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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 2月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2014年02月01日 Sat. PM 02:24:59

2月 Monthly Horoscope for Pisces

With planets gathering in Aquarius, the first half of February will seem slow on the outside, but in truth, lots will be going on within you. You seem to be in a highly reflective mode and may view the world, and your part in it, as if you were watching scenes in a movie. By seeing your life as a movie being directed by you behind the scenes, you will bring forth a new perspective and great insight.

Your intuition will be exceptionally strong throughout February and in early March too, for it was sharpened by the excellent new moon of January 30 and will be encouraged again by the new moon of February 28. If you are typical of your sign, you often crave time alone to reflect on recent events. As a Pisces, you listen closely to all that is said to you and take note of the inflection of the words and the body language of the person speaking to you - these non-verbal cues speak volumes to you. You, more than any other sign, tend to take on the cares of others as if they were your own, and carry them on your shoulders until your active mind can find a solution for them. It is no wonder that you need regular time alone to cleanse yourself of all those care to become whole and balanced again.

You want to help others, and you do, but you are sometimes overwhelmed with a feeling of helplessness, wishing you could do more to relieve the suffering you see. You are doing far more than your share, dear Pisces, and others are grateful to have you in their lives. Not only do the cares of others weigh on you, but also your work obligations do too these days. You need rest from the frantic pace you've been on, for your work life is soon to become busy again, and you'll need stamina to keep up. Take time for yourself in early February while you have the time to do so.

Mercury will retrograde all month, from February 6 to 28 when Mercury will start sliding backward in Pisces, and then continue to move back, into Aquarius. You may feel this phase of Mercury more than others, for your sign will be touched. Still, although Mercury retrograde periods can be annoying because they bring a number of postponements, miscommunications, and phases of forgetfulness, I feel you may find ways to enjoy this period, too, for friends and colleagues situations from your past will return to your life, and you may find surprising ways to continue your friendship and do things together. You may have already heard from some old friends at the end of January, for we all feel the approaching Mercury retrograde periods at least two weeks ahead of time.

Valentine's Day, February 14, will fall on a tender full moon in Leo (26 degrees); so on this day for lovers, you will want to be wrapped in luxury and warmth. Pisces is not usually a sign that looks for expensive or luxurious experiences, but on this night, February 14, you will want a special and celebratory evening - a full moon in elegant Leo can certainly fit the bill. If you are dating seriously, it looks like either you or your partner will pull out all the stops to create a truly memorable evening that you both will long remember.

On a more mundane level, this same full moon will bring a work assignment or project to culmination, and you will have something to point to that will make you feel justly proud. Mars will be very friendly to this full moon - to precise degree - indicating this particular assignment should be quite lucrative for you. It looks like a large one-time payment is coming your way, and that the project allowed you to put a lot of "you" into it. This will be superb moment for seeing gratification for time and effort you lavished on your project, and others will clearly see the value in all that you contributed.

Keep your health strong this month, as there is some indication you may feel a bit worn on the edges near the full moon of February 14. If your health has been troubling you or, if you have been going through a series of medical protocols, such as a series of physical therapy sessions, those will end now, and you will see results. If you feel fine and have been working out at the gym, you may now score a personal best and be excited to see the results of all your dedication to boosting your health and strength.

The very best part of the month will come at the end, when the new moon appears in Pisces on February 28. What a peach of a new moon this will be for you! Remarkably, good fortune Jupiter, now in water sign Cancer, will be in the most ideal mathematical position possible to support your birthday new moon and shower you with gifts, including those of love and creativity. If you hope for a baby, you may also receive the blessing of conception. If you have a child now, you will be happy with news you receive about your son or daughter.

Were you born on February 28, plus or minus five days? If so, you have just won the cosmic jackpot, for this new moon just brims with great opportunity. The same would be true if you have Pisces rising 10 degrees (plus or minus five degrees) or a planet in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at the same degree, 10 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.

Still, so strong is this new moon that I feel every Pisces of every birthday will have plenty to cheer about. You will have a wide area of possibilities, beyond the ones I have mentioned regarding love and creativity, because this will be your annual birthday new moon and always mean to give you cosmic carte blanche.

Dear Pisces, you can choose to aim the new moon's energy in any direction you please, so use it to grasp any desire you hold dear in your heart. This would be a wish so personal that only you would know what it is. Take steps on and AFTER February 28 toward that dream (you will have ten days in which to plant your seeds.) Chances are, events will be similar to watching speeded-up time-lapse photography - the flower will open its petals, transforming into a beautiful bloom right before your eyes.

On the same day as the new moon, the Sun and Jupiter will be in perfect angle to each other, in exact mathematical degree, giving you outstanding favor with a VIP. It looks like you may get exciting news that you were chosen to do a project that will allow you to display a range of creativity in a way that you've not been able to do before.

This soft, encouraging, and quite magnificent new moon will bring out the very best in you and also bring out your magnetic charms so that others will instantly see these qualities in you professionally and also be drawn to you in love. Under vibrations like this, if you are single, you may meet a very intriguing person at month's end. If you do, take your time, go slowly, and let this relationship simmer. This is not a month to jump into anything quickly, so enjoy the dance of love that might ensue.

Your planetary ruler, Neptune will be conjunct the Sun on February 23 and the new moon on February 28. Neptune will bring his gifts to you, too, so if you are creative (and most Pisces are), at the end of February you will get your chance to shine. Don't hold back, dear Pisces - let rip. This is the time to show your ideas and to get them funded. You are often ahead of the curve, so let others think about all you show them without any pressure to make decisions. I feel at month's end, the tide will turn very strongly in your favor, and it may seem to you that just about everyone will be beating a path to your door.
The month starts slowly and will give you a chance to take a deep breath and unwind. You may want to travel for fun and relaxation in early February, a good time to go, so see if you can get time off. You will be feeling experimental and very spontaneous, but at the same time will find you want to economize, perhaps by using frequent flier miles or taking advantage of bargain travel packages. Mars in your eighth house has made you more cost conscious lately, and this trend will continue until the end of July. You may have seen expenses rise, but if not, you will likely see that happen in April.

Even so, while money will go out to pay for things, money will come in, too. If anyone who owes you has not paid you in January, your chances of getting paid will improve in February. Venus has been retrograde since December 21 but finally speeded ahead January 31. Venus is important to watch, for it is the governing planet of your solar eighth house of money you owe, but also money others owe you. Other parts of your chart suggest you should be careful to keep sending statements to tardy clients. You will likely get paid eventually, but you will need to keep up efforts. As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the juice.

At the time near the full moon, February 14, your outlook for generating cash is fabulous. Pisces tends to work on a project-by-project basis, and some are self-employed. If either situation describes yours, the demand for your services will be high. You can bring in quite a bit of money near this full moon February 14, and also expand your customer base. If you work for others, you may make overtime money or a bonus, or if you are promoted, get more salary, quite unexpectedly.

Mercury will retrograde this month, February 6 to 28, so go over your work to make sure it does not contain errors. As a Pisces, you usually have many projects going at once because you feel that the old adage "a change is as good as a rest" is true. You may now go back to a project that had been put on the back burner a long time ago, a perfect time to do so.

Pay attention to your health at the full moon February 14 to make sure you do not become run down. If you take time to rest in early February, by the time you get to the full moon, you will be ready for the new influx of assignments. If you are rested, you will make it all look like child's play.

Valentine's Day is sure to please Pisces who are attached, for it appears you both will be celebrating your love in a beautiful setting - something quite luxurious out of the ordinary. Single Pisces have a superb chance to meet someone new from March 6 until July 15. Circulate, dear Pisces!

The end of February will sparkle brightest, for the new moon in Pisces on February 28 will be made in heaven for you. Remarkably that new moon in Pisces will receive a generous and rare vibration from Jupiter, giver of gifts in luck, from Jupiter in watery Cancer. The beam between the two will be mathematically perfect, and significant, too, for on February 28 and for the coming days, your initiations will have more force - and luck - behind them.

On the very same day, February 28, Mercury, the planet of communication, commerce, contracts, and negotiation, will go direct. Save your biggest initiations for month's end - February 28 certainly glitters brightly.

Love, and matters involving pregnancy and the care for children, as well as opportunities to show off the depth of your creativity, will come up, and suddenly life will feel quite glorious. With the Sun about to receive a shower of radiant vibrations from Jupiter, too, you will find that a job that comes up seems to fit you to a "T" and it will also pay well, too!

Happy birthday, dear February-born Pisces! That new moon of February 28 is simply beautiful, and it will show you that wishes can come true if you manage to take the first little steps toward a dream dear to you at that time. What a grand way to end the month!

Dates to Note for PISCES

Most romantic dates, and can be used for other purposes too (these are good days for you): February 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, and 28 (gold star).

Mercury will be retrograde February 6 to February 28.

Venus is no longer retrograde, as this planet of fun, magic, and beauty went direct on January 31. Your social life will pick up this month, so life will be more fun.

The start of January will be slow, so take it easy and reflect on your future. Ancient astrologers always felt it was important to take time to think about what you would like to happen next. This is an important function not to be skipped.

A big work project will be cresting at the full moon, February 14. Protect your health as you may be expending a lot of energy. Even so, the project will be a success and you can feel proud. With support from Mars, you will do well financially as a result, too.

Making money will be important to you now, and your spending may be high due to Mars' tour of your eighth house of other people's money. You may be negotiating contracts that involve payments to you, now through July. However, March 1 to May 19, Mars will retrograde, and so significantly more progress will be made in the second half of the year.

Your big moment will be the new moon in Pisces, February 28, the same day as Mercury goes direct. This is a big day for you, as this will be your annual birthday new moon to use as you wish. Take an action on this day toward a goal dear to your heart. You will have two weeks.

On the same day, February 28, the Sun in Pisces will be in ideal angle to Jupiter in Cancer, encouraging love and outstanding artistic expression. This will be a five-star day for you. Use it for an important action or meeting, or for expressing your love to someone very special to you.

Pisces who have had problems with conception: if you can try on February 28 or the days that quickly follow that date, you have a better than usual chance to summon the stork. No promises, but this is a sterling date.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-02-01 14:24:59
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 287 
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