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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 1月 處女座(原文)
時間 2019-01-02 Wed. 19:51:57

Virgo Horoscope for January 2019

Aug 23 - Sept 22
A Note from Susan Miller

January 2019

Dear Reader,

In this letter, I have written a free essay, below, called An Introduction to 2019 to give you an exciting overview of the coming year. There are lots of new trends that will offer this year a new look and feel, and I knew you would want to be filled in on those interesting details. It certainly will be a more productive year than 2018, and I will show you why in a moment.

Before you read my essay on the Year Ahead 2019 found below, I want you to know I am doing two free events in New York in January and one special keynote at the New Life Expo in Deerfield FL, near Boca Raton, on Saturday, February 2. Please come—I want to meet you!

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

December had you thinking quite a bit about your home and family, so now that January has come around, you might be surprised everything slid by so quickly and maybe feel you were a little shortchanged, for you didn’t have much chance to relax. Don’t fret though, for you have half the solar system crowded into your love and children sector, sure to keep invitations coming in, and without the deadlines of the holiday, you’ll likely enjoy yourself more in January.

When it comes to love, I will admit you will enter January in a serious mood. You seem to want to build a relationship for the long road ahead, and if you are single, with your house of love packed with planets, you are tired of telling different dates your life story. It’s time to move forward, and you feel it. Saturn in Capricorn is causing this meditation, and it’s all for the good – when you get down to the business of love, that is when things start to happen and go in the right direction. Saturn’s job is to create results in the here and now, not in some fuzzy future.

You will begin to feel a more somber mood on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, when Saturn is almost peaking in conjunction with the Sun. Saturn moves slowly, so you may feel a bit dissatisfied with your love life as the year begins. Everyone of every zodiac sign will be feeling this trend in different ways, for this is a major aspect. You are lucky that Saturn is now in Capricorn, an earth sign like yours, sending lovely vibrations to your Virgo Sun. If your birthday falls on September 4, plus or minus three days, you will get a double dip of benefit from this meditation about how your life is going, if you doubt that truth initially. Not until you look back on New Year’s Day, will you see that you could be at a turning point.

On January 5, a new moon solar eclipse will arrive in Capricorn, 15 degrees, in your solar fifth house of truelove and children. The elegant new moon will appear dressed in her white satin gown; wearing long, white gloves and white flowers; and will be at the arm of the formally dressed Sun, along with others in the new moon’s entourage – each a gentleman in his tux, including the powerhouse trio of Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury, the latter being the planet whose job it is to take care of you. That is a LOT of planetary energy to be centered in one house of the horoscope. Fortunately, ALL the planets will be in wildly compatible Capricorn, and in the right angle to your Sun.

Solar eclipses usually open a new opportunity and shake up the status quo. All eclipses require an adjustment, but new moons are generally easier to take, as they foster objectivity and realistic thinking, rather than emotional or wishful thinking. Solar new moon eclipses start life chapters, while full moon lunar eclipses bring endings. We will have both kinds this month, but I feel you will be much more likely to feel the new moon solar eclipse on January 5 and that the effect will be positive. If your birthday falls on September 7, plus or minus five days, you will be strongly affected by this eclipse.

If you are single, this eclipse is sure to be a gift from heaven. You are likely to meet someone new, and that person may be a bit older than you, or simply seem mature for his or her age. The age difference between you will work for you, so don’t let that be a concern. Pluto will be orbiting near Saturn, so your new romantic interest is likely to be quite successful and have an excellent job title.

    This month holds a new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5, presenting a new path for you in your personal life regarding all the areas the Capricorn planets are emphasizing—romance, baby, and creativity.… It could open an exciting period!

With so many planets in Capricorn, your new date is likely to work in finance, insurance, real estate, in the auction or antique business, or archeology, or handle rare letters and autographs. He or she may be a writer, professor, or work as a profession related to the study or interpretation of history. Princess Kate is a Capricorn, and she upholds the prestige of the Royal Monarchy very well, so in a very real way, when you meet a Capricorn, something about family background and tradition, wealth, or history will have a powerful effect on the Capricorn’s career.

If you have been dating a long time, and are hoping to wed, you could see that engagement happen in this romantic but serious month, most likely as a result of the January 5 eclipse. Neptune, the planet of inspiration, unconditional love, and dreams for the future, is the one planet that will divinely angle to that new moon. Neptune will be found in your marriage and serious partnership sector and in continual conversation with the Capricorn planets. Neptune rules Pisces, the planet governing your seventh house of marriage, so this is quite a poetic vibration with a powerful link to your truelove sector (fifth house). I feel something highly romantic could happen for you this month.

Let’s look at the other eclipse, a full moon lunar eclipse on January 20, in Leo, one degree. This is not a friendly eclipse, for Uranus will be in hard angle to both the Sun in Capricorn (in your house of love, creativity, pregnancy, and children) and to the full moon in Leo (in your solar twelfth house of secrets). Eclipses move us out of our comfort zone and present truth.

Do not loan any money to your sweetheart or a friend this month – and certainly not near this eclipse, no matter how dire the situation – for the story you will be hearing may play on your feelings, but not be accurate. (In fact, it may be a scam.) This eclipse brings shocks, so you may have previously loaned money, and now find you won’t receive repayment.

Mars will be touring your eighth house of other people’s money from the start of January through February 14 putting a drain on your bank account. This will make it even tougher for you to have any money to give to a friend or lover. Alternatively, it’s possible you will need the money for a fertility doctor for in vitro fertilization.

If you are contemplating an in vitro procedure, it’s expensive, so you need the best possible aspects. Venus rules the egg, and Mars rules the sperm, so if you must act this month, you may want to try when Mars is in perfect angle to Venus on January 18, or near that date. (I realize you must work with nature’s cycle.)

A better day would be on Saturday, August 24, 2019, when Mars and Venus will conjoin exactly in Virgo, at four degrees, a very rare aspect. That would be an ideal date. (Actually, that day would be an outstandingly beautiful day for love and romance, an engagement, or marriage, and for finding ways to improve your appearance. Mercury, Mars, and Venus will NOT be retrograde, making it even better.)

Coming back to January, you will have another sensational day this month – and just as rare – the meeting of Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius on January 22.

Previous dates when this happened in this sign with these two planets are: January 21, 1960; November 14, 1971; January 14, 1995; and November 19, 1995. That is the total number of four meetings of Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius since 1960! Now you see why I would like you to use January 22 this month to your full advantage.

This month, Venus and Jupiter will meet in your fourth house of home and family. You might buy a house on that date or be working on a decorating project. You’ll also find this a great day to entertain. If you want to do something exceptionally special for your mother or father, this is your day to do it – for no particular reason other than because you love your parent(s). When it comes to matters related to your family or home, this day glitters.

Finally, there is one more day, January 25, when Mars (in your eighth house of other people’s money) will be in perfect sync with Jupiter (in your house of home and real estate). You’ll likely find this a great day to close on a house or rent your vacation cottage for the coming summer.


With more than half of the planets in our solar system crowded into your fifth house of truelove, you will certainly be in a mood to continue enjoying the high spirits of the holidays. It takes you a long time to relax, dear Virgo, and now that you have, you won’t be in a rush to dive into work projects. There is no need to do so. Your creative energies will be at an all-time high, so muse about what you’d like to work on next, either career-wise or in your personal life. All the planets will be in highly compatible Capricorn, so you should find January pleasing.

I will admit the New Year’s Eve could put a damper on your mood. Saturn is conjunct the Sun, a heavy-duty influence, which can bring a letdown or sense of frustration, tiredness, or melancholy, especially if someone whose opinion counts has harshly criticized you. Actually, if you were tired from the holidays, you would take whatever happened over New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day too much to heart. This aspect peaks on January 2, and immediately it begins to deflate in influence – good.

This month holds a new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5, presenting a new path for you in your personal life regarding all the areas the Capricorn planets are emphasizing – romance, baby, and creativity. This could be a very important trend for you, so keep your antennae up to what goes on, especially in the ten days that follow. It could open an exciting period!

Saturn will be among the planets in your fifth house, so when it comes to love, you will be in a serious state of mind. You may be deciding whether to marry the person you have been dating, or you may be thinking of conceiving or adopting a baby. Neptune will send benefic rays to the crown of stars in your fifth house of love, so it seems clear your partner will inspire you. If you are unattached, it appears you won’t be for long. You have stellar aspects to meet someone new.

If you can manage to direct your mind to work, you will be delightfully creative, drawing on your best imaginative ideas. You have so much going for you this month, so gather up your courage and voice those ideas, for rarely have you had the weight of the universe so clearly behind you.

Your expenses will rise this month, but only through mid-February. You currently have Mars in your eighth house of other people’s money, which refers to rising balances on credit cards, student loans, taxes, or a mortgage, so meeting financial obligations will be on your mind. You may be dealing with the result of holiday shopping, and as a Virgo, you are known to be smart when handling finances. While funds might be tight due to Mercury in conflict with Mars, Uranus will deliver sudden good news about money too, early in the month, just when you need it most.

The full moon lunar eclipse of January 20 may bring a secret to light, whether it turns out to be someone else’s secret or one of your own. A friend seems to play a role in this eclipse, too. Alternatively, you may give a speech or head a committee in a group or club you belong to, and if so, there appears to be a lot riding on the outcome, for nothing is ordinary at eclipse time.

Eclipses usually bring sudden, startling news. You will require more rest at this time, and you could feel you have a lower resistance to colds. As a Virgo, you tend to be among the best signs about following a nutritious diet, but you also do more in a day than most do in a week. See if you can allow yourself some slack near the January 20 eclipse and catch up on rest.

Home and family will be your finest area of luck this year, and on January 22, Venus will align precisely with Jupiter in Sagittarius, making this a blue-ribbon day for a breakthrough for home, property, or support from family. No matter what is on your to-do list, whether to buy, sell, lease, locate the right contractor, or order new furniture, you can do it on January 22, and you’ll be pleased with your decisions for years to come. You’ll find this is a rare day, so circle it and plan to initiate.

Continuing your luck, on January 25 you may find an outstanding bargain for a home-related purchase, or you may receive good news from your banker that your mortgage was approved. If none of these activities resonate with you, then give a dinner or cocktail party at home on January 25, and you will be glad you did. It will be the hit of the year and establish you as a stylish entertainer.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-01-02 19:51:57
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 59 
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