作者 wang7752 (^^b)
標題 [外絮] NS RedForce X(總教練換人)
時間 Sat Feb 17 16:04:03 2024



We announce that head coach 'Irean' has decided to resign and will no longer
be joining NS RedForce in our journey.

'Irean' stated "We had positive results during practice but failed to show it
on stage. I felt responsible for our current position and decided to resign.
I hope the players consider their time with me as a stepping stone and keep
on working hard to become great players," wishing the best for NS RedForce as
he left.

We thank 'Irean' for all his efforts and commitment to make the NS RedForce
dream come true since he joined the organization in 2022 LCK Summer.

'Chelly' will be serve as interim head coach for the remaining 2024 LCK
Spring split.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: wang7752 2024-02-17 16:04:03
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bq6XrEK (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1708157045.A.394.html
pongbao: 這隊問題好像不只是教練餒1F 02/17 16:04
a125g: 缺少老將啦 kdf撿個cuzz 起飛2F 02/17 16:08
raidcrash: NS就整隊CL拉上來 再配一個更菜的中路 表現算符合預期啦 反正NS應該也不想花錢了3F 02/17 16:39
Turas: 外面還是有能撿的吧,比如Tarzan啥的5F 02/17 16:45
raidcrash: 重點就是不想花錢啊XD 不然怎麼會整隊從CL拉上來
當初22年還為了省錢想去凹鬼哥的合約6F 02/17 16:46

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