看板 kulinomi
作者 kulinomi(貓眼兔)
標題 [轉錄][外絮] Requiem for a Lin
時間 2012年04月06日 Fri. AM 02:45:58

※ 本文轉錄自 kulinomi 信箱

看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 shadowydark (影)
標題 [外絮] Requiem for a Lin
時間 Fri Apr  6 00:10:11 2012

Requiem for a Lin
Requiem for a Lin -- The Sports Section
If Lin's really out for the year, a remembrance of things lost. ...

We probably should have been more suspicious of Jeremy Lin's knee injury
than we were. For the past week or so, we didn't blink when coach Mike
Woodson said "if" Lin comes back, when the Knicks kept Lin away from the
press for a few days, when Lin was being scratched from the lineup earlier
and earlier each day. We guess we just didn't want to believe it. But it's
true: Jeremy Lin isn't coming back.


Some frayed knee cartilage is what ultimately ended Linsanity, and we
won't see him again this season unless the Knicks somehow win a first-round
playoff series, assuming, of course, they actually make the playoffs.
(Which is far from assured.) We could lament the injury frustrations, the
now-gaping-again point-guard-hole, the fact that we're gonna spend the last
month of the season watching Carmelo Anthony, J.R. Smith, and Baron Davis
running isolations every time down the court, but there will be plenty of
time for that. Right now, we just want to reflect on what we have lost.

控球後衛大洞、賽季最後一個月都得耗在觀看Carmelo Anthony、J.R. Smith
及 Baron Davis一再前場單打的事實,不過以後還有很多時間去想這些。此刻

We've been covering sports for New York Magazine for almost four years now,
and Linsanity, without question, was our favorite story to cover. For those
loopy, ascendant two weeks — and it was essentially a fortnight, starting
on February 4 against New Jersey and peaking with that February 19 win over
Dallas on national television — we had everything you could possibly want
from an athletic endeavor. We had the "new": A scrappy kid coming out of
nowhere. We had the "underdog": Ignored, undrafted, and left for dead in
the D-League, Lin was proof that talent can be found (and missed) anywhere.
We had the "inspiration": An Asian-American kid succeeding on his own terms
in the grandest possible way. We had the "giddy novelty": He went to Harvard
.. and did you see that pregame handshake?

我們替紐約雜誌撰寫體育報導已將近四年之久, Linsanity毫無疑問是我們

The best part, to our mind, was that Lin was tough. We don't just mean the
crunch-time mettle, though he of course had that in abundance; post-surgery,
you could put him out on crutches and we'd still probably want him taking the
last shot. We mean that he was physically punished every game — particularly
once he became the focal point of every opponent's defensive strategy — with
consistent bashes across the head and neck. Lin seemed to get at least one
bloody nose a game ... and yet he never stopped driving the lane, and he
never stopped getting back up. Lin was absolutely fearless. Maybe to make it
to this level in so unlikely a fashion ... maybe you have to be.


Lin made the Knicks come to life, but what he did to the Garden was even more
thrilling. Knicks fans have been so desperate for something to cheer for in
the post-Isiah era that they've been willing to talk themselves into
anything, from Chris Duhon to Anthony Randolph to, more recently, the
pretend-land game that Carmelo Anthony was a lifelong New Yorker who just
selflessly wanted to return home. They have waited because, when it is
humming, when it is connecting with the city in a viral, subconscious way, no
sport in this city is as great as basketball when the Knicks are winning,
when the Knicks matter. Much of this fan hope has been unwarranted and
unrequited; after all, the Knicks still haven't won a playoff game since
April 29, 2001. There's a reason much of the rest of the NBA hates Knicks
fans. Knicks fans are so famished for success, for something to cheer about,
that they can sometimes take up a disproportionate chunk of the league's
psychic energy.

從Chris Duhon到Anthony Randolph,一直到最近的虛假夢幻仙境──
Carmelo Anthony終身是一名紐約客,僅僅無私地希望重返故鄉打球。他們等待


But Lin, Lin was different. Lin wasn't some sort of Jim Dolan hype-creation,
a Faustian bargain, the best we could do so we might as well cheer. Lin was
entirely ours, a sudden creation, a firestorm that somehow lived outside the
normal Knicks dysfunction. We were discovering Lin, and he was feeding off
Knicks fans — and the Garden frenzy — as much as they were feeding off him.
Nobody fired up the Garden like this kid. Even after Mike D'Antoni left and
some of the shine was inevitably rusted by MSG madness, and of course
Carmelo, Lin didn't go away. He secured himself as the team's top point guard
and one of its most important players, fitting in and improving the team even
when Carmelo demanded the ball in the post and Smith was chucking
three-pointers while falling out of bounds and Dolan was making announcements
to the press and then slumping out of the room, like always. And he was
smiling all the way, a beacon of normalcy, sanity, and joy amidst the typical
Knicks chaos.


、J.R. Smith滑出場外同時濫投3分、Dolan一如往常對媒體發完聲明稿後隨即走人,

Lin was special. And it made us all feel special. It made us all feel lucky
to get to watch it.


Lin may return this year, and he'll probably return next year —the Knicks
would be fools not to match any offer for him, for marketing reasons alone—
 and we'll have more great Lin moments. But we will never forget those
glorious two weeks, when the best story in sports was happening right here,
when we had our own superstar emerge, in front of our eyes, in the best
possible way. This isn't how it was supposed to end. But then again, it's not



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◆ From:
skymay:未看先推  謝謝翻譯^^1F 04/06 00:10
KIMBEOM:推2F 04/06 00:12
yun0215:推...這篇也是告白文XD3F 04/06 00:12
sean47:這篇最後一句應該是 我愛你,林書豪吧4F 04/06 00:13
感謝翻譯!!5F 04/06 00:13
HidakaShu:我看到了滿滿的愛... 哈哈7F 04/06 00:13
sean47:這篇寫的超級好 有點感動
推翻譯8F 04/06 00:13
HidakaShu:我也是看到有點感動...10F 04/06 00:14
kerotamama:字裡行間的愛意看得我都害羞了(?)11F 04/06 00:14
wuling1001:紐媒: 啾咪~~~~~我愛你! XD12F 04/06 00:14
itsnothing:一直在等男友回頭的紐媒13F 04/06 00:14
skymay:滿滿的愛我感受到了,可惜LIN不看報紙的 哀~ XD14F 04/06 00:14
faseno:不過紐媒真的逮到機會就要酸一下其他隊員(吃醋? XD15F 04/06 00:14
Jeremy Lin and Jeff Adrien sing karaoke - YouTube
This was filmed at the Season Ticket Holders Appreciation Event @ Oracle Arena April 9, 2011. Jeremy Lin & Jeff Adrien sing karaoke!

shadowydark:你們不覺得根本是告白嗎17F 04/06 00:14
cynd::)18F 04/06 00:15
eyeshieldZI:     剛剛意外看到有LIN現歌喉的影片跟Jeff Adrien19F 04/06 00:15
daphne623:真的是滿滿的愛~~~20F 04/06 00:15
sean47:居然把書豪形容為燈塔了 超高的榮譽評價21F 04/06 00:15
lesley2836:這篇好多愛XD~~22F 04/06 00:16
dalepp:這篇很棒!23F 04/06 00:16
KIMBEOM:天籟24F 04/06 00:17
namie20:告白文,只差紐媒跟他求婚了。XDDDD25F 04/06 00:17
doreen322:Lin真的征服了很多人說^^26F 04/06 00:17
shock368102:真情流露的文章XDD  尊敬他、呵護他~27F 04/06 00:17
sarahls:又是告白文XD28F 04/06 00:17
itsnothing:他也讓我們感覺到自己同樣很特別~紐媒深陷其中無法自拔29F 04/06 00:17
daphne623:啧~外媒文筆好又有愛 台媒什麼時候寫一篇告白文來30F 04/06 00:17
skymay:Linsanity毫無疑問是我們最喜愛的封面故事。  告白無誤XD31F 04/06 00:17
lilactime:這篇告白文真的寫得很好QQ 謝謝翻譯32F 04/06 00:18
namie20:愛到滿出來了~~~~~33F 04/06 00:18
mamimi:滿滿愛意的告白文^^34F 04/06 00:18
sean47:板大這篇可以M起來嗎~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~35F 04/06 00:19
PTT0000:感謝翻譯!這篇超、超、超有愛!>///<36F 04/06 00:19
wuling1001:紐媒: 啾咪~拜託你看一下~看一下嘛~(扭)  XD37F 04/06 00:19
sean47:======================M文拜託~~=======================38F 04/06 00:20
PTT0000:字裡行間可以感受到尼克迷真的悶很久了,好不容易有個讓他39F 04/06 00:20
yun0215:這篇事最近幾天來我最喜歡的一篇告白文...情到深處....(欸40F 04/06 00:20
namie20:最近媒體不停的告白與示愛!可以一直告白嗎!!!!41F 04/06 00:20
PTT0000:們打從心裡喜愛的球員來到這城市,而且不是因為老闆的蠢交易換來的,是撿到的寶XD42F 04/06 00:21
skymay:重點是第一段完全說出了當時訪問不到LIN有多心痛 XD
我們僅僅是不願相信事實:Lin不會回來了。44F 04/06 00:21
而且,你看到他的賽前握手小儀式了嗎? XDDDDDD
笑翻了~~~46F 04/06 00:22
HidakaShu:第一段真的太妙了XDDDDD49F 04/06 00:22
eyeshieldZI:                  恩  故事尚未結束!!50F 04/06 00:23
skymay:LIN就躲了一次就讓紐媒心痛成這樣XD  難怪那個感謝能讓他們51F 04/06 00:23
trueheart11:説出很多人想説的告白!感動餒^_^52F 04/06 00:23
skymay:嗨翻天XD  還放大版面XDD53F 04/06 00:23
ppppllo:推 紐媒: 啾咪~拜託你看一下~看一下嘛~(扭)  XD \54F 04/06 00:24
sean47:紐媒:看啦看啦看啦看啦看啦看啦55F 04/06 00:25
amorur:"Lin很特別。他也讓我們感覺到自己同樣很特別 " 是找到真愛了膩? XDDDD56F 04/06 00:25
bluebabe:thx for translation~ 第三段 cover 應該純粹是報導意思58F 04/06 00:26
forttryon:謝謝翻譯 不過cover是指報導 不是指作為封面59F 04/06 00:26
bluebabe:NY Magazine 不是每期都以運動為封面的 cover = 採訪報導60F 04/06 00:26
itsnothing:amorur大~我對那句話也很敏感XDD61F 04/06 00:26
forttryon:didn't blink是眼睛都不敢眨一下62F 04/06 00:27
itsnothing:紐媒根本是在向別人炫耀他的愛人對他有多好63F 04/06 00:27
namie20:Lin 的感謝媒體留言,觸動了媒體內心的小火山~~~~64F 04/06 00:28
cloudie:真愛告白無誤~~~~~~~~~~~~~65F 04/06 00:28
sean47:怎麼辦 紐媒愛到深處無可自拔了66F 04/06 00:28
forttryon:這篇是在感謝媒體之前喔 剛開記者宣布開刀後67F 04/06 00:29
shadowydark:THX 這就來改68F 04/06 00:30
dadadeng:紐媒:我真的戀愛了~~~~~(小宇宙爆發)69F 04/06 00:30
forttryon:我在置底閒聊區PO的那篇也是超級告白文70F 04/06 00:30
※ 編輯: shadowydark     來自:        (04/06 00:31)
namie20:感謝前就這樣了???哇~~~~~71F 04/06 00:30
moreway:這篇太有愛了XDDDD72F 04/06 00:30
stayfrabjous:寫的好感人喔.....眼框濕睡不著了QQ73F 04/06 00:31
meandre:謝謝翻譯 :) 我覺得第一段的IF是"是否"的意思74F 04/06 00:31
dadadeng:是說柱著管拐杖,依然想叫他最後一擊...75F 04/06 00:32
meandre:應該是當武僧說林不知是否能出賽時76F 04/06 00:32
dadadeng:是要叫他拿拐杖打人嗎?77F 04/06 00:32
skymay:紐媒:看到LIN之後的回應,我的告白值得了 (誤XDD78F 04/06 00:32
※ 編輯: shadowydark     來自:        (04/06 00:33)
itsnothing:拿枴杖打最後一擊~是玩冰上曲棍球還是打高爾夫79F 04/06 00:33
cattyy:翻譯得很好80F 04/06 00:33
namie20:感謝前就這樣,那感謝後要怎辦 XDDDD81F 04/06 00:33
shadowydark:改好了 謝謝~82F 04/06 00:33
sean47:翻譯得太美了~~83F 04/06 00:34
glut:反正大意一句話就完了吧 "我愛你啾咪林" 好像看過好幾篇了XD84F 04/06 00:34
skymay:感謝後就是大大的照片報紙阿XD  還有推特截圖XD85F 04/06 00:34
dadadeng:最後一段看的我仰況都泛紅 見鬼...86F 04/06 00:34
itsnothing:推原PO精美翻譯和樓上極簡翻譯XDDDDD87F 04/06 00:34
ccka:真的是愛意滿滿的一篇好文88F 04/06 00:35
Aswind:請問原PO 你也是職業的吧!? 這翻譯根本就是信達雅了...89F 04/06 00:36
skymay:另外可能就是還在等著板凳之花 XD90F 04/06 00:36
Aswind:不像翻譯 根本就是一篇散文或報導文學了.....91F 04/06 00:36
sean47:推原PO職人 (推用完了)92F 04/06 00:36
y603amy3:謝謝翻譯!!! XDDDDDD93F 04/06 00:37
itsnothing:補推!!!94F 04/06 00:37
ainokodoba:這篇告白愛意都要滿出文句了XDDD  謝謝原PO翻譯^^95F 04/06 00:39
confuse7:好有愛的告白 紐媒真是愛死他了XD 感謝翻譯!!!96F 04/06 00:39
qqioll:讚!!!是說我好想Lin喔..Q_Q...只能一直重複看以前的影片T_T97F 04/06 00:39
shock368102:推原PO~!!XDD  中文造詣之好~98F 04/06 00:39
renie57:紐媒爭相告白:Lin 選我、選我、選我!!(瘋狂揮粉紅手帕99F 04/06 00:39
sean47:再補一個 複習複習100F 04/06 00:39
forttryon:現在才發現標題是在玩Lin pun耶 Requiem for a Lin101F 04/06 00:40
JemyLin:標題林之鎮魂曲我都要哭了T▽T 看來紐媒還是沒放棄陰謀化102F 04/06 00:40
HUANnn:排隊告白嗎 >\\\< 感謝翻譯103F 04/06 00:40
JemyLin:尼克高層104F 04/06 00:40
ppppllo:紐媒:我都告白成這樣了 啾咪還是不看報 扭~105F 04/06 00:40
forttryon:同時是Requiem for a Win 的諧音 勝利安魂曲106F 04/06 00:41
confuse7:http://tinyurl.com/7gro2rj 文章裡的圖也很可愛XD107F 04/06 00:41
JemyLin:不過連「可是Lin……Lin不一樣」都出來了 紐媒是真的愛到108F 04/06 00:41
sean47:會找那種圖 代表他在紐媒的心中真的是可愛的大男孩109F 04/06 00:42
lilactime:紐媒真的很怕尼克高層放Lin走XD110F 04/06 00:42
skymay:推 forttryon:http://tinyurl.com/co958bl  F大推薦的這篇111F 04/06 00:42
New York Knicks: 17 Reasons to Love Jeremy Lin | Bleacher Report
Just a couple of months ago, New York Knicks fans were introduced to Jeremy Lin . A graduate of Harvard University, Lin went from being an undrafted benchwarmer to the star of his team, all in less than two years... ...
skymay:有人願意也翻譯看看嗎?! 謝謝112F 04/06 00:42
HidakaShu:「可是Lin……Lin不一樣」 這句我可以把它解釋在嬌羞嗎113F 04/06 00:42
JemyLin:深處無怨尤 最後感謝影大職人翻譯<(_ _)>114F 04/06 00:42
sean47:我覺得那句可是林林不一樣根本電影劇本才會出現的話115F 04/06 00:42
ziggurat:除了華人球迷 還有一堆老外都超愛他116F 04/06 00:43
itsnothing:為何感覺有羅密歐與茱麗葉的FU~~117F 04/06 00:43
lilactime:「Lin徹底屬於我們」也很...XD118F 04/06 00:44
amorur:根本是瓊瑤小說裡的台詞吧 XDD119F 04/06 00:44
skymay:看到這個就知道紐媒有多痛恨尼克阻擾他們和LIN了 XDD120F 04/06 00:44
pole0128:這篇看得我好害羞(害羞啥?)121F 04/06 00:44
ziggurat:越來越多人要搶當啾咪的男女朋友了(競爭嚴重激烈xD)122F 04/06 00:44
mfsivw87:這篇新聞真的是超讚 另外 不幸消息:BD的傷惡化了 QQ123F 04/06 00:44
PTT0000:紐媒現在開始牽線籃網跟Lin了啊!不管怎樣一定要把Lin留在紐約就是了XDD124F 04/06 00:45
mfsivw87:尼克接下來的10幾場球賽...> <126F 04/06 00:45
skymay:尼克高層:LIN離紐媒遠一點 紐媒:尼克,我會讓你身敗名裂127F 04/06 00:45
ssdeer:情書範本~128F 04/06 00:45
itsnothing:原來尼克高層是猜散這對鴛鴦的主謀129F 04/06 00:46
skymay:紐謀:尼克隱瞞LIN傷勢,藉此炒作季後賽票價130F 04/06 00:46
sean47:紐媒:尼克不讓我採訪林 寫死你~~~~~~~~(林君我愛你)131F 04/06 00:47
skymay:這幾天的新聞突然都可以組起來了XDD132F 04/06 00:47
ziggurat:紐約媒體寫的這麼感性 是想要吸引啾咪看一下~133F 04/06 00:47
faseno:紐媒真的是XDDDDDD134F 04/06 00:48
sean47:應該是想說啾咪休養中比較有可能看到報紙就狂寫135F 04/06 00:48
itsnothing:尼克高層:你到底為什麼要纏著我們揪咪不放?136F 04/06 00:48
sean47:因為他讓我們都變得特別...137F 04/06 00:48
itsnothing:紐媒:他他真的不一樣...他讓我覺得自己很特別>/////<138F 04/06 00:48
amorur:是說揪咪的聖光連紐媒都無法招架嗎?139F 04/06 00:48
JemyLin:那句Lin不一樣真的很有被父母拆散的苦命鴛鴦大喊你們都不懂的感覺140F 04/06 00:48
dalepp:這篇口吻明明很父執輩欣賞晚輩,怎麼歪成這樣^^||142F 04/06 00:49
wuling1001:紐媒: 為什麼不讓我們見啾咪~~~~~~尼克我恨你!!!T皿T143F 04/06 00:50
dadadeng:紐媒:他讓我們知道什麼叫做真愛!!!!144F 04/06 00:50
sean47:it大XDDD 我們到底變得多特別啦XDDDDD145F 04/06 00:50
Filament:好感人 這報導真的愛意滿滿啊XDD 感謝翻譯~146F 04/06 00:50
ziggurat:媒體早已愛到無法自拔了147F 04/06 00:51
IMgimy:M一下嘛~  M一下嘛~  M一下嘛~    Q__Q148F 04/06 00:52
lilactime:很幸運有機會躬逢其盛...這句很同意也感動於他們這樣想149F 04/06 00:52
amorur:我直接轉信箱備份了XDDD150F 04/06 00:53
KID543:感覺紐媒是LIN頭號粉絲XD151F 04/06 00:54
sean47:我們都輸了啦~~152F 04/06 00:55
skymay:話說這篇最後一段,紐媒完全認定尼克一定會簽LIN了 XD
還說 "我們將擁有更多Lin的精彩演出。"  XD153F 04/06 00:55
HidakaShu:感覺是在對尼克下馬威:你不簽你就會成為棒槌155F 04/06 00:56
cloudie:推躬逢其盛,我很慶幸自己活在LIN發光發熱的這時代!!!!!156F 04/06 00:56
lilactime:「最美好的部分是Lin展現的堅韌不拔」這段也是...QQ157F 04/06 00:56
ssdeer:爆了158F 04/06 00:57
peggie:愛之欲其生……159F 04/06 00:57
oilUlio:可以想像下禮拜LIN返回MSG的盛況 一堆紐媒跟在他屁股後跑160F 04/06 00:57
lilactime:總之真感謝能有人寫出在地球迷(及媒體)可能的心聲161F 04/06 00:57
JemyLin:同推Lin很特別很幸運有機會躬逢其盛那句...寫到心坎裡T▽T162F 04/06 00:57
coolcherry:翻譯的真好!! 像一篇專業的新聞了163F 04/06 00:59
skymay:我們有機會看到板凳專訪嗎?!XDD164F 04/06 00:59
HidakaShu:我覺得板凳專訪會有耶...165F 04/06 01:00
dalepp:                          板凳太扯,或許是賽前會有166F 04/06 01:01
zzxzero:對於linfan的我們 這是最棒的一篇文章167F 04/06 01:03
skymay:好奇問 以前有過哪個球員坐板凳還要接受賽前訪問的嗎?
因為之前在老鷹主場,紐媒沒訪到LIN很難過,但我覺得好奇怪因為LIN又沒比賽,為什麼不能不受訪?! XD168F 04/06 01:04
waderu:紐媒: 一個月或二個月以後, Lin可以跟我結婚嗎?171F 04/06 01:06
spittz:喔喔喔這篇也是滿滿的愛172F 04/06 01:07
drcula:台媒會直接拿來抄,根本寫不出這種東西173F 04/06 01:07
對於Jeremy我只擔心他的傷情,如果健康的話我對他未來的發展一點都不擔心...但是,運動員一定要保持住健康啊!!174F 04/06 01:07
tero520520:推翻譯 紐媒再度讓我大開眼界,情書無誤
媒體不是要公平公正公開?喔不!紐媒:那是莎小,我愛啾咪!178F 04/06 01:12
Evelyn9056:好棒的一篇告白文 沒有深刻的愛是寫不出來的180F 04/06 01:15
sabrina2597:輸了..........ORZ181F 04/06 01:15
spittz:倒數第二段真的太棒了....大概是我看過寫得最好的詮釋182F 04/06 01:16
dean88881:燈塔那段 讓我想到出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖183F 04/06 01:16
yun0215:好一朵小白蓮...(欸184F 04/06 01:16
irenes:告白文無誤啊! 寫的也太好了吧~~~185F 04/06 01:17
tero520520:推ppppllo大   紐媒: 啾咪~拜託你看一下~看一下嘛~(扭)186F 04/06 01:18
sabrina2597:快被寫成保育類動物了...187F 04/06 01:18
soffi:還好有那張術後香肩照...不然媒體應該會更早崩潰  XDDDDD188F 04/06 01:23
謝謝原po,好文彩!!!!!189F 04/06 01:32
spittz:就說真的有很多媒體人是真心喜愛他的~~191F 04/06 01:34
agsdf:半小時前 http://ppt.cc/p!ek 林在復健 踩卡塔掐中~192F 04/06 01:35
Henry Hill
@alanhahn just saw Lin rehabbing at my gym he's on stationary bike with trainers
spittz:不過我可不想看他柱拐杖做最後一擊,也捨不得看他流鼻血一直摔跤....193F 04/06 01:36

※ 作者: kulinomi  時間: 2012-04-06 02:45:58  來自: 220-132-134-22.HINET-IP.hinet.net
kulinomi: [Lin♥][新聞] Requiem for a Lin - kulinomi板