看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 5月 處女座(原文)
時間 2015-05-01 Fri. 20:58:10

Virgo Horoscope for May 2015

By Susan Miller

Life is about to get exciting, dear Virgo! Your career is about to show amazing gains, with opportunities about to drop out of the sky in May and June. It won't be all work and no play for you either because opportunities to travel will be plentiful, as well as lots of social time with friends. Dear Virgo, it looks like you have the ideal month to enjoy to the fullest.

The month starts out with a full moon in Scorpio on May 3, at 13 degrees. You may be traveling as the month takes off, perhaps to visit your sister or brother, or to having a divine weekend to a private location with your sweetheart or spouse. (Scorpio, the sign of the full moon, is known to be a sign that likes its privacy!) This full moon will be beautifully angled to Neptune, so you would be inspired by the trip. You need not go far to have fun - with Neptune so nicely angled, choose a resort nearby that offers a view of the turquoise ocean or to a log cabin on a placid, deep blue lake with a rowboat made for two.

This full moon has other possibilities. Being a full moon, it may crystallize a final contract for you to sign, for this full moon will point not only to travel but communication and negotiation too. The aspects are good at this time, so if your lawyer says it is fine to sign, then do. There are other possibilities. This full moon may mark the moment you are ready to unveil your redesigned website, or to see your advertising, publicity, or direct mail campaign for your business appear, and if so, it's a good time to have it come out. It's also the right time to redesign your logo or have stationery designed for your business. Give any full moon a plus or minus four days of influence, so you may feel the effects before or after the full moon appears.

If your birthday falls on September 5, plus or minus five days, you will feel this full moon's energy more than other Virgos. Also, have a look at your natal chart, if you have it, and see if you have a natal planet or rising sign at 13 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, or Capricorn. If you do, or it is within five degrees of this degree, you will feel this full moon too, and benefit from it.

Venus will move into Cancer on May 7, to remain there until June 5. This is great news, for Cancer is a highly compatible place for Venus to be. Venus will brighten your eleventh house of fun, friendship, and events, so surely your social life will become livelier.

One of the most romantic days of the month will be when Venus will be in divine sync with Neptune over the weekend of May 16-17. Mark it down!

Travel will become an even MORE likely possibility after the new moon in Taurus, 27 degrees, on May 18. This would be the perfect time to take a vacation. Your career is about to bring big news, both this month, and even more next month, after the new moon of June 16. It will be important that you be back to home base to take full advantage of what is coming.

This new moon is flawed in that Saturn, the taskmaster planet, will oppose the Sun and new moon. This suggests you will be weighed down by obligations at home. See if you can get help if you are responsible for a parent's care or have small children. It would be good for you to travel now, so see what you can do to get away. Ask another family member to pitch in for you, or hire a babysitter, mother's helper, or in the case of care for a relative, a home care worker. You are about to enter a very busy phase at work, and I'd love to see you get rest now.

If you are not planning to travel, you may instead be working on a project with executives abroad. This would be a perfect time to reopen talks if you had been having talks that had to be put aside for any reason. The ninth house, which is being lit so brilliantly now, also rules other possibilities. You may notice that you are on the phone or in meetings with university personnel, perhaps to accept an invitation for admission.

Or, you may begin a legal action, for the ninth house, so filled with energy from that new moon May 18, rules the court system, but if so, I will ask you to think this over - your timing would be off. With Saturn opposite the new moon, the legal process may turn out to be arduous and drawn out. I would prefer you wait until the second half of June to begin your legal action, even if what you need to do is as simple as filing a trademark.

If your birthday falls late in the sign, within five days of September 20, you will feel the effects of the new moon more directly than most. If you have your natal chart, check to see if you have Virgo rising, or have a natal planet or rising sign in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio, within five degrees of 27 degrees. In that case, you too will notice opportunities come up as a result of this new moon.

Mercury is the planet of communication, negotiation, contracts, shipping, and commerce (buying and selling of goods and services) - in other words, all the things that allow the world to keep on spinning - will go retrograde from May 18 to June 11. Don't be blue about this - you will see most of your career activity next month. The new moon will encourage you to travel, and considering how many career opportunities will be stirred up, think about taking your vacation now, before June arrives. You may not have a chance to go away later, especially if you begin a new job.

Here is the full detail you need to understand for what is about to happen in your career. Your professional life will begin to show lots of energy the minute Mars moves into Gemini from May 11 to June 24. At that time, Mars will tour your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, and Mars will lay the groundwork for you to start thinking about what type of position would be best for you. Take this time to redo your resume and your bio, and if you are creative, your portfolio too. Clarify in your mind where your talents lie, and what would make you happiest to do.

Any talks you have now will center on a highly responsible one, and represent a major step up from the position you have now. You can unearth many opportunities to interview at this time. If you want to stay at the company you are now and not move, you may garner enviable publicity for the good work you have done. It's the perfect time to have an informal talk with your boss about possibilities.

I doubt this tour of Mercury retrograde will hurt you. It is true that it's never a good idea to accept a new job while Mercury is retrograde because if you accept it, it is not likely to be the way you are expecting it to be. Once you get into the new role, the duties will change, and you will discover all kinds of information you weren't told when you were having the interviews. It's best to accept a job, verbally or in writing, after Mercury turns direct, June 11. If you want to be really careful, a certain favorable mathematical point kicks in on and after June 27, and so that's an even better time to accept a new job. You should not sign a contract during this phase either, because if you do, it would only have to be renegotiated later, or the project would not ever fulfill your expectations. When Mercury is in retrograde, conditions are in flux, and the qualifiers you are using to decide whether to accept or not will be out of date - only you won't know that until much later.

There are two exceptions to the rule of "never take a job when Mercury is retrograde" and that is, if you get an offer from someone you used to work with in the past - it may be a former boss - or get an offer from a company you worked at before. Under those circumstances, you would simply be continuing a former relationship, not creating a new one, and that's ideal with Mercury retrograde.

The other exception to the rule is if you need the new job badly and have an offer in hand. Take it. You can always leave later if you find you don't like the job, and as we all know, it is easier to find a new job once you have a job. I know that's not fair, but this is how the world works. So take that job if you need it.

Mercury retrograde will always urge you to look back and make more of a past relationship. Going into brand new territory is not wise - you would be going against the grain. If you work in sales, call clients you have not seen in a while, ones that trust you and used to give you business. You are likely to get more business from many of them now. Mercury will retrograde in your tenth house career sector, so this part of life is where you will feel the greatest effect.

As an aside, don't buy any electronics or appliances, such as a new computer, smart phone, new refrigerator, or vacuum cleaner, from May 21 to June 11. Also, do not to run up too close to those dates - leave lots of space from the day you buy your item and the onset date of the retrograde. You will start to feel Mercury's slowdown as soon as May 4, as we always feel this planet much in advance of the date it turns backward.

You will have a powerful new moon in the same professional sector that is starting to bubble up so strongly from Mars now (tenth house) on June 16 - that new moon will set up a powerful influence that will last for two weeks. I feel you will get your best offers after that new moon in June.

As you see, you may be able to work with the schedule I have laid out for you. Mars will still be in your prestigious tenth house too until June 24, well within the June 16 new moon period of influence of plus two weeks. Mars only comes by every two years, and Mars' presence suggests that you are now starting a new two-year cycle in your professional life.

Once the Sun moves into Gemini and your tenth house, May 21 to June 21, you will have even MORE cosmic energy in your career sector. You have so much pulling for you in May and June that I can't imagine that your work life would stay the same as it is now - there should be some exciting developments. Of course, I cannot see your unique chart, but if you are serious about moving up, I feel you have so many positive indications that if you do your part, and apply energy and determination, you can score a victory.

If you say you just started an exciting new job, then in May or June you may put in a performance that impresses top management at your new company, and perhaps be rewarded with a new plum project, more responsibility, or praise. If you are self-employed, you can now bring in a high level client. All Virgos will be included in this fortunate professional trend.

There are two days I will advise you not to have any career meetings or to make any decisions about your home or family.

The first difficult day will be May 15, when Mars in Gemini will oppose Saturn in Sagittarius. Don't bid on a new house, don't sign a lease, don't buy new furniture - you get the picture. If you recommend an idea to your management, or put forth a proposal to a client, Saturn will checkmate you, and you are not likely to get an approval on this day. Stick to routine matters.

A day when you will feel overwhelmed between the clashing demands at home versus career demands will be Friday, May 22. That will be the hardest day of the month, for Saturn will oppose the Sun. You may go home on this evening feeling tired and overwrought, so keep your schedule light. You may want to book a message for this evening, to have a soothing experience to look forward to doing at the end of the day.

Romantically, travel will be your best way to fan the fires of love, and also by socializing with your friends. Your schedule will open up this month because, with Mercury retrograde, you will get postponements, so that alone will give you breathing room.

Your very best weekend will be May 16-17, when Venus in Cancer will be in ideal sync with Neptune in Pisces. This is a VERY glamorous aspect! You may be invited to a beautiful event, such as a friend's wedding or birthday party. If not, consider giving a party yourself! It would be a wonderful success.

May 16-17 would also be great time shop to for new things to wear, and for women, to buy new makeup. It will be a weekend when you will want a little pampering and a touch of luxury, so indulge a little, dear Virgo. The transiting moon will be in Taurus, a perfect place for the moon to be for you. You might want to take an overnight trip with your sweetheart / spouse into the countryside for fresh air and sunshine. This weekend belongs to you, dear Virgo.


You may be signing a contract as the negotiation comes to a conclusion within four days of the full moon in Scorpio on May 3. If your lawyer says all is copacetic, go ahead and sign. A group of happy planets will bless your endeavor - Pluto, Venus, and Neptune - but Saturn opposed to your ruler suggests that the work will be detailed and somewhat strenuous, so be sure you will be well compensated in this deal. Alternatively, you may be taking a short trip during May 3-7, for romance or business, and either would go exceedingly well. Of these days, May 6 will be your best, when Pluto will bring out your creative sparkle - and if the trip is for personal reasons, romance will be in the air.

Your career is about to get very exciting, for Mars will move to Gemini from May 11 to June 23, and during that time, light your house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. That's the truly prestigious part of your chart, and you will get lots of professional attention. This period represents the first time you have had Mars' powerful help in two years. In your enthusiasm to go out and slay a dragon, avoid making your biggest initiations on May 15 when Saturn will try to block Mars, and on May 22 when Saturn will go toe-to-toe in confrontation with the Sun. You will feel blocked and emotionally drained, so of course, you'll want to avoid those dates. The new moon in Gemini next month, June 16, will move professional talks forward swiftly.

Make decisions this week, for Mercury, your ruler, will retrograde, May 18 to June 11, and that means your ruling planet will become weak. You will always get better results when your guardian planet is strong and moving assertively through space. Mercury will retrograde in your tenth house of career honors and prestige, the place you will see delays - you will get more done in the first seven days of May.

When considering whether to take on more responsibility at work, you will be very mindful of obligations at home and how you will juggle both. You will find this quandary the most pronounced on May 15 and May 22. See if you can enlist help from family - you tend to always take on too much and then feel overwhelmed. These are days when you should be easy on yourself.

One beautiful day for career advancement will be May 16, but it is a Saturday. Some readers work on weekends, and so if you do, that weekend date should be lovely - and bring surprising news. News may possibly come a day or two later, so keep your antenna up on the following Monday, May 18.

If you would like to travel - quite far - the new moon in Taurus, May 18, will help you accomplish that. If you will be working in a new position soon, this might be the ideal time for a relaxing vacation. If you can go, make sure you don't plan a heavy-duty sightseeing trip - you will need rest - although knowing you, Virgo, you always like to combine learning with travel, and you will be tempted to compress a lot into a small amount of time. This time, keep things low key. Pluto will be so generously angled that this could be a perfect romantic trip away.

Dates to note: Virgo

Mercury will go retrograde May 18 to June 11.

The full moon of May 3 will bring a possibility for a trip, a great time to go. Your journey could turn out to be quite romantic. Your career will be heating up, so go now, while you can.

Travel is indicated to be especially easy to take until May 10, while Mars in Taurus helps you to pack and go.

Mars' move into Gemini will open the window to a very important career phase, the most important in two years. You must push hard to get ahead from May 11 to June 24, your best time of all of 2015 to make your professional mark this year.

Venus' move to Cancer May 7 through June 5 will enliven your house of fun and friendship, and allow you more time to socialize, even with the strong career opportunities opening up all around you this month and next.

Your very best weekend, hands down, would be May 16-17, when Venus and Neptune will be in sync.

The new moon in Taurus on May 18 will bring a chance to travel far and wide, and to bring along a romantic partner. If single, you may want to go to a resort where substantial singles go. Saturn will oppose the moon, so you will have obligations at home you'll have to settle first.

May 15 brings Mars toe-to-toe to Saturn, making you very aware of obligations at home while you struggle to keep up with those of your career.

This home versus career trend will get more difficult on May 22, when the Sun and Saturn will be at odds, a day when frustrations could be substantial. This is not a day to ask VIPs for favors or to get a performance review.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-05-01 20:58:10
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