看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 4月 魔羯座(原文)
時間 2018-04-02 Mon. 23:13:24

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2018

Dec 22 - Jan 19
A Note from Susan Miller

April 2018

Welcome to April, one of my favorite months of 2018. This month has spectacular aspects in the first three weeks…

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

Ever since teacher and judge planet Saturn moved into Capricorn last year on December 20, 2017, you were forced to deal with a new reality and greater responsibilities. If your Capricorn birthday falls in December, or in the first three days of January, life is not easy. April starts out bumpy, but gets progressively easier as you get to the end, and that will be your most productive time.

The full moon that appeared March 31, one day prior to the dawning of April, was not an easy full moon. That full moon was in Libra 11 degrees, and in precise, hard angle to two planets in Capricorn: Mars and Saturn traveling in conjunction (a rare aspect) in Capricorn, to peak in mathematical apex on April 2. (Pluto is in Capricorn and in your first house too, but will be too far away in degree to be part of this aspect.)

I need to digress for a moment to flag something about the Saturn and Mars conjunction in Capricorn, April 2, plus or minus one day. This is a classic aspect associated with injury to bones (particularly the knees) and teeth. You are Capricorn, and Saturn is your ruler, so you do have to take precautions. First, watch where you walk. I know this sounds elementary, but most people don’t pay attention to their surroundings and walk into potholes, signs, and even each other. Too many people have their eyes on their cell phones, but in the first week of April while this aspect is in place, you really must pay attention. This would not be a good time to engage in extreme sports either.

All full moons have a perimeter of influence that covers four days beyond the date the full moons appear. This full moon lit your tenth house of reputation, career success and achievement, but the tension you will feel about your career seems to be unusually strong as April begins. This not a bad sign of things to come – it’s just pressure your boss is feeling, and that pressure is being transferred to you. The planets are simply not cooperating. If you get offered a new job in early April, you may feel the offer is problematic. Your house of home, living quarters, and family is also lit up this month, so your obligations at home will almost certainly enter the mix of what to do.

Recently, in my own life, during the past two days, all my Capricorn friends have called to tell me their career was making them feel vaguely jittery and unstable. They seem to be coming face-to-face with what they perceive to be their inadequacies. I told my Capricorn friends that this is Saturn speaking – Saturn in one’s own sign always brings a feeling of fear. Just because you feel overwhelmed doesn’t mean you really are unable to face the challenge that are coming up – you can! That full moon of March 31 was a little witch that stirred up much tension and lots of doubts. Take what is valuable from that full moon, but don’t let it crush you.

A lot is happening in the first several days of April, for additionally Mars and Saturn will be in hard angle to Mercury in Aries, which rules your current, workaday projects centered in your solar sixth house. (This area of your chart does not affect your reputation). Here, too, something will come up that will force you to find a way to solve a problem. You may have encountered this type of problem before, but this time seems different, and the problem will oddly seem more resistant to remedy.

Rather than use a tried-and-true formula (which won’t work anyway), instead apply an entirely new fix because when Saturn comes knocking in Capricorn every 29 years, he wants to see you innovate. If you have to apply something risky that you thought out of the box, do it. (Yes, it’s not been since 1988 to 1991 since you’ve had Saturn in Capricorn.) This is a very special time for you, and in the coming three years while Saturn will be with you (until December 2020) you will achieve great personal growth.

While all this is going on, you also have your family and home-related dilemmas raging. You seem to be trying to appease everyone in your life, running from pillar to post. If you feel you are in a vice with the walls closing in as you enter April, I completely understand and sympathize – this will pass. This just is not the best time for career advancement and not so easy for changes in your living place either, dear Capricorn. Keep mastering your professional skills for now, and I will tell you when the right time to press forward will be. Last year was a great time for you to advance, but this year, you need to be patient.

Also not helping is Mercury retrograde during the first half until April 15, a holdover from March 22, when Mercury started to retrograde. This time Mercury will retrograde in Aries in your house of home and family. I bet you are not surprised to hear that! What could possibly go wrong? I am joking, but it’s not in fact funny. If you put a bid on a house recently, you may have been dismayed to find your bid was not accepted, or that the bank lost your paperwork and can’t give you the mortgage as quickly as you need it. These are just examples, but you get the idea. Talk about frustration!

If you and your family are trying to decide how to best help your mother or father with something specific, it looks like your first idea won’t work as perfectly as you assumed. You will likely have to tweak things. The day Mercury goes direct is April 15, but Mercury never immediately turns strong – give yourself a space of week or more.

If you would like to learn more about Mercury retrograde, and why it is never wise to buy new electronic items during this phase, you might want to lo look at my article, “All You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde,” on the lower left hand side of my website of Astrology Zone. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/2ny6INl

If you are reading my forecast on my premium paid version of my app, go to the menu, find Life Love + More, and then Susan’s Essays. You will find the same article with a different headline, “Mercury Retrograde and What It Means for You.” I am not sure why my tech team changed the name on my same essay.

Your home life will grow in importance and be at top of mind at the new moon April 15 in Aries, 26 degrees. Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected, unplanned, and out of the blue, will be conjunct the Sun and new moon. This tells me whatever comes up will certainly get your attention, like a thunderbolt out of the sky. It is likely you will be spending money, but that may be a good thing, not necessarily bad, but we don’t know yet. Now it could be something wonderful – you might approved or a mortgage or a refinanced mortgage, or get started on renovating your kitchen. Or, just the opposite, you may need to deal with something you never saw coming, like a tree falling in your yard, or need to fix a leaky the roof, or find your living room wood floors buckling after a rainstorm that brought water through the windows.

Because a new moon always sets up a trend that lasts five or six months, you will be working on whatever comes up now for that length of time, until late August, September, or October. Get set to work out any kinks and details of this new moon, and you will be in a better place by then.

Pluto in Capricorn will be in hard angle to the Sun and new moon of April 15, and within range of Uranus too, all in very hard square aspect. Something seems to need to be addressed, or someone connected to your home might pressure you or cause you tension. This person could be your landlord, roommate, contractor, architect, or a family member who will flex authority. Your nerves might be on edge.

    Romance will be special while Venus glides through Taurus, from April 1 to April 24. Certain days stand out: April 7, 10, and 12 when you will be covered with sparkling star dust.

Yet there is good news about Pluto and Uranus, too. Both planets have moved away from directly clashing with each other (since 2012-2015), and although these two powerful planets are technically still within orb, they are slowly separating, what astrologers call not applying (not coming together). This will make the aspect weaker, and more muted – and that’s good!

The only Capricorn readers who might feel something like what I have described about Pluto would have a birthday that falls on of January 11 to 17. If that is NOT you, I doubt you will feel Pluto’s tensions. If that IS that is you, you may have positive aspects in your chart that I can’t see from where I sit that may mitigate Pluto to a large degree.

If you need to move, or renovate, or do something else connected with your home, this new moon April 15 in Aries would have usually been a great time to begin work on a home, or to look for a new place to live. New moons are associated with fresh starts, but this new moon is unclear and has a number of crosscurrents. This new moon does seem to come packaged with unexpected developments – the trick will be to use the lucky breaks and get around the unexpected setbacks.

Remarkably, at the same time, April 14, you have an aspect that is incredibly positive and glowing for you, and I feel it could be strong enough to offset some of the frustrations of the new moon. Here is what I see.

On April 14 Jupiter in Scorpio will be in ideal angle to Pluto in Capricorn. This is considered an aspect with a signature of outstanding success, especially in financial realms. These two planets are rarely in conversation because their orbits are quite different. (Jupiter takes 12 years to revolve around the Sun, and Pluto takes 248 years to make the same journey.)

This year these two planets have been in close talks, and they made a decisive alignment on January 15. They will again this month on April 14 and the last one is due September 12. Pluto in alignment with Pluto is a big deal, and with Pluto in your sign of Capricorn and Jupiter in friendly Scorpio, it looks like you may find yourself at the right place at precisely the right time.

These two planets are big financial planets, so this month, especially near April 14 (could be just after Mercury goes direct April 15), this bodes well for your outlook for an investment such as for a house – ask your broker if she agrees, for your broker will look at your entire situation. If you are not ready for a step like buying a house, you can still make a contribution to your savings or retirement account, with the advice of your fiduciary financial advisor, and if you do, especially near this date, April 14 you would likely see it grow.

I should mention that your ruler, Saturn, will go retrograde in Capricorn April 17, too, making you go back to your plans to refine and adjust your strategy. Saturn will go direct on September 6, and for many reasons, too many to list now, I love September for you, for the planets will bring you plenty of options, without the occasional drawbacks you are seeing now in April.

Dear Capricorn, keep an eye on September, five months from now, for I think all your questions will be resolved by then. I especially like when the Sun will be moving in an earth sign Virgo, from August 23 until September 21. I like the full moon, coming August 26, a good time for you to take a quick vacation.

Saturn, turning retrograde this month April 17, will be turning direct by September 6. I feel your final breakthrough in your home situation will come at the Harvest full moon, September 24. Just as importantly, Jupiter and Pluto, the two financial planets I spoke about above that are so powerful financially, will make their final meeting September 12. September truly sparkles for you.

This month, a really outstandingly lucky, happy day will be Monday, April 23, when Mars in Capricorn will receive a golden beam from good fortune Jupiter in Scorpio in your friendship sector. This would be a perfect day to gather your friends for a wonderful dinner together after work. Or, travel to see your good friend, and see if you can turn your time away into a long weekend April 21-23. If you cannot travel, I feel a friend may go out of his or her way to help you in a substantial way on this dazzling day. If you have a dilemma, go to a friend for a tip.

We come now to the full moon, April 29 in Scorpio, when marvelous opportunities to socialize and have fun with friends are likely to come up. It’s about time! All month you’ve had important things to think about but this sweet full moon will help you unwind and relax with the very people who make you the happiest. At the time of this full moon, the mighty Sun will have just entered your fifth house of romance, love, and fun. This full moon will give your life balance, make you realize you are loved, and allow you to enjoy every minute.

At the time of this full moon, Saturn in Capricorn and the Sun in Taurus will be in perfect sync, indicating that plans you make in regard to your love life will be ones that stick. You can share dreams and plan for the future – at this time, the promises you both make to each other will last.

Also at month’s end, Jupiter, the great good fortune planet, will be in close communication with Neptune in your third house of travel, so you might want to take a little vacation with a friend.

With Neptune involved, choose a natural setting near water. You’ve had enough noise in your life, so treat yourself to a little quietude – hear the birds tweet to each other, enjoy the sound of rustle of the wind in the trees, listen to the bubbling water fall forcefully in the creek below, and feel the softness of a dirt path beneath your feet. Breathe, dear Capricorn. If you go to the seashore, enjoy the sound of the surf pounding the shore, and the occasional seagull flying high above as you bite into fresh lobster roll in the salty air. You will come back refreshed and renewed and ready for anything.

I feel all Capricorns will have something to cheer about at this full moon. If your birthday falls on December 31, plus or minus five days, you will enjoy this full moon with a double dip of pleasure. The same is true if you have Capricorn rising or the natal moon in Capricorn at 10 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. Do you have a natal planet in Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces at 10 degrees? If so, allow a tolerance of plus or minus five degrees, and you will likely see happy news fly in your window.

You and I have been talking mostly about friendship. Your outlook for love is getting strong, too. Venus will glide through your fifth house of true love all month while in highly compatible earth sign Taurus, starting from the beginning to April 24, when Venus will move on.

There are three days that will deserve to be circled in red. Here they are – and I believe you will enjoy them all.

Put a star on Saturday, April 7, when Saturn in Capricorn and Venus in Taurus will be beautifully aligned. This is a lovely day to talk about the future with the one you love. The transiting moon will cooperate too, by being in Capricorn. Don’t make any big initiations on this day yet, though – Mercury will still be retrograde until April 16.

Next comes a stellar day, Tuesday, April 10, when sexy Mars will send sensuous vibrations to Venus in Taurus. This is a wonderful night for Capricorn singles to be out and about after work, if only for an hour or two. Both Venus and Mars – two planets that go together like salt and pepper – will make you super attractive. Remember – you have Venus in your house of true love, and Mars is in Capricorn in your first house of personality. It doesn’t get any better than this.

I also love Wednesday, April 12, for your romantic life when Venus in Taurus will receive a sparkling vibration from Neptune in Pisces – what a glamorous evening you can have in store! If you feel you need a break, go to a movie after work with the one you are dating or love, or simply go by yourself or with a friend – and have dinner out.

As you see, the span of days from April 7 to 12 will be quite spectacular. I hope you can find ways to use these outstanding days.


Capricorns are very ambitious, so a full moon in your tenth house of fame and honors is one that would always get your attention. You had the one-and-only full moon of 2018 in this part of your chart on March 31, and as you enter April, that full moon will still be delivering news at some point until April 4. This particular full moon in Libra is a tricky one, for should you be offered a promotion or new job, you may think twice about the heavy responsibility you’d have to shoulder, indicated by Saturn’s position. There seem to be parts of the offer that concern you, and with Mercury retrograde until April 15, you should take your time.

In deciding whether to take the job, think about its long-term potential, and about how the work will or won’t address your deepest longings. If you feel the only upside of the offer would have to do with money, ask yourself if the salary will get old in time – as they say, never take the job for the money. Everyone’s situation is different, so you may need the money to better support your family, so only you can decide.

Speaking of family, those who are at home are showing up strongly in your chart, so indeed, how your family feels about any new position you are considering may be an important factor about whether to take it or not, or how a change in your work would affect them.

As said, Mercury will be retrograde as you enter the month, a trend that started March 22 and will continue until April 15. This is just another indication that you might not find the job ideal for you. Delay your most important decisions to the second part of the month. There is an exception to the rule that says never take a new job during Mercury retrograde. Usually our judgment is off, and we tend not to get all the details we need to make an informed decision. However, if a job offer comes from a person you used to work with and know well, you can take the job without fear that later you won’t like it or worry that the job description will change radically. The person you would be working with is apparently someone you already know, and you would simply be continuing a previously made relationship.

The full moon of April 15 will bring an even bigger focus on your home and family. This new moon will open a new path for you to find a new place to live or to improve your present home. Again you seem to be weighing the pros and cons of acting on your home decision, either because you are thinking of renting or buying / selling property, or are ready to buy a piece of new furniture or ask the contractors in to do a remodeling job. With planets in Aries in conflict with those in Capricorn, nothing will fall into place easily.

With Pluto pressing on the Sun, you may be considering a change in the physical structure of your space, and if so, you will be getting estimates, and deciding whether you and others you share your space will have to live somewhere else while the work is done.

Yet this new moon April 15 is fraught with uncertainty because Uranus is conjunct the Sun and moon, adding a big element of unexpected events. You might get lucky and get a big break, or just the opposite, feel overwhelmed by formidable obstacles.

Alternatively you may be sorting out a decision about whether to invite a new roommate to live with you or meditating about how to best help a parent who needs assistance. It is obvious you are thinking about all the facets of the situation. There will be obstacles – those are clear – but if you want, you can find ways to surmount them. I still like late August and September to solve all your dilemmas – you will see, it’s set to be a glorious month for you.

Romance will be special while Venus glides through Taurus, from April 1 to April 24. Certain days stand out: April 7, 10, and 12, when you will be covered with sparkling star dust.

A red-letter day for being with friends will be when Mars and Jupiter combine forces, April 23, one of the best days of the month. Plan something!

The full moon of April 29 will bring a heartwarming experience with a friend or an event that you experience with a wide number of welcoming friendly people. Jupiter is found in a similar section of the sky where the full moon will appear, suggesting that the event will add a touch of luxury or pampering or be outstanding fun. (Jupiter is also known as the happiness planet.)

With all the decision-making you will do all month, it will be a welcome moment to be able to go out and be surrounded by people who obviously care about you. So while April begins like a lion, it sure does end like a lamb.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-04-02 23:13:24
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