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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 5月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2018-05-02 Wed. 13:34:56

Aries Horoscope for May 2018

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller

MAY 2018

Dear Readers,

Recently I was having a celebration dinner with Michelle Roque, my talented creative director who had done such brilliant art direction work on my calendars and planners, handling Parisian artist Izak’s work with such grace. Michelle was telling me that some of her friends love Astrology Zone – they only read my summaries to my monthly column. I put down my fork. Hearing this news made me sad. I asked, are you sure, Michelle? She nodded. I strive so to give my readers complete information, and this month, May, I look ahead to the rest of the year to show what is due for you, for planning purposes. Almost none of that vital information will be in my summaries – there was too much to explain.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You have been doing exceedingly well in your career, so with your reputation on the rise, this month you will be able to consolidate your gains. You just came through a friendly full moon on April 29 in your eighth house of other people’s money, and you may have had the urge to stabilize your life by having your savings, retirement plan, and health insurance among other perks in order. If you didn’t have a chance to act on these types of financial matters yet, you will still have time to do so, for a full moon will always will bring strong energy – and motivation – four days after it occurs. If you are currently interviewing for a new position, you can now settle the types of company benefits you can get.

There are other ways you may have felt (or soon will feel) the effects of the full moon of April 29. If you are seeking a bank loan, venture capital, or other funding to start a business, or a mortgage to buy a house or condo, this full moon will help you make your deal and move forward. If you applied for a mortgage previously, you are likely to hear back now with an affirmative answer. If you have been working to settle the division of property in a divorce, this would be a perfect time to finish up talks.

The aspects in early May will continue to be unusually positive, so apply a sense of urgency to your financial actions the minute the month begins. The full moon of April 29 had major support from stabilizing Saturn, the planet that helps us to think long term. Even more important to note is that in your house of fame, Mars and Pluto, traveling together like twins, will both make a gorgeous link to Jupiter in your eighth house of other people’s money, ruling credit, insurance payouts, inheritance, court settlements, loans, scholarships, and so forth.

Mars, your ruler, has been circulating in your tenth house of fame and honors ever since Mars entered Capricorn since March 17. While Mars is in this prestigious area of your chart during the first two weeks of May, Mars will continue to help you gain favor from VIPs. Now and then you may assume you are doing everything wrong in your career, but you are not – you are doing everything right, and you are worrying unnecessarily that you are not always pleasing management. You are doing great!

With so many important planets filling your tenth house of fame and honors, including the present trifecta of Saturn, Pluto, and Mars (not one shrinking flower among them), it is clear that you are being ushered into the higher echelons of power in your industry. The occasional worry that you are handling too much and are overwhelmed (and have been careful to cover up) is simply reflective of the adjustments you will continue to need to make as you continue your rising status. Your perspective will change as you climb the ranks – just like the little goat that climbs to the mountain top, you will increasingly get a wider view of the valley below, and in the process, come to understand how best to become an effective leader.

Your meditation about money management will intensify at the new moon of May 15, when it will light your second house of earned income. If you are now nearing the end of the interview process for a new job, the topic of compensation will come up, and you can now agree on your annual salary. If you are self-employed, you will likely see an influx of cash, perhaps from a new client. If you are negotiating a deal, you will find talks proceed quickly, completely unlike what happened in April when almost everything went wrong or got held up at the last minute due to Mercury retrograde. This month, matters will move swiftly through channels and you will be happy about that!

    Aries is a fire sign, and at times spontaneous and even impulsive about exciting business ideas, but with chaotic Uranus in your money house, you need to become detailed, thoughtful, and purposeful.

Something monumental is happening on May 15 when Uranus moves into Taurus for the first time since 1934 to 1942. Uranus is the planet that astrologers call the Great Awakener, for its job is to give us a view of the future. Uranus will sweep away anything outdated, outworn, or with no value in your life in the blink of an eye. You will start to read more about digital and encrypted currencies, Bitcoin, and cell phone wallets (like Apple Pay). This doesn’t mean you have to start using bitcoins tomorrow – Uranus will pave the way for governments to study the new currencies. Taurus rules insurance too, so new ways to approach health care will likely come up in society, too.

As the great innovator and disruptor, Uranus helps you see that life is changing and you must change with it, but not immediately – yet. You will gradually need to hop on the train or be left at the station. In your case, Uranus will move into your second house of earned income – the same place the new moon will emphasize on the very same day, May 15.

New moons set up a trend for six months, and Uranus sets up a trend for seven years. Uranus will enter your financial second house on May 15 but only stay untilNovember 7. Uranus won’t be ready to settle in yet, so this is only a six-month preview of what years ahead may be like. If you don’t like your job, you will change it. Uranus is tied to social good, so you may ardently work to find ways to make the world a better place by the job you do. If you love your job, you will find ways to grow within it, but nothing will remain static.

On November 7, Uranus will retrograde back into Aries, where it has been since 2010, but eventually will come back to your second house of personal earned income on March 6, 2019, to stay permanently for seven years. Everyone of every sign will feel Uranus’ move to Taurus in different ways, but it is an exciting change, with some inevitable lumps and bumps, but lots of good news, too.

Having such an unpredictable planet in your second house of earned income will take time to get used to in regard to managing your money. There will be times when more money will be directed to you than you ever dreamed possible, and other times you will be horrified by a big expense, high taxes due, or a loss you may suffer in a business deal. All this is part of your learning process, and during this trend you will get very good at managing the extremes of Uranus.

Your entire spectrum is being enlarged, and your job will be to manage money in a wise and mature way. Finding a financial manager with fiduciary responsibility to you could be a good move, but only if you do your homework by getting references from family and friends.

You have the ability to become very wealthy under Uranus in Taurus, by learning to grow your savings and investments, and also by buying property sometime in the coming seven years, before Uranus leaves Taurus in 2026. Taurus is the sign of agriculture and the land, and will be in your house of personal wealth, the reason I feel you will own property by the time the coming seven years is over.

Keep in mind that this trend has nothing to do with gaining money by gambling, winning money with a lotto ticket, or receiving a large amount of cash on a TV game show. It’s about making money the old fashioned way, by earning it. This is good news, dear Aries. If you can earn a million dollars, you can figure out ways to earn two million dollars – you will be in charge.

You may make mistakes now and then, for you are entering entirely new territory. We all make mistakes, but if you are deliberate about how you are handling your money, and get advice when you need it, you will be fine. Aries is a fire sign, and at times spontaneous and even impulsive about exciting business ideas, but with chaotic Uranus in your money house, you need to become detailed, thoughtful, and purposeful.

Uranus usually makes his presence known when he arrives, and this month is no exception. Uranus will be at odds with Mars – Mars is your ruler, so I would like you to pay attention to May 16.

To understand what is happening, I need to give you the entire download. Mars will move into Aquarius on this very same day as Uranus moves to Taurus, and the same day as the new moon. Mars will fill your eleventh house of friendship. Mars usually stays in any part of the chart for six or seven weeks, but this time Mars will remain in your friendship for six months, until November 15. This means your daily interaction will friends, casual contacts, and acquaintances will become more frequent, but not always without disagreement.

What concerns me is that Mars and Uranus will be within orb of a square (a difficult aspect denoting obstacles) most of the end of May, and not until mid-October will Mars and Uranus move far enough apart to settle down. You may say to me, wait, Mars, is the energy planet, and usually orbits quickly. Yes, true, but by June 26, Mars will go retrograde until August 27, keeping Mars in early degrees of Aquarius. (Mars will dip into Capricorn in its backward slide on August 13 until September 11 – Mars will still be within a hard angle in this out-of-sign square to Uranus.)

All this time, you need to watch interactions with friends or with any club officials (if you belong to a club, group or charity) because people you will encounter will be quick to fly off the handle in odd ways. In response, you may get upset with them. I cannot quite explain why this will be true, but you will get a good picture of what’s to come on or near May 15, August 1, and September 19 in particular when these two planets will be exact. The Aries most likely to feel this will be ones born at the very, very end of the sign, April 19, for the next day April 20, the Sun moves into early degrees of Taurus.

If you are active in social media, you will need to be especially careful about what you post, for people might misinterpret the meaning of what you are saying but in a way that you never intended. This is very important to keep in mind – I feel this is the most likely the way things would work out.

If you were born April 18 or 19, you have been feeling Uranus in Aries for a full year, and will somewhat more, especially November 2018 through March 2019. You’ve done fine with the planet, so don’t worry!

There are excellent helpful sides to Mars in hard aspect to Uranus. This aspect will give you courage and drive, and you will want to break some of society’s rules and be your own person. Your creativity will soar to the stratosphere, for you will be thinking very differently from others around you. It is a high-energy aspect, so handle it with care, and if you remain open to others’ opinions, you will stay in fine shape.

Now let’s turn to travel and fun that is also due to come to you this month. If you need to take a short trip for business or just for fun, I love May 23, when Mars in your friendship house will reach out to the Sun in your short-distance travel house.

May ends with a wonderful full moon on May 29 in Sagittarius 8 degrees, which is a compatible fire sign like yours. It looks like you will be traveling overseas soon, and are either already on your trip (and about to come back), or busy getting details finalized for a soon-to-take exciting trip. Mars in Aquarius will be beautifully angled to this full moon, and this is a good sign, for again, Mars is your ruler, and the full moon will help you see action and progress.

Matters of immigration, visa, and passport are all beautifully favored, as would be your relationships with people in international settings. Import-export endeavors sparkle, and so do media projects for broadcasting, publishing, and Internet. You can wrap up assignments now, so keep working hard, as a full moon has influence for four days beyond the day it appears on May 29. If you are working on a legal matter, it is likely to be decided now, and likely in your favor.

There is another way things could work out – you may be working on a plan to go to college or graduate school, or taking exams or handing in a paper as you near the end of this semester. It’s a perfect time to do so. If you have to defend your thesis, don’t worry – it appears that you will do exceedingly well.

If your birthday falls within four days of March 29, you will get a double dip of happiness and luck. The same will be true if you have Aries rising, or the natal moon in Aries, plus or minus five degrees of 9 degrees. Finally, if you have any natal planet in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius within five degrees of 9 degrees, you, too, will get help from this lovely full moon.

In addition to the goodies that this full moon may bring you at month’s end, you have something else – the full moon of May 29 will, coincidently, see a golden triangle appear in the evening sky, linking Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in direct beam to artistic Neptune in your house of imagination. The third planet to complete the triangle will be gentle Venus in Cancer. This brings in the parts of your chart ruling other people’s money and the house of your home and family in the most exciting and harmonious way possible. If you are decorating your home, you can now make exquisite design choices. With Jupiter in your eighth house, you can now apply (and likely get) a mortgage with attractive terms, or a bank home improvement loan.

This is not an especially big month for romance, but I can say that when Venus moves through Gemini from May 1 to May 19, you will have nearly three weeks to enjoy your fun and love. If single, you may find love on a short trip, for Venus will be touring your close-by travel sector. See if you can find ways to leave town over weekends and go to a popular resort where the kind of singles you’d like to meet frequent.


As you enter May, you are still feeling the full moon of April 29 in Scorpio that focused you on money. This area of your chart, your eighth house, is illuminated brilliantly for you, thanks to the presence of good fortune Jupiter giving you luck with bankers, venture capitalists, student financial aid officials, insurance brokers, and other money types. If you need generous funds to launch a dream, schedule meetings in early May to present your case.

At work, you are golden, for Mars, your ruler, is still touring your lofty tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, a trend that started in March 17. You will have until May 15 to convince influential people that you are the candidate for the job, for after that date, Mars will leave Capricorn, and Mars will not be back until February 2020. This is also a good time to convince VIPs that your idea is the one to fund and to get a major project off the ground.

While you will continually be able to scale the heights of your profession during the intervening months of the coming two years (after Mars leaves), the place where Mars is now will make your ascent to power easier and quicker. Use the first two weeks to present your qualifications to higher ups to win the responsible job or prestigious client, or to get the green light for your project.

May 15 brings a monumental planetary change that will affect everyone in different ways. Uranus, the planet of change, sudden surprise, volatility, disruption, genius and creativity, will move into Taurus for the first time since 1934 to 1942. For you, Aries, Uranus will light your second house of earned income, and this is where you will begin to see all kinds of changes. Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, so this planet spends approximately seven years in each sign it visits.

In the coming seven years, you may see large swings in income – you may make more money than you thought possible, but you may also be hit without warning with high expenses or taxes you didn’t realize you owed. Your mission will be to bring the extremes against the middle and also to find sources of cash to cover contingencies. Having an excellent financial advisor with fiduciary responsibility to you, and a top-notch accountant, will be priority one for you.

The day after Uranus enters Taurus, Mars will be in hard angle to Uranus on May 16 and you may get nerve-jangling news about a sudden expense, possibly related to social activity or a vacation you are currently on, or will soon be taking. You will be getting used to Uranus, but stay calm – this is only the down side. The upside is that you are likely to make huge bundles of money unexpectedly at times, too, sometimes in terms of cash and other times in terms of generous bank loans, mortgage, venture capital, an insurance payout, or other similar sources. They will likely come along with solidly good terms.

Your entire financial spectrum will be enlarged, and in the coming seven years you will become quite adept at managing, protecting, and growing the money that you earn or are given.

The heavy emphasis on you career will become less important to you once you reach May 15 when Mars enters Aquarius, to stay until November 15. During this time, your friends and contacts will become the big focus for you. That upcoming period represents an astoundingly long period of time for Mars. (The more typical length for Mars to spend in one sign is seven weeks, not six months.) Mars will retrograde mid-year, the reason your ruling planet will spend so much time in your eleventh house of friendship.

As said, Mars will put an enormous emphasis on your friends, present contacts, and new acquaintances. You will increasingly be involved activities that will get you out and about among others. You might get involved in a charity or humanitarian cause too, and you will experience great personal growth from being open to new people.

One word of warning – while Mars is in Aquarius from mid-May to mid-November, you need to be determined to be careful about what you say on social media because you could innocently start a fire-storm of angry responses, without ever meaning to do so. People will be a bit more fragile under Mars in hard angle to Uranus, which will be exact May 16, August 1, and September 19, but within orb from May through mid-November. On the three days just listed, you will see vividly what I mean.

May 23 should be a fun day to travel, to be with friends, to hear from your sister or brother, or to have meetings and negotiations, and to sign contracts. Mars, your ruler, will be beautifully angled to the Sun in Gemini, a sign that blends perfectly with yours.

The month ends with a full moon in Sagittarius, May 29, so in the weeks or days leading to this full moon, you may travel far and wide and be coming home by month’s end. Or, by the time you reach May 29, you may be putting the final touches on an upcoming trip you are about to take soon, and looks like it will take you to a foreign country that will require a passport for entry. This is a perfect time of the month to be on the road – it’s time to unwind, relax, and have fun.

Legal matters, import-export, immigration matters, international relationships and projects, as well as matters related to academia and the media will all go dazzlingly well for you, dear Aries.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-05-02 13:34:56
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 80 
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