看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 8月 天秤座(原文)
時間 2015-08-01 Sat. 21:56:03

Libra Horoscope for August 2015

By Susan Miller

August will be a wonderful month, filled with all sorts of surprises and goodies, and it gets my vote for your favorite month of the year. I say this even though Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will leave a sign that is highly compatible to yours, namely, Leo. Jupiter first entered Leo in July 2014 last year, and ever since, Jupiter has been encouraging you to expand your social circle with lots of new friendships, and with those, new chances to expand your interests too.

If you feel you did not quite enjoy the past year to its fullest extent, you will get a second chance to do so this month. You will be given a short, bright window of opportunity this month, so be determined to get out of the house and find out what the world holds for you. August has a great potential for a great deal of fun, and the kind of carefree, romantic moments that only seem to show up in the movies - until they happen to you now. Goodness knows you deserve time off to relax and enjoy life, and this will be your very best opportunity of the year to do so.

Let's get started with the top of the month and go chronologically through each week. I want to show you why you should be excited about August.

The full moon of July 31 will have just appeared in Aquarius at 8 degrees, in your fifth house of true love, so the weekend of August 1-2 may be quite a romantic social event. That full moon was in ideal angle to Saturn, a planet that encourages stability, so if you exchanged promises with the one you love, chances are, those promises will remain in place forever.

If you have been dating a long time, your relationship may have reached a new and thrilling level of closeness at the full moon, July 31. If you are not dating at all, you may meet someone on or just after this full moon. In your case, Venus is still retrograde, so my advice will be to proceed slowly and to resist the temptation to rush in. With Venus retrograde, you won't have access to the rich affection that Venus is known to provide this month, so by giving your new relationship a leisurely pace, by the time Venus goes direct September 6, you will have a better understanding of your new love interest and know how you want to proceed.

If you are in an established relationship, such as marriage, you may have had a very happy development involving a child or pregnancy at the full moon, July 31. If you are not attached, the same house ruling love and children also rules creativity. (Have you noticed how artists refer to their current project as their baby? The ancient astrologers understood this - a creative project IS your baby.) If an emphasis on creativity is how the full moon works out for you, then you saw, or will see, an important project finish in the first days of August, and you will be very proud of what you accomplished. This was a VERY positive full moon, and not all of them are that, for sure!

If your birthday falls on September 30, plus or minus four days, you will feel and benefit the most from this full moon July 31. There is another way you might benefit, and that is, if you have Libra rising, or a natal planet within five degrees of 7 degrees of Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius - in that case you, too, would be blown away by events at this gorgeous full moon. (To find out more about how I can write a custom book for you about your chart, go to www.SusanMillerMyPersonalHoroscope.com)

The weekend of August 1-2 may be very social, for Mercury (news, travel, communication) will receive silvery beams from Uranus. Spontaneous invitations from friends or a fun idea for something to do from your partner will likely come in, and you'll be excited about those options. The sparkling chemistry and giddy fun of this weekend is what will set it apart from other weekend quick trips you may have taken this year.

One of your favorite days of the month will come on August 4, when your ruling planet, Venus, will be in ideal angle to good fortune Jupiter, both in Leo. When your ruling planet meets with Jupiter, that's headline news. These two benefic planets will meet in your friendship house, so a friend may help you in a very appreciable way, but this day goes well beyond a friend's help. Venus is your ruler, so just about anything you do on this dream of a day will work to your favor. Put a big gold star on this day and plan an important initiation.

You will likely hear from friends on August 7 - again, out of the blue - and the message or invitation will be too delicious to resist. You might travel over this day and also over the ensuing weekend, and again, your trip is likely to be spontaneous. Or you may have a last minute change of plans, and choose to go to a different town nearby - one you've never seen. Text messages you receive will be exciting, and generally you'll have a lively time.

More fun with friends is about to come your way with a long-range trend that will be brought to you by active Mars when this planet moves to Leo on August 8 to stay until September 24. This practically ensures that your social life will swing into high gear at this time. Mars is the great motivator, so even if you have a high-pressure job, you will be able to find time in August and September to have many days to kick back and enjoy the warmth and camaraderie of friendship.

The emphasis on friendship will only grow bigger by mid-month! You may make new friends just after the new moon arrives in Leo, 22 degrees, on August 14 (allow two weeks after this date). Again, this new moon will be super fun - and not all new moons are kind and encouraging, but this one will be, for sure.

In the two weeks that follow this new moon, I encourage you to join a club, whether social or professional. So much of the personal growth you will achieve in weeks to come will be through making new friends. This new moon will come arm-in-arm with Venus, suggesting you may be going to one or more beautiful social events during the second half of August. Venus and the new moon are in the royal sign of Leo, where the host will spare no expense.

Put a big gold circle around August 19, when Venus, your ruler, in Leo will be beautifully oriented toward surprise-a-minute Uranus in Aries. Again, your friends will not have forgotten you, in fact, will beg you to join them to attend quite an A-list event. Something about the event will be ultra-special, and that evening will shimmer in the moonlight. The transiting moon will be in Libra, putting a spotlight on your interests, and allowing you to get things "just so" - your way. It appears your established romantic partner will want to be part of the fun, so you won't have to do much to convince him or her to come along with you. Think about what you want to wear, dear Libra - this event will attract a very chic crowd, and you'll meet people who are culturally sophisticated, just like you.

Financially, you will soon enter a far better period than you've seen in the past three years. Back in October 2012, Saturn, the taskmaster planet, entered your financial second house and began to limit your ability to increase your income. You may have been subject to a wage freeze at work, or you may have lost your job in a downsizing, and had problems finding a new job. Or, your company may have not done well, and everyone was asked to take a wage reduction, which can produce a depressing, frustrating situation.

I know a mother of two, a Libra, who was asked to retire, even though she was only in her late fifties. The forced retirement became a terrible hardship for her, for it was at the time she had two children in college. The only way she survived was by being married, for her husband carried the load for the family. The company realized their mistake and a year later asked her back. Too much water had gone under the bridge, so this Libra could not bring herself to accept the invitation, although she sorely missed the income, and had no choice but to severely scale back her lifestyle. Now, she's got a great opportunity to find satisfying work that pays well, and you do too.

While Saturn toured Scorpio, he was teaching you to get more value from the money you had at your disposal. You may say, I got the lesson in the first year and didn't need over two years of Saturn's tutoring! I agree, and I am so sorry you had to endure those conditions. If you tried changing jobs, oddly, you faced the same kind of pushback from prospective employers when you attempted to negotiate better compensation for yourself. It seemed everywhere you turned, you were facing a shut door. Now, Saturn will finally leave Scorpio on September 17, and it appears from then on, your frustrations about not being able to make good money will be over. Once Saturn leaves next month on September 17, Saturn will not be back for decades, until 2041. Watch for the new moon in Scorpio on November 11, which will be a very friendly one to you.

Now let's talk about the move of Jupiter to Virgo, on August 11, which is truly headline news. I saved this announcement for last, because I have to explain how this will work out for you. Jupiter, the good fortune planet, in Virgo, is a very gentle but positive influence on you while in the twelfth house. Jupiter is now in the last house of your horoscope, the twelfth house, until it moves into the first house, Libra, and starts a new cycle.

You will enter the finest year of your life next year, when Jupiter enters Libra on September 9, 2016, to last until October 17, 2017, a period of thirteen months. You may be standing up by now, screaming at the computer screen, "You mean I have to wait a full year until I get the best year of my life? Why can't I have it now? I have had a hard time! I want it now!" Dear Libra, it takes Jupiter twelve years to rotate around the Sun, and you have already waited eleven years - you have such little time to go. In twelve tiny months, you will be the envy of the zodiac, and conditions will go from black to white.

Think about friends you know who are Virgo. They were under the same kind of vibration as you have now, and they too had to prepare carefully for their glorious golden year when Jupiter would travel through their sign, Virgo. Your year will only be exceptional if you plan for it. Virgo did, and this month, on August 11, Leo will relinquish the crown of celestial favorite to Virgo. Your turn will come September 6, 2016. It's so close!

This coming year, you will do very well by working alone, behind closed doors. If you hoped to start writing a book or screenplay, this would be the ideal year to sit down and begin, for Jupiter will help bring out your talents. Any kind of study, research, or creative effort done by yourself, or with a coach or other professional, will progress impressively the coming year, and you will have plenty to show for your efforts. Libra is the most social sign of the zodiac, but this year you will learn the pleasures of working solo.

In order to be ready to receive all the gifts and lucky breaks that Jupiter will have for you, you will need to reset your priorities. Look over your goals, and see if any no longer hold the excitement they once did for you. Think about your current obligations, such as for a job or the social obligations you make to your friends, and see if there are any you'd like to delete. You need to empty parts of your basket so that Jupiter can fit in new opportunities that you will be thrilled to receive. If your life is stuffed with too many unsatisfying elements, you won't be able to add the new elements that are on the way to you.

If you don't do the work of deleting certain draining relationships or elements of your life, the universe will make the decision for you. Of course, that's not ideal, for it would be best for you to make the decisions for yourself. Socrates wrote that the unexamined life is not worth living. Take a page from his notebook, dear Libra. I agree with him - life is precious and worth reflecting on.

Even if you do take a major role in the weeding-out process, you may see certain things being taken out with the tide anyway. At first, you may be alarmed, but there is no need to be concerned. The universe will only take away that which is no longer relevant to your future.

The more I study astrology, the more I see that the universe is on our side and wants us to live a happy, productive life. The universe does not want you to hang on to outworn conditions, so if you are caught in limbo, the universe will help extract you from that situation so that you can move forward with clean, bright energy. Your Virgo friends went through this process last year, and that is why they are prepared for their golden year now.

As you move through the coming twelve months, you will also have an opportunity to heal any part of you that you feel needs care. If you have a habit you would like to delete from your life before you enter your sunny new year in September 2016, you can contact a professional to help you do so. You don't have to do this alone, dear Libra. The twelfth house is associated with the subconscious mind, so of course, any kind of psychotherapy would be favored, but physical healing takes place in this house too and will also take place from now on, if you make that a goal. If your doctor says you need surgery and you want to enter your golden year in good health, you can schedule your procedure any time now.

As an aside, Mercury will be retrograde from September 17 to October 9. Concurrently, Venus, your ruler, has been retrograde from July 25 and will turn direct September 6. You would be wise to avoid those periods, but only IF your medical procedure would be considered optional surgery. Any emergency surgery or procedure should happen now, immediately, of course. Always follow your doctor's instructions.

Sometimes having a procedure during a retrograde means we go back to the past to correct something that went wrong in the body, so you see, you can act even with Mercury out of phase. I would advise you to delay optional plastic surgery on your face, however, for that would be best done while Venus is moving direct and strong. Venus does rule beauty and all attractiveness, the reason I say not to make big changes to your appearance (men and women, both) while Venus sleeps in retrograde.

You will be highly intuitive, almost psychic, in the coming twelve months, and that is a gift the universe will give you to help you complete your preparation process. You will have magical night vision that will help you see what you were not able to see before. You will also have help from people behind the scenes who will want to help you but perhaps who will want to remain anonymous. That's fine - you may find out eventually who helped you, but you will need to remain discreet.

In your own life, keep your plans to yourself. If you have an exciting meeting with a VIP who is going out of her way to help you, don't talk about this to others. You may be getting ready for a big reveal next year, and you will want to keep things tucked away from any prying eyes.

Here is the biggest and best news I have been so anxious to tell you about from the moment I began writing your report today!

On August 26, you will come to the luckiest day of the year. On this day, Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, will meet with the Sun. Everyone, of every sign, will enjoy this day, and each sign will enjoy it in a different way. The Sun will take all the goodness of Jupiter and enlarge it many fold, so this truly will be an extraordinary day.

Use this day, August 26, to have a confidential career interview, or to sign a contract, for when Jupiter is involved, it tends to swell financial profit potential. In a health-related action, you might want to meet with a doctor of any specialty for a consultation. (It's would also likely be a superb day to have surgery or a procedure, but as said earlier, hold off on plastic surgery.)

Jupiter will always encourage you to travel, so August 26 would be a great day to take a trip to see friends, or to travel with one or more friends. You need not go far, but you'd have a great time, as the Sun, involved in this configuration, rules your eleventh house of friendship and hopes and wishes. This will be such a happy day that it would be a shame not to use it to the full extent.

Next we will have a full moon, August 29, to fall in Pisces at 6 degrees. This full moon will bring to fruition a project that is personal or work-related. With Neptune conjunct the full moon, you will be able to express your creative talents to fullest extent. This will be a magical full moon, so spend some time working on your project, as you will be proud of the work you do.

Health is also covered by the sixth house, so very lit by the August 29 full moon, and here, Neptune's strong presence could be a bit problematic. If your doctor is having difficulties diagnosing a condition, ask for a second test, as there may be a mistake in the results, or the results may actually get lost. If you like, go for a second opinion after you allow some space from this full moon.

By month's end, Venus and Mars will be traveling within two tiny degrees of one another, considered a very rare, sexy, sultry, hypnotic vibration. If you look up at the sky, you should be able to see these two bright stars in very close proximity near August 31 to September 2. Venus is your ruler, calling out your name. Both planets will be in luxury-minded Leo. Leo is a sign that blends perfectly with yours, so the last week of August should be quite outstanding for fun and romance too.


August will be precisely your cup of tea, dear Libra. It will be magically romantic, and it will also afford you plenty of time to socialize with friends and attend a wide variety of events. Day after day, each episode you experience will keep you excited and motivated. Over the past weeks, since June 24, Mars has been energizing your career. Mars will continue to do so only until August 8, and so in that time, you may have made impressive strides. Now the creaky horoscope wheel spins forward again, for planets are continually on the move. This time planets will gather in a part of your chart that will encourage you to be much more social than you have been in a long time, and you will have time to relax and have fun.

The full moon that arrived on July 31 will still be strong as August opens. It was friendly and supportive, and lit your fifth house of love. In the first days of August, a romantic surprise could have your heart beating double time. During this week, especially over the weekend of September 1-2, you may experience your most glamorous romantic episode of recent memory, and possibly of the entire year.

A crowd of planets is headed to your eleventh house of hopes and wishes / friendship / people and events. Your friends will want you to join them, and you would do well to accept. New friendships are in store, and this month, your greatest personal growth will come from reaching out to the new people you meet. They will expose you to new interests and introduce you to their friends too, and so your circle will expand, almost effortlessly.

Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will leave this same eleventh house area of your chart, the one ruling friendships, hopes, and wishes, on August 11. But before Jupiter makes his exit from Leo, he will create several jewel-like days to make August so outstanding that when all is said and done, you are likely to say that August was your favorite month of 2015.

Venus, your ruler, will signal the Sun on August 4, an annual event, and certainly a day when you can do no wrong. A friend may go out on a limb to help you in a significant way, and you'll be touched by her gesture. Financially you may do well, too, so all around, this should be a golden day for you.

The new moon of August 14 will underscore the theme of friendship, fun, and events, and bring good news in the second half of the month.

Mark down August 7, too, when Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, bringing possibilities for travel, and for thrilling communication you'll want to act on that you would receive through email, text, phone, or express mail.

When Jupiter moves on to Virgo, planet of goodness and healing, a second theme will emerge, and it will be one that will put a strong emphasis on quiet, contemplative meditation about your life and what you need to be truly happy. You will begin the yearlong process of preparing for the best year of your life, to arrive later, from September 6, 2015 to September 9, 2016, a period of twelve months.

During that coming year, you will plant the seeds of dreams that you will delineate this year (August 2015 to September 2016) as having top priority. You will need to address your list of goals to see if you've outgrown any, even before you have materialized those one or two items. This is natural - we change as we grow. In your sparkling year, the best of your life, starting September 2016, you will get plenty of help from VIPs, and that is new - you won't have to score every success on your own.

Having Jupiter in Libra is also considered the best aspect possible to find your one true love, so that will come next year too. The goodies the universe has in store for you are substantial, so do your part by doing the deep thinking necessary now to realign your priorities, and to target the one or two dreams you hold dear that you want to accomplish when the doors begin to open for you.

For now, you will also need to delete obligations from your life that no longer hold the fascination they once did so that you can make room for all the new opportunities that will come your way next year. This year you will see certain elements of your life gently wash out with the tide - that is a sign the universe views those parts of your life as no longer having future value for your growth.

If you cannot delete the outworn arrangements and relationships of your life, the universe will do it for you. Of course, it's always better if you make the first move, for those will reflect your choices. Have faith that you will be very happy with the way things play out in 2016-17, beginning late next year in September.

The month ends with a full moon, August 29, that will bring a health matter to your attention. Something latent may present itself, but if a diagnosis is hard to make, seek a second opinion or a second lab test. Neptune will be prominent and may obscure results, or cause a mix-up or error in the lab. In fact, the lab may completely lose your specimens. It's also possible a protocol of treatment will end, because full moons are known to bring an end of a phase - hopefully, you'll feel well after this full moon wanes.

The same full moon may bring a finish to an important work assignment. If the project is an artistic one, you will enjoy putting on the final touches that express your style and taste. If it is not a creative project that you finish, ask questions to be sure you have done all to the client's specifications before handing it in and double check all facts for accuracy.

In those last days of August, your ruler, Venus will orbit very close to her lover Mars, which is a highly romantic vibration. YOU may be invited to a party over August 30-31, and if so, it will be very romantic. It often takes two years for Venus to be with Mars, so usually all these two lovebirds can do is gaze at one another across a star-studded sky. They will be together now, and because they will be in Leo, a bright fire sign, this gorgeous configuration will benefit you in an outstanding way. They are meeting at 13-15 degrees of Leo, so if your birthday falls within three days of October 6-8, you will get a double dip of pleasure. I am splitting hairs - every Libra will love the twinkling stars this month.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-08-01 21:56:03
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