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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 4月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2014年04月02日 Wed. AM 09:43:06

Pisces Horoscope for April 2014

By Susan Miller

You are about to enter a very high contrast month, where events will be pushed to either end of the spectrum and most will center on money. This month reminds me of the little poem my mother read me when I was very little by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "There was a little girl / Who had a little curl / Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good / She was very good indeed / But when she was bad she was horrid."

Welcome to April, dear Pisces. This kind of up-and-down month may unnerve you, but the opportunity will be there to make money too. The big emphasis will be on all sorts of funds - money you earn, money you borrow, commissions and bonuses, court settlements, inheritances, and taxes too. You have a reputation of being smart when handling money, but to concentrate all day on only money bores you. You live in the magical word of creativity, imagination, ideas, and concepts, and because you focus on the quality of work you do, and have not much interest in reading your bank statements in a wing chair by the fireplace. Pisces and your opposite sign of Virgo (both on the same 180-degree axis) produces more billionaires than any other sign, according to Forbes.

Your powerful emphasis on money actually started late last month, with the new moon in Aries, March 30. Aries is a highly entrepreneurial sign, so you may be getting ready to start a business or create a new product or service that you hope to introduce to the market in several months. Be careful, and do your homework. Consult a financial advisor if necessary.

Uranus will be very prominent this month. The planet that brings all kind of surprising events will conjoin the Sun, so completely unpredictable circumstances will arise, and they may be ones that make you fantastically happy or very upset. The Sun rules your solar sixth house of work projects, so that tells me that you may get an influx of new business, and the fact that Uranus will conjunct the new moon - and the moon rules your creative efforts - tells me you can find an opportunity that will give you plenty of room to express your creativity. Still, Uranus may make you impulsive, so you need to think about all sides of the endeavor or deal before you jump in.

As you see, in the start of April, you will sense that everything financial that comes up will either be black or white, with nothing in between. A lot of how things work out depends on what you have done in the past to bolster your income and financial security. You may learn that you need to keep a better eye on partners who hold the money bags. If you have done everything right, and have been working diligently toward a larger income, you may get a surprise - you may be stunned when a good deal of money begins to flow your way this month. If you have not been working toward earning a more comfortable salary or asking for suitable fees (instead asking for too little because you lack a little confidence that you can negotiate it), you may learn through a casual remark that you could be getting more. It seems you will need to write a few hefty checks, so that certainly will motivate you now.

Mars has been moving through your eighth house of other people's money, so you may be doing one or more collaborations and joint ventures with another professional. The problem with a partnership is that IF the person you are dealing with is not transparent, you have a problem. Your intuition may have been telling you that something is off, and if your partner hesitates or stonewalls you when you ask for backup material, your suspicions will be confirmed. This new moon is on a mission to bring full disclosure, so things may get interesting.

This new moon of March 30 is a tough one, so if you are the one who made a financial error, you would feel the brute force of this new moon, and you'd have to make restitution. With these types of aspects, all kinds of truths will come to the surface under the glare of daylight. You will learn the character of those you are dealing with, and as is usual under hard aspects, anyone who cannot be fully trusted will be revealed in tiny, careless, and unconscious ways, so stay alert.

This would usually be a perfect time to ask for a raise and it still is, in some respects, but you will need to fend off obstacles and opposition. Everything it seems will bring on a negotiation - don't let that stop you. This is a new moon, which will open a new chapter for a full year on your finances. On one hand, I see the possibility for you to generate much more money, but on the other hand, you will have to spend more time managing others who are involved with your earnings. Pisces often finds this kind of financial overseeing very time-consuming and frustrating. If you do hand this responsibility off to someone else, you had better be sure it is someone you trust and have checked out thoroughly in advance. Ask your financial advisor if he accepts fiduciary responsibility for you - if the answer is no, keep looking for another advisor, starting with friends' recommendations. Even if you do hand over day-to-day oversight, you will still have to be involved with the aspects you have swirling about. You have a kind heart, and others take advantage of that, dear Pisces.

Mars has been journeying through in your eighth house of other people's money for an inordinately long time, since December 7, 2013. Mars usually only spends six weeks in a house, not eight months, so the emphasis on money making, investing, and saving has been and will continue to be high through July. Mars brings energy, so in that respect, you may have many ideas for generating profits, but Mars can also bring strife at times. Remember, tough aspects are simply looking for weak links. The universe wants you to work in solid, clean, productive circumstances, so if Mars turns up something, deal with it. Mars is there to help you. If you find yourself in a financial fix, vow to find a way you won't have to go through this again - that is the value of experience.

In another corner of the sky, Pluto will be in very hard angle to that new moon, so someone near - and it looks like someone you think of as a friend - will become very insistent that you do as he or she says. It looks like you are about to feel a lot of pressure from this person, which seems weird, because it will come from someone you would have thought of as a friend. That is what makes this a delicate matter - you won't want to hurt this person's feelings, but clearly, this person is strong willed and is pushing you too hard.

I can say this friend is influential, and used to getting his or her way, and may be treating you as if you were an employee, insisting that you accept his or her point of view. The little fish (you - I use the word "little" affectionately) can hear when a predator fish approaches, for sound moves more rapidly under water than above ground. In this case, the little fish manages to squeeze through the tightest rocks and to swim to a warmer, safer part of the sea. This is a way of reminding you that you tend to be agile under these types of high-pressured circumstances. The fish may not have hooves or horns to protect himself, but he has something better - highly honed instinct and intuition.

Financial developments seem to reach culmination on the full moon lunar eclipse, April 15. I know - April 15 is tax day in the United States. The universe doesn't know about our special days, so it sends a total eclipse of the moon when it wants to do so. This eclipse brings Mars, Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter in a perfect cross pattern, and that is tense. It's unusual to see all these planets line up within a degree or two in each of the highly energetic cardinal signs, each precisely 90 degrees from the other, with four squares and two oppositions. This is as tense as it gets. Mars will oppose Mercury too, and that is very jarring as well. You may be concerned with what is going on at home or with a creative project.

Cardinal signs align with the north, south, east, west points on a compass and they define direction. They are Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, and are considered restless, powerful pioneering, leadership signs. Within a cardinal cross, a lot of energy is contained, but it can find no escape. The energy keeps bouncing off the walls of the box it creates, and finding no way out, it turns its energy inward and forces powerful change within. Even if you've been too shy to ask a partner or spouse about a financial question, with this eclipse, you won't be able to keep it inside anymore - you will ask.

Steve Jobs was born with a cardinal cross, and those babies always wind up changing the world. Still Mr. Jobs' cardinal cross was not as nearly as mathematically tight in degree as the one that will happen on April 15. Additionally, Steve Jobs, a Pisces too, born February 24, 1955, was not born on a total eclipse but a new moon. Eclipses take the energy of a new or full moon and multiply it by three - that's big, especially with a full moon as we have in this total eclipse April 15. To get a cardinal cross like this one, I am guessing that it is like trying to get 16 apples to line up in a Las Vegas mega-slot machine all at once. Nearly impossible!

This all says to me that you have the ability to bring money in, but you may also have to send checks out. Do not panic if someone is pressuring you in a harsh manner. You can always suggest a payment plan if you owe someone money. If they owe you, see if you can first be gentle and allow them to find a way to make things right with you. You can always resort to legal measures, but that's a drastic step, so only do that if you must.

Your hardest days for money might be the string of days that span April 20 to 24, when all the planets I have mentioned previously will have a roaring fight with each other. The hardest aspect in my opinion is Mars opposed to Uranus in Aries, April 22-23. This is a very explosive and confrontational aspect.

Not only will you feel some financial volatility mid-month and near April 20-24, but worldwide stock and bond market may too. There is no reason to panic - this is a correction, so stay calm, and if you are contributing to your retirement account at tax time, do so with your trusted financial expert's advice. I suggest you go a conservative route, and that seems best this month.

The next eclipse will be easier for you to deal with, and it will arrive April 28/29 (depending on your time zone) in Taurus, 10 degrees. Opportunities to travel to will be strong, and not only now but in months ahead. You seem to travel to relax and to get a change of scene - that's a good idea, for love will flourish best on short little excursions out of town. You may get news from your sister, brother, or cousin too, and so part of the reason you travel now may be to see your sibling. It seems your sibling will have news, so be sure to check in after April 28-29 to find out what it is.

Your ability to communicate skillfully will be prized now, and you may be working on a book or major magazine feature, or filming a pilot on a TV show, as some examples. If you want to start writing a screenplay, do it. You may be asked on TV, too, so starting a publicity or advertising campaign later this month would work well for you.

Venus rules your style and ability to be successful in communication. This is month, Venus will be in Pisces from April 5 to May 2, and Saturn will be in perfect angle to Venus in the middle and latter part of the month, giving your work stability and gravitas. Any type of communication project, even app development or publicity or advertising campaign, is likely to do well. Keep in mind that a new moon is a start, or an opening of a new path, and an opportunity. You will begin your project now, not end it. All you need to do is to light the idea and talk things over with the right influential people.

You may be asked to sign a contract now, but I will ask you to delay doing so until the end of May. Mars is now in debilitated position, for the red planet is retrograde, and I would prefer you wait until Mars goes direct on May 19. Mars won't fully resume its fast speed until the end of July, but it's better to have Mars moving in the right direction than not. Mars brings courage, drive, and a strong sense of competition, so a strong Mars will help you win - you need him in good condition.

If your birthday falls on February 26, plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of this new moon solar eclipse April 28/29, and it will help you enormously. The same is true if you have Pisces rising 9 degrees, or a natal planet at the same degree (plus or minus five degrees) in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus.

One of your sweetest days of the month will be April 17, when Venus in Pisces will receive a dazzling vibration from Jupiter in Cancer. Because Jupiter is in your house of true love and Venus is in Pisces, this should be the most enchanting evening of the month. A grand, golden triangle will appear in the sky, and you may see a life-changing episode emerge in matters of the heart.

Runner up for an exciting, lyrical, and poetic date night, single or attached, will be April 11, when Neptune will combine forces with delicate Venus. Use this evening for a glamorous, highly romantic evening, one not to be forgotten.

With Venus in Pisces from April 5 to May 2, you will have an ideal time to try out new ways to update your looks. Buy new clothes, women Pisces may want to buy new makeup, and both genders may want to change the way you wear your hair. You will be incredibly magnetic, dear Pisces, so you will want to make the very most of it.


You have had a lot of pressures on you in recent months to find ways to earn more money, but April's events seems to bring a new urgency. Most of the difficulties you will feel are not likely due to anything you did, or did not do, but rather are due to outside circumstances, over which you probably have little control. A family member may ask you for cash to get through a tough patch, or your ex may be out of work and unable to pay you child support. A client may not pay you because he has suddenly filed for bankruptcy, and won't be paying the large check you had depended upon. Things like that happen. Of course, Uranus will be very strong this month, so with Uranus things can go either way - you could win the lotto or earn a massive commission.

We cannot be concerned over events we cannot control, but only to our responses to the challenges. The new moon of March 30 will help you become more resourceful, and as you enter April, you may hit on an idea or circumstance that will improve your cash flow. You may also ask for a raise - with Pluto at odds, your chances of getting one are possible, but to get it you'd have to fight tooth and nail for it. It may not be worth all that effort right now, with the outcome likely to be small anyway. Not now, but maybe in October, dear Pisces.

By the time you get to the difficult full moon lunar eclipse, April 15, you may feel overwhelmed with financial details and feel even more motivated than ever to find cash. If you are give a large check this month, you seem to have to write a big check too, so money comes in and money goes out. You are not alone. Everyone will feel some level of stress in different ways as a result of the lunar eclipse of April 15. You are articulate and highly persuasive, so use those talents to create a payment plan if you cannot pay in full for, as two examples, taxes, or a mortgage or a bank loan that has come due.

April 15 appears to bring conditions to fullness and will provide a huge floodlight of information if necessary, clearing up any financial mystery that lately hasn't been adding up in your head. You will not be able to make a sigh with relief until after the dates Mars opposes Uranus, April 22-23, a potentially very hard day for money.

The month's second eclipse, a new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 28/29, will bring news that is easier for you to assimilate. It is likely to bring up travel or a writing / editing / speaking / coding / translation / research assignment. While tensions will still be in the air, Taurus blends more easily and intuitively with your Pisces Sun than Libra, the sign of the first eclipse, April 15. A solution may be at hand just when you need it most, so keep brainstorming.

Still, tensions about money will swirl all month, and your only option will be to find new solutions to conditions that seem not to have solutions. Nothing you did in the past will apply to new conditions, so you will have to apply a new and untried solution. A golden triangle will appear in the sky in water signs, and that will be miraculous for you. It will reveal a way to improve your cash flow. The answer may sell your creative services, for sales are almost sure to follow. Going back to the university to train and hone new skills will be another option for generating income, for Saturn, now in your ninth house of learning, seems to suggest that study can lead to greater financial security.

Would you like to read more about the April eclipses?

I wrote a piece about the April eclipses for Refinery29.com

Here is the link! http://bit.ly/1dqrKIa

Pisces Dates to Note

Most Romantic Dates: April 11 and 17, thanks to Venus in Pisces' meeting with your ruler, Neptune, on the first date, and Venus in Pisces in strong angle to Jupiter on the second date.

Venus in Pisces will be a blessing, April 5 to May 2. It's the perfect time to buy new clothes for fall. Your charisma will be high.

The full moon lunar eclipse April 14 will light your eighth house of taxes, money owed to you and you to others, inheritance, commissions, royalties, insurance payout, legal settlements, and the division of property in a divorce or at the end of a business partnership. This eclipse will be very high stress and brings in completely unexpected elements. Money will be the topic. If negotiating, the opposing side will be fierce and a tug-of-war will result.

Another eclipse, April 28/29, will bring more travel, and/or more assignments will come up involving writing or speaking / appearances. Your sister or brother may be in the news too.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-04-02 09:43:06
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 272 
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