看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 9月 射手座(原文)
時間 2016-09-04 Sun. 12:34:30

Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

This will be a big month! We have two eclipses, September 1 and September 16, plus one gorgeous new moon September 30, the move of Mars to a brand new sign for the first time in months and months, and the move of Jupiter to Libra for the first time in twelve years. Mercury will be retrograde for the first three weeks of the month, and on top of all that, we have the luckiest day of all of 2016. Wow! Let’s get started!

The first day of the month brings a major solar eclipse, September 1, to fall in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. So important is this house that the ancient astrologers called it the house of dignity, where you rise so high in the community, industry, or the world that you gain enormous respect from others for your wise leadership and mounting experience. The start of the month, and for weeks to come, will emphasize your career.

You are about to rise like cream to the top, dear Sagittarius. Your ascent will be well deserved, for you have worked very hard all year with the blind faith that that your hard work would eventually lead to something – now your belief in yourself will pay off. With a planetary line-up in your house of fame this dazzling, even enforced changes would benefit you. I am not saying you will have an enforced change, but if you do, don’t worry one bit

All solar eclipses are new moons, but they are very special ones – they have the strength of three new moons rolled into one. Eclipses are super-powerful and very intense. They often bring change to the status quo, and they root us out of a complaisant state to push us forward. It’s often impossible not to notice the effects of an eclipse, especially if it touches off one of the degrees of your planets in a chart. Accompanying your new moon solar eclipse on September 1 will be the mighty Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury. Remarkably, Mercury, the ruler of your mid-heaven (the highest point in your chart, ruling career) will be perfectly conjunct Jupiter, give of gifts and luck. Wow!

When I was learning astrology, I remember asking my Little Mom (as I called my mother) why nothing much was happening in my life despite beautiful aspects in my chart, including a very strong one from Jupiter. She asked me if I had a new moon in that area of my chart that held Jupiter. She explained that without a new moon, nothing much would happen. I remember saying, in a few months I do. My mother replied that we always need a new moon to package all the prevailing aspects and send to send them to you, like a bouquet.

YOU, dear Sagittarius, have that new moon that you have needed all year to make progress in your professional life. Not only do you have a new moon, but it’s a solar eclipse, known to set off months of energy and excitement in the area of the chart the eclipse will occur, in your case, your lofty house of career honors.

Mars and Saturn are currently traveling close in Sagittarius. This is a stop-go aspect and a pairing of opposites. Mars is an aggressive, daring planet, while Saturn is cautious and conservative. If you have wanted to act with purpose and speed, but have felt unsure of which way to go, or when, that would sound right. You need to see Mars and Saturn separate, which they are in the process of doing now, but won’t be far enough apart to feel the difference until mid-month.

It is better that you hold off on big decisions anyway. Mercury is now retrograde, which started August 30 and will continue until September 22. You started to feel the vast slowdowns and postponements, the inability to reach important people, and so forth, as early as mid-August, as we always feel the impending retrograde of Mercury before its official turn retrograde date. This time, Mercury will be retrograde in your house of career success, so this is the area you will need to show patience. When Mercury “wakes up” it won’t be back to full power until October 15. Like people, it takes planets time to ramp up and get going at full speed.

Sign no contracts, and don’t buy electronics during the retrograde. My TV blew up (literally) in August, so I had to buy a new flat screen TV. This time I bought a smart TV, but I don’t feel I have the PhD necessary to run it. The man who delivered it carefully showed me in detail how to use my new TV. He told me I would need three remotes to control different functions, including one just for sound (that one was easy to remember).

Yet somewhere along the line in the few short weeks I have had it, I became confused. I now have four TV remotes to get from one channel to the next, but I still can’t see all the channels on the menu, only some. I even deleted Netflix by mistake and can’t figure out how to get it back. Actually I finally gave up and went into the bedroom to watch my other flat screen TV while I work (not a smart TV, but it does have Apple TV, which means I have all the extra stations on it). Working in my bedroom is not convenient. I am practically in tears trying to use my new television in my living room. This would actually be hysterical if it were not so tragic! I keep the TV on while I work to keep me company. I miss it when it’s off.

My point is this: even though I bought the TV when Mercury was not retrograde, now that it is, I started to have problems and will pay the man to come back to get it easier for me to see my new TV.

Now, back to my discussion about eclipses! Eclipses come in pairs, two weeks apart, so the second eclipse will arrive as a full moon lunar eclipse, September 16 in Pisces 24 degrees. That eclipse will light your house of home. Neptune will continue to tour the home part of your chart until 2025, so be sure you have a rider on your home owner’s or renter’s insurance to cover floods as well as other problems with water, now and for years into the future. I am not saying you will necessarily have a flood or other water concern this month, but astrology is about assessing probability, and your chances of having water damage problems are rising in probability with this eclipse. As your friend, I want to protect you. If you already have home owner’s or renter’s insurance, I will bet that your policy does not cover water damage – you have to ask for it, as insurance companies typically leave out that coverage. Check with your broker today.

Mars will also be in hard angle to the eclipse, indicating an obstacle. Because Mars is not friendly to the moon, and the moon rules your eighth house of finances, it appears you might have expenses associated with your home this month – that could be for repairs, property taxes, appliances that wear out, and so forth. Pluto, however, in your second house of spending, saving, and earning, will be in positive angle to the eclipse and may save the day. Pluto may bring in money to you from a generous source that you are not expecting.

Near the September 16 eclipse, you may see a roommate or other person leave your home area, for eclipses often “eclipse out” someone from your environment. You may be getting a new place to live due to an impending divorce, or your grown child may be leaving home for college, and you know, intuitively, that your child will not be back to live with you. Your little bird has grown and is flying away. You prepared your child for this, but it’s still sad for most of us when it finally happens.

Eclipses repeat every 19 years in same day, month, sign, and degree. If you can remember what you were doing on September 1 and 16, 1997, you may get a clue of the themes that might emerge again now. The other planets have since moved to other parts of the sky and are therefore exerting different influences, but nevertheless, an eclipse is very powerful, so see if you can remember how 1997 was for you.

While you are thinking back, think about March 8, 2016, this year, when you had the last eclipse in Pisces, in different degree. At that time you again may have been thinking about home and family and any preparations you might be making for a future project, or in the case of a parent, plans you will be making for their behalf. Each eclipse builds on the discussions of the last one.

Jupiter will leave your house of honors, awards, and achievement on September 9, and will move into your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, and friendships. This will set off a highly social time that will last thirteen months, from September 9 of this month until October 10, 2017 next year. In the coming months, many new people will pour into your life, and the effect will be very stimulating. Before, when you had Jupiter In the past year, to get ahead in your career, it was all that you knew about your specialty that put you ahead, but from now on, it’s WHO you know that will count more. When you go to partiers, benefits, trade shows, and other events, take business cards and make an effort to expand your contacts. If you meet someone interesting, be the first to suggest you both have lunch. Follow up on promises – if you said you’d send your new acquaintance a copy of your new book, do it. If someone sends you something special, follow up with a note of thanks. Follow up and polite social manners will become more important than ever during the thirteen months you are entering.

    Near the September 16 eclipse, you may see a roommate or other person leave your home area, for eclipses often “eclipse out” someone from your environment.

The new people you meet will be successful and well connected. They will be good for you, offering you advice and opportunities, and will gladly make introductions for you to other people, and generally be cheerleaders for your accomplishments. They will be passionate about their own work, and their drive will fuel yours to take on an outstanding project yourself. The move of Jupiter to Libra would behoove you to join clubs, both professional and social in nature, and to go to meetings, of course!

Because you will benefit from clubs and groups, if you are in the kind of industry like the movie industry that runs on awards, enter contests and award shows of all kinds. You will have the edge this year, and you might win. If you are inclined to enter politics to volunteer, or to consider running for office, you could not have better aspects than Jupiter in the eleventh house, for you will grow your constituency. If you have a charity or humanitarian effort you believe in, get involved – you will do good, and you will also meet like-minded people who you will enjoy knowing.

If you are self-employed, you will begin to see profit from work performed on projects initiated from August 2015 to September 2016.

In love, you have the edge, too. Jupiter in the eleventh house will bounce energy to the opposite house, your fifth house, all year, making this a banner time for you to fall in love or grow the love you have now. Fun times will come, and the days of all work and no play will end.

Two days that deserve a big gold star will be September 25-26, the luckiest days of the year, when a social event, or the kindness of a friend, will take your breath away. On this day, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will combine energies with the mighty Sun to shower you with happy experiences. Jupiter is your ruling planet, so this aspect will be especially strong for you. It’s possible that you will be on the road traveling to a distant port, for the Sun rules your ninth house of foreign travel. Alternatively, you might gain from a court settlement or a media project (publishing or broadcasting).

You are also lucky that you have had Mars, the planet of assertion, in Sagittarius since March 5 to May 27 and then again from August 2 to this month, ending September 27. Of the two periods, the August and September dates are the most important because Mars was either retrograde or getting ready to retrograde, making the first half of 2016 not as special for your love life. It was hard to get anything moving, including a romantic relationship.

During the first three weeks of September you have all the right conditions to fall in love or to fan the fires of love you already enjoy. Venus will be in Libra, a great place for Venus to be for you, from August 29 to September 23. Mars will continue to tour Sagittarius until September 27.

Circle a date that falls on September 17, when Mars and Uranus will combine energies to make that Saturday a day of delicious, unexpected romantic fun. If you have children, this would also be a day to do something special for them that causes them to squeal with delight.

After September 27, Mars will enter Capricorn, and financial matters will occupy your thinking until November 8. You may go into an expensive period, and for example, you may be paying taxes or tuition, or you may be remodeling your house, buying new clothes for the coming season, or doing any number of things September and through October that cause you to see a drain on your bank account. This will be temporary, so you have no reason to worry. You may have planned for this eventuality, in which case you will be ready, but if not, knowing by early November your spending will settle down will be a comfort.

The month ends with the most beautiful new moon of the year, September 30, with the promise of even more social activity! This new moon will enter with the Sun to her left and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, to her right. This new moon will usher in weeks, and possibly months, of increased social interaction, and with Jupiter so prominent, they will be good for you. It looks as though the universe will be very insistent that you notice the wonderful people that are about to surround you, and to be responsive when someone says they would like to have breakfast or lunch together to see what you can cook up together.

The Sun rules your travel sector, so you may decide to take a long trip overseas or to a beautiful island with a friend, and you’ll have a wonderful time. Or, you and a friend may start a business, or raise money or awareness for a charity you both believe in. The possibilities are endless.

Finally, the eleventh house that is so lit up also rules that fairy tale part of the chart, called hopes and wishes. You may soon see a long desired dream come true, and it may be material or spiritual in nature, such as, you might say, I wish I could buy a house, or, a more spiritual wish would be, I wish I could have a baby. Hold on to your dreams, dear Sagittarius, for with Jupiter in your solar eleventh house, dreams come true.

One last note: Be sure to see the essay I wrote on All You Need to Know about Mercury Retrograde, free on the home page of AstrologyZone.com or on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone Daily Horoscope app, the premium version (by subscription, $4.99 for one month, for a year, $49.95). Apple App Store and Google Play are my retailers for my app, and they take 30 percent, and they deserve that profit.

All smart phones, including iPhone, Android, or Samsung Galaxy, offer my app. Search under Susan Miller and an icon with AZ will come up. When you get the app, look under Learn Astrology. Also while you are reading up on the phenomena of this month, please also read How to Deal with Eclipses, again free on my homepage of AstrologyZone.com or on my premium app under Learn Astrology. Phunware, my developer, recently updated my premium version of the app with new navigation and new features, including video, last May. I think you will enjoy all the additions we made!

If your birthday falls on November 29, plus or minus five days, this new moon will work extra hard so that you can benefit. The same is true if you have Sagittarius rising, 8 degrees, plus or minus five days, you too will get a double dip of pleasure. Also, look at your natal horoscope to see if you have any natal planet at 8 degrees in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, for that planet will be very lit up at the time. Jupiter will be close to the Sun, so any of your planets that fit this description, plus or minus five degrees, will bring you gifts.




A crown of stars will be twinkling at the very top of your chart, in your solar tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame, making September YOUR month to make a big name for yourself. Among those heavenly bodies will be the mighty Sun, good fortune Jupiter, newsy Mercury, and the solar eclipse, a new moon – September 1 in Virgo. Eclipses typically come by four times a year, and in September, there will be two. Fasten your seat belt because a major breakthrough in your career could change your life from the inside out, all for the better.

Eclipses strike like lightning, so you may not see how exciting your professional life is about to become until news arrives. Mercury is currently retrograde until September 22, so it seems likely that you will hear from a previous client, employer, or colleague who believes in you, and would like to have you in their corner again. In that case you can – the rule of “never take a job or assignment when Mercury is retrograde” does not hold here, not if you go back to a former relationship.

Your home will also require attention at the full moon lunar eclipse, September 16. You may finally find a new place to live, do massive renovation, or make repairs. If you want to close on a house, or sell property, set the date for after September 22. Full moon eclipses bring matters to a quick conclusion. If you have been thinking about one of your parents, and hope to help your father or mother in some way, you are likely to find the right situation now.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will leave your tenth house of fame and honors onSeptember 9, and move to your eleventh house of hopes and wishes. This is a fairy tale area of your chart that has a magical, enchanting quality that when aspected by strong, positive planets (as you will have) can help you make your dearest dreams come true. Dust off your wish list, dear Sagittarius. Jupiter will also help you make important new contacts, and among them, one or two new friends will expose you to new ideas and interests and introduce you to new people – your new friends and contacts may wind up having a strong impact on your future.

If you are self-employed, the eleventh house is also the area of profit from the proposals, successes, and efforts you made in the last cycle of Jupiter, while he resided in your tenth house. Now you will see the seeds you planted back in August 2015 through September 2016 begin to bear fruit. Money will come in directly from your past professional efforts, and over the coming thirteen months, you will do very well financially.

You may be attending a luxurious, celebratory event over the weekend of September 24-25, or on Monday, September 26. The event will be populated with successful types who are warm and welcoming, and the conversation will bubble up in the most exciting way. When your ruler Jupiter combines energies with the Sun, that creates big news, and will help you weave a memory that will last forever.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-09-04 12:34:30
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[運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 9月 射手座(原文)
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