看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 7月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2015-07-02 Thu. 18:05:54

Aquarius Forecast for July 2015

By Susan Miller

July will sneak in quietly and softly. On July 1, you will have a full moon in Capricorn, 10 degrees, to light your twelfth house of rest, secrets, and behind-the-scenes activities. You may feel an overwhelming need to slow down, and rightly so, for although early June was great for fun and love, as you got to the end of June, the office began to whirl with activity. With no strong aspects to help you take a break in late June, you might enter July feeling a little frayed on the edges. Don't be blue - you will get plenty of chances to make quick short trips this month, and those will refresh you. It seems you will be needed at the office to rally the team and shepherd the projects through to a final completion. It's flattering to be so needed!

Before we get into life at the office, something quite enchanting is about to happen in your personal life on July 1. On that day, we will have the rare meeting of Venus (love) to Jupiter (good fortune) in your seventh house of love and marriage. Your relationship should go exceedingly well, and this night could bring an engagement or a memorable episode of love. It may be this evening when you know for sure that the two of you are meant for each other forever.

You will be able to see these two luminary stars orbiting in alignment if you look up in the night sky, for both stars will twinkle brightly and remain together, within two degrees, the entire month of July. Also remarkable is that Uranus, your guardian planet, will beam silvery beams to both Venus and Jupiter, adding to the powerful impact of this configuration. This bodes so well for you, dear Aquarius, for Uranus will bring happy surprises and plenty of excitement!

Venus is the natural ruler of your house of travel, so you may also take a quick, exciting trip together now. Conversely, because Venus holds sway over your solar fourth house of home and family too, you both may talk about moving in together, or if you are already doing that, you may plan to rent a new apartment or buy a house or condo together. Family support for your plans will be very strong, so you can tell your parents, confident they will be happy for you.

The following day, July 2, may bring great news about money you are about to receive. It may come in the form of a large check or approval for a mortgage from a bank. The planets involved include Uranus, your ruler, to signal Mercury in a friendly way, so news will come suddenly and make you very happy. Alternatively, you may be taking a quick trip. The fact that Uranus, your ruler, is part of the equation means you will be strongly named on this day.

On July 3, the fun continues, for Mercury will receive a golden beam from Jupiter, and with Mercury currently (at the time) moving through your fifth house of true love, this will be a very powerful day for romance. If you are attached, this lovely aspect will outstandingly help you, but if you are single and hoping to find love, you, too, should have a bewitching time. Plan to be out circulating on this star-studded evening!

On your work front, you may wonder why things have become so hectic. I am smiling, because I know the answer - Mars is moving through your work sector until August 8, stirring the pot and bringing in plenty of work. Clearly higher ups will be depending on you. If you are not working now, Mars' position should help you find work, if only temporary work, or else work that is permanent but on the same level you were doing in the past. If you want to have a step up, you may have to wait until November for an opportunity, which I think will give you your very best shot at something big.

Mars will signal Neptune on July 8, so on that day, speak up about a creative idea you may have, for it is not only likely to impress the powers at the top, but doing so may also net you a reward in your paycheck.

More assignments will pour in after the new moon of July 15 appears, and you will be like Lucy (Lucille Ball) and her friend Ethel in the chocolate factory trying to keep up with the chocolates that are coming down the assembly line - a funny segment. I wish I could say this new moon would bring a calm set of aspects, but instead, it's more likely to set off a feeling in you that the inmates are running the asylum.

Pluto will oppose Mars, so a subordinate may be rude to you on or near July 15 or set off a dispute with a co-worker. You may feel like a kindergarten teacher having to separate unruly school children who simply won't behave. It's all in a day's work, dear Aquarius. Certainly someone will be feeling their oats, and be quite pushy with another member of the staff. This isn't even a full moon but might feel like it (but rather, it's a calm new moon).

I am more concerned about the tight, hard mathematical 90-degree angle of Uranus, your guardian planet, to the new moon on July 15, which might make the project slide off the rails. You will have to be alert and vigilant. A communication you receive by email, text, or phone call might be jarring or garbled and could trigger a comedy of errors, or something much worse. Uranus rules computers, so have IT on alert in case you need them desperately, say if your computer freezes or the Wi-Fi goes down. Travel will bring problems too, so delay any client trip you have scheduled in the days that follow that new moon. Take it instead on July 22.

The following week will bring two superb aspects involving Saturn, the planet of stability, now moving through your tenth house of fame and honors, in the very tail end of his visit. On July 21, Saturn will send a beautiful beam to the Sun, uniting the areas of your chart ruling work assignments (sixth house) and fame, honors, and achievement (tenth house). This is proof positive that your hard work will easily bring you attention on or near July 21. You thought no one was noticing - they were!

On July 22, Mercury and Saturn will be in sync. This would be an ideal day to sign a contract or to make a client presentation. If you are seeing a regular client, it would be a perfect day to bond and talk about new business.

Venus will go retrograde from July 25 to September 6. This marks a time when we all will enter a short period when life will seem a bit more serious and less carefree. Venus rules beauty and good looks, flowers, jewels, parties, and all the fun in life.

This phase would not be the right time to change your haircut or color in a dramatic way. Venus embellishes everything it touches, so it would also not be the time to choose a new perfume, nor to ask a designer to landscape your property. You can do routine actions, like mow the lawn, and schedule trims and other grooming, but it is the radical changes that would not be wise. That also means you may want to consider delaying plastic surgery or Botox treatments.

Every planet when retrograde needs time to become more energized, alert, and vibrant when it awakens. In the case of Venus this time, although Venus will be out of retrograde September 6, it will take Venus until October 9 to be back to her strongest self and in a position to beam her gifts to you.

As you get to month's end, you will have a crown of stars shining in your marriage / established partnership sector. Those heavenly bodies include the mighty Sun, news-oriented Mercury, good fortune Jupiter, and graceful Venus. At that time, to say you will be focused on your partner would be an understatement. By August, you will be thinking even more intensely about your future with your partner and making more plans. I love August - it will be my favorite month of all of 2015.

July holds two full moons, and the second one, called a blue moon, will arrive on the very last day, July 31 in Aquarius, at 8 degrees. This will mark a major point in your timeline, for something of vital importance will reach culmination. It appears you will be very happy about how the episode plays out. Saturn will make an out-of-sign "trine" to this full moon, a very stabilizing influence. (A trine is the most harmonious aspect possible.) Afterward you will feel secure and content, a wonderful place to be in mind, body and spirit. This will be your time, dear Aquarius!


As the month opens, you may be having confidential talks near the month's first full moon, July 1. Those talks seem to center on your career, and if you do want to make a big career move, talks may become drawn out, and so the job may not crystalize until mid-November. Powerful jobs take time to win, so keep the faith, even if the process seems unending. Last month, Saturn moved back in your prestigious professional sector for several weeks, so any position you discuss now will represent an important step up for you, and the job come with much responsibility and influence.

Over the past three years, you have been honed by Saturn's tutoring in Scorpio, so you are now tougher, more savvy, and seasoned. Saturn will leave Scorpio in September, not to return until 2041. Although any new position you take on may seem daunting at first, you are ready to tackle it, even though just a few years ago you could not imagine yourself in that role.

If the confidential talks involve your health rather than your work, with the full moon conjunct Pluto, follow your doctor's advice, for your rebound ability will be very strong now.

Romantically, you are hitting all high spots. On July 1, the same day as the full moon, Venus (love) will join Jupiter (good fortune) in your house of commitment and marriage. You may be getting engaged or married on this date, and if so, you have chosen an ideal time to do so. Already attached? You can bond closer now and weave a memory you both will remember forever. Long distance travel seems very likely now too - could that be a honeymoon?

The new moon of July 15 will bring more assignments at work, so it would be best to travel early in the month. Your office will be busier than it has been all year, so your presence will be needed and VIPs will be depending on you. This new moon will be receiving tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected developments), so you will need to be on your A-game and very alert to catch details before things go very wrong. You will need to see that nothing escapes your critical eye, that all facts are accurate, and that nothing important has been omitted or missing from the project when it ships. A new moon is influential for weeks, so you will have to remain vigilant for a long time - take frequent breaks and find enjoyable ways to unwind at home each night.

Your ruling planet, Uranus, will go retrograde on July 26, so work to get all your most vital actions done in advance of this date. After this, and until Uranus goes direct again, December 25, you will find that getting VIP's approvals will take more time and effort than usual. This doesn't mean you won't get the green light, but you will need to be more persuasive in the second half of this year. Watch the three days that surround July 26, before and after, for you will get a clue of what Uranus retrograde will bring. The message may be very subtle, but it will be there if you are observant. If you go through a reversal, you will have time to fix things and to try again in early 2016.

Venus will be retrograde too, from July 25 to September 6, not a time to change your appearance with plastic surgery or a completely new hairstyle or color, for example. It's best not to get involved with any activity ruled by Venus - delay throwing a big lavish party, don't landscape your property yet, and delay your engagement until after Venus goes direct. Although Venus goes direct on September 6, she will be even stronger and more vibrant by October 9.

The month ends on a full moon - called a blue moon - on July 31 in Aquarius. This will be a special moment for you, for this full moon is very friendly and will receive a silvery beam from Saturn, indicating actions you take will be in place for decades, possibly forever. The news will represent the culmination of years of work toward a goal that appears to be unfolding now. It should be a joyous moment for you!

Dates to Note for Aquarius:

The full moon of July 1 will bring confidential talks to closure, and they may be career related. If you feel in need of rest and solitude over this full moon period (July 1 to July 5), it would be understandable. Take things slow.

Love planet Venus will conjoin good fortune Jupiter, in your house of commitment, on July 1. You will enjoy this aspect throughout July, as these two gorgeous planets will orbit within two tiny degrees of each other.

As a result of the conjunction July 1, you may decide to move in together or take an important trip together.

Circle July 2 for a quick, fun surprise trip, thanks to Mercury in sync with your ruler, Uranus. You may also get news of a substantial sum of money that is about to come your way.

The planets on July 3 will bring beautiful vibrations and combine the houses of love and marriage for you - what a romantic day!

Work will get very hectic this month, but will simmer down by August 8, the date Mars will move out of your workaday sector.

In the meantime, the new moon of July 15 will bring plenty of assignments, but perhaps because everyone will be working hard, co-workers will show signs of stress. One subordinate may be rude to you, or you may not get along with a co-worker.

Venus will go retrograde July 25 to September 6, but will be in finer form by October 9. Venus rules beauty, grace, love, flowers, jewels, fine food, parties, and most of all, love. All these areas are not due to be strong while Venus naps.

The full moon of July 31 will be in Aquarius, 8 degrees. This is your time to state what you want will happen next. The universe will be listening, dear Aquarius.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-07-02 18:05:54
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