作者 stkoso (Asperger)
標題 [新聞] Euro NCAP: 把按鈕還來
時間 Wed Mar  6 19:11:53 2024


Matthew Avery on LinkedIn: #trucks #roadsafety #euroncap #cityandhighway #safetrucks… | 11 comments
Bring Back Buttons. Euro NCAP was a guest on the couch for BBC Breakfast in sunny Salford this morning talking about the over reliance on screens in t ...



Bring Back Buttons. Euro NCAP was a guest on the couch for BBC Breakfast in
sunny Salford this morning talking about the over reliance on screens in the
latest cars. So we’re working with manufacturers to encourage the safest
cars to Bring Back Buttons. Distraction crashes are in the increase and big
touch screens encouraged distracted driving. And every car is different so
you it can be like learning to drive all over again. In 2026 Euro NCAP will
introduce new assessments of vehicle HMI and we’re working with the industry
to make driving safer.


Euro NCAP表示大螢幕太容易讓人分心了,2026年將會推出新規定


就是你啦! 賓士!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (香港)
※ 作者: stkoso 2024-03-06 19:11:53
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bw4-0Xc (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1709723520.A.866.html
SilentBob: 歐盟最近很缺錢齁1F 03/06 19:13
TaoYPingS: 實體按鈕手感還是比較優2F 03/06 19:13
Seattle995: 多說的3F 03/06 19:15
labiron: 合理 支持歐盟4F 03/06 19:19
arcross: 特斯拉沒這問題5F 03/06 19:19
kissa0924307: 哈哈 早該如此6F 03/06 19:21
gw00086: 冷氣旋鈕不能亡7F 03/06 19:25
siegfriedlin: 歐盟嘴砲王8F 03/06 19:27
HisVol: 左膠治國9F 03/06 19:29
sjerrysss: 讚啦!VAG就你在亂10F 03/06 19:32
tony54300: 讚11F 03/06 19:34
hanchueh: 特斯拉其實整合很多功能在方向盤滾輪上12F 03/06 19:38
joiedevivre: 歐盟真的是導正歪風的清流組織 弄掉垃圾lightning13F 03/06 19:40
canlest: 推樓上14F 03/06 19:40
yulbin98: 爽啦!15F 03/06 19:44
seemoon2000: 沒有按鈕真的有點危險 說實話16F 03/06 19:53
j3: good 不要再被摳史蛋的廠商亂搞17F 03/06 19:55
MeeToo: 為了安全 我們決定行駛中禁調冷氣18F 03/06 19:59
ChungLi5566: 拔掉按鈕卻還是用傳統的按按按操作法根本反人類19F 03/06 19:59
youkisushe: 特斯拉:
ota可以生出按鈕嗎20F 03/06 20:11
LastHuman: 一堆螢幕仔在那嘴馬自達的實體旋鈕,笑死被打臉了22F 03/06 20:14
toinnd: 不要搞得跟相機一樣,按鈕越多越貴23F 03/06 20:18
lota: 螢幕又要回歸小螢幕了24F 03/06 20:19
PAYPASS: 要看電視不會回家看25F 03/06 20:23
SALEENS7LM: 讚啦,大螢幕真的醜又沒必要26F 03/06 20:23
teenager: 真的,調冷氣要透過車機真的8727F 03/06 20:30
bkebke: 音量鍵 用螢幕很難用28F 03/06 20:31

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