作者 colin79813 (TRAFFIC)
標題 [討論] 運動家會比2003年老虎隊還更慘嗎?
時間 Tue Jun  6 15:58:52 2023

2003 Detroit Tigers season - Wikipedia
The 2003 Detroit Tigers season was the team's 103rd season. They finished with the most losses in American League history (119), and came within one loss of tying the 1962 New York Mets for the most losses in modern major league history. This would be the last year in which the team would lose 100 o ...





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: colin79813 2023-06-06 15:58:52
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aVkS-q3 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1686038334.A.D03.html
ForeverChop: 記錄穩到不行   藤浪最大推手1F 06/06 16:00
Chanlin01: 領先時多派藤浪上來 穩到不行2F 06/06 16:00
Sechslee: 穩3F 06/06 16:01
phix: 藤浪坦隊之神4F 06/06 16:03
stinger5009: 不然他們幹嘛簽藤浪5F 06/06 16:03
smith0981: 記得200x某一年的國民隊也是送分題的那種慘狀6F 06/06 16:04
ccf0423: 當年老虎坦讓隔年拿到V少不虧XD7F 06/06 16:05
sorrywow: 你太小看藤浪了8F 06/06 16:05
ccf0423: 老虎當年好像是119敗9F 06/06 16:06
Dimitre: 當年國民坦到兩個狀元 小史 哈波10F 06/06 16:28
ADDUCE: 藤浪盡情發揮11F 06/06 16:43
addisonwu: 老虎還好最後6場贏了5場12F 06/06 17:02
jimm900: 記錄就是拿來挑戰的13F 06/06 17:35
tobbaco: 藤浪是遷來拿狀元的嗎?14F 06/06 18:55
ludoren: 挑戰這個真的不光榮 如果達成現場大螢幕不曉得會不會顯15F 06/06 20:04
xxoxx: MLB9局職棒的明牌17F 06/06 20:27

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