看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 8月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2015-08-01 Sat. 21:57:54

Aquarius Forecast for August 2015

By Susan Miller

As you begin August, you will have come through a beautiful, bright full moon in Aquarius, 8 degrees, on July 31, bringing something dearly important to culmination. Saturn was beautifully oriented to that full moon, so the decision or action you may have taken will have weight and purpose, and your decision will be in place many months or years into the future, possibly forever. On any full moon, something ends or gets wrapped up, but on a new moon, opportunities surface, so you get options to start something new. At this point, you will see a conclusion.

If your birthday falls within four days of January 28, you were to feel this full moon the most, and will continue to do so during the first four days of August. Also, if you have Aquarius rising within four degrees of 8 degrees, or a natal planet 8 degrees of Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra, or Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you too will benefit from this full moon.

You have many planets congregated in your seventh house of serious committed and established relationships, so one important alliance will surely be on your mind as August opens. How things go will be contingent upon the direction your relationship has been going all along, until now. This full moon will allow you to see things with greater clarity. If you are in love, you may now make plans to get engaged or married, as this will be a huge theme in August for you. In the off chance you have been unhappy for some time, you will find the courage to leave. I doubt many Aquarians will be breaking up, however, for August is a simply divine month, filled with so many sparkling aspects and reasons to be excited.

As you ease into the first week, the weekend of August 1-2 will have your ruler, Uranus, the planet of surprise, chaos, and disruption, in conversation with brainy Mercury, planet of communication, negotiation, and agreements of all kinds. Both planets are intellectual, objective, and unemotional. Your ruler, Uranus, is said to take the superb communicative and reasoning ability of Mercury and elevate it to a higher octave, into the realm of genius.

Uranus is associated with all high-tech innovation, scientific exploration, and the digital age. The combination of these two planets, Mercury and Uranus, working together will generate exceptional ideas, so set aside time to think and reflect on all your current projects. On August 1-2, concentrate on one project with the goal of giving it an original approach. You will be hailed as a rock star if you do.

Next comes another rare blue-ribbon day, August 4, when you will see the meeting of Venus and Jupiter in your seventh house of commitment and marriage. If you look up at the night sky, you will see these two bright starts shining. This is an alignment that typically happens only once a year, each time in a different part of your horoscope.

This is a very romantic "coming together" of two beautiful luminaries. If you are ready to commit, a serious marriage proposal may come up for discussion, but because Venus is retrograde, it would be best to make no final plans. If you are not ready to think about marriage, Venus is the natural ruler of your home sector, so you and your sweetheart may talk about moving in together. Venus also rules your ninth house of travel, so there is a good chance you will take a trip together in August's first week. The same part of your chart, the ninth house, can bring you progress with immigration matters, the courts, and through legal actions, and in regard to the media and academia. Any one of these topics may be on your mind, with travel very likely to happen.

You will be on a roll, because on August 7, Mercury and Jupiter will combine forces. This would be an ideal day to sign a contract if your lawyer gives you the nod that it's ready for your signature. The association you are forging is likely to be a happy one. If it is for business, money is likely to find its way to you, for your eighth house will be stimulated. On the same day, in the romantic sense, if you are single, you may meet someone who intrigues you, and about whom you say to yourself, "This person is truly the type of person I would love to marry someday."

Mars will be changing signs on August 8, and move to Leo, to stay until September 24. Dear Aquarius, Leo is the sign opposite yours, falling six out of twelve signs away from yours. The Sun will be in Leo, along with the new moon, joining Mars, Mercury, and later, Venus. With so many planets 180 degrees away from your Aquarius Sun, at times you may feel that August is your winter, for the Sun has looped as far away from you as is possible, and you may feel the chill. All these planets will loop back toward you in the third week of August, but before this happens, you will learn the necessary give-and-take of getting along within a close relationship. For now you will need to be in a collaborative, conciliatory mode rather than press to get things, your way. That would not be good use of your energy - you will get your turn eventually.

Aquarius thinks always of the needs of the group, while Leo is all about individuation. This is an age-old meditation - do I want to be alone or do I want to be part of something bigger than I, such as to be coupled up with the person I love? There are points to be said for both sides of the equation, and this meditation may be yours this month. It appears you are yearning to make a commitment soon. The single life can get old fast, for you may be tired of telling your life story to a steady stream of dates.

You may be outgrowing the single life, and will want to have something to show for your time on earth, such as to have children, or to buy property, or to join with your partner to do humanitarian or charitable work, as a few examples. There are many possibilities, but the point is, there are times when joining forces with another person or entity (by that I mean having a contract with a company) makes sense, and becomes an exciting option.

Mars in Leo may, at times, force you to relinquish more control than you would feel comfortable doing, but in fact, you've had this vibration before, and you always do well under it. At times you may feel challenged when a VIPs folds his arms over his chest and asks, "Why do we have to do things this way? Why is this such a good idea?" You need a ready answer. This wouldn't be said to you if you had Mars in Aquarius, as you will in November 2016, but for now, until September 24, you will need to be practical and compromising when necessary. Otherwise it will be nearly impossible to get to anything done. Be ready to defend your ideas without taking it all personally - it is just the way things are these days, and it won't always be this way. Learning to "dance" with partners without stepping on toes will be a major focus from August 8 through September 24. You will become a master at this, and that's how you can make a name for yourself as a brilliant team player that everyone will want in their corner.

Even more emphasis on partnerships will come up at the friendly new moon, August 14. Think of a new moon as a door that opens and allows many opportunities to blow toward you in the two weeks that follow the appearance of the new moon. You could have the most exciting aspects, but without a new moon in the part of the chart that you hope to make progress, it will be very hard to achieve. Your greatest progress this month will be though collaborations or coupling up.

You can use this energy for business-oriented partnerships, such as with an agent, representative, business partner, manager, publicist, stylist, acting coach, lawyer, accountant, or any other professional that will work with you in a one-on-one way to help you get ahead. This would be your time to interview potential partners, but as said, hold off signing anyone just yet. You will have to dodge both Venus retrograde (from now through September 6) and Mercury retrograde (September 17 to October 9) when making your decisions.

No planet "wakes up" instantly - for example, Venus, which holds sway over money and profits as well as love and beauty, will take until October 9 this year to work back up to her former strength. Venus, as you recall, will go direct September 6, but it will take until nearly mid-October to come back to full alertness.

Mercury will take until the end of October to be back in top form, even though Mercury turns direct October 9. The important point I want to leave with you is not to make moves when a planet is snoozing in retrograde. If you cannot wait longer, it is okay, and you should not torture yourself. Sometimes we cannot wait until the planet works its way back to ideal shape - life demands a lot from us all, and we have to keep rolling. A lot depends on your unique circumstances, and only you can make decisions like this.

Watch for a fun day, August 19, when Venus and Uranus trade signals, and you may escape town for a short trip that has fun written all over it. With Uranus, your ruler, involved, you will have a chance to enjoy this day more than most. It's a very flirtatious vibration, and whatever you expect to happen, won't - something better will!

In your career, Saturn will go direct on August 2, having been retrograde in your prestigious tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement since March 14. In that time, you may have felt you've been walking through glue, not able to progress nearly as quickly as you had hoped. You must have felt that for every two steps forward that you took, you also had to take one step backward. That maddening pace is over - you will see that influential VIPs will be more decisive from now on, more willing to listen to your presentations. You will have a superb chance to get your ideas approved for funding. Indeed, from now on, you will accomplish twice as much in half the time. November will be a big month for career opportunities to crop up, so be ready with a polished resume, and if applicable, a well curated portfolio or reel.

For now, watch for very subtle clues and indications that you get in the few days that circle August 2. You will get them, but some of those clues will be so subtle you may overlook them. Keep alert, and don't become distracted. If you can discern that the wind is changing direction, you will see what will soon come up for you. Once Saturn leaves your tenth house next month on September 17, Saturn will not be back until 2041. In the past three years, you were tested to the core professionally, but that difficult period is over. Saturn always leaves a gift by the door as thanks for dealing with his vigorous training - that gift will be forthcoming soon.

Now for the landmark news! On August 11, Jupiter will change signs and move to Virgo, until September 9, 2016, remaining in Virgo for over a year. Once in Virgo, you will enter the finest financial period you have seen so far in life. The money you see will be money that emanates from the eighth house of other people's money. If you have a startup, you may be looking for venture capital, and with Jupiter in Virgo, you are likely to get it. Money that comes in from this part of the chart usually comes in big chunks, not parsed out over the course of a year like salary.

You may get your money from a wide variety of sources, but when it comes, you will know it - it will be generous. It may be an advance on a book or a payment from a licensing deal. It may be a scholarship or financial aid package to allow you to do university study. You may get a generous court settlement or a hefty insurance company payout on a claim you put in, or a kind relative may have remembered you in her inheritance. Or, very soon your bank may give you a mortgage or refinancing plan with attractive terms, or you'll be granted a home improvement loan or line of credit for your business. You get the idea.

Here is even bigger news! On August 26, we come to the luckiest day of the year, when the mighty Sun will meet with generous, expansive Jupiter. Jupiter's job is simply to make you happy, and Jupiter will always give you more of what you wanted than you ever expected to get. He delights in seeing you smile. The Sun will take the goodness of Jupiter and multiply it tenfold. On this day, you may sell property and make an enormous profit on the sale. The news on this day about money will be remarkable.

The Sun is the natural ruler of your seventh house of partner, so you may make a hefty sum through your agent, spouse, or other person you are with on August 26 (or who you hear from on that day).

Friends ask if they should buy lotto tickets, and I always say no. The odds of winning are too difficult, but if you want to buy a few books of charity raffle tickets or a scratch-off ticket from the local candy store, go ahead. I like scratch-off tickets because you can control the day you find out if you won (of course, make it August 26). I would not spend a lot of money on these kinds of chances, for you will have no idea where your luck will come. It may be that you get a valuable gift from your great aunt, or you sell a piece of furniture on an auction site that nets you thousands.

The eighth house, which is to be so lucky for you, also rules surgery. If you need an operation, and you can control the day you choose, then choose August 29. Again, I am splitting hairs - you have a year to choose when you want to have your procedure. Check the home page to find the list of Mercury retrograde dates and also eclipse dates - avoid both. You will find the link to these tables under my logo on the home page, which is black.

The end of August brings another financial development with the full moon in Pisces, 6 degrees, lighting your house of salary. If you had petitioned for a raise, you will likely hear the answer back by this full moon. I think the answer will be yes, you got it. This full moon will partner with the Sun and Jupiter, as they will be opposite each other on the wheel and complement each other's energies. Neptune will come arm-in-arm with that full moon, and Neptune is associated with the arts, so you may sell a piece of art or a book that you wrote, or your book may be optioned by a Hollywood studio for a movie. Or, you may be chosen for the lead in a movie, and have your agent negotiate a generous compensation package or you.

If you are not working on an artistic project, then you must be careful, for Neptune can obscure facts with a veil of fog. Neptune is far more comfortable working in the creative realm than in one based on facts and figures. If the latter describes your situation, then ask your lawyer to take a look at the deal, for you will need another pair of eyes to offer a second perspective.

In this gorgeous month, you can turn every opportunity to your favor, dear Aquarius. It will be your favorite month of all of 2015!


The full moon that occurred just days before the start of August on July 31 was in Aquarius, bringing a matter of enormous importance to fullness, most likely involving a relationship. Full moons bring not one but several days of influence, so you will likely be thinking about the positive developments that are happening in regard to that relationship as you enter August. Saturn was active at the full moon in an affirming way, so if you are not ready to wed, you may be talking about sharing an apartment together.

If you are single, this month, watch August 7, when the ruler of your house of true love, Mercury, will conjoin Jupiter, an annual event. On that day, you may have a fateful first meeting. With Venus retrograde, however, don't jump in too quickly - let things unfold in a natural, organic way without rushing.

The course of a close, serious relationship will become even more important at the new moon, August 14. You may be ready to make a commitment to the person you're dating and who you love, or if you are already married, you may draw up new goals together.

If you are not currently dating or married, then this new moon can be used to set up a business relationship with long-range potential. Venus, planet of love AND profit, will be very prominent, as will Uranus, your ruling planet, thereby "weighting" this new moon even more heavily in your favor. Whatever comes up at this time will arise spontaneously, so buckle up for a slew of surprises, all happy ones.

Still, at the risk of making too much of a point of this, you will want to wait until Venus normalizes her orbit, but not wait so long that Mercury begins to retrograde, September 17 to October 9. Mercury rules contracts, and all marriages are built on a contract (even though most of us don't think of marriage that way). You need to avoid the haywire effects of Mercury when out of phase. You would not want to make any important moves until Mercury normalizes by turning direct in October.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, a planet that expands everything it touches, has been in your house of marriage since July 2014. Many Aquarians married in the thirteen intervening months, an excellent time to do so. During this period, from last July to this August, a period of thirteen months, you were the most favored sign for marriage. Jupiter is leaving now, but as you see with the plethora of friendly planets rushing in to give you more opportunities in this realm this month, you can still progress, so no worries.

Jupiter will move into your eighth house of joint finances from August 11, 2015 to September 6, 2016, bringing you a year of great potential financial gain, the best in over a decade. The source of your windfall won't emanate from salary but from money in a one-time payment, such as from a bonus, commission, royalty, book advance, licensing fee, insurance payout, university financial aid, or inheritance. You will find that banks will be more willing to give you a mortgage, line of credit, or loan with attractive terms than they have in the past, and these are but a few examples of your luck with finances. You may be able to pay down debt, and have money left over to buy a luxury you've eyed - a wonderful situation.

You will get a big clue about this new financial trend on August 26, the luckiest day of the year for everyone, when the Sun and Jupiter will combine forces, which only happens once a year. It will be one of your favorite days of 2015. Each year these two luminaries meet in a different part of the sky, and this time, for Aquarius, these two Titans of the solar system will meet in in your eighth house, so you will see a benefit to your finances immediately.

Be careful with money, however, for the full moon of August 29, conjunct Neptune, might bring confusing conditions and make you overly optimistic. Best to leave your money in the bank. If a business enterprise (or other deal involving spending some of your savings) sounds too good to be true, with Neptune so active, it probably is. The only exception to this rule will be if you sell an artistic creation or get hired for a role in a movie - you get the idea. Neptune rules images, art, and creativity - but even so, have your agent or lawyer take a good look at the terms.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-08-01 21:57:54
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