看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 6月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2015-06-01 Mon. 16:52:15

Aquarius Forecast for June 2015

By Susan Miller

So many times when I go on Twitter, readers ask, "When will love be coming for me, an Aquarius?" Over the past ten months, the planets have been favoring those members of your sign who are attached, for you have had the best marriage aspects of any sign since Jupiter entered Leo in July 2014. Jupiter is still in your marriage and committed partnership house and will remain there until August 11. You may have already become engaged or wed, but if not, you will still have time, for the cosmos is planning a wonderful celebration to wish good fortune Jupiter well as he packs his bags to move on to another sign. You will benefit in an outstanding way from the party the planets have planned for Jupiter in August.

Still, single Aquarius have been feeling left out, but that will change in a big way in June. Last month, Mars, the action planet whose job it is to set your agenda and provide lots of opportunity, moved into Gemini to light your fifth house of true love on May 11. Mars is still in this house and will remain there until June 24.

You've not had this kind of help from such an important planet as Mars in two years. Best of all, Mars will be in great angle to other important planets this month, to give you all kind of opportunities to meet a love interest, so you must be out and about as much as possible on the days I will tell you about. Virtually the entire month will be special for you.

Before you can think about romance, you have a big full moon in the sky, June 2, in Sagittarius 12 degrees, and is set to light your friendship sector. I feel that within four days of this date (before or after June 2) you will likely attend a celebration such as a wedding, birthday party, baby shower, or other such happy occasion. Near this full moon you will be surrounded by many happy people, for Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be in ideal angle to this full moon and to your Sun. It seems this event will pamper guests with fine food, flowers, and music - the works. It is an event not to miss!

If you will not be attending a gathering like the one I described, you may be going to an important trade show or conference, or even a sporting event that you will be excited about attending. Wherever you go, you seem to be mixing with a fascinating international, sophisticated group of people, many of whom were born in various cities around the world. Uranus will be in sweet angle too, indicating that you may travel spontaneously, perhaps to attend this event. Uranus is your ruling planet, so this "counts" in this aspect more for you than for other signs.

Neptune will set up an obstacle at this full moon June 2 however, and could come in the form of a misunderstanding or upsetting episode with a friend about money. You may be troubled by this episode, but because facts will be hard to come by, you will need to dig for truth rather than make a rush to judgment. Use a kind touch, especially if the friendship is important to you. Keep in mind that Mercury will continue to be retrograde until June 11 - a holdover from May 18 - further triggering a comedy of errors. With the chances for a miscommunication quite high, proceed slowly.

If your birthday falls on February 1, plus or minus four days, you will find you benefit from this full moon. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising at 12 degrees, or a natal planet at the same degree plus or minus five degrees, in Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini.

Now let's go back to other dazzling days for love, including June 8, when the Sun and Jupiter will cook up more romantic fun. The aspects this month seem to point to a serious attitude about your partner, so if you are ready for marriage, it appears your partner is too.

Another great day will be June 9 when Mars will be in lovely angle to Uranus and June 10 when Uranus will be fine angle to the Sun. Wow, this month truly is chock full of exciting surprises in love and in regard to marriage and children, dear Aquarius. If you don't use these days for romance, you can still use them for advancing your creativity. (Actually none of these areas are mutually exclusive - you can enjoy them all!)

The new moon in Gemini on June 16 will be your big happy moment, when you will have the best opportunity of the year for singles to meet someone exciting and new. If you are attached, this new moon will give you a chance to enjoy life together in an exciting way.

This new moon will be in graceful angle to your ruler, Uranus, almost guaranteeing a happy romantic surprise is due. Jupiter, the happiness planet, will bring luxury and fun. Mars will conjoin the new moon, giving you the motivation to circulate and to be open to meeting many new types of people.

This same new moon will help you if you are hoping to conceive a baby. Remember, while a full moon is felt before or after it occurs for four days, a new moon like the important one of June 16 is ONLY powerful in the two weeks that fall AFTER the new moon, not before. This is the only the new moon of the year falling in your love sector, so it is very special. See if you can make it work for you.

This new moon will be fantastic for furthering a creative project too if you are involved in a project now or are about to start one. You will come up with stunning ideas, and because the futuristic planet, Uranus is involved, your ideas are surely ahead of the curve, for you are talented at offering ideas that are completely original and imaginative.

It is Aquarius' destiny to open the eyes of others to new concepts and ideas, so you may have to give others time to catch up with you. Ask clients not to decide to reject an idea because it may feel unfamiliar to them, but rather to sleep on the idea before they approve it or not. Others are not used to the level of brilliance that Aquarius often offers up.

If your birthday falls on February 14, plus or minus four days, you will feel this new moon the most. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising or a natal planet in Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra at 25 degrees, plus or minus four degrees. I will admit all Aquarians will love this new moon - I am simply splitting tiny hairs here!

Before you even get to the new moon of June 16, you will have a plethora of beautiful days for love and romance. First, put a circle around June 5, when Mars in your house of true love will reach out to Jupiter, the planet of happiness, in your house of marriage. Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde until June 11, so wait a bit before making any big decisions or announcements.

Ironically, Mercury is now moving backward in Gemini in your house of true love, indicating you might change your mind about a sweetheart, or change the pace of the relationship or the timetable of how you would proceed together. It is also not wise to sign papers, make any big decisions, or invest in precious jewelry, electronics, appliances, machines, a car, furniture, or anything else expensive, for your judgment is off while Mercury is in retrograde.

Mercury will resume the same degree it was last month May 18 when it first starting orbiting backward. This is significant, so if you can wait to make an important announcement, purchase, or decision, by all means, wait until June 27. If you can't wait that long, you can act a day or two after June 11.

If you would like to learn more about Mercury retrograde, I have re-written an essay on the subject for you, and you can find it on my home page with the black background, astrologyzone.com. Look under my logo, to the white lettering that says "All You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde."

There is a five-star day coming up that I am excited to tell you about. On June 22, Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, now in your house of true love, will reach out to Jupiter in your marriage house. This will be one of the most rare and beautiful days of all of 2015 for enjoying love. This may be the day of an engagement, or, if you want to marry, you can - over the weekend of June 20-21 you will feel the glow. The universe is about to send you a bouquet, dear Aquarius. If you plan to make a business deal this month, use June 22 for signing.

There is another gorgeous weekend coming up for love on June 27-28, when Venus in Leo and Uranus in Aries will flirt like teenagers - it's a madly romantic time, and a good runner up to the above-mentioned day, June 22. You will have a chance to go away for the weekend quite spontaneously and if you can, you should! July will be a big month for work, so go this month while you can.

Let's turn to your career for a moment. Saturn, the teacher-taskmaster planet, spent two years tutoring you in your career and will be back for a thirteen-week visit, June 14 to September 17, before settling into your friendship sector from September to December 2019. This means you may take on more responsibility this month or in the coming weeks. If you were born near February 17-19, you will feel this revisit of Saturn the most, but through hard work, you can make quite a big name for yourself in the industry, so go for it.

Mars will also begin to heat up day-to-day assignments at the office from June 24 to August 8, giving you lots to do there. Perhaps you are in a seasonal business where mid-year is very busy. You will continue to have time for love, sweet, love, so stay optimistic.

Looking ahead to July, a full moon will occur on July 1 in Capricorn, in your sector of secrets and privacy. On that day Venus will make her annual conjunction with Jupiter, a lovely and exceedingly rare configuration, and both will meet in your seventh house of marriage. That full moon could bring heartfelt exchanges of feelings, and even a possible elopement. If housing is a concern, this day should bring a magical solution to that too, and in fact, it might be move-in day. Life is glorious for you this month, dear Aquarius!


June will center much of your attention on a close relationship that you are very serious about committing to for the future.

You may need to talk to a friend about money at the full moon, June 2, because Neptune will be causing crossed wires and a confusing situation at the time.

Still, that full moon should be a beautiful day when you are likely to be invited to an event to celebrate a landmark moment of one of your friends - a wedding, birthday party, career promotion, or other joyous occasion. With Jupiter and Uranus so encouraging, you will enjoy it to no end, for it should be luxurious and memorable. You seem to be surrounded by friendly faces, many of whom you will know. Alternatively you may be overseeing an important event for a charity or humanitarian function, and if so, it will go well.

Romance will heat up at the new moon June 16, and if single, perhaps very unexpectedly. Your ruler, Uranus, will be very active then, and actually all month. Uranus protects you, so this is great news. If you are attached to a loving partner, you won't be left out, as Mars will bring your partner into the picture too - circle June 8 - and ready to give and get lots of attention

Travel seems very possible now, and you should consider going. You can leave as early in the month as June 9 or June 10 (quite spontaneously, without any planning). June 22 may be your very favorite time to go, when Jupiter (representing your partner) and your ruler, Uranus, will work together in an exceedingly rare aspect, to set your spirits soaring when on holiday. Can't go until the end of June? Your partner will still be ready, willing, and able to spend exclusive time with you on holiday, June 27-28.

Mars will be in Gemini and heat up your love sector all through June until June 24, your very happiest, sexiest time for romantic fun this month. Venus will be in your relationship sector too, June 5 to July 18, so you are all set with beautiful aspects.

Once Mars moves on to Cancer, June 24, your workaday life will be calling, and you will need to give more attention your office life, and to clients and VIPs. Still, it won't be all work and no play, so don't be blue.

Dates to Note for Aquarius:

A friend may need your quick help at the full moon June 2. If you go to a social activity at the full moon, plus or minus four days, you may spend a great deal more money than you anticipated you would. Sketch out a general budget to keep costs contained. Uranus will make this full moon fun, but decisions and events will happen at the speed of light, so you may have difficulty making on-the-fly decisions about spending. Later you may be a bit surprised at how much left your wallet. It may be worth it.

The new moon, June 16, brings lots of energy to the most romantic sector of your chart. Jupiter will contribute much to the festivities, so if you are invited to a party, celebratory event, or wedding, go. If single, you will have a solid chance of meeting someone new in the two weeks following the new moon. If attached, your one-and-only seems to be falling in love with you all over again, dear Aquarius.

Saturn is heading back to your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement for a thirteen-week stay, from June 14 to September 17. This will be the last time Saturn will spend time in this house, and so you may see responsibilities rise, and the summer may be a tough month juggling all you have to do. Once you get to September 17, Saturn will be gone from your career achievement sector until December 2019.

Mars will be in the most helpful, happiest place for Mars to be, in your fifth house of true love while in Gemini, June 1 to 23. After that date, June 23, Mars will move into Cancer, and your work life will become more active. Prior to June 24, you can give your life over to the pleasures of true love.

Travel a short distance on June 22 when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be in ideal angle to Uranus, your ruler, and planet of surprise, June 22, one of the best days of all 2015. Enjoy travel over the weekend too, June 20-21. This will be the best weekend of the month.

Another sweet weekend - a runner-up weekend - will come at month's end. Venus in Leo will tease Uranus in Aries on June 29, making for an ideally romantic evening, especially if you travel together. The preceding weekend of June 27-28 will be highly romantic fun too.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-06-01 16:52:15
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