看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 6月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2014年06月05日 Thu. AM 09:29:58

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your June Horoscope by Susan Miller
Letter From Susan Miller
Dear Readers,

If you follow me on Twitter @AstrologyZone or on FB as Susan Miller, you are aware I have been seriously ill involving my intestines. I am moving into the recovery stage at long last, as it took some time for my doctor to find the precisely right medicine that works for me. I like my new pills very much. I currently anemic from having to live on the BRAT diet, which required I consume only bread, water, bananas, and applesauce for six weeks. Now I am able to select from a list of many healthy foods, so I am working in a disciplined manner to regain my strength. I feel all is going very well!

My illness came up suddenly in April, at the time of the monster eclipse April 15. I never expected to be literally hit sideways by such a drastic situation. I felt fine one day, and the next day I found myself suddenly plunged into a scene from Dante's Inferno. The doctors are not sure if my illness was set off by e-coli or salmonella or something else - only time will tell.

As you may have noticed, I had to cancel all my appearances, in Rye, Austin, Toronto, and Los Angeles. Those events will be rescheduled for sure, as I was very much looking forward to seeing you in those cities. All tickets were refunded, and if you by any chance did not get a refund, please write to press@astrologyzone.com and we will remedy that situation immediately. I will tear up my manuscript for 2014 and begin all over again. That's a hard thought as I was almost done, but I feel it is the best course of action. If you sent your payment, you will be receiving a little surprise by email this week, as all customers will get a little peek into the second half of 2014 from me at no cost.

I have tried to do a very thorough report here for you for June. I am sorry I am a little late. The various medicines I have taken make me sleepy and I so I write, rest, and write some more. I love writing Astrology Zone, so it is always my pleasure to prepare my monthly report for you.

Many of you have sent me prayers and good wishes, and I am so grateful for your kindness and support. You inspire me, dear reader. I know you must have had your own challenges during April and May, yet you took time to send me such sweet posts - and those posts kept me going. Happily those two challenging months are now behind us (they were to be the hardest of 2014), and so it's onward and upward from now on. Thank you so much for understanding my situation, and for sticking with me!


Pisces Forecast for June 2014

By Susan Miller

April and May were loud, busy, sweaty months that demanded much from you, dear Pisces, because of the monster eclipse April 15, which may have drained your income or brought a setback regarding joint resources. As just two of many possible examples, venture capital you were promised and depended upon might not have materialized, or you may have had to pay a lot in taxes. May brought a full moon May 15 that came conjunct Saturn - you were forced to face reality and take steps to improve a difficult situation. No one is better at all these kinds of circumstances than you, for Pisces is a deeply imaginative, conceptual sign. When one solution does not work, you can easily generate 50 other ideas that might. You know this about yourself!

There are two days I want you to steer clear of for any money dealings, and that will be first, June 13, when Mars, in your financial house, will challenge Pluto in your house of friendships, hopes, and wishes. On this day someone may come on very strong, and you may be amazed how hard you will be pushed to conform to some sort of course of action. The fish can stand up to these types of situations. People see you as shy, but Pisces has a fiercely strong survival instinct, and you can stand up to just about anyone.

The other day will be June 24, when feisty Mars will oppose surprise-a-minute Uranus. You are likely to get a big jolt of untoward news about money owed or money that you anticipated that will not be forthcoming. If you have any important financial meetings on that day, or in the days that closely circle June 13 or June 24, you might want to switch the date for a better one. (June 13 would be a very tough day for negotiations for a divorce settlement or the division of property at the end of a business.) This day brings sudden, excessively jarring news.

You had almost the identical aspect of the June 24 (Mars opposed to Uranus) last Christmas, on December 23-24.Perhaps you remember a situation that you dealt with then. If things did not reach closure, you may have to revisit that question and apply a different solution. These will be the toughest two days of the month, so I thought I would tell you quickly and get that news out of the way. I do feel you will find so much to love in June, so stay with me.

You began thinking about your living situation and all the great ideas you have to improve it. Some Pisces will be moving in to a new address on June 1, and that would be the right way to use that glorious new moon. You have more time, as that influence will be strong during the first days, until June 10 or so. You may want to call in the painters to give several rooms a beautiful new hue, or feel you may want to buy a new refrigerator, or sign the contractors to help you put in a dream kitchen.

You can get the painters, but hold back on big purchases. Mercury will retrograde from June 7 to July 1, not a time to buy electronics, appliances, or machines with moving parts. I don't want you to buy those items now, for you are already feeling the pre-period of Mercury retrograde, which is also pesky. Alas, as you enter June, you are already too late to make those big-ticket investments. There is always a margin on either side of the start and end dates of a Mercury retrograde that you need to watch. More importantly, you will very likely find value in waiting. A better model of the TV flat screen that you wanted to buy, and that you find you like better, may come out within weeks after you've already purchased the TV, or you may find an amazing sale on just the dishwasher you wanted, bringing the price way down.

Your judgment can be very off during these periods. For now, do more research and be ready to act in mid-July. This month will be a perfect time to do repairs and maintenance, to clear out clutter, and give items to charity. If you signed your lease or closed on your house prior to June, in say, May, you should not have any problems moving house in early June.

Later, when Mercury backs into Cancer and your love sector, June 16 to July 1, you may rethink your love relationship. If you feel you became involved too quickly, you may quiet things down a little to give yourself time to think. If you thought you'd have a baby in two years, you may move up your timetable to welcome your baby sooner (this is just an example of hundreds of possibilities.) The point is, Mercury allows time to think deeply and reconsider any decision you might feel needs a bit more research, discussion, or meditation.

You may be reading your report, thinking, wait - rewind the tape! You (meaning me, Susan) are saying to me that Mercury will be retrograde in June? Seriously? Yes, but I think you will love this particular phase of Mercury because it will open up your calendar and give you time to think, to plan, and to make sense of what happened in your life so far this year. The past months had so much activity that you may have felt as though you were living two months in one. You were running from pillar to post, and you need a breather. June will provide you that, and more, for during the retrograde, schedules change radically as people become harder to reach. If you do have a meeting, it is likely the person will be indecisive because things are changing at her firm too.

To give you perspective, the first half of this year has been plagued with retrogrades - January brought Venus retrograde December 21 to January 30, February brought Mercury retrograde February 7 to 28, and Mars went retrograde from March 1 to May 19. If you found it nearly impossible to make impressive, substantial progress, you now know why. After you get through June, there will be no more retrogrades, and you will have a blue sky and open road.

Retrogrades of the so-called personal planets, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, seem to be felt more strongly than those of the outer planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto retrograde for four to five months straight, but they simply don't have the day-to-day frustrations that the planets closer to earth (Mars, Venus, and Mercury) do. I should add that there will be one more Mercury retrograde period this year, from October 4 to 26, and two eclipses that month, a full moon eclipse October 8 and a new moon eclipse October 23, but I feel the most severe months of 2014 are now behind you. As you see, you have so much to look forward to from July onward - an unimpeded road ahead.

Now, in June, you can dream about your future home or a new property or find ways to help your mother or father. Make a visual board, or keep a file of tear sheets you take from various home decorating magazines. In terms of a creative project, you will have time to tweak it until it glows, especially from June 1 to 16. After that, when Mercury pushes back into your home sector, you can address all those plans you drew up but had to push aside due to lack of time or money. You may change your mind on a few plans and prioritize things in a new way, and this would be a fine time to do it.

Your attention will shift to your career on the full moon June 12 in Sagittarius, 22 degrees. You may attend a dazzling event or have an announcement about your experience and find work that will raise your profile in your industry. Some sort of great, unexpected news will come, and because this full moon is hitting your tenth house of fame and honors, I bet you will love what develops! Uranus will be very friendly, so what transpires will be fascinating and completely unexpected. You may be offered an important new position, or be written up in the press. You may attend a big launch party (where you are the honored guest), or you may land a new client if you are self-employed. This will be a major moment of 2014, so get your outfit ready - all eyes will be on you.

One spectacular day will be Wednesday, June 18, when Venus will contact happiness planet Jupiter in your house of true love. If you had hoped to take a little holiday away, this peach of a day would help you fan the fires of love if you are in a new town, not too far from home. Go, dear Pisces, for you are likely to experience luxury and beauty, and quite a romantic evening. Single or married, I would love you to schedule something important for this day. (In Asia and Australia, you have one more day, to June 19, to make full use of this date, due to the way timelines work.)

Things will only get better and better. On the new moon in Cancer, 7 degrees, your true love house, June 27, life is about to get VERY romantic. You will see that to be true in July too. This new moon will be in perfect angle to Neptune, your guardian planet, which means you will benefit from this new moon more than most Pisces. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, which means that while Venus teaches the value of having fun and helps you find the one who sparks something in you, Neptune brings love to a new level, where you find you love so much, you are willing to sacrifice something for you so that your beloved can benefit. It is love on the deepest, most spiritual level.

If you are single, this is your cue to circulate. If you are married or seriously attached, then plan time together - you will find the right moments, and you will weave a memory of golden threads that will last forever. Jupiter is still in this, your fifth house, and is getting ready to pack his bags to leave, but before he does, use the energy of this simply magical new moon, for it is as rare as it will be wondrous.

On the ensuing weekend, June 28-29, the Sun will work closely and in a positive way with Neptune, one of the most sentimental and tender places for the Sun to be. Make that last weekend of June special, dear Pisces.


As June dawns, pay special attention to your home. You seem to have had a list of things you hoped to accomplish - clearing clutter, making repairs, doing maintenance, furnishings, adding a new coat of paint to a room or two, adding new furniture, or else plan to move house or do a renovation. Early June will be your best time to get going, because the new moon of May 28 will still be quite strong for home-related changes. If you need to move house, and even if you've had difficulty finding the right space, this new moon will bring up options quickly if you search earnestly. Be ready to roll. If you need funds to get started, Mars is in the right position in early June to help you get a home improvement loan or mortgage.

You may produce a stunning career victory within four days of the full moon in Sagittarius, June 12. This moment of the month will be exciting, because news that culminates will be completely unexpected. Keep your eye on foreign interests, as Sagittarius rules international relationships abroad. A publishing, broadcasting, or Internet assignment (or publicity) might be involved, as would a victory in academia or research. This full moon, June 12, will be a big moment in your professional timeline in 2014.

You do have one difficult day, June 24, when Mars, in your financial sector (second house), will receive an unexpected opposition from Uranus in your house of other people's money. You may have a powerful disagreement about a financial matter or incur a large expense. You may owe someone money who will be quite insistent about being paid, or someone that owes you may not pay up, say, for child support or other debt he or she had promised to pay. Uranus is the planet that forces us to learn to be resourceful, so make contingency plans early in the month in case you need a stash of cash. If all else fails, find out if you can qualify for a bank loan.

Romantically, Venus in Taurus from June 1 to 23 will bring you lots of opportunity to schedule fun weekend trips out of town if you need a change of scene. Your very best time to be away will be in the days circling June 18, thanks to Venus' interaction with the happiness planet, Jupiter.

You can look forward to a good balance to the month, for the new moon, June 27, will bring on an enchanting trend for love. This will be the number one new moon for finding love, or for expanding the love you have now and hold dear. You will feel confident, sexy, and ultra-attractive, and you will feel highly affectionate.

If you have been hoping to have a baby, this new moon will help to summon the stork. (If you have any problems with conception, this would be the right time to see a fertility doctor.)

Financially, month's end will also be quite wonderful. The new moon June 27 will be in perfect angle to Mars, so you may also hear that a check is being sent your way. This would not likely be a raise in salary, but a generous check, arriving in one big chunk. This money could be related to a commission, royalty, licensing fee, court settlement, loan, cash advance, and mortgage or financing plan, as a few examples. As you see, you should be practically ecstatic with how well life is treating you by the time June wind downs to a close.

Dates to Note: Pisces

Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions: June 8, 10, 14, 17, 18 (best day), 22-23, 27, and 29.

Mercury will retrograde June 7-July 1 in Cancer / Gemini. After Mercury goes direct, he will reach top speed again (and be at his best) by July 15.

Your ruler, Neptune will go retrograde from June 9 to November 16. This means from June 9, moving forward, you need to concentrate on the deals and goals you have already chosen - don't add new ones.

Your career is about to bring sudden, wonderful news, June 12, plus or minus four days. This will be a major culmination point of the year. Keep in mind - Mercury is still retrograde, so be sure to delay a final answer until July. It's alternatively possible that you'll get some amazing publicity.

A setback involving money might come up on June 24, when Uranus will oppose Mars.

All month, travel will be amazing fun and even luxurious, while Venus in Taurus tours your sign from June 1 to June 23.

Focus on your home, perhaps choosing new paint colors for several rooms, after June 23, while Venus tours your home sector.

The new moon of June 27 has your name written all over it. It will be sensational for romance and for meeting someone new. Keep in mind a new moon is not just for starting something new - think of it as a portal to a new life. If you are in love, in the two weeks to come, you will have a chance to spend more fun time together and bond closer.

Before you get to that important new moon, circle in red June 18, a gorgeous, rare, four-star day for love. If you can travel a short distance, alone or with someone special, do, for this day will be made in heaven.

If you desire a baby, you may get pregnant now, as a new moon in Cancer, June 27, will be highly fertile.

You will be super creative and also highly romantic when the Sun and Neptune combine energies, June 29. This same weekend is due to be super romantic too.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-06-05 09:29:58
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[運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 6月 雙魚座(原文)
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