看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 4月 處女座(原文)
時間 2015-04-01 Wed. 21:37:45

Virgo Horoscope for April 2015

By Susan Miller

Finances will rule April, especially at the full moon lunar eclipse, April 4, when an expense you won't see coming will likely surface within four days of this eclipse. I feel this will be the hardest eclipse of 2015. This full moon eclipse will bring a personal purchase or outlay to culmination, so it appears you will be writing a large check. Uranus will aim his beams directly at the new moon at 180 degrees, a confrontational aspect, which underscores the surprising nature of this eclipse.

Of course, I should say that a "surprise" about money - even at eclipse time - may be a positive one, not one that would make you jittery. I feel that Uranus directly opposite the delicate, sensitive moon is jarring enough, but there is a bounty of money with you. At the same time, I feel we don't have to prepare for happy surprises - they just happen! - but we do have to protect against being broadsided by negative events, even if they never come to pass. I like to be ready for anything, and I have a hunch you do, too.

Pluto will be in hard angle to your ruling planet Mercury, and Pluto rules money, power, government, the masses of people - sounds like taxes, doesn't it? (You'd be right.) The one thing you have going for you, and it's a big plus, is that Venus naturally rules your solar second house of personal savings, salary, and other financial resources, and Venus will be in gorgeous angle to Pluto, a lifesaver here.

I do want you to keep your antenna up. If I were you, I would not visit my accountant on or near Saturday, April 4, to find out what I owe for the personal tax deadline (in the US, it's April 15). It's always scary to find out how much you may still owe, especially if you are self-employed. (The self-employed never know if they sent in enough estimated tax during the year - if they were able to send anything at all - until the last minute, at tax time.) Since there is very little anyone can do as we near the eclipse April 4, just sit back, open the window and see what flies in.

To cheer you more, you will have awesome help with Jupiter with finances, too. It's as if this eclipse was appearing and creating a bit of chaos, and Jupiter, preoccupied, didn't notice immediately. Then, all of a sudden, Jupiter sees he is precisely in the right place at the right time to help you! Jupiter is behind the scenes and will help you without drawing undo attention to himself. This is an unusual situation, and I've not seen one quite like this one!

The ruler of your eighth house of other people's money (including loans, taxes, credit cards, and the like) is Mars, and this month, Mars is moving through good-for-you Taurus, an earth sign just like yours, dear Virgo. This says to be practical and realistic, and if you discover you don't have enough money to send to the government if you owe taxes, make a sensible payment plan with the taxman that you know you can adhere to easily. Mars is based in your ninth house, indicating your finances may be bound up with an international deal, one that might involve travel to see the client, or academia and university study, a grant, the courts system and/or legal actions, or a major publishing or broadcasting deal.

If you are buying a home or other piece of property, or fixing one up in a renovation or remodeling project, it appears your money is being well spent. Saturn is in your home sector, so the progress will proceed slowly. Happily, you appear to have thought out the plan to the tiniest detail, and that will make your project a success. Thinking ahead is always the better part of action. Saturn's presence suggests you may be changing the structure or layout of the house or apartment and putting in or taking out walls.

If you are coming up short on money this month, you have a new moon, April 18, 28 degrees Aries, to help you find more cash and improve its flow. (This will be a regular new moon, not an eclipse, but very helpful to you.) You would never feel a new moon before it arrives but always after. A new moon will give you two weeks of new energy in which to act, and that energy will be strongest in the first few days, April 18-22, and then will continue to gradually decline until the energy of that new moon has all been spent. Nevertheless, the actions you take within that new moon portal has the power to help you for a full year, until the same type of new moon (a financial one, falling in your eighth house) has time to come back and replenish you with more energy and opportunity.

There are other days in April that I would like to draw your attention to, so let's look at those. The hardest part of the month, as said, is likely to be the time near the eclipse, April 4 and the four days circling it.

April 5 brings Pluto in hard angle to the Sun, and that seems that someone may be quite insistent that you pay what you owe with no excuses. I am not sure what this is about, but this person is taking a hard line. You may experience this over April 4-5 or a few days before or after.

April 6 brings an anything-can-happen day, with Uranus, planet of surprise, conjunct the Sun. The Sun is the natural ruler of your solar twelfth house, so I am thinking a person near you was trying to keep this information from you, but somehow it will come out now. You will be quite shocked when it does. I am guessing the news will not be good, but remember, with Uranus you never know - Uranus is known to do just the opposite of what you are anticipating! You certainly will be on your toes and very resourceful, for Uranus will make you that way on April 6.

April 8 brings a conjunction to your ruler, Mercury, and that can be (at times) a very nerve-jangling day. However, your mind will be working at high energy, so if you do face a financial roadblock, you might think of a very original solution.

Jupiter has been in weak, retrograde motion since December, but on April 8 will turn on full power again, and that's great news! Your intuition will be firing up in ways that you may assume is not even possible. You will be on top of your game as long as you pay attention to what that small voice within you says. Heed what it will be telling you to do.

Pluto will turn retrograde from April 16 to September 24, so during that time you might change your mind about a person you are dating, or alternatively, simply want to slow the pace of the relationship. When any planet retrogrades, it's time to rethink things. The same house that Pluto is traveling in now also rules pregnancy, care for children you have now, and your creative projects. If you have activity in one of these areas in your life, you may alternatively see a rethinking process happen, and it is a perfect time to hone in on your decisions.

When it comes to re-strategizing or setting new priorities, a day you might want to set aside will be April 21, when Pluto and Mars will work in tandem and create the ideal atmosphere to sort out questions and get the planetary support you need to get the right answers about love, money, or career - you name it. April 21 will be a powerful day, and one you should use to your advantage!

In terms of your career progress, you would be hard put to find a more glorious day to meet with an influential VIP than April 22, when Venus and Jupiter will combine forces to make you a star at any meeting. It appears someone high up behind the scenes has been watching your performance and is impressed. In fact, this person may have been arguing for other leaders in the firm to take your talents seriously and to keep you on the short list of talented employees to groom for larger roles.

The month has a good chance of ending on an exciting note. Venus and Uranus will work together closely on April 26 to see you get a bonus or extra bundle of income. You may feel this aspect as early as Friday, April 24, or as late as Monday, April 27. Or, you may get news of a new perk you are about to receive, such as good health care insurance or the key to the executive gym. You will be caught unaware when this news comes in - it's news you'll like!


Keep a close eye on your finances, for a strong full moon lunar eclipse in Libra is due on April 4. Eclipses are very powerful and bring endings and closure, and with Uranus prominent, and Pluto taking a moody, angry stance, the news may be quite jarring and completely unexpected. Hold on, however, for you have enough planetary support from other planets to turn the tables to your favor. Much later, you may conclude the episode was a blessing in disguise or at the very least, not the disaster you initially assumed it to be.

The types of funds you may be thinking about are your salary, savings, or an investment. Or, the funds you need may pertain to something you need to buy or a bill you need to pay, possibly for taxes. If you had asked for a raise, the answer will come within four days of this eclipse. Money may come in, but may also go out, for you may have a large unexpected expense at this full moon. Still, you can come out ahead if you keep your wits about you.

The matter may have to do with taxes, the division of property in a divorce, an inheritance, a student loan, or it might focus you on your source of income (and an ensuing meditation about whether you are satisfied with the way you make your money). These are a few examples. Although Pluto will be in an angry mood, and Uranus, the surprise planet, is causing volatility, you seem to have more than enough planetary support from other planets. This eclipse may actually bring good financial news when all is said and done. It is also possible that if news is negative in the beginning, events will work in your favor as events gradually unfold.

Venus, a key player in this eclipse and the highest elevated planet in your solar chart (significant as Venus rises above all the rest of the plants) and beautifully angled to Pluto, is more evidence as this episode, although perhaps jarring at first, may bring a happy financial finish. Further, Jupiter will be in ideal angle to the Sun and Uranus, so you may suddenly come into money from other news at the time, as odd as that sounds. Someone influential appears to be taking care of you, to see that you do well, but you may not know the identity of this person, at least not immediately. A friend also seems central to what is happening, and will be working on your behalf. You will know which friend is being so loyal to you, so express your gratitude.

The rest of the month will be far less dramatic. Money will again be a focus for you at the new moon April 18. The same type of funds will be a focus for you, but this time, rather than see an ending, this new moon will open a path to financial opportunity. With Uranus so close to the Sun, if you make any decisions, check with your financial advisor first, as you may be tempted to be too impulsive. The funds you will think about won't be salary, but more focused on insurance, investments, loans, inheritance, and so forth. This point in the month should be stress-free and allow you to move forward on financial goals.

Professionally, April 21-22 will be your finest days of the month because Venus and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be in sync. You may get publicity or score a big victory at work, one that puts you on the short list of star employees in the making at work. Outstanding benefits will come to you from behind the scenes, and you may not know who is the source of your good fortune. View your luck as a big, beautiful bouquet sent to you from a loving universe.

Travel will also be in the picture, and it appears you will need to go for work. You will love it - you'll go to an exciting city a great distance from your base, and possibly oversees. This trip, if taken from April 18 to 26, will likely be highly successful, and you will come back with your goal met. It looks like you may earn a good commission or bonus from the work you do too. More exciting news will arrive near Sunday, April 26. Also pay attention to Friday, April 24, as news may arrive before the weekend begins.

Romance will take a back seat to career and money, but you do have a lovely day for fun and love, April 29, when the Sun and Neptune will spin a lyrical evening.

Dates to Note: Virgo

Someone influential behind the scenes will be pulling for you on April 2.

The full moon lunar eclipse in Libra may bring very difficult, shocking financial news, April 4. The nature of it seems to come out of left field. Brace for a large expense.

Jupiter will turn direct on April 8, exerting great powers of goodness and happiness. Jupiter has been retrograde since early December, but in months ahead, Jupiter will work harder for you to reach goals. You will see special help on the home front, with family or real estate / leasing.

Pluto will retrograde from April 16 to September 24 and you may change the pace of a love relationship or the method you are using on a creative project.

You can rebuild your financial gains from the new moon April 18 onward, reversing any difficulty you endured earlier at the lunar eclipse April 4.

Mars in Taurus is a superb place for you, and on April 21, you have Mars working with Pluto in Capricorn. The stage is set for Virgo, for your love and fun. Travel taken now would be a superb idea.

Venus in Gemini April 11 to May 7, shining at the tiptop of your chart, is making you a popular leader and allowing your reputation to grow.

The weekend of April 25-26 should bring good news about money or a valuable gift that is due for you but that you would never see coming. It's going to be a gorgeous weekend.

Your partner may take you to dinner on April 29 for a great night out. Poetry, charm, and enchantment will rule the evening.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-04-01 21:37:45
MindOcean: [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 4月 處女座(原文) - Zastrology板