看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 8月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2015-08-01 Sat. 21:50:59

Aries Horoscope for August 2015

By Susan Miller

August is so special that you will be practically giddy after you read what I have to say. It's my favorite month of the year, and for you, doubly so, because you are a fire sign, and most of August will bring the Sun, new moon, and a parade of planets to fire-sign Leo. That means that the stars are aligning for you, dear Aries, in a way you've not seen in ages. Make August count! There will be a bouquet of beautiful aspects that will send their perfume to the air around you.

Let's start at the beginning.

As you enter August, the full moon of July 31 in Aquarius 8 degrees will still be very strong and will send lovely light to your house of friendship. This will be a beautiful full moon, as I mentioned last month in my July report. I see you going to a wedding, birthday party, special sporting event as a spectator, or elegant seminar that will be memorable and fun. This would not likely be a small event, but one where you will be rubbing shoulders with masses of friendly people, some of whom you know and others you will want to know better.

Saturn will be perfectly angled, so the discussions you have will have weight - you will likely make at least one long-range friendship or association. If you are heading a humanitarian project, your success will be long lasting, you will learn a lot, and your work will become known to others, garnering you respect.

It is also possible a digital project or a charity / humanitarian project that you've been working on for weeks or months will come to fruition near this full moon of July 31. All full moons have an aura of influence of an extra four days, so you may see this full moon deliver its message as late as August 4. This full moon is Aquarius, so it is an air sign that will make the fire in you burn more brightly. You may also get news that a substantial check is coming to you.

If your birthday falls on March 27, plus or minus four days, you will be precisely in line to feel the benefits of this full moon. Similarly, if you have Aries rising, or a natal planet at 7 degrees (plus or minus four degrees) in Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you too will feel the glow. This should be a very social time for you.

Saturn will turn direct on August 2, and why should you care? Saturn's been in your financial sector since October 2012 while in Scorpio, and may have caused you sleepless nights over your finances. Now finally Saturn has changed direction and will be heading OUT of you eighth house of other people's money - ruling student loans, credit cards, mortgage, court cash settlements and other such funds - and will finally be out of Scorpio by September 17. Saturn won't be back until 2041! Yes, decades from now!

On this very same day, you may get exceptional news, as Mercury (news, messages) will be in ideal sync with Uranus (surprise). You are in a great position to see results, for Mercury will be in your fifth house of true love, and Uranus is (and has been) in Aries. This is MADE for you, dear Aries! Circle August 2 as a day you may get news that thrills you, and it is likely to involve love, a child, a pregnancy, or a creative project. Those with birthdays that fall on or near April 4 will get a double dip of pleasure.

On August 4, you have a five-star day, when Venus and Jupiter will conjoin in Leo in your fifth house of true love, typically a once-a-year event. Venus is currently still retrograde (since July 25), so this will happen once more, on October 25, not in Leo but in Virgo. Let's focus on this month, for this is an exceedingly rare event that you can use to boost your social life. Even though Venus is retrograde, circulate anyway. Try your luck on this lovely day. You have the Sun, good fortune Jupiter, and Mercury all in this house of true love, and Venus will slide back into the best sign for you, Leo.

You have cornered the market on love, especially if you are single! It is true that attached Aries will feel happiness too, for if that describes your social status, you will have more time with your one-and-only love and be able to rekindle your relationship in the most exciting way. If you had split up a few months ago, but still are in love, this would be an ideal time to try for reconciliation.

If you are an Aries with a birthday that falls on or very near April 19, you will feel this aspect the most. Venus aligned with Jupiter of August 4. Also, if you know your natal chart, have a look, for if you have Aries rising or a natal planet at 29 degrees in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you, too, will be directly in line to enjoy outstanding benefits.

Your ruling planet is Mars, so each month we have to see what Mars is doing to see how you will benefit from your guardian planet's efforts. Mars is the planet of powerful energy and at the start of August, Mars will still be transiting your house of home. If you were hoping to move, fix up your place, or find a new roommate, you need to get that process in motion before Mars leaves on August 8. You can make a lot of progress now, but will lose that edge once Mars moves on. What matters is that you start now - you need not finish the project (impossible in one week) - but that you give birth to that idea.

Guess where Mars will go next? Right! Your house of true love! Gosh, dear Aries, I am breathless as I write this. You've not had cosmic help in the romance department like this in years - possibly never before. Mars will stay in your true love sector until September 24, so you will have lots of time to enjoy your newly bustling social life. This same house, as well as ruling love, also rules pregnancy, children, and creativity, and all will get a boost of energy too.

August 7 brings a rare conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter, perfect for travel (especially for fun, not business) or, if you prefer, for sending in an important manuscript, thesis, or other written document. This same configuration will put you in line for a plum project or new client (or set of customers) if self-employed. If you have been having health concerns, August 7 would be fine day to have a consultation with a specialist - this day is positively luminous for health too.

The following week will bring the biggest news of the month, and of the year. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will move out your house of true love when Jupiter leaves Leo, a sign it has occupied since July 2014. Now Jupiter will give you new benefits to a different part of your life, which I will explain in a second - that happens now, when Jupiter moves into Virgo on August 11.

A side note: If you are born at the very end of Aries, on or near April 19, you will still feel the strong effects of Jupiter in an out-of-sign conjunction to your Sun for another month until approximately September 24. That will continue to boost your love life.

No matter when your birthday happens to fall, I want to be sure you do not feel sad that Jupiter is leaving Leo and your house of true love on August 11, not to return for twelve years. You will have many other opportunities to find love, and you will see proof of this now, this month. A case in point is this: the new moon will also work to kick start your love life on August 14, and I will give you the details in a moment. First, I will show you what Jupiter will bring you while it tours Virgo from August 11, 2015, to September 9, 2016.

In Virgo, Jupiter will bring back the spring in your step and help bring you back to full health. If you say you feel fine, you will feel even better and fit. If you have a chronic condition, you will have reason to hope you can find a specialist who understands your condition. Certainly, it would be worthy of your time to do the necessary research to find the right specialist. Do not give up! Jupiter has not been in Virgo since mid-2003 to mid-2004. Jupiter's transit to any house of the chart is rare and noticeable.

I have found in my own research that Jupiter in the sixth house is the very best place to host Jupiter to achieve enviable weight loss. Some who study astrology may find this counterintuitive, for Jupiter is known to expand what it touches - but in this case, it will accelerate your weight loss (if that is a goal). Jupiter will help you streamline your diet, and show you that natural, unprocessed foods keep you healthier. Jupiter is the great healer and planet of miracles. If you want to be slim, give Jupiter a chance to help you in the coming year.

The solar sixth house not only rules health and fitness, where you will see enormous progress in the coming year, but also rules your workaday world. You will see improved circumstances in your working environment too. You may get new computers in your department, or your company may move the headquarters to a new, shiny space. Or, it may be as simple as management giving you a beautiful, large new office of your own, with plenty of light, possibly a view, and a chance to decorate it as you please. Keep in mind this is a long trend, for you will have a year to make this happen.

With Jupiter working so hard on your behalf, it seems certain that you will love the new assignments that come to you. It appears the plum projects and most prestigious clients will be given to you. If you work in a creative field, the strong emphasis on Leo will powerfully stimulate your ideas.

Jupiter will not only give you a promotion in this part of your chart, but also give you the opportunity to show what you are capable of doing. When the crown of stars come by in January to fill your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, the new moon that month could bring you the promotion and new title you covet. All you do now will lead to that moment.

Now let's return to the reason you should not worry that your love life will fizzle now that Jupiter is about to leave Leo and your fifth house of true love. If you have met someone in the past year, there's a very good chance this person is the one for you, and that you should work on making that relationship the best it can be.

If you are single, you still have a chance to meet someone, and this month will be your very best one of the years to make that happen. I have more news, so read on - it's all quite exciting. I will concede that your window of time is a small one (at least in terms of so many spectacular aspects), but if you put a concerted effort in August and September, I feel you will see heartening results. Any new relationship you start will have an excellent chance of remaining in your life.

On August 13, Uranus in Aries will be in sync with the Sun in Leo, and again, you have a glittering, surprising, best day for love. Married or single, dating or alone - this is your day to enjoy to the hilt. No other sign will have this advantage. If you don't want love - perhaps you have been hurt by love and are not ready for love or needy of love, even if it is years later now after the disillusionment you suffered - you can still find fun ways to use this day. Be with friends for dinner, or treat yourself to a spa treatment. Travel to a beautiful location, or spend on a new wardrobe item for the coming season.

Now more wonderful news!

The new moon, August 14 in Leo at 22 degrees, will be the first and only new moon of the year to brilliantly light your fifth house of true love. All new moons open a portal of two weeks, so what you do in that space of time has the possibility of changing your life for a full year, until the next new moon has time to come back to this same house, namely, your house of true love. You can have exceptional aspects in a chart, as you do, but without a new moon to package all that planetary energy and push it out to the universe to make it accessible, nothing much will happen. You have what you need now, dear Aries.

I am so excited to see that this new moon will receive golden beams from unpredictable Uranus in Aries (this time the unpredictability will be a positive development.) Even if you say you are the most disillusioned single Aries, hold judgment, for August could bring amazing changes when love comes when you are aren't even trying.

This new moon will also be aligned with Venus in Leo. I'll be the first to admit that Venus is retrograde, and that generally it is not the time to meet a new romantic interest. Yet as you see, you have a plethora of powerful planets working overtime to help you start that special, life-changing relationship. These conditions can override a general piece of advice, as I feel it will for you. Astrologers have to look at the entire sky, not one aspect by itself, and this month, the universe is singing love, sweet love for you

If you are attached, you may be thinking about having a baby, and if so, this would be the best month ever to try for conception. Do you have a child now? There will be news about that child, and it should make you proud.

In case you think I absolutely have no more exciting news, this month will be extraordinary, because I have saved the best news for last.

On August 26, you will have the luckiest day of the year, when Jupiter will conjoin the Sun in Virgo in your sixth house of work and health. This would be an extraordinary day to pitch new business, meet with a VIP, sign a contract, strategize a new business, or in regard to health, to consult with a doctor, hire a trainer, join a gym.

Not to get too technical, it is also true that Jupiter and the Sun rule different parts of your horoscope, and proving again that you are the luckiest sign, the Sun rules your solar fifth house of true love. Again, you win out, dear Aries; for Jupiter may just help you find the person you've been hoping to find for so long. August 26 would also be the time to travel a far distance, for Jupiter will want you to expand your horizons.

When you have the luckiest day of the year, you need to schedule something hard to achieve because at month's end, you will have an enormous edge. A meeting on this day could unlock a great wish you have to achieve something big and specific. It would be a shame to keep August 26 to a day that's usual. Try something special.

Finally, the month will end with a full moon in Pisces, 6 degrees. It will arrive arm-and-arm with Neptune, the planet of creativity and dreams, so you are surely to be inspired by something you hear, or something you create that is artistic, or as support staff to an artistic person. If you have a personal project that is dearly important to you, spend time on it. Work alone, in solitude, and give yourself the gift of quiet and relaxation, working at your own pace, with a sense of fun.

This full moon August 29 will beautifully stimulate your subconscious, the repository of your greatest expressions. Saturn will be in hard angle, so you if you do apply yourself, you will work hard - but it is through hard work that the very best that we achieve in life spring forth.

On September 1-2, Mars, your ruler, will hold the hand of Venus and invite her to dance a waltz of love. It will be an exceedingly romantic moment, and will punctuate a set of weeks that has just been made for you. You will enjoy September too.

What a time for you, dear Aries! I can't imagine I will ever have news quite this exciting - not like this! Make good use of this spectacular time!


Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is packing his bags and is about to leave your fifth house of true love. If you met someone special in the past twelve months, your timing was excellent, and chances are, that person will stay in your life a long time. If you did not meet anyone, make it a point to circulate quite a bit in the first ten days of August, as Jupiter will leave August 11 and not be back to this part of your chart for twelve years. This does not mean that you won't find your one true love in the coming years. It does mean that this month is special, and that your chances of making a fateful connection would be now unusually strong. If your birthday falls April 17-19, you will have your best month in a decade for love in August, for Jupiter will be orbiting in ideal angle to the degrees of your Sun.

The full moon that occurred one day before the dawning of August, on Friday, July 31, appeared in your people / social events / friendship sector, suggesting you will have a very special event to attend over the ensuing weekend, August 1-2. With the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus crowded in your romance house, this event should turn out to be a dream, filled with beauty and luxury. If you do not attend a celebratory party or gathering, it may be a sporting event, a humanitarian, charitable, or political event, and it would be exciting too. If you are attached, you will go with your partner, and if you are single, go alone, as you may meet someone at this joyous event. As the week continues, you will have two other special dates to note.

On August 4, Uranus, the planer of surprise, now in Aries, will signal Venus and Jupiter on this enchanting day. Often, Jupiter delivers his finest gifts just as he is about to leave a sign - that's now. On this day, you will be wildly favored. News of money heading your way may also reach you on this four-star day.

Also watch Friday, August 7, when Mercury will meet with Jupiter, making this a five-star weekend for a trip. Mercury rules, aside from travel, news and communication. With both Mercury and Jupiter meeting in your true love sector, you could easily meet someone new or receive a text that sets your spirits soaring.

More good news! Your ruler, Mars, planet of courage, determination, and passion, will move into your love sector, from August 7 until September 24 and will energize your romance sector in a big way. Venus will be retrograde throughout August, until September 6, so your very best period to mix and mingle will be September 7 to 24, but I am splitting hairs - you have the whole cosmos behind you.

The new moon in Leo, August 14, will bring the theme of love to its highest level this year, exquisitely crystalizing your feelings for the person you are dating. Although Jupiter will have left your true love sector by this point, this new moon will conjoin loving Venus, and send a lovely beam to surprise-planet Uranus in Aries. Have faith that love can be yours. The weekend, from Friday night August 14 to 16, could turn out to be life changing when someone intriguing makes your heart flutter. August 19 also brings happy surprises in love too. This month, it's clear Cupid will zing an arrow when you least expect it.

When Jupiter moves out of Leo and into Virgo, this planet of generosity will move into your work and health sector for the coming twelve months. At work, you will be selected for plum projects that will allow you to showcase your range of talents in a new way. The assignments will be complex, with many moving parts, so you'll need to give close attention to detail, as well an abundance of resourcefulness. You are ready for this, and you will stand out.

In terms of health and fitness, hosting Jupiter in Virgo, if you've been concerned about a health matter, you can now locate the right specialist or schedule a procedure. If you have had a digestive problem, you will have reason to be especially optimistic, as Virgo rules the lower digestive track, and Jupiter rules distinguished doctors.

This month brims with goodies, for it also holds the luckiest day of the year, August 26, the day Jupiter will meet with the mighty Sun. Make this day the day you choose to act on a matter dearly important to you. For example, schedule a product launch or an important job interview, or make it the day you hire a new staff member. If you have not been well, use this day to have surgery or to consult a new doctor for the first time: August 26, a five-star day, when Sun and Jupiter in Virgo will work together to promote health and healing.

The month ends on a full moon, August 29, a time you will want rest and privacy after a month chock full of activity. You may have a task to complete at this time, best done in solitude and without distraction, due to Saturn's angle. Neptune will be prominent, raising your creativity and ingenuity. Yet it's also due to be an incredibly romantic weekend too, for Mars, your ruler, will snuggle up to Venus, a rare happenstance. With both planets in Leo in your house of true love, you may end the month in the arms of someone you love. Keep that weekend reserved for just the two of you.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-08-01 21:50:59
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