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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 8月 金牛座(原文)
時間 2013年08月02日 Fri. AM 11:28:19

8月 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus

Once a year, a certain new moon will bring opportunity to your area of your home and other property that you might own, rent, or manage. Happily, August will be your month to turn all your attention to making your living space comfortable, fresh, and stylish. The new moon, August 6, in Leo at 15 degrees, will get you started on your plan.

You can now buy, sell, or rent, or paint your living room, as some examples. You might want to sell furniture and accessories you no longer want or need and pick up extra cash. If you are fine with your home "as is" then this new moon will allow you to assist one of your parents in a substantial way. For example, if one of your parents needs assistance, say, to find a new doctor, a new place to live, or a retailer to buy something expensive that your parent needs, like a mattress, as a few examples, after doing research, you can find the right answers. Even if you have sisters and brothers, you seem to have the Midas touch with home-and-parent-related matters, so be confident your suggestions can turn out to be the winning ones.

If it is not your home that you hope to change or improve, nor property you'd like to buy, sell, or rent, and you don't anticipate the need to help a parent, you may be doing much more entertaining at home than usual. Mars in your fourth house will bring noise - that might be contractors walking in and out and banging as they do their work, furniture movers, repair men running around your home, or the guests you will host very soon. It's all good! No matter what the reason, your family, or your house, country house, or other property, it will be a hub of activity in August.

This is a fantastic new moon, for 15 degrees is considered the strongest degree, so no matter why you are focused on home - and family (also covered here) - you will be rewarded for your efforts. Uranus, based in your most hidden, secret place of your chart, suggests that you can now find ideal situations to housing and family matters. Stay optimistic! You seem you have help that you had not anticipated, and you may not even know who is going out of their way to help you behind the scenes.

Even if you are in a tough situation, say, because your house is worth less than what you paid for it due to the recent housing bubble, you may have luck now if you go back to your banker to have a talk about realigning your mortgage.

Remember that a new moon will set up a whole two weeks of exciting energy, and the actions you take in those days can have an effect for a whole year or more to come. If you have had no luck in the past, this month will be a game-changer, so don't let past frustrations enter your mind.

If you need to sell, buy, or lease, you may get good news out of the blue over the weekend of August 3-4, which may set up the coming even better news of the new moon, August 6. If you need furniture, be sure to browse your favorite shops over this same weekend - you may get exactly what you want, at a bargain.

Now, on another topic, let's turn to the important date, August 7, when Jupiter will oppose Pluto. It may be time to talk to your banker, or, if you had received investment money for a business, to see your investor. Think back to a very critical time near December 11, 2007, when you may have started a new business relationship or made an investment in something important to you. If you signed a contract back then, things may have gone well initially.

Now, on August 7, Jupiter will oppose Pluto, marking a new and critical halfway point in the cycle, making it a time to reassess how you feel things are going. If the answer is fine, you need not do anything. If you feel you could be doing better with your venture, it will be time to tweak things. If you feel you have been putting money into a black hole, you may want to throw in the towel and bail out of the situation. If you feel you've been doing the lion's share of the work, and that your partner is not doing enough, you may have to speak up. There are no right or wrong answers here - you can decide what exactly you feel you need to do. Jupiter opposed to Pluto is simply a financial aspect that will encourage you to assess a situation and rebalance it.

Your career appears to be on the upswing, dear Taurus. Your first clue that something is up might have come last month, at the full moon of July 22. You had a full moon in your tenth house of fame and honors, so you may have heard some spectacular news.

Then, early this month, you will have a superb aspect on Sunday, August 4, when the Sun and Uranus are to be in ideal sync. Both your home and career will both benefit - surprising, sudden news may have you very excited. You would feel this energy building on Friday, August 2, or you may hear news on Monday, August 5.

Your career will again be your full focus at the full moon, August 20, a time that may bring everything to a grand pinnacle point. Something involving your career will come to culmination, for this full moon will fall in Aquarius, 28 degrees, in your tenth house of career honors and rewards. You may be on TV or in the papers, because this full moon will bring applause and possibly publicity, for work well done. If you are creative, this is the moment you will be lauded for your ideas. Stay alert for great professional news within four days (before or after) this full moon of Tuesday, August 20.

Remarkably, last month on July 22, we had a full moon in the same sign, Aquarius, and same area of your chart, in your tenth sector of professional honors and achievement. Perhaps you heard news about your career that had you dancing on the tables. If not, you will have a second chance now. It is rare to see two full moons in the same area of the chart during two consecutive months. Circle August 19 to August 24 as your very best days to see big progress.

Full moons end things, so if you applied for a new position, the final answer about this position is likely to come to you at this time. Don't keep calling before this full moon - call on or just after August 20. I can't see everything in your chart, but assuming you have benefic planets supporting your tenth house of fame and honors, and you have been working hard and have shown a very consistent high level of performance, the career news may be wonderful for you.

There will be quite a bit of emphasis on your third house of agreements, too, so you might be asked to sign a contract or other important paper in August, but you will have to be careful. DO NOT sign on August 7, the day mentioned above, when Jupiter and Pluto will be in opposition.

Avoid signing, too, on August 11 when Mercury will be in hard angle to Saturn, for if you sign then, the agreement wouldn't last very long.

On August 21, when Jupiter will be in hard angle to Uranus, nothing will go right, not in terms of property, career, profits and earnings, or anything else.

Another bad day would be Sunday, August 25, when Mercury will oppose Neptune. Everything will be so unclear at that time of the month that no one, not even you, will later be able to decide what the true intent of that contract was to be. Leave some days' space near this day, for on August 26, Venus, your ruler, will receive opposition from Uranus - another bad day.

Don't give up! I love August 29 and 30 for signing papers, or for giving a verbal "yes' to an offer. (In astrology, your verbal consent is exactly the same as signing your written consent, so always be careful about that - words have the same effect as your signature.) Mercury was retrograde last month but went direct on July 20, and by August 4 should be back to his normal speed - it's all good, dear Taurus.

Nearly all month Mars, the energy planet, will remain in your travel sector, so you may be able to get away for a change of scene over three different points in the month - even if you are working on improving your home! Your trips are likely to be short and quick this month, but still very much fun, and will give you a feeling of being pampered, too. If you have a purpose to fulfill, the days I will list for you will to help you to achieve your goals.

Your first best time to travel will be Friday, August 2, to Sunday, August 4, when Venus in perfect-for-Taurus sign of Virgo, now in your love sector (fifth house), and Mars in Cancer, now in your short distance travel sector (third house), will see to it that you enjoy yourself to the fullest. This weekend will sublime for love.

Your next travel wonder-day will be Wednesday, August 14, when Mercury and Uranus will be in perfect sync, making travel wonderful. You may travel for work or pleasure - either would likely work out very successfully for you.

Finally, the last special weekend of the month will be August 17-18, when the moon will be in Capricorn, and Mars will continue to make travel possible, and possibly even luxurious.

Just as the new moon will have faded in energy (August 6-18, stronger on the front end), lucky you, you will have Mars move into Leo to energize your home sector again, from August 27 to October 15. Wow, keep pressing forward on your plan to make your home just as you hope it to be. You will have everything done well in advance for the year-end holidays and all the friends and family you will want to invite over.

In love, you'll be so lucky to have Venus in Virgo, the ideal place for your ruling planet to be - in your house of true love - from August 1 to 15. That's your best time to socialize and also to see about improving your looks. Improve the package (you!), dear Taurus, and Cupid and his fleet of angels will be buzzing by to help you soon!

Your home is about to get much attention from you, as of the new moon of August 6. If you need to move, start looking in earnest for a new space, for even if you've been frustrated with your options, this time you are likely to find the right one for you. You seem to need a large space, and that's precisely what this new moon has in mind for you. This new moon is in Leo, the sign of luxury, so you may feel like a member of a royal family when you find your new apartment or house - it is likely to be sunny with a view and big closets. Thanks to Uranus, the right option will arrive quite suddenly. Do not settle for anything less than spectacular.

Alternatively, if you like your current address, you can set out to redo your space, with new color on the walls, new furniture and appliances - the choice of what to do will be up to you. Once you get to August 27, your home plans will move to high gear, all the way to mid-October, thanks to the position of Mars keeping you focused on home and property. You may entertain a great deal this month at your home or country house, or help your parent in some special way.

You won't likely spend all your time at home, as you seem to be on the road, traveling perhaps for business or to see family. It seems you may have a deal to negotiate, or papers to sign, and because Mercury is no longer retrograde as it was last month, you can do so now. Although the end of August is a popular time for vacation, you'd be wise to stay back and focus on your career and home instead.

An important full moon, August 20, highly elevated in you chart, suggests you may get important professional publicity at this time. Neptune will be very close to this full moon, so your image may appear on television or as a photograph in print media. If you work in the creative arts, you may also get special praise for imaginative work you completed recently. If you will be taking a new position now, be sure you understand the job description, as you may misread what needs to be done - ask plenty of questions.

Romantically, with Venus in Virgo, you'll be noticed by many at any party, just by walking through the door and smiling. Venus is a magnetic planet, and having Venus in your love sector is as good as it gets. Venus will be with you in ideal position until August 16.

Friday, August 2, will be an especially fine day for romance - with Mars in Cancer and Venus in Virgo, you'll have charm to spare.

A not-so-good-day for you will be August 26, when Venus will have a disagreement with Uranus - be careful what you say, for a careless statement will get a lover upset.

The first two weeks of August will also be your best to choose new things to update your wardrobe. The stores will brim with new, exciting merchandise, and with crowds thin, sales help will be not be distracted - make the most of shopping now! You will uncover the finest, most flattering picks, and while the stores are empty, choose new makeup and fragrance, too.

Dates to Note for TAURUS

Best days for Taurus, romance and for other things too: August 2, 3, 7-8, 14, 17, 18, 22, 29, and 30.

August 1 to 5 will be ideal for short, quick travel, thanks to sweet aspects affecting your quick short travel sector.

The new moon, August 6, will bring a basket full of opportunities to find a new place to live or to fix up your present space. You will have two weeks to get things done, but keep in mind that the very start of this phase, closest to August 6, will bring your best options.

You will travel this month too, so not all of your attention will likely be focused on your home - you can get out and enjoy weekends in various close-by settings.

August 1 to 15 will be special for improving your appearance and for finding love because your ruler, Venus, will tour fellow earth sign Virgo at that time.

On August 2, you have an outstandingly romantic day - Venus will send a kiss to her lover, Mars.

The full moon August 20 will bring a career matter to an important culmination, within three days of this date. You may see your picture in the press, for you may get a new position or a major promotion, or have a significant professional victory.

When your ruler, Venus, will receive opposition from volatile Uranus on August 26, it may be a troublesome day for love, money, and just about anything else. Keep your head down and out of the line of fire.

Mars will enter your home sector from August 27 to October 14, giving you another huge boost for improving your home situation.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-08-02 11:28:19
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 204 
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