看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 1月 巨蟹座(原文)
時間 2019-01-02 Wed. 19:47:12

Cancer Horoscope for January 2019

June 21 - July 22
A Note from Susan Miller

January 2019

Dear Reader,

In this letter, I have written a free essay, below, called An Introduction to 2019 to give you an exciting overview of the coming year. There are lots of new trends that will offer this year a new look and feel, and I knew you would want to be filled in on those interesting details. It certainly will be a more productive year than 2018, and I will show you why in a moment.

Before you read my essay on the Year Ahead 2019 found below, I want you to know I am doing two free events in New York in January and one special keynote at the New Life Expo in Deerfield FL, near Boca Raton, on Saturday, February 2. Please come—I want to meet you!

Read More
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

This month you will find out how strong your relationship is and how passionately you want to continue it. If you are in love and want to grow closer, you will have lots of opportunities to celebrate your love for each other. Conversely, if you need to leave, you will see the reasons why you’ve reached the time to make that fateful decision. When it comes to relationships, the spectrum will enlarge and swing to extremes, so you’ll clearly see the truth that forms the underpinnings of your union. The universe wants to see you in a strong, productive relationship, so if you are, you will find ways to make the most of it. If you are not, the universe will show you why you need to look elsewhere.

You have an extraordinary number of planets in Capricorn lined up across the sky and opposite your Cancer Sun, including Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury, along with the Sun and new moon eclipse on January 5. With five heavenly bodies in Capricorn, you will focus on a partner in love or business, and assuming you are in a good, strong relationship you value, you can make a commitment to that person this month—you’re likely to see that happen after January 5, the solar eclipse in Capricorn, 15 degrees.

In January, you will do best to adopt a spirit of collaboration and cooperation with a partner in love or business. Do not try to control the direction of the relationship or a situation just yet, for with planets clustered far from your Cancer Sun, that would not be an option. Wait until March, when planets will rotate into a friendlier position.

Capricorn is the sign six months away from yours on the horoscope wheel, so this is your winter season. The Sun has traveled as far away as possible from your Cancer birthday Sun, just before turning to journey back to your side of the heavens. When the Sun is this far away from your natal Sun, you feel the chill, and it has nothing to do with the weather outside.

People who live below the equator, in the southern hemisphere, will feel this as strongly as those Cancers who live in the northern hemisphere, because this has to do with the mathematical distance of the transiting Sun to your natal Cancer Sun. In January, the transiting Sun will be 180 degrees away from your Cancer Sun. You have Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto at 180 degrees away from your Sun too, in an unusual buildup of Capricorn energy.

When thinking about your partner, you will be in a serious mode. New Year’s is not likely to be lighthearted, for Saturn will be conjunct the Sun. That’s a meeting of fire (Sun) and ice (Saturn), and this puts everyone, of every sign, in a somber mood. You may be particularly worried about a lack of money, for the Sun is the natural ruler of your eighth house of credit, loans, and income in terms of commissions, university student financial aid, scholarships, bonuses, mortgages, and other large sums covered by the eighth house. As the month begins, you may feel temporarily overwhelmed by how much it costs to keep a household going—money seems to be in short supply, but it won’t be this way forever.

A new relationship development is coming up at the solar eclipse of January 5. Eclipses bring truth to the surface—things you didn’t know before will be presented now. You may become engaged or married, or you may want to make a business partnership official. You would probably know which way things will go as you read this. You might be forming a serious alliance with a business partner, manager, agent, publicist, headhunter or job broker, writing or laboratory partner, or other such person with whom you will work with closely in a one-on-one collaborative way. Of course, a new development could spell the end of a relationship, if you want to leave. The outcome seems to be up to you. If your birthday falls on July 7, plus or minus four days, you will notice the eclipse in an especially strong way.

    A new relationship development is coming up at the solar eclipse of January 5. Eclipses bring truth to the surface—things you didn’t know before will be presented now. You may become engaged or married, or you may want to make a business partnership official…. Of course, a new development could spell the end of a relationship, if you want to leave. The outcome seems to be up to you.

Saturn will be conjunct the new moon solar eclipse, so you may be accepting a new responsibility regarding a partner—or conversely, you may separate from one. (An eclipse of the Sun sometimes means a person is eclipsed out of your life, either by choice or by circumstance.) Still, a new moon will bring you through a new threshold and have you begin a new life chapter regarding a relationship. This renewal comes thanks to the solar eclipse, January 5. You will find a solar eclipse is almost always positive, for it marks the start of a new condition or the opening of opportunity. (A full moon eclipse marks an ending and can sometimes be more emotional.)

Pluto will conjunct the Sun in your opposite sign of Capricorn, so someone in your circle you would call a partner may be coming on too strong to you, saying, in effect, it’s my way or the highway. It’s possible when you think about your relationships in love or business, you might be drawn to powerful, successful partners now, but one in particular might be a handful. This person seems self-absorbed and a bit entitled, so I’m not sure you are being treated well. If so, you may have to decide whether you need to stand up for yourself. Saturn, Pluto, the Sun, and new moon—all in Capricorn—are telling you to be realistic, practical, objective, and unemotional.

The best part of the new moon will be a beautiful beam from Neptune (in compatible Pisces), based in your ninth house of foreign people, places, and relationships, as well as the media, the legal court system, and academia. Among those areas listed, one will be your area of comfort and gain. The ninth house also rules philosophy and religion, so take time to think deeply about how things are going, and take a moment to meditate, reflect, or pray for enlightenment. By taking time for occasional solitude this month, you will be able to discover the answer you need.

Mars will be in Aries from January 1 through February 14, brilliantly lighting your tenth house of awards and achievement, in a rare, once-every-two-years visit. Mars will give you courage, presence, and drive, and show you how to be very effective when dealing with decision makers. You will be at your best this month at work, and you will impress higher-ups.

January 18 is a mixed day, but certainly Mars will be on your side, when he contacts Venus in Sagittarius, your sixth house, which rules work projects. This is a sparkling aspect, and you may score a victory, but the eclipse is close by, January 20. This is a full moon lunar eclipse, and it will have a wide, four-day circle of influence. This eclipse is a jarring one, so here we have both good and tough overlapping aspects.

Money will again become your main focus at the month’s second eclipse, January 20, in Leo, one degree, arriving as a full moon lunar eclipse. This one will give everyone of every sign a few jitters, for Uranus will challenge the Sun in Aquarius, and at the same time, the moon in Leo, in a harsh, 90-degree angle. Uranus strikes in a sudden, unexpected way, so you may have to think quickly when news comes to you.

This full moon eclipse looks like it will bring up an unexpected expense, and news will come within four days of January 20. The house lit will be your second house of earned income and savings, so this is where surprising news will arrive. I don’t want you to lose confidence in how well you are caring for your finances, because this is a temporary situation. Eclipses repeat every 19 years, so think back to January 20 or 21, 2000, when the same eclipse appeared. The other planets were in different positions, but if you can recall anything that happened back then, you might pick up a clue of what to expect now.

You do have a number of planets in later January that will be working in your favor. On January 22, one of the finest days of the month, you have Jupiter, the financial planet of profit, growth, and happiness conjunct Venus, a planet associated with money. (Venus is also associated with love and beauty, but in this case, she is more likely to bring you money.) These two planets will meet in your sixth house of work, in Sagittarius, at 16 degrees—this is a rare aspect. It seems you may get a part-time job, or if self-employed, new business. If you work for a large company, this may bring an assignment you love, and that will allow you to show a new side to your talents.

This means that you may get a new assignment that can make you money, which would ease your financial situation. This is especially good news, if you work in sales, on commission, or are a writer working on a royalty basis or regularly paid a licensing fee—a generous check is likely to show up. January 22 is close enough to the eclipse on January 20 to have an effect, so I feel you will receive mixed news at the eclipse. That is fortunate, and so now, prepare yourself for more good news!

On January 25, you have one of the best career aspects of the month. Mars, still moving through your tenth house of fame and honors, will send a beam to Jupiter, the generous financial planet, in your sixth house of daily work projects and orders. On this day, it’s clear that your fine work will lead to special career news.

As you see, there is plenty of money movement this month. The best news is that next month, on February 4, you will have a sensational new moon in your eighth house of other people’s money, covering such things as commissions, royalties, and other money that comes to you in chunks. Keep your chin up, dear Cancer. Even if the January 20 eclipse rattles you a little (maybe not, we have to see), you will have a superb new moon to help you bring in more money. Keep your focus, for money is on the way.


You will be riveted on your closest relationship in January, and the future will depend on the direction your relationship has been going all along. In a way, January will be a litmus test of the state of your relationship. You may be thinking about your present partner (in love or business), or if you have children with your ex, how that relationship has been proceeding. Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon eclipse—all in Capricorn—will oppose your Cancer Sun, so this means you won’t have full control over relationship matters this month. Choose your actions wisely, and if necessary, bide your time on important relationship decisions until planets move into a more favorable position for you in March.

If you are happy in your romantic relationship, the new moon solar eclipse may bring an engagement or good news from your spouse that will affect you both. Or, after the solar eclipse of January 5, you may be able to partner with a business expert. (Alternatively, your partnership may be with an entire company—an entity or company—which you found in a joint venture, rather than with an individual.)

The month’s second eclipse, a full moon lunar eclipse, on January 20, will be in Leo and continue a discussion you were part of at or near the eclipse of July 27 and/or August 10 that occurred six months ago. The last time you experienced a very similar full moon lunar eclipse at one degree Leo in your earned income house was 19 years ago, on January 20, 2000, so perhaps you can recall what happened back then. If you can, you may get an idea of the theme that might emerge this month.

Cancer is ruled by the moon, so the lunar full moon eclipse of January 20 is likely to be the more important event of the month for you, more so than the solar eclipse, January 5. The Sun and full moon will receive harsh vibrations from Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected—this suggests you will be temporarily unnerved by news. Your focus will be money you expected to receive, but for some reason it will not come, or there will be an expense you will have to absorb that seems to come out of the blue. Guard against having an unexpected loss by watching your bank and credit card statements; keep track of personal items like glasses, keys, your wallet, and so forth. Make no contractual agreements or investments on or near January 20.

Despite this eclipse, your career reputation will continue to climb, for you have the chart of a rising star at work, now that Mars is lighting your tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievements. Mars will signal Venus, currently in your house of workaday assignments on January 18. That would be an ideal day to schedule an interview, make a presentation, launch a new product or service, or do anything else career related. Profits are likely to follow the actions you take on this day. This will ensure your popularity in your company or industry will remain secure.

There are other benefits to come to you several days later, on January 22. On that day, Venus will align with Jupiter in your sixth house of work assignments and signal Mars in your fame sector, ensuring this day will be a standout for receiving applause for work well done. If you are in sales, you may get a big order, and if you work on products or services that appeal to women, you will do doubly well on this day, due to Venus’ involvement.

At the same time, January 22, you will receive outstanding family support, and you will also find that any matters involving real estate or improvements to your residence or other property should go exceptionally well. Thanks to this rare aspect, your property is likely to appreciate.

One more day in January deserves a gold star—Friday, January 25—when Mars, in your sector of career prestige, will receive golden beams from Jupiter. You may get new business, or you may work on a high-profile project that will enhance your growing—and glowing—reputation. Your efforts are adding up, dear Cancer, and on January 25, you will have plenty to smile about.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-01-02 19:47:12
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