看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 8月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2015-08-01 Sat. 21:55:11

Leo Forecast for August 2015

By Susan Miller

You are now about to enter your favorite month of 2015, and happily, it's birthday time, sure to keep you in an ebullient mood all month. I say this even though Jupiter, the giver of great gifts and luck, is due to pack his bags and leave the constellation of Leo on August 11, not to return to your sign until June 2026. Don't be blue! You will have so much to look forward to now!

Because you will pass your crown of celestial favorite to Virgo on August 11, think about anything you'd still like to do before that date. You are about to enter into the second gestation of the cycle, where you will begin to make substantial money directly from the seeds you planted from July 2014 (the month Jupiter entered Leo) to this month, August. If there were still an influential person you'd like to see to present an idea, do it quickly. The projects, ideas, and relationships you began since July 2014 will grow into big trees. Those decisions you made, and actions you took, will pay you all kinds of dividends in the coming decade, until Jupiter has time to come back to Leo in mid-2026.

You likely have many accomplishments that you are proud of that you achieved since July 2014, and I bet they exist in every corner of your life. In fact, if you think back to where you were before this trend started, you will see how much you have grown and how happy you were this year. Your growth is likely to have been in all directions, too, in terms of at least one vital romantic relationship. Your career was to take off when an influential person helped you get ahead, and chances are, you made more money too. If you look around you, you likely have a number of new friends, and even in terms of travel, as it is likely you took at least one foreign trip in the past thirteen months.

If you are sad to have to give the crown to Virgo, the sign waiting in the wings off stage, I will show you why you mustn't feel that way. By all signals I am seeing in your chart, this month will be your favorite month of 2015, for it will be filled with opportunities for lucky breakthroughs. This month, in a remarkable show of strength from a slew of planets, you will be given a second chance to make some wise last minute moves that could be among your biggest accomplishments. You certainly will have nearly the entire cosmos looking after you this month.

If you were born at the end of Leo, within four days of August 22, you will have Jupiter's golden rays showering you in an out-of-sign conjunction (just trust me on this) so you will get a little extra time with Jupiter, until the third week of September. Jupiter in his last days in Leo is now passing directly over your Sun.

No matter when your birthday falls, I want to draw your attention to the new moon in Leo, 22 degrees, to fall on August 14. This is your annual birthday gift from a loving universe, and this new moon is extremely well aspected. It's time to decide on a wish that you would love to achieve this coming birthday year. What would make you excited and happy, dear Leo? Uranus, planet of surprise, will be in ideal angle to this new moon, suggesting that you might possibly travel a far distance after it arrives, or that people abroad will contact you for a project. Anything having to do with academia, the courts and legal matters, or the media will also go exceptionally well for you. In all other months I will always tell you how to best use the new moon, but this one will be your carte blanche, to direct its energies as you please. If you are attached, your partner may have some surprises for you as well, all of them sweet ones.

Speaking of your established partner, she or he will be on your mind during the first days of August, for you will have just come through the full moon of July 31. That full moon will be influential for four additional days, until August 4. Your love partner will be on your mind, but it's alternatively possible a business partner will occupy your thoughts too. (Or, it may be both your romantic partner AND your business partner that will be prominent in early August. They are not mutually exclusive.) Over that full moon, something was coming to a conclusion. Saturn was very friendly, so perhaps you talked about future living arrangements with your romantic partner.

If August 14 is your birthday, or if it should fall within four days of this date, you will do especially well with this new moon, for you will be capable of generating a number of fresh starts shortly after the new moon arrives.

I didn't mention several of the jewel-like days coming up early in the month, so let me list them now.

On August 2, Mercury, planet of travel and ideas, will conjunct its "higher octave" Uranus, the planet of genius. This is a great day to be generating ideas or to travel impulsively, for surely the sense of discovery and serendipity will be substantial.

On August 7, you may make quite a bit of money when Jupiter will line up with Mercury in your house of earned income. This is a once-a-year meeting of two luminaries, so take it seriously. When it comes to money, you'll have the edge. You may sell something valuable, or you may get a bargain on something expensive you hope to buy. It's a four-star day!

Romantically, you are quite hot this month, for Mars will tour your sign, giving you great charisma and magnetism. If single, few will be able to resist you! Venus is still retrograde, however, a holdover from July 25, but will go direct on September 6 (Labor Day weekend in the United States). This means Venus will be weak, so it's not the best time to get engaged or to start a new relationship. It's also not the time to change your looks dramatically with plastic surgery or Botox, as you may not like the results. Be happy with your looks now, as is, and then work on your looks again in mid-October, after Venus has time to return to her former strength.

Even though Venus will not be emitting a powerful vibration, August 4 should still be a sparkler for you, when Venus has her rare alignment with Jupiter. This could be an outstanding day for love. If you hope to reconcile, this would be the day to try, for you may be pleased with how things turn out. Both Venus and Jupiter will be in Leo, so while everyone will enjoy this day, it has YOUR name on it. Single or attached, this is your day, dear Leo!

Be sure to circle August 19, the day when Venus in Leo will reach out to Uranus in Aries, a day to almost guarantee a gaggle of surprises. No matter what you expect to happen, won't, and what you'd never imagine to happen, will. All of that transpires will be frothy fun. It's an evening you'll want to be out and about to see what the world has to offer. The transiting moon will be in Libra, too, the most social sign of the zodiac (besides yours)! It's an air sign that will only make your fire-sign element of Leo burn more brightly. You may just want to stay out until the Sun comes up, like you did after the prom when you were in college. It will have that kind of giddy good time.

Now we come to my favorite day for you! The luckiest day of the year is due on August 26, when the mighty Sun, at the center of our solar system, will align with the great benefic planet, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Everyone have something to celebrate on this, the luckiest day of the year, but each sign will see a different manifestation of good fortune. For you, it seems you will receive a nice check or promise for a generous amount of money to come. You may negotiate a very big deal on this day, and come away with more than you expected you would.

The last time these two luminaries met in Virgo and your second house of earned income, it was September 21, 2004. Back then, the Sun and Jupiter met in very late degree, 29 degrees, but this time, they are meeting at an early 3 degrees of Virgo, so this conjunction will make new conversations with some of your natal planets. Nothing is ever duplicated exactly in life, and certainly not in astrology. Take this date seriously and use it for an initiation that you feel has great potential and where you are invested in the outcome. Make a presentation, sell property, negotiate a salary, sign a contract, meet with a high level VIP - you get the idea. You can also present a new and risky creative idea to an influential person. Thursday, luck will be staunchly on your side, because the Sun is your ruling star, and with Jupiter aligned with the Sun, you have one of the very best days of the year to take action!

More financial discussions or actions will take place on August 29, when the full moon will appear in your eight house of other people's money. You may be paying bills, but you may also make an important sale of art or a project that is related to any of the arts, including acting, music, dance, illustration, and others. Neptune will be conjunct the moon, the reason creative expression would likely be reflected in the funds you receive. The Sun and Jupiter will still be only two degrees apart in your second house of earned income, indicating that this full moon may benefit you financially in an outstanding way. If you are not involved with an artistic product or service, then you will need to be a bit more vigilant, for Neptune can cloud facts. It would be wise to call your lawyer to look over any paperwork you are asked to sign that relates to money at month's end.

As you see, you have much to celebrate this month! At month's end, on August 31-September 1, Venus will slide backward into Leo and be orbiting very close to her lover Mars in Leo. This is the classic sex appeal aspect, and again, you are named in this glorious configuration. What a birthday month!


What a glorious month you have in store! The full moon of July 31 was in Aquarius, ruling your close partner, so something between the two of you is apparently progressing to an important stage. That full moon was a friendly, so during the first four days of August, events will allow you to be spontaneous and to bond closer. Saturn will stabilize your relationship, making you feel settled and secure. Mars will be in Leo by August 8, signifying the start of a new two-year cycle with a relationship important to you. It's time to take an energetic approach to life, and to think about committing to the one you love, or to sign an expert you would like to collaborate closely with in business.

Venus is still retrograde, a holdover from the end of July, so when it comes to romantic plans, talk about the future, but don't put anything in stone yet. Venus retrograde renders Venus weak, for she will be withholding her strongest powers of love and affection. Venus also holds sway over profits, another reason to wait until Venus goes direct next month, even if you want to combine energies with a business associate. After September 6 you can make your plans, confident your future will be as bright as you dream it to be - be ready at that time to act fast. Mercury will be retrograde from September 18 to October 10, dates you need to avoid too. It may feel like you will need to tiptoe through a minefield of retrograde planets, but sometimes life is that way. You will have enough time now to plan your actions perfectly.

The new moon of August 14 will be in Leo and set off a wild array of happy fireworks. New doors open doors, and this one, in your sign, will allow you to go after a dream that's vitally important to you. Uranus will provide thrilling surprises, so don't assume you can't take a step toward capturing your heart's desire. You have everything working for you!

Admittedly, Jupiter will leave Leo on August 11, and you will need to pass on your crown of "celestial favorite" to Virgo. You've had Jupiter's protection in Leo for twelve months, but don't be blue, because in Virgo, Jupiter will see that the majority of projects and relationships you planted between mid-July 2014 and August 11, 2015 will begin to bear juicy, prosperous fruit. You are entering the strongest year for prosperity and financial success in over a decade.

You will get your first glimpse of proof of this on the luckiest day of the year, August 26. That is when a generous chunk of cash will find its way to your door. Before you head to Las Vegas to try your hand at blackjack - stop - because the money you will receive on this day and in months to come will be earned income, not money you win or are given as a gift.

The month will close on another financial note. The full moon of August 29 will be in your house of other people's money and orbit close to Neptune. You may make a big sale of a piece of art or sell your screenplay, as two examples. (Neptune rules the silver screen - and all creative efforts.) If you cannot imagine selling anything artistic that you made, then you need to be careful, as Neptune is famous for cranking out its candy-cotton fog over financial matters. Ask many questions, and if something makes no sense, demand back up and a full explanation. Saturn will be in hard angle, so remain realistic - this full moon is not about wishful thinking but being objective and doing what has to be done.

Romantically, be ready for an outstandingly romantic month, especially on this day, August 4, when Venus will conjoin happiness planet Jupiter, both in Leo. What a day! For once every twelve years, these two luminaries meet in Leo - the last time was in August 21, 2003, so on this five-star day, make August 4 count for you. On the same day, you are likely to hear about an outstanding career development, putting you in a celebratory mood. This day just can't get any better!

Mars will tour Leo from August 8 to September 24, and that will give you a big advantage in matters of the heart (and in just about any other venture), for Mars in Leo will rev up your looks and raise your profile. Getting attention from all the right eligible partners is always half the battle in finding love. You'll be confident, daring, and playful, as only Leo can be, and your charm will be irresistible. On August 31 and September 1, Mars and Venus will unite in rare embrace, and you, guessed it - in your sign! Dear Leo, can we be you, if only in August? Please?

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-08-01 21:55:11
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