作者 sldj (龍槍雷斯林)
標題 [限免] Warbots /STEAM
時間 Tue Sep 19 19:13:53 2023

【  遊  戲  名  稱  】:Warbots

WarBots on Steam
This is a platformer, 2D MOBA game with shooting robots.An 5v5 PvP arena where the goal is to destroy the enemy team's core. You can customize your eq ...

【  介紹/商店連結  】:

This is a platformer, 2D MOBA game with shooting robots.An 5v5 PvP arena
where the goal is to destroy the enemy team's core. You can customize your
equipment, which you can acquire by reaching higher levels.While you're dead,
you control a small but deadly drone.

【  領  取  條  件  】:STEAM帳號

【  附          註  】:10/1之前免費

「Austin Powers . I presume.」
「Powers by name . Powers by reputation.」
「Felicity Shagwell . CIA
  Shagwell by name . Shag-very-well by reputation」
「Oh,behave~」                    『AustinPowers:TheSpyWhoShaggedMe』

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: sldj 2023-09-19 19:13:53
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b2O9rX9 (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1695122037.A.849.html
inconsequent: 喜+11F 09/19 20:42
novicc: 感恩2F 09/19 20:47
hms5232: +13F 09/19 20:52
IkariD: 推4F 09/19 20:52
Legault: 有領有推5F 09/19 21:22
bu17: +16F 09/19 21:42
funami087: 怎麼EA就免費7F 09/19 21:43
suleyman: 因為這是5v5遊戲 沒人潮就涼定了....8F 09/19 22:01
BlackShung: 領推9F 09/19 22:03
greg90326: +110F 09/19 22:08
Kenqr: 推11F 09/19 23:38
scorpioz: 沒+112F 09/20 00:52
st46c8763: 領推13F 09/20 02:01
linyi520: 領推14F 09/20 06:46
jay0215: 有領有推!15F 09/20 08:12
polris: 推16F 09/20 08:51
wardraw: 領推17F 09/20 13:23

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