看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 2月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2015年02月01日 Sun. PM 07:04:29

Aquarius Forecast for February 2015

By Susan Miller

It's birthday time for you, dear Aquarius, and life could not be better. The full moon that will be a beautiful sight in the evening sky will occur on February 3 in Leo, 15 degrees. It's set to bring an important relationship of yours into full bloom, and quite joyously so. I am so enthusiastic about this full moon because this magnificent moon will arrive arm-in-arm with Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune. This full moon will crystalize a relationship or project that has been in progress for at least six months or more and will bode so well for your happiness. It appears you will have a chance to enjoy some pampering and luxury near this full moon.

Thinking about this lovely full moon, it appears to me that Valentine's Day will arrive a week or more early! All full moons have a plus or minus area of influence of four days, so you may hear news as late as February 6 or 7. It's all due to work out so very well. Then again, later you have another wildly romantic weekend coming up, truly five-star, over February 21-22, indicating that Valentine's Day may arrive a week late. (Who cares? What matters is that you both enjoy your love, not the actual date of the fun.) I will give you much more information about that gorgeous weekend of February 21-22 later. For now, let's go chronologically through the month and keep focused on the full moon of February 3, for there are more exciting things to say.

Many Aquarius will get engaged over this full moon, February 3 (plus or minus four days), and if that includes you, perhaps you will keep your engagement a secret until Valentine's Day when you both tell friends about what's happened. If you are already engaged, you may wed, or if you are married, your mate will likely cook up some wonderful surprises or have news for you that makes you thrilled. This year, your spouse or established partner was due to do exceptionally well in life, and his or her optimism and prosperity will allow you both to enjoy life more than ever before.

If this full moon does not bring news about your romantic relationship, it may point to excellent developments about a business partner, agent, writing partner, coach, publicist, or other expert you have hired or signed as part of your team. Apparently, this full moon will show you that this collaborator is worth his or her weight in gold. When Jupiter is prominent, as it will be at this full moon, lucrative profits cannot be far behind. Uranus will also be very active, so whatever comes up, whether in terms of your romantic partner or business partner / collaborator - either - will knock your socks off. You will be very surprised and happy to hear the news.

If your birthday falls on February 3, or within four days of this date, having a full moon this juicy and bountiful on or close to your birthday bodes well for the entire year! You are likely to be showered with golden luck in 2015, and your good fortune will be aided by collaboration with another person who is important to you. I say this because on the anniversary of your birth (your "solar return"), you have this peach of a full moon. You will be very affected by its presence, so think good thoughts. You will travel far and wide this year, and your health will be strengthened too. Most of all, you will be truly happy, and that's what matters most.

If you were not born near February 3, you might have a planet in your natal chart within five degrees of 15 degrees Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, or Sagittarius. If you do, that natal planet will be lit up, so take notes on what occurs in the first week of February for you. I cannot see where your planets are in your natal chart, but if you jot down a few quick notes about what occurred, in time you will be able to see patterns. If you would like me to write a 65+ page book explaining your natal chart (and the book would be only for you, custom done through print on demand technology), you can go to SusanMillerMyPersonalHoroscope.com.

Looking at your February outlook, the new moon of February 18 will fall in Aquarius, 29 degrees 59 minutes. This will be the second new moon in a row in your sign, an unusual circumstance. The new moon last month helped those Aquarius with birthdays on January 21, plus or minus four days. This month's new moon will focus on those born at the end of the sign, February 18, less four days. In astrology, we feel 29 degrees as a degree of completion, so you may be wrapping up a long-term project that is dearly important to you, and you may be ready to show it to the world.

This new moon will orbit close to Neptune, making it ideal for creative efforts and the generation of truly new and original ideas. Neptune rules all the arts and the right brain, covering gesture, art, music, film, dance, poetry, the theatre and acting, and all the cultural arts. If you are paid for your ideas or artistic expressions, this new moon will give you an exceptional opportunity to offer up something truly special, and that may well have long-term profit potential.

Saturn will be in hard angle to this new moon, however, so there will be constraints. You currently have Saturn in your social eleventh house of community, so you will have to accept feedback from a focus group or from social media with a spirit of objectivity. Saturn and Neptune are moving into a 90-degree square, considered a challenging aspect, which only means that you will need to avoid wishful thinking, accept what is shown to you as factual, and make adjustments.

Mercury has been retrograde in Aquarius since January 21, and will go direct on February 11. This will be a welcome development, for you may have been subject to delays, re-do's, and the usual confusion when Mercury goes out of phase, especially since this time Mercury has been in your sign. Mercury and your ancient ruler, Saturn, are currently in mutual reception, meaning each planet is helping the other in a very buddy-buddy kind of way, which is good news for you. Decisions you are about to make will be solid ones, so just wait until after February 11 to announce your plans. Agree to nothing verbally or by signature before that date for best results.

Financially, your expenses may have grown in the second half of January, and will continue to do so in the first three weeks of February. Still, with Venus in Pisces, orbiting close to Mars in your second house of earned income, your services are in high demand. You should be able to bridge any expenses, for Venus is in your financial house protecting your interests. Perhaps you had to send out a large check that you knew you would have to write, such as for college tuition or your child's summer camp. All your expenses wills simmer down after February 19.

Things will get very interesting once Mars moves into Aries on February 19, and Venus quickly will follow the next day, February 20. Both these cosmic lover planets will coax you to travel, and that would be a great idea.

Here's the big news I had hinted at earlier: over the weekend of February 21-22, Venus and Mars will conjoin, a rare aspect that will benefit you in an outstanding ways. When Mars and Venus are together, they form a chemical equation that sets off powerful sparks of love through excellent chemistry with another person. If your heart is open, pure, and honest, love will find you. It matters not if you are single or attached - all Aquarians will feel the glow. Venus and Mars will be in fire-sign Aries, so perfect to go with your air-sign element.

I urge you to book a beautiful cozy hotel or bed and breakfast in a sumptuous location, perhaps in a natural setting, where you can have quality, private time with your one-and-only. Aries, the sign both planets are in, rules the desert, so you may want to go to the American Southwest, or even Los Angeles, which is essentially a desert, the reason the weather is always warm and sunny. This weekend, February 21-22 will be so rare and special that it would be a shame not to celebrate it by giving quality time to your partner. If you are single, you will have an exceptional chance of meeting someone new on your trip, or even while doing errands around your neighborhood. Look your very best!


If you've been yearning for commitment, the full moon, as big as a pizza pie, February 3, may well make your dream a reality. It's hard to imagine a more sumptuous full moon. Falling in Leo, your opposite sign, and conjunct Jupiter, you may get engaged, or if dating, promise your fidelity to the one you love. Mercury will be retrograde in Aquarius until February 11, so keep your talks a secret for now, and make no firm plans until Mercury goes direct. You will lose nothing by waiting; in fact, you will have much to gain.

While you wait, think about any assumptions you may have made, and talk about those with your partner as you get ready to take the next big step in your relationship. Having correct expectations will ensure your union's success. If you are already wed, you can talk about new goals that you both are enthusiastic about accomplishing.

At the new moon in Aquarius, February 18, you will have a chance to think about yourself and what you hope to happen next in life to make you happy. A relationship is often part of a new moon in one's own sign, another reason you may be anxious to make more of your current relationship. If you have no serious romantic alliance, you may direct this energy into a business partnership. You may engage a new lawyer, accountant, publicist, advertising agency, editor, writing partner, or other professional to collaborate with to help you extend your influence, protect you, advise you when you need them most. Make your association official on February 26 when your ruler, Uranus, and Jupiter will both be sweetly angled to the moon, or better yet, wait until March 2 when a slew of happy planets will bless your partnership.

You seem to be spending a fair a lot of money these days, but with a friendly Venus, associated not only with love but profit too, you should be able to bring in more cash when you need it. Your secret weapon is the new moon of February 18, which should help you generate more earned income, and if that new moon proves not strong enough for you, you'll have a supportive solar eclipse next month on March 20 to help with cash flow too.

Saturn's harsh angle to Neptune, however, suggests you will need to be very realistic in all financial matters. Do not let others make financial decisions for you, for they would not know the choices you'd make on your own. This month looks to be prosperous, so while money is flowing out and in, make a financial plan for 2015 to assure you'll stay on firm footing. Big lifestyle changes usually require a lot of spending, so by building a plan, you will be working toward realizing a dream.

At month's end you'll have a surprise chance to flee town, so take the hand of your sweetheart or spouse, jump in the car, and off you go. Planets in Aries suggest a warm and dry desert atmosphere setting would be ideal. Choose an enchanting destination - some examples might be Santa Fe to enjoy art and to enjoy the architecture of Pueblo, territorial and high mountain pitched-roof styles. Or, you might enjoy the spiritual location, Sedona. For a more active trip, go to a dude ranch in Scottsdale or go camping in Utah.

Dates to Note for Aquarius

You will find the full moon of February 3 will bring a relationship matter to fullness, in the sweetest possible way. This full moon gets my vote for the best of 2015. If your birthday falls within four days of February 3, your entire year will be showered with golden luck - however, all Aquarians will have something to celebrate.

Mercury has been retrograde in Aquarius since January 21, but will turn direct February 11.

The new moon of February 18 will focus you on your own needs. It will be a great time to launch an important initiative or relationship. Saturn will be in hard angle to this new moon, so it will be important that you test assumptions and make sure you are dealing with reality. Banish wishful thinking. Neptune will glide near this new moon, making it an excellent time (after the new moon appears) to work on creative endeavors.

Last month, the new moon was also in Aquarius, January 21. If your birthday falls nearer to that date, that new moon was the more important one for you. Projects launched are due to have "legs" and bring surprisingly strong growth.

Mars in Pisces may be driving up your expenses, but only temporarily. Things should simmer down after February 18. You may have expected the check writing you're doing. Venus in the same sign and house tells me you can bring in more income to even out the cash flow.

Valentine's Day should be divine - plan a private weekend together. If you have young children, ask your mother if she would babysit for you over one night.

Once Mars enters Aries on February 19, and Venus follows into Aries the following day, you will start to feel like taking a short trip. Mars will encourage you to go sometime between February 19 and March 31.

This month, your out-of-this-world day to be on the road will be over the weekend of February 21-22, a five-star, rare weekend for love. Single Aquarius may meet someone new on a short trip (or even while doing errands in the neighborhood), and attached Aquarius can enjoy quality time together.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-02-01 19:04:29
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