看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 10月 射手座(原文)
時間 2016-10-02 Sun. 22:57:00

Sagittarius October Horoscope

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

Life is changing in a positive way, all caused by a shift of planets into new signs. From now on, the way you work and socialize will change. You may be used to being shuttered in your office or studio most days, writing proposals, or having formal meetings, but to succeed in the coming months, now that Jupiter, giver of good fortune, is in social Libra, you will need to socialize more than you have. The last quarter of this year is the year’s best, so stay enthusiastic, for you can benefit from all that is going on.


First, let’s talk about action planet Mars, for Mars’ whereabouts tells me where your focus will be drawn. Since March 5, you’ve had Mars in Sagittarius, keeping you unusually busy and placing you in the lead, in the role of leading the brigade. Over the past seven months, you got used to having Mars in Sagittarius, and you liked being thought of as a visionary in your field – you must admit, those were pressure-filled months too, if only because you knew your work was on display. Now that you have planted important seeds for your professional future, you need to let those seeds grow naturally and organically – let go a little. Life is about to get softer and easier.


Mars will be moving through Capricorn now until November 8, and in that sign, Mars will raise your expenses temporarily. Mars will also help you find new ways to make money. (The type of funds I am discussing here is money you would earn, not money you would win, loan, or be given as a gift.) Mars is attached to your fifth house of creativity, so if you work in the arts, you will benefit from this influence, as you can make good money from your artistic expressions and skills. Mars in Capricorn will make you realistic and practical, too, and very wise when drawing up budgets, a big plus when recommending ideas to VIPs with big-money budgets. As long as your projections are sound, you will impress the powers at the top and those influential people will want to help you.


The new moon that appeared only hours prior to the start of October on September 30, in Libra 8 degrees, will affect you in the first third of October, but in truth may well affect you for an entire year to come. The seeds you plant immediately in October can grow to the sky.  That new moon brought with her two dignitaries, the Sun, giver of life and strength, and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. This makes the new moon extraordinarily powerful, brimming with opportunity and laden with potential for happiness.


This new moon will appear in your eleventh house of friends, hopes, and wishes, and your first order of business will be to be determined to be out of your office and open to making new contacts, acquaintances, and friendships. You may be close to grasping a dream you’ve long held, and this month it may crystallize. Friends will be helpful in linking you to all the right opportunities. New and present friends will also provide introductions to get you to the VIPs you need to see to get to where you want to be.


You will be socializing much more frequently in the coming months, and in early October you will get the first glimpse into this vibrant new trend. It would be smart to join a club – social or professional – or to go to trade shows, conferences, seminars, award shows, and even sporting events, any event where you can put yourself in places where many people will be gathering will help your personal growth. Let being at random events bring you luck as you strike up conversations with people you meet.


This new moon appeared at 8 degrees Libra, so if your birthday falls on November 30, plus or minus five days, you will get a double dip of pleasure, not only now but throughout the coming months. The same would be true if you have Sagittarius rising, the natal moon, or a natal planet at 8 degrees Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. This is your time!

One golden day stands out, October 11, when Mercury (news) will align perfectly with Jupiter (good fortune). News from a friend or group / club / society that you belong to should be exciting. You can volunteer for a position in a charity if you like, or if this is the date of your fundraiser, you will do exceedingly well with donations. (Jupiter expands all it touches). This would also be a perfect day to enter a contest for a professional award, to speak on a panel, or to judge a contest. If you take over the editorship of a club newsletter, you are likely to expand and refine it into something more modern and up to date. You’d be the enthusiastic talk of the industry in coming months, and you’d have fun experimenting. Go to any event you are invited to October 11, for you will make new friends, and one in particular may become very dear and valuable to you.


Amid this storybook month comes the October 16 full moon in Aries, 23 degrees, that you will feel on the day, or plus or minus four days. Full moons bring feelings to the surface, and this one is due to be exciting or upsetting, and there is almost no way to know which way things will go. The full moon will come conjunct the unpredictable planet Uranus and because Uranus will oppose the Sun, something is coming to critical mass, but it’s hard to tell which way it will go. You might have a problem with a person based in an international setting, with the media, academia, or the courts, or any of these areas may make you excited. Literally, this is a wild card, and emotions may spring up on either end of a very wide spectrum, but feelings will not likely take a middle course.


Your romantic life will be the focus of this full moon, October 15, and so a person you are dating may act erratically or may surprise you in a wonderful way. With the planet of unanticipated events, you never know.


If only Uranus were involved, it might bring a kaleidoscope of fun, but Pluto will be lurking around too and at a harsh 90-degree angle to this full moon. This tells me that at the core, if you do have a disagreement with your romantic partner, or a meditation about a child or pregnancy, or someone you are dating, money will be at the core of what comes up. This may not be obvious, so you would have to follow the strings of the discussion (or the confrontation that comes up) and see where that string will eventually lead. My bet is money is at the base, but married Sagittarians or those in a fine committed relationship are not part of this aspect.)


If it is not the person you are with romantically who is bringing unusual news, or an unanticipated episode, you may be thinking about an unexpected pregnancy or something that comes up that you must do on the behalf of a child who needs your help.


Alternatively, there will be one other way this full moon may deliver news, and that would have to do with a creative project you are working on, as its creator. Overruns could be the problem, and you will have to decide what to do – get the client to pay, or contribute your own money to the project to keep the integrity of your creative vision intact. You might be thinking, that would never happen, but it does.


I used to work as a successful agent for commercial photographers, and this happens more often than I would like to admit. Sometimes budgets are so low that a fine photographer wouldn’t want to put his name on the finished product, so if the basic idea is exciting, he would put his own money in to save the quality of the idea, assuming the client has a good reputation and the assignment has potential for awards or publicity.


If your birthday falls on December 14, you will feel this full moon at 23 degrees Aries more than most other members of your sign. However, Uranus at 23 degrees is actually good to your birthday Sun, so although things will come up suddenly you are likely to handle them well. Pluto in hard angle to the moon may bring up a financial matter that will concern you.


The end of the month brings another new moon, this one in Scorpio, 8 degrees. This will be a time to rest, regroup, and decide what comes next for you. Very soon your birthday will be coming up, so for now, think about what you will like to achieve in your coming birthday year. If you could grasp any goal by this time next year, what would it be?


Venus will move into Sagittarius at month’s end, starting October 18 to November 8. This will amp up your charm and make you noticed in social situations, whether you are aware of this or not! Take a little time to shop for new wardrobe items, and to do all you’ve wanted to do to improve your appearance. Pick out something you can wear immediately – rip off those tags and wear it on October 26. Why that day? Here’s why:

October 26 will be an outstanding day to socialize. This is an evening when you should be out, whether with friends or with the one you love. Venus will be in sync with Jupiter, making this a day dipped in gold to remember.





Last month you put a heavy emphasis on your career, but this month, you will have a light and lyrical time meeting up with friends, enjoying sports and romance, and finding a way let go a little from the pressures of career. This new trend is being set off by a gorgeous new moon, September 30, which will exert a strong influence on the days through October 10. If you belong to a club (or if not, consider joining one), then attend a meeting – there are benefits to be gained that you can’t quite anticipate ahead of time. If you want to volunteer for a charity, show up and roll up your sleeves, and you can now make a difference to that cause. You will enjoy being with people who share your interests, and you may make a new, close friend.


You will have a memorable, exciting day, when Mercury combines forces with Jupiter on October 10-11. You may be very touched by the wholehearted, genuine care that a friend shows you. Or, on this day, you may find a club you belong to works to help you in amazing ways.


A romantic relationship might turn unexpectedly strange at the full moon in Aries, October 15. That moon will come conjunct Uranus, the planet that brings up unpredictable events. No matter how you try, you would not be able to imagine what kind of news this full moon could bring you. There will be a sort of disruption or revelation, and you will need to keep your emotions in check and as calm as possible. Full moons bring closure, and often bring truth to the surface with the force of a geyser. The ruler of Aries, where the full moon will fall, will be moving through your house of money, so an expense may come up, and you may have a disagreement about money with a person you are dating. Your expenses are very high this month as it is, and this is making you touchy about this subject.


The Sun’s position near October 16 suggests a long-distance trip you were planning may have to be rescheduled. Or, if you have to take it, be ready for anything – some of the serendipity could be fun. If you are not dating, you may be thinking about a pregnancy or a child you have now, or about a creative project that needs to be managed and finished. Any of these areas could bring unexpected twists and turns.


The month will end quietly, with a new moon on October 30, in Scorpio, ushering in a time to consider the course you are on in life, and to make changes if you like before your birthday time arrives in a few weeks. September was very active professionally and brought changes at work and possibly at home too, and although October has a more personal emphasis, it’s still busy. With so much going on, you will likely look forward to month’s end and early November when you will be able to breathe and slowdown, and to recharge your batteries to get ready to enjoy your birthday and the upcoming flurry of holiday festivities.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-10-02 22:57:00
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