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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 7月 金牛座(原文)
時間 2013年07月02日 Tue. PM 12:40:18

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

Your July Horoscope by Susan Miller

Taurus Horoscope for July 2013

By Susan Miller

You are entering an important new phase, where your ability to communicate in an effective, sophisticated way will be a key determinant in how successful you will be in the year ahead. If you apply yourself, your results will be nothing less than spectacular. Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, has just entered Cancer and your third house of communication on June 25. Jupiter is set to stay in Cancer a year, until July 16, 2014.

Jupiter loves to be in Cancer - it is considered exalted in this sign, expressing its gifts naturally and smoothly, and allowing you to absorb his teachings easily and intuitively. In Cancer, a water sign, Jupiter will blend with your earth element to produce a highly fertile combination that will produce many new ideas in you that you will want to tell the world about. Jupiter will be in a better position to support your dreams now, too. In Gemini, Jupiter was not in the perfect angle to your Sun, but now, positioned 60 degrees away, the aspect is called a sextile and denotes "opportunities" galore.

There is something inherently creative about Jupiter in Cancer, a sign that picks up signals of changing opinions in society very quickly. Jupiter in a water sign will help you "feel" the shifts poised to take place around you, even before you - or the public - has detected these emerging trends. The coming year will show you that you can do more in the communication area than you ever thought possible. It all starts with your desire to learn to write and speak effectively and clearly. If you are already a veteran writer or speaker, you will get all sorts of offers and opportunities to expand your universe. If you are new to these disciplines, you will have a chance to be exposed to the inner workings of solidly skilled communication, whether by going back to school or by being tutored by a coach who cares about your future.

To give you an example, when I did my TV pilot, I had Jupiter in the third house as you do. I did not know all the rules of on-air interviewing of guests when the production company first tested me. I was fascinated and eager to learn. The production company paid for six weeks of a top-flight media consultant to teach me the ropes, and in that time, I honed those skills. Similarly, you may be surprised when your company asks you to be their on-air spokesperson, say, because until now you've been writing for the company in a more out-of-the-spotlight way. That may change now.

No matter which area of communication you will be venturing into, when Jupiter is involved you get not only the opportunity, but also the means to take advantage of that opportunity. Your boss may pay for media lessons, or you may sign up for them yourself as a legal tax deduction (check with your accountant to be sure). Whenever Jupiter is near, rest assured, there is money to be made.

You may sell a book idea or a screenplay in the coming months, or you may get a chance to host a TV show. You might decide to start a blog or update your social media pages. You may be hired as a social media expert, or decide instead to specialize in library research. If you have an idea for a cell phone app, you have the best year in twelve years to hire an app developer to help you. (Or, if you ARE an app developer, to bring your idea to market.)

If you work in PR or marketing, you may learn new techniques, for surely, Jupiter will see to it that you feel exciting growth. When you are touched by Jupiter, you feel as though you drank that same little bottle that Alice in Wonderland did - "the drink me" bottle that made her grow so fast, her arms and legs shot out the windows.

One opportunity will lead to another, and if you are self-employed, your sharp press releases and marketing plans will earn you more business. Sales comes under the umbrella of the communicative third house too, so whether you work for yourself or others, you may find you will become more effective at presenting your company's goods or services and overjoyed when your commissions climb. If you are an actor, you may need to learn new dialects or languages from an acting coach, and if so, you will enthusiastically say, "Bring it on!" Expect to do well with Jupiter at your side in the role of protector.

Any desire you have to work in the communications business, whether that be the Internet, television, radio, broadcasting, print, or telecommunications, you should do well now. Think big and make plans so Jupiter can work for you. As with all of astrology, you must show your intent to a loving universe. You may send out a book query or one for a feature story in a magazine. You may approve an advertising campaign or develop a public relations program that works out very well, beyond your greatest expectations.

This new moon is tricky, however, in that Uranus will be in hard angle to the new moon, July 8. In truth, the whole first week of July will be bumpy, with the Sun opposing Pluto on July 1, and the Sun in very hard angle to Uranus, July 3-4. These are substantial cosmic storms, and the way this may manifest for you is that you may feel pressured by certain VIPs to conform to demands, something that won't sit right with you.

This means 1) you need to have your goals clearly outlined in your mind, and 2) you will keep very alert if you see or hear something that you need to debate or fix. This is no time to sleepwalk through the project or a relationship (not that you would anyway), but to stay eagle-eyed, and very acutely aware of anything you are told. You may find you are forced into a dispute, but if you are passionate about your stance, you will have little choice but to defend it.

Taurus born May 6, plus or minus five days, will feel the benefits most from this new moon, July 8. If you have planets in Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio within five degrees of 18 degrees, you may have luck with this new moon. Second tier benefactors would be those who have a planet within five degrees of 18 degrees Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. As said, however, Uranus can be a thorny planet, so assume that anything that can happen will happen - but you can handle it. Let's go back to the arrival of Jupiter for a full year in Cancer.

To welcome Jupiter properly as the year-long visiting dignitary of good fortune that he is, Jupiter will be met with a welcoming committee this month, including the Sun, new moon on July 8 in Cancer (18 degrees), and Mercury, all in Cancer. Mars will be on assignment in Gemini until July 13, but after that, Mars will arrive in Cancer, too, and join the others at the welcoming party. That's plenty of planetary power to get you started - there is a lot of commotion in your third house, but all of it will foster your attention on communication projects, travel, a sister or brother, contracts, and negotiations.

While we are on the subject of Mars, I will pause to mention that Mars in Gemini will coax you to spend more money than usual during the first half of the month, a holdover from June. This high spending period is about to end, as Mars will finally leave Gemini and not return for two years. After July 13, you should be able to get a better grip on your finances.

In mid-July, we have an exceedingly rare and very beautiful golden triangle in the sky, where Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune will work together on July 17. (This triangle peaks on July 17, but will be at play all month, as these planets will move slowly.) Each planet will be in perfect sync with the other, each at 5 degrees of a water sign, including Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. Considering how slowly these planets move, it's nearly impossible to get a triangle of supreme harmony like this one - it's been decades since we saw anything like this! Neptune takes 168 years to circle the Sun, Saturn takes 29 years, and Jupiter takes 12 years - you see what I mean? The triangle will link your house of communication to your house of hopes and wishes / friends, and to your seventh house of marriage and business partnerships.

Here is an example of how this triangle of supreme harmony might affect you. Your agent (seventh house) may act on a tip that comes in from one of your friends (eleventh house), for a communications-oriented opportunity (third house).

Here is another example, so you can see how differently things may work out for you. The third house, so brilliantly lit for you, is also the house of travel, so it is just as possible that you will go on a short trip, perhaps to see friends or your sibling (or to go on your trip WITH friends or a sibling), and bring your partner along too to experience the fun. If you travel mid-month, you should find the trip very memorable, for there will be something unusually special about it.

One other possibility that comes to mind is that you may be signing a contract (third house) that your lawyer has reviewed (seventh house) and that represents the fulfillment of a dream you have harbored over a long period (eleventh house) - and it's about to crystallize soon.

These are just three examples of how friends, your partner, a sibling, travel, communications, or contractual commitment may intersect and work together to create a happy situation for you. Just know that you have a glowing chart mid-month, and things will tend to move in the right direction. It will be gratifying to see that pieces of your puzzle will snap into place.

Keep in mind that you cannot sign a contract with Mercury in retrograde, which will be in place until July 20. (Mercury started to go retrograde last month on June 26.) If you sign on or prior to July 20, things will unravel later in a way you had not anticipated. Contracts signed when Mercury is retrograde usually have to be renegotiated again later to fix unexpected problems that come up, and that is true if you even want to continue the relationship by then - you might be too worn out to want to keep the relationship. I would want you to sign your contract on the full moon July 22 or in the days that follow.

Avoid signing anything anywhere near July 31 when Mars will be in fiercely angry angle to Uranus - you certainly don't want to have such a bad day for the birth of your venture.

Your career is due for a VERY exciting upswing at the full moon, July 22, for it will light your mid-heaven, the very top of your chart, denoting fame, honors, awards, and achievement. This full moon should bring you a final answer about a professional opportunity, say, if you have been interviewing for a new job or promotion.

Saturn will be in hard angle to the full moon, July 22, so you may get some pushback from your partner about whatever is going on in your career. You may be debating together what a new job may entail, but you may see that your partner is upset about the adjustment you and he/she may need to make. For instance, you may work longer hours, at least at the start. If that scenario is not likely, you may find that you and your agent won't see eye-to-eye - one of you wants to nix a new opportunity, while the other thinks it is an awesome chance - and you will have to decide what to do.

Romantically, some Taurus have gone through tough times in regard to a spouse or committed partner (in love or business) now that Saturn is opposed to your Sun in early degrees. If you are a Taurus with an April birthday, you know what I mean. This is a long trend but, actually, now, as Saturn moves direct July 8, Saturn will begin to move forward (and away from your Sun), the April-born Taurus will soon get relief.

It is not a matter of setting your watch and waiting until this heavy cloud cover (Saturn in Scorpio) passes through. The idea is that you will learn something valuable from this opposition of Saturn to your Sun as you work through changes and challenges. Thanks to the golden triangle, this month seems different, however, and you may see a breakthrough with your partner, because one leg of the golden triangle (the one that peaks July 17) will bring great harmony. If your relationship means something to you, by all means open a dialogue.

Venus will be in fellow earth sign Virgo July 22 until August 16, a perfect place for you to host Venus. In Virgo, Venus will glide through your true love sector, making you magnetic and attractive to all you meet. July 27 will be an ideal time to go to the hair salon, spa, or barbershop to improve your appearance, or to shop for new things for the coming season.

One of your happy romantic days, especially for a drive into the countryside, will be Sunday, July 28, when Venus, your ruler, will reach out to Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. This is a four-star day, for Venus is your guardian planet, and although it's a Sunday, you can still plan a romantic day out with the one you love, or to travel to a location that is conducive for meeting new people.

Astrologers are also looking at a water-and-earth configuration of great beauty on Monday, July 29, which should also benefit you with good news on a wide variety of areas of life. See what happens on this day. I maintain that the days surrounding July 17 will be a more sparkling time for you, but these are very rare aspects so astrologers have little experience with them.

I feel a day (July 17) near a full moon will enhance and magnify the good aspects. July 17 falls just prior to an approaching full moon (July 22). For that reason I feel the days in mid-July that circle July 17 will manifest in a luckier set of circumstances for you than the aspects July 29. Time will tell. I am also very concerned about the approaching harsh meeting of Mars to Uranus on July 31, which is very angry, even explosive, falling so very close June 29. I have found that clashes between Mars and Uranus can cause arguments for a wide tolerance of days, say, plus or minus five days or more.

So, I suppose I am going against the astrological community - my poker chips are on July 17 for you, dear Taurus, and all the days that circle it, and I do not have the same high expectations for July 29. I could be wrong. Please give me feedback on your experiences of both days on Twitter @AstrologyZone. I may not be able to respond to you personally (I may be reading many posts), but you can be sure I will read your post and learn from it. Others in our community will be able to learn from your post, too, if you use the hashtag #July29. That way, everyone can gather together all the comments easily and read them all.


If you've ever dreamed of writing a book, or being a contributor to a magazine or writing a piece for a prestigious website, pull out your laptop and write your query letter now. With smiles from Saturn in your committed business and love relationship house, if you feel you'd do well with a writing partner, interview candidates and draw up papers to make things official. Take action several days after Mercury goes direct, as it is never wise to sign papers of any kind while Mercury is retrograde. You can negotiate, study agreements, and stage interviews and meetings, but make everything official after Mercury goes direct July 20. I suggest the full moon, July 22.

You will likely travel this month, for any reason, and if you go, your trip would be wildly happy. Jupiter's presence in the same house as the new moon shows your trip would be profitable if for business, or luxurious if done for pleasure. Although your expenses will be high in the first half of the month, they will settle down after Mars moves into Cancer, July 13. Treating yourself to a short weekend away by water seems not to do awful financial damage, so if you can get the days off, ask for a few.

Your communication skills in writing, doing public speaking, in regard to telecommunications and advertising, sales, PR and publicity, advertising will all be undergoing a wonderful growth period now and in the twelve months to come. Edward Bulwer-Lytton once coined the phrase, "The pen is mightier than the sword" - you may discover how true that phrase is for you if you commit to honing your skills in the year ahead.

Mid-month brings the culmination of a brilliant, dazzling golden triangle in the sky, all in water signs that blend beautifully with your earth sign element, dear Taurus. Great opportunity and happy days seem assured. Some astrologers feel July 29 is the big day to get a gold star, but I am holding fast to July 17 and the days that circle it. (In truth you will feel this golden triangle as it approaches, from July 10 onward.) This is a wonderful dilemma - you get to tell me which day worked best for you on Twitter: @AstrologyZone.

If you decide to travel this month (very possible) you'll need to be back soon, as your career will bring a major development within days of the full moon, July 22. If you have interviewed for a position, you would get the answer as the full moon reaches its crest. Any position or promotion you'd discuss now would come with quite a bit of responsibility, as Saturn will be in hard angle to the full moon, but very friendly to other planets. It looks like you're keen on winning the higher position. If you are not ready to move up, you can wait until February 2014 when you will be in an even stronger position to reach for the sky. Another way this full moon may work out is that you may receive public praise or publicity that establishes you as an industry leader.

In your private life, be careful if mixing with relatives, such as an aunt, uncle, in-law, cousin, sister, or brother, as near the full moon, controversial topics could unleash a torrent of emotion. Keep Pandora's box closed, at least for four days beyond the full moon's appearance, at least until it has waned.

Your romantic life will blossom once Venus enters fellow earth sign Virgo for the first time this year, and fill your house of true love from July 23 to August 16. Travel will bring love closer, so try to steal two or three days in the country - you'll come back flushed with love.

Dates to Note: Taurus

Most romantic dates: July 6-7, 12, 17-20, 21, 25, and 28.

Saturn will go direct July 7, having been retrograde since February 18. This may help your interaction with your established partner.

Are you interested in sharpening your communication skills? The new moon July 8 will get things going.

Travel is very likely this month and accommodations would be luxurious. If you travel for business you can likely reach accord with your client by the time Mercury goes direct, July 21.

If you have been thinking of updating your Facebook or Twitter page, do so this month, and reveal it on July 21.

Your expenses have been high, but will settle down once Mars leaves Gemini from July 12, and from then on money will be easier to control.

Expect a big development in your career at the full moon July 22 plus or minus 4 days. You may have to fix something that comes up.

Mercury will be retrograde until July 20, having started to retrograde June 25. Do not sign any contracts until after July 21.

Venus enters Virgo July 23 until August 16 your love life will blossom. Traveling to a place near water will enhance feelings of love.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-07-02 12:40:18
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 163 
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