看板 LoL作者 colmash (col)標題 [情報] 測服新試驗-爛玩家?閉嘴!時間 Fri Feb 22 10:17:46 2013
For a while now, the player behavior team has believed that bans are not the
ideal solution for dealing with toxic players in League of Legends. Sometimes
a banned player will create a new account and negatively affect the
experiences of low level players. During this time, the banned player is not
learning what it means to be a positive member in our community.
On the player behavior team, one of our core philosophies is to create
features that can help toxic players reform their behavior. We have been
working on alternatives to banning, and will begin running experiments on the
PBE. Unlike many features on PBE, these experiments will see rapid
iterations, and may look completely different when they go live. Some
experiments might take two weeks, some might take two months, and some even
longer. Running experiments this way on PBE will introduce a new level of
transparency in our ongoing player behavior initiatives, and we encourage
players to join us in these experiments and shape the future of the League of
Legends community.
The first experiment we are trying is a new restricted chat mode. Players
that are identified as the most toxic by our player behavior systems will be
placed into a restricted chat mode where their ability to participate in
[All] Chat is disabled. Also, these players will have a limited number of
chat messages they can send to team chat, which will slowly increase over the
course of a game. To unlock this restriction on their account, these players
must play a set number of matchmade games with positive, non-toxic behavior.
With this experiment, we hope to address a few key issues. First, we hope
this will help toxic players to think carefully about their chat messages and
what they use them for—if these players still choose to rage, they will
immediately hit their message cap and be muted, shielding other players from
their harassment. If these players use their available messages responsibly,
they can learn to exhibit positive and constructive communication in League
of Legends.
Secondly, we hope that by tying the punishment to games played instead of a
set duration of time, we can enable toxic players to assume more
responsibility for their actions. Players will no longer be able to make new
accounts for a few days to escape their timeban—they will have to play
matchmade games in restricted chat mode to unlock their account chat
privileges again.
This is the first experiment in a series that will all be focused on
replacing bans with alternative punishments that encourage players to improve
their behaviors, and you will see this feature on PBE shortly.
http://goo.gl/H4sdW 遊戲基地lol專區
http://goo.gl/iAyRJ 基地3D全造型預覽
http://goo.gl/W4DbX 基地英雄專頁
http://goo.gl/60OG0 基地lol攻略區,
http://goo.gl/BgfRZ 基地同人創作專區,歡迎投稿!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 wei7613:索拉卡 對 招換師 使用 E !!1F 02/22 10:19
→ linceass:用不被檢舉來換廣播卷XDDD 有創意3F 02/22 10:21
→ WarIII:玩家越無知 遊戲越美好? 感覺就是怪6F 02/22 10:24
推 qwezz:尬廣跟上7F 02/22 10:24
推 abasqoo:會不會他們更珍惜每次幹橋的機會 用更惡毒的語言16F 02/22 10:46
推 johnnyjaiu:道高一尺,魔高一杖,再好的方法都有破解之道...
丈17F 02/22 10:48
推 radstar:無法做到100%,但確實有減低就不錯了ww19F 02/22 10:49
推 phenom1:快實裝吧~~~~~~~~~~~~~~22F 02/22 10:51
推 lafel:完了 王者全頻喊GG的光榮時刻要終結了嗎23F 02/22 10:51
推 dos01:你再大聲什麼啦!!25F 02/22 10:53
推 Exmax1999:最好可以限制嚴一點 講兩句話就被禁應該滿痛苦26F 02/22 10:56
推 vn503258:愛講垃圾話的被系統禁言應該比被BAN還痛苦!!!推~27F 02/22 10:58
推 srasn:尬廣跟上 吵到抱歉29F 02/22 11:03
推 bodyguard17:擋得了嘴砲,可是擋不了耍白目 故意troll啊....30F 02/22 11:14
推 PP68:還是在比賽結束後的結算畫面會多一個檢舉方式:禁言?38F 02/22 12:24
推 novelscu:會不會有人被禁言 然後打不出mia 結果被罵...41F 02/22 12:29
推 Foot:[八卦] 英雄聯盟也可以尬廣了42F 02/22 12:38
→ gozha:原來只是不能講話啊 有更好的理由單機了43F 02/22 12:43
推 capoboy:So watch and learn, I won't show you twice~just suck your finger, shut up~44F 02/22 12:50
推 rd2l4:現在MIA有特殊燈可以打46F 02/22 13:14
推 wachiapp:所以LOL也要廢死刑就是了~~47F 02/22 16:18
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (02/22 16:58)
→ organ63521:以後直接說 藍 退 打 大 買 龍 八 退 打 榦 廢 糙 嫩眼 拆 偷 傳 加 補 塔 紅 回48F 02/22 17:39