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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 5月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2014年05月08日 Thu. AM 12:24:22

Pisces Horoscope for May 2014

By Susan Miller

You must be glad you made it through April, the toughest month of 2014. Planets were clanging against one another in a cross pattern, which is considered the most stressful position possible. Pluto, Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter all reached precisely 90 degrees from one another in Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, which is rare. In such a pattern, energy cannot escape, so it turns inward in the box and bounces off the walls, affecting you internally.

The eclipse last month on April 15 emphasized money. You may have committed a large sum to a new business venture, a house, or other purchase, or you may have had to come up a large sum for taxes, tuition, student loans, or other financial obligations. Or, you may have settled the division of property in a divorce. The eighth house, which rules other people's money, commissions, and royalties, also covers certain health procedures, so if you have had health concerns instead of financial concerns, that sounds right. Pisces has a delicate constitution, for you are so sensitive and empathetic to those around you. Pisces always needs to shore up against prevailing winds because you give so much of yourself. If you didn't feel well in April, it was due to those angry planets.

On April 28, a solar new moon eclipse opened new opportunities in the realm of communications and that continues during the first half of May. You may have been offered to write a regular column in a magazine or a cover story. You may direct a team to build an app for a cell phone, or you may be asked to edit, translate, or transcribe interesting work on a new project. Out of the blue, you may be asked to be a spokesperson for your company or other client. If you are an accomplished writer, you may be asked to collaborate as a ghostwriter. In May, how you communicate will make your fortune. Some Pisces speak through film and photography, and that too is covered by the new moon. These areas shine for you, dear Pisces.

The third house, so lit up for you in early May, also rules your sister and brother, so you may have heard news from your sibling, or soon will. You may also be able to travel short distances this month, and that might be fun.

May does hold a difficult moment, May 10, when Saturn will oppose the Sun. This is a meeting of ice and fire - quite incompatible elements - so it's draining and exhausting. If you are not physically deflated, you may feel a bit psychologically depressed over criticism you may hear on this day, plus or minus one day. Try not to take criticism to heart. You will feel better in a day or two. Saturn and the Sun will be cutting across your travel sectors so May 10 would be a terrible weekend to travel, even to a close-by location - stay home!

Things will improve by May 14, the full moon in Scorpio, 24 degrees. This full moon will also light your house of ideas, concepts, and intellectual probing. This house rules college and graduate school study, foreign travel, international trade and commerce, immigration matters including green card, passport, and visa, as well as publishing and broadcasting ventures. Legal matters also come under this area, not only to bring a case, but also to file a trademark or patent. If any of these areas are ones where you need closure, the good news is that you will get a final answer within four days of this full moon. This full moon seems to have a weighty, serious undertone because Saturn will enter on the arm of the full moon. Any commitment or decision you make at this time will be in place a very long time, possibly forever. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is in ideal angle to the full moon, which brings the potential for considerable profit and gain.

If you were born on March 14, plus or minus five days, you will benefit the most from this full moon, as the degrees reach out to your Sun. The same is true if you have Pisces rising, 24 degrees (or close), or have a planet in Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer, 24 degrees.

Jupiter in Cancer is good for you, dear Pisces. This month, Jupiter is at 16 degrees, approximately the middle degrees, as each sign goes from 0 degrees to 29 degrees. If you were born on March 7, plus or minus five days, you will be feeling the golden rays. Having Jupiter in perfect "trine" angle is considered the most heavenly angle possible for great support from this mighty planet of goodness. Jupiter trine your Sun will bring you the likelihood for better health, happiness, and lucky breaks. If you have been ill lately and wondered if Jupiter has forsaken you, the answer is no. Jupiter in this angle will help you get a proper diagnosis.

Jupiter will also bring love, happiness, travel, and profit. This only happens rarely, so you truly have an outstanding advantage. Jupiter will remain in Cancer until July 16, so every Pisces is having a chance to benefit. This is a powerful trend, so be optimistic, dear Pisces. You CAN find love.

Let's go back to the topic of your finances, for they appear to have been quite a focus, reaching back to December 2013. Mars entered Libra then, and although he usually spends six weeks in a sign, he has spent nearly eight months there. That means you've had quite a drain on your finances, for hosting Mars in the eighth house often gives high level spending.

You may have worked toward bolstering your income, but on March 1, Mars, the planet that rules your second house of earned income (and was visiting your other financial house, your eighth house of other people's money), went retrograde. A retrograde planet is a weak one - it's hard to get anything on track with Mars retrograde. If you delayed a launch of a new project until the end of May or July, you were right to do so. Mars is the booster rocket to all ventures. If you've ever watched a rocket lift off to space, the booster rocket's job is to get the rocket into the stratosphere, and then the booster rocket drops away, having done his job. That's Mars, but when Mars is retrograde, you have to do all the heavy lifting.

This month, Jupiter and Saturn will be in perfect agreement, something that will not happen again in a similar way until 2026. You will feel this all month, as both planets will move very slowly. This means you can give your ventures a solid, stable base, and if you nurture your venture, you'll have the possibility for enormous profit potential in time. These two planets will peak on May 24, but as said, they will be within orb all month. This would be a superb month to sign a contract and launch an important new project. If possible, wait until after Mars goes direct May 19. I suggest you sign May 22, 23, or 24.

Don't wait too long, as Mercury will go retrograde June 7 to July 1. It will be the last of a long string of retrogrades this year.

One day when you may get surprise, out-of-the-blue news about money will be May 15, and that will put a smile on your face. This comes thanks to a pairing for Venus and Uranus in your earned income sector. You won't expect this, even if you try to guess, for it will come from an unexpected source.

The good news is that Mars will go direct on May 19. You now will see the pace pick up and your efforts to make more money won't seem as much of a struggle. Everything improves, even relationships. Mars won't reach his former speed until July, for has he has to build his strength, but you will notice that each day from now on brings you a better environment.

The end of the month brings you an opportunity to focus on your home, for a new moon May 28 will appear in Gemini, 7 degrees. Mars will be well angled, which suggests you will be energized and ready to focus on your home. This new moon is an important portal, for it will allow you to move, make repairs, renovate, paint, buy new furniture and redesign your space, or find a new roommate - you decide.

Neptune will be at hard angle, so if you are buying property, you need to do a great deal of due diligence and discover what the seller might not be telling you. Ask questions about water, such as, has this area had problems with hurricanes or floods? What is the quality of the drinking water? These types of questions and others might be wise to bring up. I am not saying you would not buy property, only that you have full information.

If you hope to sign a lease or close on a house, you have a lovely day on May 30, when the Sun and Mars will be beautifully oriented.

If you have a parent that you'd like to help in some way, the new moon May 28 will make that possible. Again, with Neptune prominent, you will have to dig deep and ask many questions if you are to recommend any sort of solution to your parent - you could easily overlook something you would need to know.


Late last month brought a plethora of news, involving your talent in communication, particularly your ability to write, edit, or speak effectively, or to translate, code, publicize, or create marketing plans. You may be working on writing a screenplay, novel, documentary, ad campaign, or a telecommunications project, such as the development of a new app. All these projects will continue to consume your thinking in May.

Your personal finances as well as joint arrangements, including the area of taxes, insurance payouts, royalties, licensing fees, bonus, and commissions has also likely been on your mind as a result of last month's eclipse. You may have had to demand a forthright answer to questions from others - tell all concerned that you expect transparency.

The full moon of May 15 will link into travel too, but this time, distant travel, as well as possibly international relationships, the media, and publishing or broadcasting projects, academia, citizenship and/or immigration, or matters involving the courts, as well as patents, trademarks, and other legal activities. So much was going on last month that you may feel worn to the bone, but May promises to be easier, assuming you were dealing with a whirlwind of news in April. If you were not, something unexpected may still arrive now, in May. Stay poised to move in any direction should you be called on to do so.

Home and property will take your full focus at the new moon, May 28, and extend into May. If you have looked forward to making Improvements, such as to paint, reorganize, renovate, update your decor with new furniture, or to rent, sell, buy, move, or change roommates, this new moon will give you the right time to act. If you need to find funds to complete your plan, Mars in ideal angle to this new moon suggests that the money will appear. Neptune, your ruler, will challenge this new moon, so if you will be buying property, check the statistics on storms in your neighborhood, and protect against hurricanes and other acts of nature in your insurance. Check water quality too.

Mars will move direct on May 19 after having been in weak retrograde since March 1. Ever since Mars went out of phase, you may have had to deal with payments that were delayed or problems in raising your income. After May 19, you will be in an ideal position to see a major improvement in your cash flow during coming weeks and months. It will take Mars time to reach top orbiting speed, so be patient - by the end of July you will see a big improvement in your finances, and in the meantime, each subsequent day as you move toward July should bring better news. I

In the meantime, you have a surprisingly special day concerning your earned income: May 15. After you hear the news, you may be dancing on the tables.

Dates to Note: PISCES

Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions: May 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 30, and 31.

Travel on a short distance May 5 or May 6, when your stars will twinkle just for you. This comes due to a collaboration of Jupiter and the Sun.

Days NOT to travel May 9 and 10 due to Saturn in opposition to the Sun. Any trip will seem arduous and if traveling for work, your goals will be hard to achieve.

The full moon May 14 will culminate a long distance trip, possibly for work. Although you will work hard, it appears you will be successful and bring back a purchase order.

Mars will go direct on May 19 having been retrograde since March 1. From now on you will have an easier time getting a grip on your finances.

Publishing and broadcasting projects will shine May 23 and May 24 when Jupiter and Saturn are in sync.

The new moon on May 28 will open up a new chapter for you regarding your home, other property, or regarding the assistance you can give a parent. This new moon will be the best time of the year to focus on home.

If you need money to fund a home-related project, it will appear for you, if you seek in on this day.

Earlier in the month you may get good news on an increase in salary or another paying assignment coming in, thanks to Venus conjunct Uranus in your earned income sector.

Finish up things in May, as Mercury will go retrograde June 7 to July 1, not a time to start anything new.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-05-08 00:24:22
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 123 
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