看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 3月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2015年03月01日 Sun. AM 03:26:02

>Aquarius Forecast for March 2015

By Susan Miller

The month starts out with great news! March 3 brings a beautiful interplay between Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, and Uranus, the surprise planet that is also your guardian planet, which rules surprises. Jupiter is in your marriage / partnership house, while Uranus is in your travel sector (third house). Could it be that your sweetheart will surprise you with air tickets to fly to a special destination, where your partner will ask for your hand in marriage? Or could this be a honeymoon? Possibly! Of course, there are many possible manifestations of this lovely collaborative energy. You may form a business partnership and make things official by signing papers, as the third house, involved here, rules legal agreements of all kinds. The decision you make in early March is fabulously favored, so promises you and your sweetheart / partner / collaborator make are likely to stay in place a long time, possibly forever.

Quick, short travel seems to be written all over this month, giving you plenty of opportunities to spontaneously head for a beautiful, sunny place. (Mars will be in Aries, a fire sign, hence, sunny.) If you do plan a getaway for a week, be sure to go during the week that holds March 10 when Mars and Jupiter will work hard to make your trip quite divine. Although you may travel for any reason this month, it would be a shame to miss the chance to experience over-the-top romance that week. Your hotel is likely to be luxurious, so don't settle for mediocre accommodations - look at your options, for you are likely to find a package that will be truly too good to miss.

Money will be on your mind at the full moon March 5. You may be sending out bills, receiving checks, and taking care of financial obligations. You may be doing tax prep too, and if so, you'd polish that off in a flash, for full moons bring an abundance of energy. While money may go out during the first week of March, you will have a great opportunity to see money flow in too, and that will come later in the month.

On the major new moon solar eclipse of March 20 in Pisces, you will have the chance to see a large influx of cash. It may come as a result of selling something, like a piece of furniture or even property, or your bounty of a one-time chunk of cash will come in the form of a bonus, commission, advance, or royalty. It is alternatively possible that you will receive money from an insurance company as a payout, or through money approved for you as venture capital, a bank loan, generous student financial aid, a mortgage, or refinancing plan, and no matter what form the money comes to you, chances are, it will come with excellent terms. You can now have the financial security that you have craved for a very long time.

In parting, you may find March 25 an excellent day, for Saturn and the Sun will be in ideal sync, suggesting a friend may give you a tip about an assignment or new job that can give you a chance to earn more money. This person may be someone older, whose opinion you respect. It's a great day to have a meeting with a VIP or advisor too, especially if topic on the agenda has to do with your finances.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-03-01 03:26:02
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