看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 9月 魔羯座(原文)
時間 2018-09-02 Sun. 11:29:34

Capricorn Horoscope for September 2018

Dec 22 - Jan 19
A Note from Susan Miller

september 2018

Dear Reader,

I have exciting news! I will do personal chart readings in the garden of the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles from September 7 through 14, 2018. I live in New York City and have been traveling to LA almost every month for several years. I have always stayed at this particular Four Seasons Hotel because it is my favorite – I call it my little piece of heaven. When I stay there, I feel like I’m home.

I love the meditation by Deepak Chopra that’s on the TV in my room, for it starts my day in a soothing, calm way. The Four Seasons’ Spa is exceptionally beautiful. I am a fan of their sensuous facials and massages.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You seem to want to travel and to feel free, and this month the universe understands and will make it possible for you to go anywhere your heart desires. Last month, on August 26, the full moon was urging you to go to a place near water to think, reflect on recent events, and plan your course for the rest of the year. You likely came back refreshed, but now you want to travel again and perhaps go further afield.

A friendly new moon, September 9, in Virgo 17 degrees, will light your ninth house of international and distant travel, so you may be planning another trip for this month. Your next journey can take you over many more miles, possibly overseas, for this new moon is working to open your horizons and broaden your outlook. Going to a foreign country that is close by, even on that borders on your country, would also work, so you don’t necessarily have to travel far to get the enjoyment you crave this month. Any country that requires your passport for entry would fit the bill.

There are other activities that this new moon will encourage you to consider aside form travel. You may be working with a company from your home with executives abroad in an international relationship or coordinating over email and telephone. This new moon could also bring up new broadcasting or publishing assignments that excite you.

Do you need to see a lawyer for any reason? Contact your lawyer after September 9, whether you are bringing a suit to court, registering a trademark, or creating a contract to seal a deal. Some Capricorns are excited about going back to school in September, as a college undergraduate or graduate school student, and this new moon will see to it that Capricorn students do well this coming year.

I am very excited about this new moon because it has extraordinary support from Jupiter, giver of gifts and good fortune, based in your friendship sector (eleventh house), and from Pluto in Capricorn, your first house of personality. Friends will play a large role at this new moon and give you helpful advice and tips for jobs that may be coming up. If you are self-employed, friends will direct you to places where you can generate new business.

Jupiter is currently in your eleventh house, so consider joining a new club, professional group, or charity to expand your circle of friends and contacts. New people you meet in September will help you achieve your greatest personal growth. Jupiter will only be in this part of your chart until early November and then not again until September 2028.

Consider joining a group that interests you in September and watch the magic happen. You may think you have no time and come up with many excuses, but truly, people you meet will be warm and generous and will be glad to make other introductions for you. Pluto will also support this new moon, September 9, and that will give you an ability to be heard by others and to transform your life as you would like it to be.

Pluto is in a long visit to Capricorn, one that started in 2008 and will continue until 2024. You now have Pluto, Saturn, and Mars in your first house of personality, but such a buildup of weighty planets there can make you come on too strong, and not to your benefit. Remember not to hit a gnat with a hammer. A light touch works best.

    Jupiter is currently in your eleventh house, so consider joining a new club, professional group, or charity to expand your circle of friends and contacts. New people you meet in September will help you achieve your greatest personal growth.

If you are wearing a lot of black and other dark colors lately, it means you are feeling Saturn on your Sun. This is always a tough aspect, for Saturn will isolate you to see how you do when standing on your own without the usual sources of support you are used to having near. For some reason those people are not near you now. This is a temporary situation, but you may feel the difference and seem just a little detached. It’s another reason to reach out and make new friends.

When Saturn visits your Sun, like you have now, you need to state an important life goal. It will be one of your choosing that will give your life more substance and meaning. It will be a goal that you cannot undo later, nor would you want to. The reason you would be taking on this goal is to have something to count for your time. Saturn rules the concept of time, and often when we have Saturn on our Sun, as you do, you feel the passage of time, and you want to create markers – get married, have a baby, write a book, go to graduate school, you get the idea. You will want to put lasting elements into your life.

Saturn can have a draining effect on your health, so it’s important to get an annual medical checkup and ask if you need to take any specific vitamins or do certain exercises, particularly to strengthen your bones. Also, keep visiting your dentist, because bones and teeth are both ruled by Saturn.

Those born December 20 to January 1 are the ones who felt the pressure from Saturn the most this year. Next year, 2019, it will be those born from January 2 to January 13 who will work directly with Saturn. Think of this tough-love teacher as a highly priced tutor who can only see you two or three times in your lifetime. When Saturn arrives in you sign, he spends three years with you, but since it takes him 29 years to circle the Sun, once he moves on, he won’t be back until 2047. What you accomplish with Saturn stays with you forever.

Saturn is your ruling planet and has been retrograde since mid-April of this year, as has Pluto, and both will go direct this month. Saturn is the more important of the two planets for you, and Saturn will go direct September 6. You will start to see your plans move ahead more quickly from then on. Pluto turns to a strong, direct orbit on September 30. All signs point to life as you like it, on fast-forward, at least in September.

This summer was a workout, with three eclipses and Mars and Mercury retrograde – absolutely nothing was easy. (I know it was winter for my readers in South America, Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.) July and August was a good time to think back and make changes. Mercury regulated its orbit by going direct on August 18, and Mars recently went direct on August 27. The planets that we feel the most when retrograde are Mercury, Mars, and Venus. Venus has not been retrograde but will be from October 5 to November 16.

Venus is the natural ruler of your house of profession, so although normally it would be a good idea to look for an important position when the new moon arrives in Libra and lights that part of your chart (to happen October 8, the only date in 2018 to light that prestigious house), it would not be a good time to interview for a responsible position with Venus retrograde.

The exception would be if you go back to employers and clients who you used to work with, for in that case you are not starting a new relationship with a new job and a new boss, but you would be reestablishing one that began some time ago, so you can proceed with confidence.

Next month, with Venus retrograde, I will tell you not to change your appearance radically, so if you want to have plastic surgery, do so this month on or near September 11. The same advice holds for you if you want to ask your dentist to put veneers on your teeth or your stylist to change the way you wear your hair, and here I am addressing my women readers. Men, maybe it’s not a good idea next month to shave off your beard or grow one – keep to the status quo. If you have a product or service that you direct to women, launch it now, but not in October or November, for Venus rules products of interest to females.

As luck would have it, the day that Venus goes direct, November 16, is the same date that Mercury will go retrograde again, from November 16 to December 6. The universe builds in speed bumps to force us to slow down, look back, and make improvements in our lives.

The good news is that we will enjoy the December year-end holidays thoroughly this year. Last year, with Mercury retrograde from December 3 to December 22, it was hard to choose gifts that our recipients would love, so many of us had little choice but to buy gift certificates. This year that won’t be the case. Shop for electronics, like a laptop computer, smart phone, or other device, after December 6, but not before that date. It’s best to buy expensive jewelry, or any item that beautifies you or your home, after December 6.

Speaking of home, the full moon on September 24 will put strong emphasis on your fourth house of home and family. At that time you are likely to see a home-related job finish up, say, if you have contractors working there or expect a furniture delivery. If you need to move, you may be doing so within four days of September 24.

The full moon won’t be entirely easy. Saturn will be in hard angle (90 degrees) to the Sun in Libra, your tenth house of prestigious career advancement, and to the full moon in Aries, your fourth house of home. Certainly the responsibilities of your career and those at home are clashing at this time. You may feel that you have no idea which area to attend to first, for both will need you. However, this is a full moon in your family-and-me sector, so this is where you must concentrate with the full moon on September 24. Despite demands at the office, say to yourself, it’s family first.

Mars will move back to Aquarius and send a sweet missive to the transiting Sun in Libra, indicating you might hear good news about a project or deal you had been working on for some time. By this full moon, September 24, or a few days later, September 27 (when the aspect will be exact), you may see an offer come in. This will be the very best career oriented day for you.


You might have decided to take time off last month at the end of August. Being a hard working, ambitious soul, and one who is always interested in getting ahead, you may have favored taking quick trips in late August, for many other people in your office or clients were away on trips, too. Last month’s full moon was in Pisces, August 26, so you may have chosen to take a trip to the seashore, a location near rippling pools of blue water, or to a cottage near a bubbling stream with cascading fresh water.

More travel is about to come up in September, and you’d be wise to take full advantage. Your trip taken this month would more likely be for pleasure, but it’s always possible you will work in a business trip, too. The trip you took at the end of August didn’t quite satiate your appetite for travel – in fact, it only made you more excited to pack your bags and go again. The Virgo new moon, September 9, will make a journey possible within the two weeks that follow. A new moon in Virgo is highly compatible to your Capricorn Sun and suggests you would go to a mountainous, lush setting that nestles a beautiful body of crystal clear water, for Neptune, associated with bodies of water, will be prominent at this new moon.

If you cannot get away, you may be studying abroad, doing research in a foreign country or home, or registering for college classes in your own country. This new moon will be encouraging and is one of the best of the year, for you will have help from Pluto, the planet that helps you transform your dreams into ones you can see, touch, and feel. If you work in the media, on the Internet, publishing, or broadcasting, your work will go exceptionally well, and clients will be calling you with new projects. Legal matters will go well too, so if you need to sign a contract, do so quickly, within days after September 9. Your very best day would be September 11.

With Mars due back to Aquarius from September 10 until November 15, the coming months will find you involved with higher than normal spending. No worries, however, for you have a superb outlook for generating more income in September.

September 11 will be a standout, five-star day, when Jupiter and Pluto will be in sync, a rare event that will not happen in any similar way for almost two years. Jupiter is in your friendship house, so a friend or your membership in a club or other group will help you to get ahead. Pluto is now in Capricorn, so the help will be quite personal, especially in terms of providing the right timing and environment for you to create a lucrative financial deal.

Import-export, international relationships, and contractual negotiations will all be favored when Mercury will meet with other planets in friendly ways: September 7, September 14-16, or September 23 will be good days to sign papers.

One day to stay away from any kind of financial dealings will be September 18, when Mars and Uranus will be at sharp odds, making the future of any deal you agree to unlikely to produce the results you would hope to achieve.

In recent years, you have seen many changes to your residence or were focused on the shifting needs of a special family member, but that portion of your life appears to be settling down. You will probably be happy to hear that it is unlikely you will be moving so often in the future.

Still, the full moon in Aries on September 24 won’t be entirely easy, for your ruler, Saturn, will be in Capricorn and in hard angle to the Sun in Libra, indicating that you may have to write a hefty check for a home or family matter. Saturn will also be in hard angle to this full moon in Aries, so you may have to humor your partner or others with whom you share your space to approve home-related changes you want to make. You can do that, for you have become quite adept at negotiating. Mars will be helpful, so keep trying to smooth things out with family and your partner, as you have enough going for you to win them over.

Romantically and in terms of stepping out, your social life will be on the upswing once Venus enters Scorpio, September 9 to January 7. Venus normally does not stay in one sign of the zodiac for such a long time (usually only four weeks, not four months), but Venus will retrograde from October 5 to November 16, rendering her weak during that time. You will have you best luck with finding a new love interest from December 6 to January 2.

Still, even a weak Venus can help your social life somewhat, but you should not make radical, expensive changes to your appearance during October and November. Additionally, Venus rules your reputation sector, so October and November won’t be banner months for making career progress either.

You can press ahead now, in September, and make even better progress in January when a bevy of planets will gather in Capricorn. As you know, as mentioned earlier, you have a perfect outlook for success in travel, study, the media, and financial gain. Center your attention on those areas.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-09-02 11:29:34
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