclusions. That eclipse was a full moon lunar eclipse and those end things, so clearly your relationship may be changing or ending. You may be concerned about your relationship because important facts may have been surfacing.

Or, last month you may be become concerned about the health and welfare of your partner or yourself. If you feel your marriage or your long-term established relationship is fine, then it may be that you may have heard things about your business partner that gave you pause. Or, your own health became a focus. Eclipses are strong and strike suddenly, but you need to pay attention to the message, for it is non-negotiable. We can never backtrack on the news of an eclipse - that door has been bolted shut. Your only course of action is to move forward, and in time, if you don't like the new road you find yourself on, in time you can make more changes up ahead - it is just that we cannot go backward in time.

That eclipse was particularly strong for you if your birthday falls on October 18, plus or minus five days. The April 15 eclipse may have touched you if you have a natal planet within five degrees of 25 degrees Libra or Aries. If you were born near October 18 but did not hear any radical news in April, then watch for news one month to the day later, May 15 plus or minus five days. Just keep your guard up mid-month, just in case the universe has something to reveal to you. You would never get messages two months in a row. If you did have a difficult month in April, you are done.

Most (75 percent) of Libras received their message last month, and fewer (5 percent) felt it mid-March, one month to the day earlier. Now, about 20 percent of Libras will get the message of the eclipse in mid-May. Although this April 15 eclipse may have felt very difficult, it will reveal truth to you. Keep in mind that eclipses are there to protect you and will always look for weak links - if there are none, you may have sailed through last month (and will this month) quite easily.

I realize that you might have had a difficult time with relationships, but it could be a business relationship, not a romantic one. If you still believe in the person you are partnering with and the strength of your union, you may have wonderful news this same week on May 15. Venus will align with Uranus on May 15, in your house of commitment (marriage, partnership). This may be a wonderful day, and all that comes up will be unexpected.

We had another eclipse last month, this one a tiny bit easier - a solar new moon eclipse in Taurus on April 28, 9 degrees. That eclipse will still be setting your agenda in the first half of May. You may be making changes to your financial portfolio, working on an estate, negotiating for venture capital, dividing money in a divorce, negotiating a salary and benefits package, asking your bank for a line of credit, or applying or a new or refinanced mortgage. Neptune was beautifully angled to that eclipse, so if you are in a creative field and need to sell an idea, go right ahead - you could land a good price in that sale.

You have a very difficult day coming up (and so do the rest of us) when Saturn opposes the Sun on May 10. This will be no one's favorite day. You may come up short with money and feel temporary panic when a bill comes due. Or a venture you are involved with may run aground and bring a hefty expense or loss that you never expected.

The full moon in Scorpio May 14 will be another sobering moment, too, for the full moon will orbit with Saturn, the planet that forces us to be practical and realistic and to live up to our commitments. Within four days of this date, you it seems you will need to make a few decisions about how you earn your income, save money, spend money, and find the funds you need to take care of debts.

This May 14 full moon may be a serious moment in time, but Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be close enough in deep space to be of enormous help. Jupiter is in your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement and will only be there until mid-July. You can find a more prestigious position, and if you do, it will pay well too. This full moon could be pivotal to making that all happen, but you will have to start looking the moment May takes off.

A legal matter may now be discussed and launched, but the full moon's hard angle to Neptune warns you that you will have to be absolutely sure you have all facts before activating any legal action or signing any agreements. Look for facts that may have been innocently omitted, or worse, deliberately deleted or distorted.

Mars is the planet that lights a fire under projects and starts things cooking. Think of Mars as pure energy that you can harness when he is in good angle to your Sun. Since December 7, Mars has been in Libra (wow!), putting you in the spotlight and allowing you to take the reins and lead the brigade while other signs are asked to stand around and wait their turn. Things were going fine until Mars went retrograde on March 1 and has remained in this position all this time. (Actually Mars was slowing down in January and February, so he was not moving at full throttle then.) You have met a series of obstacles, and you may have found it nearly impossible to get things set "just so," the way you want them to be. The good news is that Mars will go direct on May 19 and again put you in the driver's seat until July 25. As you see, you have rare cosmic support behind you.

Mars is the planet that acts like a small booster rocket to a bigger rocket (which symbolizes your dream initiative). Mars' job is to get that big heavy rocket into the stratosphere, and once that is accomplished, Mars falls off and goes on his separate way with a final salute - he is no longer needed. If you feel you've not been successful on several fronts in your life that you've focused on, despite yeoman effort on your part, that's understandable. When Mars goes direct May 19, life will become easier for you, on every level, including relationships and love. It is true that Mars will be groggy when he awakens and, like some people, needs time to work up to his personal best - that will happen by early July, but even so, you should feel a welcome difference. Finally as of May 19, you will again be at the head of the class.

There's more good news! Jupiter will make a decisive aspect to Saturn on May 24, but you need not wait until May 24 - this aspect will be at play all month. When you have two very slow moving planets coming together in perfect collaboration, you do feel it all month. We will not have another aspect similar to this one involving Jupiter and Saturn until 2026, so you see these two powerhouse planets move VERY slowly. What excites me about this aspect is that Jupiter is transiting your tenth house of fame and honors, and Saturn is currently transiting your second house of earned income - see? I told you that you have superb aspects to get a new position that pays well and that is prestigious! It will be a better one than the one you used to do. This is why I am asking you to redouble your efforts to find a new, more lucrative source of income! Jupiter brings generous opportunity and Saturn brings stability - what more could you ask?

You will also love the new moon, May 28, in Gemini, 7 degrees. This one will help you travel far and wide if you like, or help you sign up for graduate school or college. It may bring you a new assignment with the media (publishing, broadcasting, or the Internet), or you may get an assignment that requires you to suddenly fly to a foreign country for your work. This new moon - and the Sun in Gemini - will be beautifully oriented to Mars in Libra. This is a four-star new moon for you, dear Libra, and you can start your initiation after it appears - you will have ten days, but the first days that follow May 28 will be strongest. New moons are always about planting seeds, and full moons are about reaping your harvest - so plant your seeds by investigating opportunities that come up in the areas I have mentioned for you.

You will benefit the MOST from this new moon if your birthday falls on September 30, plus or minus five days. This is very special! Also, if you have a natal planet at 7 degrees Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius, plus or minus five days, you will benefit quite a bit as well, and you will see a flurry of activity after that new moon arrives.

Put a gold star on May 30 too, for Mars will perfectly support the Sun on this glorious day! If you can travel - do! Of course all the areas I outlined above will also work beautifully for you.

In love, on May 28, Venus will move into Gemini, a divine-for-Libra sign, and is set to stay until July 18. Also, Mars will be in ideal angle to Mars in Libra, so this is quite a hypnotic combination! In astrology we consider Venus and Mars to be the cosmic lovers who always long to be together but often have other assignments to accomplish that keep them apart. While Venus and Mars won't meet in perfection until July 13 (a good weekend to circle in gold), you will benefit from these planets simply being in the right sign!

As soon as Venus enters Gemini, see about improving your appearance. Have fun confirming with your hair stylist (my male readers too) and shop for a few new things to wear too, for doing this will give you a spark of confidence. Love and travel seem to go together like cup and saucer, so whether you are attached or single, by all means, at month's end, pack your bags! Attached Libra will enjoy getting away from normal everyday cares and getting fresh air and sunshine. Single Libra will have a chance to meet a charming new someone who seems chosen just for you by Cupid.

Next month, Mercury, the planet of communication, negotiation, contracts, and commerce will be retrograde from June 7 to July 1. You need to stay very far away from the bracket dates of the Mercury retrograde, for you always feel the oncoming delays and mix-ups well in advance of Mercury's turn. This means May will be your most productive month - not June - so work hard to polish off the items on your agenda now, and work with a sense of urgency and purpose. Once you get to June, plan to take a breather - you deserve it more than any other sign.


Mars is still in Libra - an advantage you held since December 7. The good news is that on May 19, Mars will regulate its orbit to direct motion, after being in retrograde since March 1. Having Mars in your sign is a big advantage, as Mars bestows courage, drive, and energy, and will make you the leader of the parade. Mars will need time to come up to his former speed prior to the retrograde, but you will see a big difference. The first half of July should be an exceptional time for prestigious career progress. Also, single or attached, Mars will see to it that your love life improves.

If you are attached, the full moon eclipse last month on April 15 likely revealed the current state of your relationship. Mars, now stronger, is opposing the planet of unexpected expenses, Uranus, so you may feel pushed to the breaking point. If you heard nothing, watch the time near May 14.

You also may have recently seen changes to your jointly held finances, or soon will, and in May you may have to decide about how to handle deal with financial obstacles. If the financial news you heard was positive, you might now have to decide how to invest or save the money. If the news is that you will part, you may have to divide the property in a marriage or business. These seem like all-consuming issues, so you will need to concentrate.

The full moon May 14 will bring a culmination to your relationship. You may reminisce about its history and memories you both shared. You will also need to announce a decision about a serious financial matter. This full moon will be conjunct Saturn, so you may need to leave it or accept an end of a chapter of your life. Any decision you make will be in place a very long time.

If you do make a decision that can only be called an ending, as the door slowly shuts behind you, and you walk down a long tile-floored hallway, you will hear your heels on your shoes making clicking sounds as you go. When you hear the door latch shut behind you, don't look back. You will know that you won't ever open that door again, and if the eclipse brought this information, it is for the better.

If you are due a settlement, fee, or negotiation about money at this full moon, May 14, it is likely to be generous, due to the fine angle that the full moon will make to Jupiter. Your burgeoning career success should bring you an increase in salary (or at the least, a promise of one) on or near May 14, or May 22-24, all gratifying moments. Your reward comes due to the collaboration of Jupiter and Saturn ? it is as rare as it is extraordinarily special. Aim to have an important meeting or other career event scheduled this month, for you truly have outstanding aspects.

At the end of May, you will be ready to slip into relaxed mode and schedule travel. The new moon of April 28 in Gemini will be just your cup of tea. Lighting your solar ninth house of long distance locations, you might fancy going overseas or simply investigate a location on a distant domestic coastline. You may be in close contact with your sister, brother, or cousin, and going to see this person may form the meaning of your trip.

Dates to Note: LIBRA

Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions: May 1, 5, 6, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 28, 29, and 30.

With your ruler, Venus, touring Aries from May 2-28, your relationship with your partner will improve.

Two great days for job interviews will be May 5 and May 6.

Brace for difficult news about money on May 9 and May 10. By May 14, the full moon in a financial sector, and you will need to have established a plan.

A romantic partner may surprise you, in one way or another, on May 15, due to Venus conjunct Uranus.

Mars will go direct on May 19 for the first time since March 1; you can take control over any important situations. You will have until July 25 to use your special advantage from having Mars in your sign.

A fine day to discuss your career opportunities will be May 24, and May 25, thanks to Jupiter and Saturn in rare sync.

If you would like to take a long trip, leave on or after May 28.

Legal matters and ventures involving publishing, broadcasting, or academia will dazzle on May 30, due to Mars in Libra in special angle to the Sun in Gemini.

Finish up things in May, as Mercury will go retrograde June 7 to July 1, not a time to start anything new.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-05-08 00:21:50
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2014-05-08 00:30:19
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