看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 4月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2018-04-02 Mon. 23:16:52

Pisces Horoscope for April 2018

Feb 19 - March 20
A Note from Susan Miller

April 2018

Welcome to April, one of my favorite months of 2018. This month has spectacular aspects in the first three weeks…

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

As a Pisces, dealing with money matters does not usually top your list as a favorite activity. (Some signs, like Taurus, Capricorn, and Scorpio do enjoy spending time and attention on money matters.) You certainly know how to earn a top salary, however – Forbes Magazine consistently named your sign and your opposite sign of Virgo as the two signs that have shown the greatest potential to become millionaires (and billionaires). Virgo and Pisces are found on the same axis, six months apart on the horoscope wheel.

How could this be? How could signs that are not basically materialistic amass so much money? Pisces and Virgo are motivated by creativity and service to others. They are known to strive for excellence in all their projects, and they are eager to get feedback from their intended target group.

As a Pisces, you will never chase money for money’s sake. For Pisces, work is their lifetime joy and they love it so much, they’d do it for free. (Luckily you will never have to work for free.) If you haven’t found your calling, you will in time – the little Fish will always intuitively swim toward the vocation that is precisely right for its future.

This month, however, you will have to deal with money matters, and this theme will echo through most of the month.

April starts out with a stressful full moon in Libra 11 degrees, which technically appeared the day before April dawned, on March 31. All full moons have an area of influence of an extra four days, so if you didn’t notice an emphasis on money on that date, you may still hear something in the first days of April. The problem with this full moon is that it will be under siege by Saturn and Mars, causing stress to almost everyone of every sign.

In the first week of April, Saturn and Mars will be conjunct in Capricorn, 8 degrees, and be in tight odds with both the full moon in Libra in your eighth house of credit and loans, and at the same time, be at odds with the Sun in Aries in your second house of personal savings and salary. (This is happening because at any full moon, the Sun, and moon are always at precisely opposite points in the sky.) Saturn is the teacher and the judge, so there is no ignoring his messages, for he wants accounts settled and closed. Mars is the fiery warrior, so he may make you feel an urgency to pay up or to get your due, as the matter applies to you. You won’t likely feel surprised by any of the developments you see in the first week, because surprise-a-minute planet Uranus won’t be involved in this configuration.

Here are some examples of what might come up (if you have not yet received news). You may actually receive a large sum you’ve been waiting to come in to your account, for money seems to come in to you, but at the same time money seems to go out, too. Or, you may be told how much you owe in taxes and feel a bit deflated by the news. Pisces often is self-employed, and self-employed people never really know how much they owe until the last minute.

I will list other examples to get you thinking. It could be that you learn that your homeowner insurance company won’t give you the full amount that you had listed on your claim. Or, it may be that a client who owes you money suddenly goes bankrupt and won’t be able to pay what he owes you. If you were in a lawsuit, this month would not be the ideal time to propose a settlement, not with all these planets squabbling with each other in the first three weeks. In your personal life, if you expect child support from your ex, you may be told that the money will be late or not coming at all. You get the idea.

You might need a contingency plan if you find you come up short with cash. This aspect teaches us that it is always wise to have a Plan B for circumstances like these. If you are self-employed, you might want to see if you qualify for a line of credit from the bank for your business to tide you over when unexpected expenses or a shortfall of cash becomes a problem.

A friend might have soft spot for you and want to help, so think of all your successful friends if you find yourself in a financial jam. Your mother or father won’t be able to help you this time because Saturn will be in hard angle to Mercury, and Mercury rules your home and parents. Asking a friend for a loan may be your best bet, because Pluto in your friendship sector will be in perfect angle to Jupiter.

There is another way this could work out. The full moon in the eighth house sometimes signals surgery is coming up, and in that case you may be on the phone with your insurance company getting pre-approved for the procedure. (Don’t forget to do that if your insurance company requires that you call first.) If you know that you need an operation, you may finalize some of the plans at the full moon in the first week of April. Be flexible, however, as the timing of the operation might change a little as pre-test results come in. In the case of surgery, you have a better than usual chance for near-full coverage for your procedure.

Not helping matters is Mercury is still in retrograde, a trend that started last month March 22 and will extend to April 15. Mercury will be retrograde in Aries, in your solar second house of earned income. This tells me checks due to you will be slow to arrive and you may even have to chase payments down from clients.

Mercury rules the mails, couriers, express mail, email, communication, information, negotiation, contracts, translations, (buying and selling, speech, writing, and research, as well as transportation and travel. Every one of these areas will bring a slowdown. If estimating the time it will take to complete a writing project, for example, allow more time and money than you think you need – a client will always be happy when you turn things in earlier than stated. I want to lower your stress!

It is not wise to buy electronic equipment when Mercury is retrograde.

Do not buy a computer, cell phone, headset, TV, stereo speakers, kitchen appliances, air conditioner, or vacuum cleaner, and of course, don’t buy or lease an automobile. Mercury rules the moving parts to all machines, and also the electronics in them.

Our judgment is off when Mercury is in retrograde. The fact that Mercury IS retrograde shows us that conditions are changing rapidly, but you won’t be able to see that they are shifting – that will appear later, perhaps in hindsight. If you use the same priorities that you have always used to make a decision, you will later see those qualifiers were out of date. Later you will say to yourself, I wish I had known! I wish I had waited!

Don’t be quick to act the day after Mercury goes direct either, in this case April 15. Any planet that changes direction is always a little tipsy and tired in the beginning, and needs time to ramp up its energy. Whether you need to shop or sign a contract, you need to wait. I suggest you use April 23 to shop for your electronics, when Mars and Jupiter join forces. This day will sparkle for other reasons, too, so you will see me talk about it again later.

If you would like to learn more about Mercury retrograde, and why it is never wise to buy new electronic items during this phase, you might want to lo look at my article, “All You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde,” on the lower left hand side of my website of Astrology Zone. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/2ny6INl

If you are reading my forecast on my premium paid version of my app, go to the menu, find Life Love + More, and then Susan’s Essays. You will find the same article with a different headline, “Mercury Retrograde and What It Means for You.” I am not sure why my tech team changed the name on my same essay!

I need you to be careful where you walk in the first few days of April. Pisces rules the feet, and with Saturn conjunct Mars, a classic aspect indicating possible injury through falls, I want you to be careful. Keep walkways lit and women readers should avoid wearing high heels on broken sidewalks or cobblestones.

I keep seeing people here in New York walking into glass doors, falling into random potholes, and tripping over steel plates workers have placed in the street when finished for the day. People are generally looking at their phones but not watching where they are going. These mishaps would be comical if it weren’t so serious. Mars and Saturn will be in Capricorn on the day of their conjunction, April 2, and Capricorn rules teeth and bones, with particular emphasis on knees. As a Pisces you need to protect your feet, too. Your texting can wait, so pay attention to your surroundings. I care about you!

The new moon, April 15, will again emphasize money in the days that follow. You might say, if you are an American living in the US, then just about everyone will be obsessed with money on April 15, for tax day is April 17. Actually no, that is quite not true. Every sign will feel this new moon in a different part of the chart. Virgo and Pisces have the biggest focus on money, but even these two signs will feel this new moon in differing ways.

    Don’t be quick to act the day after Mercury goes direct, in this case April 15. Any planet that changes direction is always a little tipsy and tired in the beginning, and needs time to ramp up its energy.

This new moon of April 15 MIGHT be stressful to you, dear Pisces, but it is hard to say. The new moon and Sun will both arrive in Aries at 26 degrees, conjunct Uranus in Aries at 28 degrees, and the Sun, new moon, and Uranus will light your second house of earned income. Uranus is the focus there, coloring the way that new moon, and Sun will behave and Uranus is the planet of unanticipated news that tends to come out of the blue. You may have to give a child money, or you may have to invest more in your business, such as to strengthen your company’s website firewall as one example, when IT detects an attempt to breach. There are endless possibilities, but you get the idea.

Astrologers call Uranus the Great Awakener, for when Uranus has something to say, he sends a thunderbolt that we tend to notice! I simply can’t say which way things will go for you, either thrillingly positive or not pleasing at all. Uranus always brings what you would never expect to happen in a million years, and it often arrives in a weird way.

Also possibly in a position to affect you is the fact that Pluto and Uranus will be in conflict. Although these two are now parting after years of conflict (2012 to 2015), Pluto and Uranus are still not far apart enough to be technically out of orb. This means these two are applying pressure.

Pluto, when activated by a new moon in a forceful way has a scorched earth method of negotiation. Pluto says, it is my way or the highway. Someone is applying strong-arm tactics. If you are getting divorced this month and attempting to find a fair way to split assets, it may be rough going. Proceed slowly and by all means, move far away from the date Mercury retrograde goes direct, April 15. I still like April 23 for a key meeting.

Watch what happens two days later on April 18 when the Sun and Uranus make a tight alignment in Aries – you may be surprised by news. Let me know on Twitter which way things go for you and remember to say you are a Pisces or have Pisces rising. (@Astrologyzone). I find Twitter easier to read many readers’ responses, as Twitter encourages short, quick communications. With Twitter, I can read more responses and answer more readers.

Here is the upside down surprise: Pluto may be still mad at Uranus but is actually BEAUTIFULLY cordial to Jupiter in a very rare alignment that is happening this month on April 15. Out of a month of difficult planets, here we see Jupiter, the planet of miracles and financial bounty, in lovely angle to Pluto. This one aspect is so strong and rare that it could have the power to bring talks to results that will be tilted heavily in your favor. Jupiter is in fellow water-sign Scorpio and in your house of legal activities, academia, the media (publishing and broadcasting), and foreign people / companies – all are areas that glitter for you. This is where you will get help.

I was thinking how hard every April has been for you, Pisces, year after year due to the position of Uranus in Aries. If there is such a thing as being afraid of a month, April is your fear. Do you remember April 14, 2014? It was a monster and worse than anything you have now. Last year the full moon on April 11 was no fun either – that full moon was quite a shocker. Here’s the good news: Uranus is on his way out of your financial house, a place Uranus has occupied since 2010.

During those past years, the planet of lightning bolt change, Uranus kept bringing you financial shocks, over and over. At times you probably did occasionally see an unexpected influx of cash, but that as more than offset by the hard news that would show up suddenly that you owed more than you ever expected, or were cheated financially by someone. You certainly got a financial MBA from Uranus over the past years, and by now you may have become familiar with dealing with unexpected changes in your financial conditions.

The job of Uranus will always be to show you that life is filled with surprises, and to become resourceful when you are thrown a curve. By next month, Uranus will be moving into Taurus on May 15. This is headline news, for the last time Uranus changed signs it was in 2010. Although Uranus will retrograde back into your difficult spot in Aries on November 7 of this year, it will only be for a short time.

By March 6, 2019, Uranus will move back into Taurus to stay permanently until May 2026. Uranus has not been in Taurus since 1934-1942. From March on, Uranus will switch residence, out of your solar second house of earnings and into your solar third house of communication. This is a MUCH easier house to host this unpredictable planet.

Once in Taurus and your solar third house, Uranus will give you brilliant ideas, for this is also the planet of genius and creativity. The third house rules all kind of communication, including writing, speaking, software development, telecommunications, app development, marketing, public relations, advertising, transportation, and travel. In coming years you will either do work in one of these fields or find a way to harness one of these fields to help your business grow. Better days lie ahead.

After March 6, 2019, Uranus will never again revisit Aries and your second house of money during your lifetime. Uranus takes 84 years to travel around the Sun, so you can see why it will take Uranus too long to ever return – good! After this month’s full and new moon, you are done and done!

Finally we come to the sweet full moon of the month, April 29, in Scorpio. This one will bring a change in tone, and finally relief from all the financial calculations, negotiations, and possible scrambling for money that you might experience earlier in part of April. The April 29 full moon will be a breath of fresh air.

You may travel far and wide, get an exciting assignment from a company headquartered overseas, or you may get good news from a legal case, an academic institution such as your college or graduate school, or receive a dazzling assignment in publishing or broadcasting.

I feel every Pisces will have something happy to report from this full moon. If your birthday falls on February 28, plus or minus four days, you will get a double dip of pleasure from this bright full moon. The same is true if you have Pisces rising at 10 degrees, the natal moon in Pisces at 10 degrees, or a natal planet in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 10 degrees, in all cases, plus or minus five degrees.

In love and fun – something you will be in desperate need to experience this month if you will be able to bring balance to your life – early April will be best. That is because Venus will tour Taurus from the very start of the month to April 24. Venus might give you a chance to travel short distances, perhaps over weekends or to have time with your sister or brother. Travel will be a growing trend for you, to intensify in May and June if you’d like to pack and go. All good news!

In terms of romantic love you have several days that will be outstanding. First, circle in gold the first weekend date, Saturday, April 7, It will be special because Venus and Saturn will align to help you create a strong bond with the one you love. Venus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn go together like coffee and cream – delicious.

Next, on Tuesday, April 10, Venus and Mars, that dynamic romantic duo, will play tag in the heavens, and spill pixie dust all over you below, on earth. Your charms will be very noticeable, and some may find you completely irresistible. This day is extra special for single Pisces.

Two days later, you have one of your most lyrical, soft, and poetic days, when Venus and your ruler, Neptune will spin a sparkling, glamorous evening of love. The moon will cooperate too – it will be in Pisces. Whether you are attached or single, this enchanting night is made for you.

All of these dates would be heavenly for a short trip out of town if you have vacation time coming.

As I referred to earlier, April 14 brings a rare and quite exciting alignment between Jupiter and Pluto. You can make good money as a result of this aspect, but you can also have fun, too. Here’s why.

Pluto is in your eleventh house of friendship and events, while at the same time, Jupiter is in your long-distance travel sector. These two planets inch across the sky like little snails, so they’ll be within range all month. You may need to travel far this month, or you may be planning a long trip that you will be taking later in the year. Alternatively, you may be hosting a visitor from overseas to your city and find there will be working benefits from seeing each other face-to-face. No matter what happens, this aspect will bring you happiness and possibly profit, too.

On April 23, when Mars, planet of action, and Jupiter, planet of happiness and profit, now in your travel sector, will almost echo what is happening between Jupiter and Pluto, discussed just now, above. If you want to travel, see if you can be away on this day as part of your trip, perhaps if you take a long weekend.

Also on this day, April 23, in terms of your career, you may hear very good news about a new assignment coming in from a very distant city, or a project concerning import-export of ideas, goods, or services. Or it may be that a media project comes in, involving the Internet, publishing, or broadcasting. On this day, you will also be favored in legal and academic decisions.

There is more good news – Jupiter, the planet of financial expansion, good fortune, and even at times miracles – will be close enough to send a positive boost to Neptune. Jupiter used to be Pisces’ ruling planet and later, when Neptune was discovered, it became your ruling planet. Astrologers look at both when forecasting for you. How wonderful to have both your rulers rooting for you now! Your hard work and dedication will lead to more money, and you must keep the faith.

All in all, this month, although money may concern you as you enter April, as you see, your life will get progressively better as you move through the month. You have proven your mettle, and soon, by year’s end, you will be able to showcase your talents in a very effective way. Hearing the applause will be very heartwarming. Never forget that the smart money is on you, dear Pisces.


As a rule, you are not a materialistic sign, but this month you will be focused quite a bit on your finances. The full moon on March 31 may have brought news from your accountant, a venture capitalist, insurance broker, or a person who owes you, and whatever news you received seems to have put you in a thoughtful, serious mood. Saturn and Mars will both be in hard angle to that full moon, suggesting you will have to find money to pay a person or entity that you owe. Or just the opposite, it may be that a client or other person who owes you won’t be paying you or is offering much too little. If you applied for university financial aid, you may have to appeal the decision and petition for more money than you were granted.

Mercury retrograde in Aries, in your second house of personal savings and income, is not being helpful. You might make a mathematical mistake when sending in an application or business plan, so go over all paperwork with your accountant to be sure all is accurate. Mercury started to retrograde last month on March 22 and will go direct on April 15. For now, put off an expensive purchase from April 1 to 15, for if you buy in the first two weeks, you may not get the pleasure from your purchase later. Actually, ideally I prefer you buy your electronic item April 23, an ideal day to do so.

More financial surprises will come up at the new moon April 15. You’ve had difficult financial news last year in April, and this year, the new moon will again be volatile. You are no doubt tired of having to cope with surprises in your financial life, but Uranus is on its way out, and will be permanently gone from your solar savings and salary second house by March 2019. You have learned how to manage money, and to spend wisely. You have also learned how to generate more cash when you need it, and this year you are still be able to find new ways to a pipeline of cash when life throws you a curve ball. Both Virgo and Pisces have been in the same boat, but as said, these types of random financial shocks won’t likely distress you anymore in future years.

Travel to a very distant point, possibly overseas, will be very likely at the full moon, April 29. You may go for business or pleasure, or be able to combine the two. This full moon will be a peach, for Saturn will be in the ideal position to send stabilizing, comforting vibrations. If you don’t travel, you may get business from a client abroad, or you may be working with professors and others connected with colleges.

Publishing and broadcasting opportunities (including Internet) will be plentiful at month’s end if you work in one of those industries, and you may find you are finishing up an important project at this time. Do creative brainstorming on April 18 when Uranus conjoins the Sun. Keep working on a creative project throughout the month, for working in solitude will yield ideas that you, and the market, will treasure. Your creativity will also be stimulated by the interplay of optimistic, expansive, and financially oriented Jupiter and imaginative, artistic, visual Neptune – these are your two ruling planets, and they will be working together to bubble up new projects that will have great profit potential.

In terms of romance, it’s clear that chances for love will be best from the start of the month until April 24, while Venus remains in Taurus, a sign that is so very favorable for you. Travel to nearby spots will either fan the fire of love you already hold dear, or help you make the acquaintance of a new romantic interest. Your best days for love will be April 7, 10, 12 and 14.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-04-02 23:16:52
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