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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 10月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2018-10-01 Mon. 22:42:26

Aries Horoscope for October 2018

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller

October 2018

Dear Reader,

I am excited to tell you about my two appearances, first in October at the New Life Expo on Saturday, October 27, in New York City, and then in Carlsbad, California where I am doing a full weekend of yoga and astrology from November 2-4, 2018. In both cases, I will tell you all about the Year Ahead 2019. All the details about my two appearances are on my website. Check my homepage of AstrologyZone.com. Here is the short version of what I will do, and I hope you can come!

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

Your enthusiasm for relaxing and socializing with close friends, as strong as it was in September, will continue in October and remain as a positive development. You’ve been working very hard, and by January you will be enjoying your harvest for all the seeds you’ve planted. You may find yourself with a promotion or new title by January, so keep working with the faith that your boss or clients appreciate the results you are creating and that they won’t want to lose you. They will send you rewards, and soon you will see how exciting life can be.

You are probably a little frustrated with all the barriers the universe has set up to slow you down; you weren’t alone, as the other signs felt the slow pace, too. Since the end of June, when your ruler Mars went retrograde, you were being forced to look back, not forward, and fix anything that you feel could be improved or needed to be replaced. A certain relationship, most likely a romantic one, is now under consideration, as Venus, the ruler of your committed relationship house, will go retrograde from October 5 to November 16. You may change your mind about plans for a special person you are serious about, such as whether to marry or not. Don’t make any final decisions yet—you will likely change your mind several times before the arrival of the new moon December 6.

As luck would have it, just when you think that finally, you are done with the three planets that affect us all the most when retrograde—Venus, Mars, and Mercury, going back to end of June—Mercury will go retrograde again from November 16 to December 6, adding another layer of mixed and delayed communication and commerce. If you need to sign a contact avoid this period: November 16 to December 6.

You can sign papers or launch products while Venus is retrograde, but if the product is interesting to women, you should not launch it. Venus rules all areas that cater to women and that beautify. If your product or service is interesting to men and women, you still shouldn’t launch now, for why halve your customer base? One day to avoid this month would be October 10, when Mercury (ruling contracts, news, travel, important papers) will receive an opposition by Uranus, the planet of sudden happenings. My parting word about Venus: Venus rules money, as do Jupiter and Pluto.

There are other actions not to take while Venus is retrograde. Make no radical changes to your appearance, such as turning your hair color from brunette to blonde, for example, or if you are one of my male readers, to shave your beard, if one day you have an impulse to do so. Men and women can have regular hair trims, but you must order no radical changes in color or cut because you probably won’t like the results. Stay with your tried and true hairdresser, too. This is not the time to experiment.

Do not have Botox, a face-lift, or unfamiliar dermatological treatments while Venus is retrograde, and don’t order veneers for your teeth at this time, either. I have two friends who did have untried dermatological treatments. Neither friend knew of the other, and the treatments were different, but both treatments were on their faces. Both now have multiple small scars, and as it’s been two years since they each had those procedures, they have been told that the scars will never leave. I had no idea that Venus retrograde could cause such serious, heartbreaking, and lasting problems. It’s also not a good time to start a new relationship, because Venus rules affection, and if you become serious about one another, emotions are likely to cool before long (hopefully you’d find this out before you wed, but that’s not always the case).

For Aries, Venus rules not only the seventh house of marriage but also your second house of earned income. With Venus retrograde, do not ask for a raise, Aries, or if you are self employed, it would be best not to raise your fees. You may have to wait a long time to get paid from clients, so you may have to send reminder statements.

    The new moon of October 8 will have you thinking deeply about forming a serious commitment to a partner. This is the one new moon of the year that will have you thinking of “we” instead of “me.” If you are wed, it may be that at this new moon you both will agree to choose a new goal to work on together.

The new moon of October 8 will have you thinking deeply about forming a serious commitment to a partner. This is the one new moon of the year that will have you thinking of “we” instead of “me.” If you are wed, it may be that at this new moon you both will agree to choose a new goal to work on together. You may want to get engaged now, but with Venus asleep, I would prefer you do so in a few months, in December (after December 6).

Another way this could work for you is if you hope to collaborate closely with a business expert, such as a manger, agent, publicist, social media director, advertising director, writing partner, accountant, or other person who can add much to your business. If you have someone who fits the bill of business partner or collaborator, you can soon sign papers to work together. You would do this to increase your bottom line, but with Venus ruling profits, you won’t want to sign just yet. Venus, in sleepy position, might put a lid on how much you can earn, so wait until after December 6 to sign. You can work together on a trial basis for two months to see how things go.

The seventh house rules contractual, serious relationships, where both parties are committed to each other, and the success of the venture depends completely on the energetic, ethical effort both parties put forth to achieve a unified goal. We often don’t think of marriage as a contract but it is, and astrology acknowledges that fact. All contractual one-on-one collaborations and serious commitments are considered seventh house matters.

The end of October could bring some turbulence about money. Uranus in Taurus will be conjunct the full moon at one degree Taurus, while it will oppose both the Sun and Venus. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and Taurus rules your second house of earned income, so initially this full moon may bring adverse financial news. As mentioned above, after October 5 Venus will be retrograde as well, so getting answers from clients about estimates and costs will likely be slow, and this indecisive period will linger until November 16.

Mercury will retrograde from November 16 to December 6, so the delays will continue until early December. Don’t ask for a raise now, for the answer will be not the one you hoped to hear. If you filed an extension for your taxes, don’t be late, as the end of October is not the best time for your finances, and you may be unhappy about what you owe.

The full moon of October 24 in Taurus will bring everything into focus, but I ask you not to make any financial moves anywhere near this date (avoid October 21 to 26). Uranus will be opposed to the Sun and Venus, ruler of Taurus, so this full moon will bring some sort of shocking news about money. Knowing this, be conservative with spending and make no huge investments or purchases until you get to December, but especially not near October 24. Wait, however—there is good news, too, at this very same full moon.

The good part of October 24 is that the full moon and Sun will each receive stabilizing rays from Saturn, and Saturn’s nature is opposite to that of Uranus. Saturn acts slowly and cautiously and brings long-term thinking, structure, and stability to whatever it touches. Uranus acts suddenly without warning, is impulsive and swift, and sweeps away all that it deems of no future relevance in the blink of an eye. Here you have two very opposite planetary aspects—one conserves what is valuable from the past, and one is future-oriented and deletes anything it deems no longer relevant. These planets will balance each other out, first with shocking news, and then with the stabilizing remedies that Saturn will help you think of and put into place.

Despite all this commotion at month’s end, you still have Jupiter in Scorpio, fiercely protecting your financial interests. Happily, Jupiter, the great benefic planet, will be there at a very opportune time, for Jupiter will bring you through this full moon in good shape. Jupiter will continue in Scorpio until next month, and his last full day will be November 7. After that, on November 8, Jupiter will leave Scorpio and move into Sagittarius. Then he will start to bring you all kinds of luck in a new part of your chart (more about that next month).

Right now Jupiter is protecting you and providing growth in terms of eighth house matters: insurance payouts, venture capital investments in your business, business loans, student loans, mortgages, commissions, royalties, inheritances, prize winnings, perks and benefits of your company (such as health insurance), cash advances (such as when you write a book), bonuses, court and divorce settlements, child support, and the like. If you need to apply for any of these type funds, do so this month before Jupiter leaves in early November, for Jupiter won’t be back to Scorpio and this part of your chart until September 2029.

I know I told you not to ask for a raise, for that is a second house matter, but these funds, where you share with large companies, is an eighth house matter, and your eighth use is what is so dazzlingly bright now.

Just days after the full moon of October 24, on October 29, Mercury and Jupiter will align in Scorpio in your house of other people’s money—the eighth house—so just prior to Jupiter’s departure, he is about to give you outstanding news in the form of a check or a deal that you sign that will bring you quite a bit of money.

Socially, Mars, your ruler, is moving through your eleventh house of friendship, and so it’s time to reconnect and relax with those friends you care about most. The full moon brings both jarring surprise but also stability, so in this case, I feel that the end of October will bring good financial news. Uranus’ jarring influence on your moon will temporarily knock you sideways emotionally, but Saturn will come in to give you ideas, soothe your feelings, and help you come up with sound long-range plans. As usual, you will land sunny-side up, dear Aries.


After a very busy three months, October will give you a chance to think, reflect on the past months, and clear the decks so that you can make plans for the holidays. The new moon, October 8, will be in Libra, your opposite sign, and may have you thinking about joining forces with another person in business or in love, such as to take on an agent at work, or to become engaged to the partner you love so much. This new moon will be kind to you, because it will be sweetly angled to Mars, your ruling planet. Venus, the planet that governs Libra, will also be supportive, for Venus will be speaking to inspirational Neptune, so this indeed is a happy month.

There is another side, and the planets are sending mixed messages. Venus, planet of love and marriage, will retrograde from October 5 to November 16. This would not be the best time to get engaged or to wed. Wouldn’t you know it, but Mercury will go retrograde from November 16 to December 6, the moment Venus regulates her orbit. A December engagement or wedding would be ideal—after December 6.

If you are already married, you can go back to goals you both talked about and were enthused to do together but had to put aside because of lack of time or for other reasons. Now may be a good time to share dreams and see if one of those early goals still holds the magic it once did for the two of you.

Venus retrograde this month and during the first two weeks of November would not be the best time to make radical, expensive changes to your looks, such as to have a face-lift, to put veneers on your teeth, or to try an experimental dermatological treatment. You can, of course, do regular grooming.

Be very careful with finances, for the full moon of October 24 in Taurus will be difficult, causing your finances to become unstable. Take a conservative approach to spending all month. Avoid signing contracts on the full moon, and wait for one of the best days for making a formal agreement of any kind, October 29, when Mercury and Jupiter will work on your behalf.

The latter part of the month, at the full moon October 24, will be a time people are touchy and out of sorts. October 24, and the days surrounding it, will not be fortunate for love. Surprise-a-minute Uranus will be in a face-to-face confrontation with the Sun. Alas, the Sun rules your fifth house of love, Aries. With Venus retrograde and Uranus opposing the Sun, you can’t be too careful in matters of the heart. Don’t have a big talk with your loved one, and don’t criticize or take risks in your relationship, for this is not the time to rock the boat. Still, Saturn, watching what will be going on from his perch in Capricorn, will rush in to help stabilize the situation. You can sum up with a quick, yet long-term solution, so stay optimistic, for I see you turning the tables and making things work well.

Do you need a day to speak with your boss or present an idea to a client? Your very best day will be October 29, just after the Sun makes a decisive, comforting aspect to Saturn meant to bring long-term gain. This would be a perfect day to share dreams with your one-and-only.

On this day, Mercury and Jupiter will also conjoin, bringing on one of the luckiest days of the month—and of the entire season—for your finances. If you work on commission or are in sales, you can agree on a deal that could lead to a tidy sum. Or, on the way home from work, buy one or two scratch-off lotto tickets, so that you can be sure the contest is “awarded” on October 29, your lucky day. Someone has to win the prize, why not you?

Mars, your ruler, now fully robust after having slumbered through July and August, and having spent September regaining his strength, now can help you make arrangements with friends that will stick and be great fun.

If you feel you want to make a difference for a charity or humanitarian concern, you can do so this month and make more like-mined acquaintances. Among them, one person may become a close friend or a new romantic interest.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-10-01 22:42:26
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 104 
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