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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 1月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2014年01月01日 Wed. PM 02:31:54

Pisces Forecast for January 2014

By Susan Miller

December may have been festive for most people, but for you, happiness and joy comes in January. You seem to have had to work hard through the holidays, but January offers sweet relief. You appear to be surrounded by many happy faces in January, thanks to the new moon in Capricorn 11 degrees on January 1. All new moons bring a potent period of ten days that follow it, so the first half of January should be super social.

You will have the opportunity to meet many new people now, all very encouraging of your ambitions, and among the people you meet will be one or more who may become long-term friends. I say that because Saturn will be unusually friendly, and so the actions you take under Saturn's gaze almost always have longevity. Capricorn is a leadership sign, so the people you will meet would be highly successful and well heeled. They would not be flashy types, but fashionably and elegantly dressed.

Consider joining a club, and if you already are a member of a social club, or a professional club, attend a meeting this month. You have been practically chained to your desk over the past weeks, and it would do you a world of good to get out and circulate. This influence is also perfect for you to spend more time in social media. You may assume you won't gain anything from participating, but I can see by your forecast this month that you will experience great personal growth by getting involved. If you have never been on Twitter, only Facebook, or vice versa, get involved with the one you've not been on. They are so easy, so you'll be in the swim of it in a split second. If you need help, corral someone younger than 18 - a sweet person of that age will be happy to help you.

In early January you may attend a series of seminars, a trade show or expo, or a special lecture that you will give or sign up to listen to. Do you love sports? You may be attending a sporting event in person, and enjoying every minute of the time you are there. You may be asked to give a speech, or asked to a judge on a panel. Something is bringing you in contact with many others and your profile will be high. You will need those new clothes you bought lately - have some fun while you make sure you look great.

Saturn's friendly angle to the January 1 new moon suggests you may be the subject of a story in a newspaper, magazine, Internet article, or TV show (or all four!) This media attention would occur within the first days of January and it would be very positive.

All Pisces will enjoy this new moon. If your birthday falls on February 28-March 1, plus or minus five days, this new moon will speak directly to you and you will have even MORE to cheer about. The same is true if you have Pisces rising or a natal planet in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn within five degrees of the 11 degrees. Your chart will be lit up beautifully, and Saturn will help you, too. Write down all that happens.

One special weekend that you may want to circle in gold will be when Saturn and the Sun are at sweet angles, and Saturn also works with Venus, January 11-12. The transiting Sun will be your house of hopes and wishes, fun, groups, community, friends, and new people you meet. At the same time, Saturn will be in your ninth house of philosophy, religion, and higher thinking. The ninth house is the area of your chart where you consider the reason you were born, and also think about all that you can contribute to others in your lifetime. Saturn rules older, wise individuals, so over this weekend, you may be attending a book signing or lecture that you find very insightful. The information may be put to immediate practical use. (Many planets in Capricorn, as we have this month, point to practical, realistic applications.)

Your enchanting spell will intensify at the full moon, January 15, when a full moon in tender Cancer will light your house of romance. This could be a very memorable moment, when you may feel completely swept away in love. If you are single, be out and about near this full moon, as you may meet someone who truly captivates you.

If you are attached, this full moon will have the power to draw the two of you closer than you have ever been before, as it will all be quite bewitching. Saturn will be beautifully angled (as it will on the January 1 new moon, too) so promises and decisions made will stay in place a very long time, possibly forever. You might want to schedule a dinner together in a beautiful romantic restaurant, as this may be a night to remember. If you have hoped for conception, this full moon may summon the stork.

Venus is currently retrograde, a rare situation, so talk about the future, but see if you can hold off making a final big promise, say, for an engagement or other big plan that you will do together. Your best days are February 1 or 2 when the moon will be in Pisces, and Venus will, by then, turn direct. Don't wait too long to make your promises and plans in love, however, as Mercury is about to retrograde from February 6 to 28 in Pisces and Aquarius. February 1 or 2 is truly your best two days.

The full moon of January 15 may also (or alternatively) bring a creative project to fullness. Sometimes Pisces puts so much emphasis on creativity that they pull the energy of a solar fifth house's full moon toward artistic expression. A Pisces without a creative project is like a day without sunshine, or a fish without water - unlivable. Working on your many creative projects gives so much satisfaction, it is hard for you to describe to others. Creativity lights your soul, dear Pisces, and it is as necessary in your life as oxygen. Love, romance, matters of conception, children, and creativity all fall in the same house, the fifth house, the area that the January 15 full moon will light so brilliantly.

If you are a Pisces with a birthday that falls on March 16, you will feel the energy of the full moon of January 15, plus or minus five days, more than most people. The same is true if you have Pisces rising, or a natal planet in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio at 26 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.

While Venus is in retrograde, as I wrote last month, hold off on plastic surgery and major changes to your looks. Venus rules beauty and allure, and when she's out of phase, she withholds her finest powers. You can have regular grooming, like hair trims, touchups, manicures, and so forth, of course, but when it comes to your face, keep to the status quo. Men, this is not the time to grow a beard or shave one off. Be patient until January 31. If you wanted to buy new designer sunglasses with your holiday gift certificate your aunt gave you, because you wear sunglasses on your face, wait until early February to choose them.

The one positive side of Venus retrograde is that if you parted from a friend or a sweetheart in the past, and you have hoped for reconciliation, this month may give you that second chance to mend your relationship. Venus retrograde may also bring an old friend back into your life, if only because you pass one another on the street and can't believe your eyes - that is your best friend from grade school that you lost touch with! (You get the idea - it's great fun!)

Now let's turn to another topic - money. Lately, it looks as though you've been concerned about finances. You might say, well, everyone is a little worried about money in January as the credit card statements come in, reflecting all those holiday gift purchases. Actually, that is true, but looking at your recent chart, others may not have felt the powerful drain on their bank account that you did in December, dear Pisces.

It may be that conditions beyond your control have hampered your ability to keep up with financial obligations, or caused you stress. For example, someone in your family may be out of work and has depended on you to cover his or her expenses, or, it may be that your child has needed special lessons that are expensive. Something unexpected or draining has been on you for a while. Then, last month, Mars and Uranus opposed one another on December 24-25, and you may have had even more financial worries. These two planets are still close enough to cause a little concern in early January but will soon move out of orb.

I feel you will absolutely find a solution to this temporary financial situation, for these two planets will move far enough away from their current opposition by mid-month and stop causing you so much focus. As January progresses, you seem to be less concerned about finding the money you need to cover obligations - apparently you will work out all the details by then.

Here is the great, sensational news you will want to hear about when it comes to money. On January 29, you will jump for joy when you see a check come in - it may be much bigger than you ever anticipated or you may not have even expected a check. You earned this money, dear Pisces, so no one can say you don't deserve it. You do deserve it! Keep some of your stash on reserve, however, for as Mars moves back and forth in retrograde March 1 to May 19, Mars may get into another tangle with Uranus again. (Actually, these two planets will on April 23, a tough month for money as a whole. By the end of July, you will be out of this situation and feel much more settled.

At the end of the month we have another new moon, which is very rare: January 30 in Aquarius. This new moon will light your twelfth house, which is the part of the chart that Pisces "owns" naturally. You are closely associated with the twelfth house, the reason Pisces is so deeply, overwhelmingly creative. This new moon may bring an important new creative project that you and possibly others will work on together. It's an exciting new moon, for Uranus, planet of genius, will signal that moon in a very electric way. Whatever happens as a result, it seems you will be able to unveil it in the second part of this year.

This is a great month for you, dear Pisces. Enjoy all of it! It's a much better month than December. Each day, love grows stronger, you make more friends, and opportunity will be raining down in buckets, allowing you to find the right projects to shine creatively and receive applause for your efforts. On top of all this, it seems that even your finances will improve substantially, for money will, one way or another, find a way to your door. Dear Pisces, everyone wants to be you!


Friends have a million ideas of things for you to do - but all of them involve spending copious amounts of money. You will see this to be true the minute the new moon, January 1, arrives, and because you seem worried about rapidly escalating expenses, you may think twice about participating. Mars and Uranus, in opposition, have been giving your wallet a workout. Don't toss out the baby with the bathwater, however - rather than beg off all social invitations, pick and choose among the ones you truly want to attend. Some invitations will be worth your while, for by showing up, you may make a crop of new friends and hear a career tip that may help you make more money down the road. You truly will benefit from getting out and making new acquaintances.

When it comes to romance, you have the entire zodiac beat. You have Jupiter in your house of true love until July 2014, a wonderful once-a-decade advantage. On top of that, this month, on January 15, you will have a full moon in Cancer, sure to trigger one of the most tender romantic moments of 2014. The full moon falls on a Wednesday, but it appears your exciting romantic moment will occur a little earlier, or later, from January 11 to 19. Stay alert!

The month's second new moon, January 31, will make you want to be off by yourself, working on a creative project. If you find that you're working in solitude on a writing or artistic assignment (including the ten days that follow that new moon of February) you'll have much to show for your efforts.

Money has concerned you, for Mars in a long visit to your eighth house of other people's money might be adding to the balance on your credit card. A surprise influx of money that you have - or will - earn (not won or given as a gift) at month's end, on January 29, may have you dancing on the tables.

Dates to Note: Pisces

Most romantic dates, and days you can use for other key initiations too: January 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 19, 24, and 25.

The world may be ready to go back to work, but you have a very social month ahead, thanks to the new moon January 1 + two weeks.

A financial decision you make on January 10 or 11 should prove to be wise and long lasting, thanks to the Sun in perfect angle to Saturn.

Over the weekend of January 11, you may be invited to a special social event, populated by many warm and interesting people. You will have the Sun and Saturn to thank for this lovely phase. It will be an event you will long remember.

Your most romantic full moon of the year may be January 15, plus or minus 5 days. It's sure to be a tender moment.

Time spent alone, in solitude, will pay dividends as you work on a creative project throughout January, but especially in the last week.

After being retrograde 5 weeks, Venus will go direct on January 31 and boost your social life even more.

The full moon on January 15 brings an important moment in your closet relationship. You may make a commitment or plan for the future.

News about a commission or royalty, or concerning a bank loan or mortgage, should have you jumping for joy January 29-31.

Venus has been retrograde in Capricorn since December 21 and will turn direct January 31.

Your imagination may take flight as the result of a new moon January 30 + 2 weeks.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-01-01 14:31:54
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 652 
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