看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 10月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2015-10-04 Sun. 16:43:42

Aries Horoscope for October 2015

By Susan Miller

An important change may have occurred in your life last month and more changes may be on the way now. October is a strange little month, holding some difficult aspects, but also some of the best aspects of 2015, all tossed together randomly like children's toys in a toy box.

Last month a full moon lunar eclipse in Aries has just occurred, September 27. All eclipses require adjustment, but that one seems milder than most of the ones that have come before. Saturn was on hand to offer a lovely sense of stability, suggesting all types of adjustments, even ones that may be hard for you to do, would eventually work to your favor. It would not take long for you to see the truth of this. Aries with birthdays that fall within four days of March 25 were to feel that eclipse the most. That's remarkable, because in March 2016, another eclipse is due on March 23. That eclipse will be friendly, with a fine nod to Mars, the ruler of this eclipse, and will affect the very same early-born Aries. Clearly, the Aries born near March 23 are in the process of vast transformation, all to their favor. If you are not ready now, by March, you will be ready to take the bull by the horns and institute change.

Make sure you note in a small notebook or calendar what happened in the days either before or after September 27, for in my March report I will ask you to look back to what occurred now. The next eclipse will bring the matter you are focused on now to a new level of sophistication. Do you have a natal or progressed planet at 5 degrees of Aries, plus or minus five degrees? Then you too will feel the winds of change. There is no need for concern - all the changes will be positive.

Now we enter October and Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce (shopping), will still be retrograde until October 9. Hold off on signing papers UNLESS the agreement is to change or redo something. I decided I wanted to upgrade my app (debuted last year) to version 2.0, as I wanted to add videos and other exciting features to my iPhone, Samsung, and Android app. In this case, we would be improving the app, so I signed the work order to begin during Mercury retrograde. (It will take time for Phunware to write the code, so when all is ready for you, I will let you know. If you already have my app or want to get it now, the improvements will simply flow into your phone when the upgrade is ready, with no extra fee.)

You can also sign papers or agree to a job if you will be working with someone you know well from your past. In that case, you aren't starting a new relationship, but continuing and enlarging the relationship you already started some time ago.

If you want to shop, you can shop for new clothes, but keep the receipts in case you change your mind or need to get a different size. Do not, however, buy your new electronic item or a machine with moving parts under any circumstances until after October 9, when Mercury goes direct. This includes appliances and things like a vacuum cleaner, new refrigerator, or automobile. Do not buy those now! In fact, give as many days space as possible from October 9 to the date you do buy the item, as Mercury never is at his former strength the day after he goes direct. He stays groggy and in desperate need for coffee for weeks, and in this case, he won't be vital and strong until October 25. Good to know, yes?

Now let's look at the days that may be important for you this month.

Avoid scheduling any important meetings on October 6, when Mars, your ruler, will be confronted by Neptune. On this day, be sure you have all the facts and aren't making faulty assumptions. Neptune can cloud your thinking, and as much as you seem to want to move forward, slow down to rethink the plan. Mars is in your workaday projects sector, so this is the area you need to be especially careful. Summarize any instructions you get from the client. If you are the client, ask questions of the team before you sign off on the work order. Doing that should protect you.

Your work life will be very busy, as Mars, your ruler (showing us where your attention will be) will tour your sixth house of assignments. You will be very needed at the office, so this is no time to take a vacation. Venus and Jupiter will also orbit close to Mars, so the jobs you do should please you, and your coworkers should be sweet and quite helpful. (In that regard, you may feel like you fell into a parallel universe where everyone is humming a happy tune as they work and eager to help you. Life is almost never this way, but this month, it will be for you!) Venus, Mars and Jupiter will all be in Virgo, so the work will be highly detailed, with various moving parts. You will have to concentrate to be sure no little bits or pieces of the project fall between the cracks.

If you are out of work, you should be able to find work similar to the kind you did previously. This is great - go out and look! Last month's eclipse, September 13, set the ball rolling. You can find work, so look at listings, ask friends and colleagues, and uncover those opportunities that have your name on them!

October 11 will be one strange day. It brings a very hard aspect involving the Sun opposed to Uranus, and a five-star glorious aspect, involving Pluto in perfect harmony to Jupiter. I will explain both to you. Clearly, one part of your life may be troublesome and another part should bring news that will make you want to jump for joy. This is a Sunday, so watch Monday too. The Sun opposed to Uranus can give you problems with a partner in love or business. Your love life, particularly, appears to be unstable, so do nothing to incite controversy. You may alternatively have discussions about a child or pregnancy, or, in a different manifestation, concerning a creative project.

At the same time, a very rare aspect involving Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will be in perfect angle to Pluto. Both planets move slowly, so you often have to wait years to see this occur again. This is happening now, and will happen twice next year: March 16 and June 24, 2016, and then not again for years. Jupiter is currently in your work project sector, and Pluto is in your tenth house of career honors, awards, achievement, and fame sector, so apparently something you are working on now is about to give you quite a bit of attention. Your work will put you on the VIPs' short list of those to watch for a bigger role in your company or industry at large. Pluto and Jupiter are both financial planets, so you will likely be talking about money, budgets, or negotiating a financial deal - if so it looks like you are at a high point and should close the deal.

The new moon of October 12 will be troublesome. Uranus will oppose this new moon precisely and Pluto will be in a close position to challenge it. This means you may have jarring news concerning a partner, in love or business, or with someone who represents you, like an agent, manager, or lawyer. Pluto is in your career sector, and as I just mentioned above, Pluto will be friendly to Jupiter, but not to the new moon. You may have problems collaborating with an associate, yet your own star is on the rise, so I doubt this person can stop your ascent to the top of the mountain, professionally.

A new moon sets up a trend that will last months, until the full moon can come to crystallize things - that will happen at the next eclipse, March 23, 2016. Pluto and Jupiter are at exact tight degree, so that's powerful - and beneficial. Keep an eye on what happens after the new moon of October 12, for that is the area of your life that will need tending for a while, up to six months or more. We are all in the same boat - all signs will feel this.

To be clear, the October 12 new moon is not an eclipse, but it may deliver the news of the September 12 eclipse because some eclipses deliver news one month to the day later, plus or minus five days. Take notes on what occurs after October 12. I feel your partner will be the subject of this eclipse or a creative project. If not, a child may be the topic of discussion. This new moon is due to bring a piece of shocking news, but you have enough positive aspects nearby to help you cope beautifully, and eventually to turn the tables to your favor.

The Aries who will feel this new moon the most will be those who have birthdays that fall within five days of April 8.

Now let's get to the good part of the month!

You are due to have a memorable, joyous weekend October 17, when Mars, your ruler, conjoins Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. This is a sweet honey of an aspect that happens every two years, always in different signs. These two planets will meet in your sixth house of work and health, and you will likely get good news on both counts. It's a Saturday, but you will feel the energy building on Friday, October 16 too. You can see a doctor, with good results, or at the gym, find you are capable of performing a personal best. This weekend, or the days surrounding this weekend, would be ideal for competing in an athletic competition or for planning an assertive, competitive business launch.

Another gorgeous day will be October 25 when Venus will conjoin Jupiter in Virgo. This is a Sunday, but this time you will feel this building the day before (October 24) AND the day after, Monday, October 26. (This won't happen again until August 27, 2016.) You seem to be hitting one home run after another at work. You may not work on Saturday, but if you need to go in for some reason, this weekend will again help you make a name for yourself. Saturday, October 24, will be fortunate for you, for sure. Financial news should be excellent at this time of the month and make you very happy to hear. Health and fitness matters shine, too, so all around, this is an aspect that will make you happy in almost every way.

Finances will again be the topic you will be thinking about at the full moon, for it falls in your second house of earned income. Pluto and Jupiter will be in great angles to this full moon, so I feel at this full moon October 27 you should ask for a raise. The amount of your raise could be huge and amaze you in its generosity. When have I ever said anything like that before to you? This full moon is incredibly favorable, so it would be a shame not to try for an increase. If you work for yourself, or work in sales on commission, then make a presentation to a new client or find other means to bring in money. All full moons are influential for four to five days after they appear, so get busy, dear Aries. More money is earmarked for you - it will be up to you to find your opportunity, work on it, and get that money sent to your bank account.

The month closes on a lovely, creative aspect, the Sun in ideal angle to imaginative Neptune on October 30. This year if you hope to win first prize in the Halloween parade, with Neptune so active, you will have to pull out all the stops. The competition will be fierce! Start making your costume early in the month! If you are not interested in winning the prize, at least go to the party or parade - you will see amazing, memorable displays of creativity this year!


As you enter October, you've recently come though the lunar eclipse of September 27, a full moon, which tested the strength of a close relationship. If your birthday falls at the end of March, you would have felt that eclipse quite strongly and may still be dealing with details from that as you enter October. All full moons work in tandem with new moons, so watch what occurs next, at that new moon in Libra, October 12. This will continue the test of your relationships, and in some cases (but not for all Libras) in a severe way. The relationship in question may be a serious, established romantic relationship, or one you have at work, say, with a partner or agent or other one-on-one collaborator. If anything were amiss, you would see evidence of this quite suddenly, and it may cause disillusionment. If your birthday falls near April 8, you will likely feel the tests of the new moon. Keep your health strong.

If you are single and don't have a significant other, the proximity of Venus and Mars, still orbiting in close proximity in Virgo since last month, is sexy and alluring. These cosmic lover planets are now touring your sixth house, covering workaday matters and your health. You may be intrigued in the romantic sense when you notice a certain person at work - a writer, editor, or someone who works in sales, marketing, PR - it is likely the person works in IT or communications. Or, you may meet that special someone while working out at the gym or while being a spectator at a sporting event. If you are attached and have come through the eclipse of September 27 and now the new moon of October 15 as a strong couple, you passed the cosmic test and have a strong union. Take a little trip together mid-month to give quality time to your partner.

Your career should get a huge boost, due to an exceedingly special aspect, Jupiter in beautiful angle to Pluto on October 12. These planets move so slowly, they will be within orb all month. Lucky Jupiter is in your workaday sector, and transformational powerhouse Pluto is in your tenth house sector of fame and honors. This means your performance will now work to directly help you build your professional reputation this month. It is likely you will be rewarded for your work on various assignments over time, not just the ones you put in this month. When Jupiter and Pluto are in harmony, it is a signature of success - watch to see what happens, and spend time on polishing your appearance. You will need to look every inch a leader.

Over the weekend of October 17-18, Mars, your guardian planet and ruling action, will align with Jupiter - also a rare event. In the dates leading to this weekend, initiate a venture that would be hard to achieve and would need a competitive edge. You'll be able to pull away from the pack in front quite easily.

Finances will be the subject of the friendly full moon, October 27. If you asked for a raise earlier, you'll get the answer back now, and with your sparkling aspects, you will likely get a positive one. If you are waiting on a large check that you are owed, it is likely to come. Two days earlier, on October 25, Venus will be conjunct Jupiter in Virgo, an annual alignment that can bring you substantially more income. It can also bring a victory at work, on a current assignment that you will handle especially well. Again, your health and fitness will be in focus, too, but this time, the news should be excellent.

In October, you'll have it all - romance, intense career success, and more money too. Dear Aries, you'll be the envy of the zodiac. If your long-term romantic or business partnership is weak, it will break, but you will be clearing your life to make room for someone infinitely better for you. Either way, you win.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-10-04 16:43:42
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