看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [評論] 《中英對照讀》巴黎性騷擾拒絕遭毆 顯示了為何女性懼怕男性暴力 - 衛報評論
時間 2018-08-02 Thu. 03:21:05

The ‘Paris harasser' video shows why women fear male violence | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett | Opinion | The Guardian
Challenging an entitled man can put you at risk. What happened to Marie Laguerre is what frightens us most, says Guardian columnist Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett.

Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
Tue 31 Jul 2018 15.10 BST
 Last modified on Tue 31 Jul 2018 23.14 BST

Woman shares footage of assault by street harasser at Paris cafe - YouTube Marie Laguerre, a student, has posted CCTV footage of the attack on her outside a cafe in Paris. A man makes sexually explicit comments towards Laguerre, who...


Many women have been in a situation where a man has approached them, only for it to turn uncomfortable when they reject his advances. No doubt I will be accused of generalisation in saying this, so I would advise those who don't believe me to ask women they know about their experiences of rejecting men.


Male reactions can range from verbal abuse (counterintuitively, "slut" seems to be the insult of choice when a woman declines an offer of sex from a man in the street), to refusing to take no for an answer, harassment, stalking and physical violence. The last of these reactions is the most extreme and the one many of us fear most.

男人的反應很多樣化,包括了言語攻擊(出於一般預料的,"蕩婦" [slut] 似乎是當一個男性在街上跟個女性說「來做愛吧」被拒時所使用的辱罵選項之一。)、拒絕對方說不、騷擾、尾隨跟蹤,甚至肢體暴力。最後一項是最極端,也是讓我們最懼怕的反應。

This week, video footage of a 22-year-old Parisian woman, Marie Laguerre, telling a stranger to "shut up" as he made sexual comments towards her, only for him to throw an ashtray at her from a nearby bar table, follow her and then hit her, went viral on the internet. The incident has caused an uproar in France, where street harassment has increasingly become a point of discussion. There has been a poster campaign against sexual harassment on public transport, and there are helplines and text reporting systems in place. In addition, new legislation will outlaw "annoying, following and threatening" a woman, and making sexist comments, and on-the-spot fines will be given.

這禮拜,Marie Laguerre,一位22歲巴黎女性要一位對她做出性評論的陌生男性「閉嘴」,沒想到對方從桌上拿起了一個菸灰缸丟向她、跟著她,最後打了她。(【舉國譁然】法國女性拒絕街頭性騷擾 卻反遭尾隨與毆打 )這段影片在網路上遭到網友瘋傳,同時該起事件已經在法國喧囂塵上了。在法國,街頭騷擾已經成為討論議題了。在大眾運輸上也出現了反性騷擾海報與簡訊回報系統。此外,政府也將立法,把「惹惱、尾隨、威脅女性」列為違法事項,使得性別歧視之語言將會當場被易科罰金。

Street harassment is especially bad in Paris. I know – I have lived there. It was all too common to be followed, berated with sexual comments and groped. "Do you want to pass her round?" a group of men asked my then boyfriend as we walked down a street one evening. It still makes me feel sick to think of it. A friend was pushed up against the wall in a Metro station and had a hand shoved up her skirt.

街頭騷擾在巴黎特為嚴重。我很了解 ──因為我曾住在那。被尾隨、受到語言或肢體的性騷擾都是都極為常見的事情。我跟當時的男友在一起時,曾遭到一群男人問他「要不要把她傳(球)一下?」,到現在只要我想到都會覺得噁心。有個朋友在地鐵的時候,還被推去牆上然後她的裙子被人給拉起來。

It is gratifying to see the French government doing something about it, finally. The video not only highlights the problem of street harassment, but also women's fear of rejecting men. Men are generally bigger and stronger, and their size intimidates. Some men realise this, others don't. I remember a story I was told at university by a young man who would run home when he was drunk. One night, when he was running through north London, he saw a woman running ahead of him. He assumed she was out for a jog, but when he overtook her, he saw that she was in fact crying. The reason for her distress was that she had been trying to run away from him; for her life.

能看到法國政府終於對這件事有所作為真的很愉悅。這段影片不但凸顯了街頭騷擾的問題,更顯露了女性對於拒絕男性的畏懼。男性一般來說,塊頭都比女性高大,力氣也較為強壯。身材是具有威嚇性的。有些男人了解到了這點,有些則沒有。我記得我在大學時候,有個每次喝醉就會跑回家的年輕男生跟我說了一個故事:有一天晚上,當他跑過北倫敦的時候,他看到了一個女性跑在他前面。他原本以為她只是在慢跑 ──不過仔細看了一下,才發現她正在哭。原來她正在逃命,想要離他遠遠的。

We used to laugh at this, the idea that this somewhat feckless, harmless man could be perceived as so frightening. But having suffered some of the long-term health implications of being attacked, I don't find it funny any more. When you combine the larger male physique with rejection and a bruised ego, the situation can become frightening and violent. There are men who take rejection with good grace, of course. But not enough of them. And so women learn to smile and look down, to defuse the situation with soothing words and platitudes, to make our bodies smaller, to comply. We undertake the emotional labour of minimising men's feelings of pain and humiliation.


Some women are assertive or respond defiantly, but this carries a risk, of which women are always cognisant. This is why, in the midst of the #MeToo revelations, the people who said, "Why didn't she leave?" or "If it were me, I would've kneed him in the balls," appeared so wrongheaded. When you are frightened, your thought process can come down to "comply or die".


Laguerre stood her ground. She was assertive, calm and controlled – and good for her. But there is no right or wrong reaction to an incident like this. For, as long as certain toxic men feel a sense of entitlement to women's bodies, a woman who has the audacity to challenge that core belief will be at risk. That sense of entitlement is what society must continue to try and dismantle.

Laguerre堅守她的立場。她直接了當、冷靜、很抑制 ──這對她很好。不過,對於這類事件來說,沒有所謂正確或錯誤的反應。只要某些沙文毒男認為他們理所當然地有權對女人的身體為所欲為,女人只要大膽無謂地去挑戰他們這種核心信仰就會承擔風險。我們社會必須要持續不斷努力去瓦解這種「理所當然」的毒男思維。

Good progress is being made on teaching consent in schools. But ultimately it comes down to men treating women with respect and regarding them as equals with agency over their bodies. Unfortunately this sort of sea change can take generations, especially when it is undermined by the surrounding visual culture.


When I was attacked, it began with a demand for a cigarette. It escalated to the point where I was on my back on the pavement, being strangled. Not even a decent man who takes rejection with good grace can tell me, or any other woman, that our fear of violence is unfounded. We know what rejected men can do – we have seen what can happen. And many of us have felt it.

我還記得我被攻擊之前,只是被要根菸,結果卻變成我躺在人行道上,脖子還被掐著。即便是一個能夠欣然拒絕的禮貌男,或是任何一個女人,都無法說出我們是無理由地畏懼暴力。我們知道一個男人被拒絕之後會做出什麼事情 ──我們看過,而不少人還經歷過。

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-02 03:21:05

Uproar in France over video of woman hit by harasser in Paris street | World news | The Guardian
Video of attack on Marie Laguerre after she responded to sexual harassment goes viral.


法國少女被街頭性騷 制止反遭毆打、巴黎警方調查中 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
法國一名22歲的女子拉蓋爾(Marie Laguerre)不甘自己在巴黎街頭被一男子言語性騷擾,勇敢制止對方後,卻反被毆打。事發過程的影片被傳至網路迅速發酵,引發討論,當地警方也對此案展開調查。



法國一名22歲的女子拉蓋爾(Marie Laguerre)不甘自己在巴黎街頭被一男子言語性騷擾,勇敢制止對方後,卻反被毆打。事發過程的影片被傳至網路迅速發酵,引發討論,當地警方也對此案展開調查。


法國「男女平等國務卿」席亞帕(Marlene Schiappa)曾表示,擬對在街上有性騷擾行為的民眾開罰;席亞帕也鄭重聲明,預計本週就會通過立法「今年秋天,在法國街頭對女性性騷擾的民眾會被罰90-750歐元(約新台幣3260元-2.6萬元)的罰款」。




※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-02 03:27:46

Sexual harassment in France: New poster campaign aims to shame and deter public transport sex pests | The Independent The first stop is “Miss!” followed by “You’re sweet”; “Are you wearing that short skirt just for me?”; “You’re great, you know”; “I’m going to give yo ...

'No-go zone' for women? How street harassment in Paris boiled over | Cities | The Guardian Some blame migrants for the harassment of women in the La Chapelle-Pajol neighbourhood, others cry racism. But has all the political mud-slinging dist ...

France plans on-the-spot fines for sexual harassment in public | World news | The Guardian
Fines of €90 to €750 could be higher for repeat offenders or with aggravating circumstances.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-02 03:28:31

生活中找樂趣 says 用詞遣字很重要,隨便問一個青少年就知道 - 衛報評論 - #mnrpz9 - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 20 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says 性別暴力!男人,其實這是你的問題 | TEDxTaipei https://youtu.be/ElJxUVJ8blw - #ksoa4x - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 22 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says 「性別」對世界和平之意義 - 外交政策另外想到一件事:語言操作、扭曲真是"有趣"。碰到些 - #lh493i - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 20 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says 不論妳是不是女性主義者,女性主義都會捍衛妳應有的權利 - #mdq01m - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 25 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says [轉YT] 【Riley J. Dennis】 女性主義並不仇視男人 - #ljknid - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 33 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 說 [轉YT] 【The Mankind Initiative】 #暴力就是暴力 引人注目的家暴  - #k7lfqb - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 22 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says 丈夫上節目控訴被妻子家暴,主持人電爆台下笑成一片的觀眾 - #m385yj - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 42 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says The ugly truth:這些都是女性日常生活中被迫承受的暴力 - #ksxwpr - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 15 response(s)

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-02 03:41:13

Main: https://www.plurk.com/p/mvt5ad



#性別平權 #女性權益 #女權議題 #有毒男子氣概 #男性沙豬 #沙文主義 #不就是不 #性平教育 #性別生理差異 #西茶翻譯組

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-02 03:44:50, 03:54:13
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-27 20:37:43, 20:37:54


#談女性的人身安全和人權,反對方在哭自己的求偶困境和男性自尊不被滿足 #仇女厭女沙豬嘴臉帶歪風向離題 #檢討受害者

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-30 21:59:33


Man caught on CCTV punching woman outside Paris cafe jailed | World news | The Guardian
Video bolstered support for plans to impose fines for sexual harassment on streets.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-10-05 19:15:21

Jameela Jamil
Was out at the shops with my friend. Man ogles me. Man then approaches me to give me his number. I explain I have a boyfriend but thank him for the offer. Man then threatens my career, saying I better remember that I rejected him. And then Shouts at me that I’m low class...

Jameela Jamil
I once said no thank you to man when I was 19 and didn’t have an excuse... and he punched me in the face. After that whether or not I have a boyfriend, I say I do. Being a woman is truly, constantly scary. It’s like existing on thin ice.https://twitter.com/snarkytwin/status/1109964808512851969 …
It’s gross that you had to mention that you were already taken by another man (we’ve probably all done this) to try to “let a man down easy” in order to stay safe and that didn’t even ducking work

via https://www.plurk.com/p/n94fyg

‘Being a woman is scary’: the unspoken danger of declining a man’s advances | World news | The Guardian
It shouldn’t be a problem for women to decline attention from men, but it often is, as Jameela Jamil’s experiences show.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-03-28 03:27:51
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-11-28 13:08:04 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-11-28 13:08:41 (台灣)