看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 9月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2015-09-01 Tue. 20:48:26

Leo Horoscope for September 2015

By Susan Miller

Jupiter departed from Leo last month, transferring the title of celestial favorite to Virgo, but there is no reason to be blue. You will now start your most rewarding financial period you have ever seen. There was a good chance that you have already seen evidence of your coming financial bounty at some point in the last week of August, but if not, this month will be especially strong. This represents a trend that will continue a full year, until September 2016.

In the first week of September, be careful in all financial dealings that you may consider entering, as Neptune will be active and may possibly cloud the picture. Ask for detailed backup. You might want to have your lawyer draw up a list of questions for you to ask the other party. A better time to make your deal will be after the solar eclipse, a new moon in Virgo, September 12-13, when the picture will become clearer. Pluto, a major powerhouse, will buttress the new moon from your workaday assignments sector, and Saturn will be in a position to stabilize the deal as well.

In terms of romance, one of your finest days of the year will be September 1-2, when Venus and Mars make a legendary meeting, in Leo, for the first time in years. What a day! You will be catnip to admirers, for almost no one will be able to resist your charms. If your birthday falls within five days of August 6, you will hit the jackpot, for the degrees of this magnificent meeting of the two cosmic lover planets - Venus and Mars - will match the degrees of your Sun. All Leos must make it a point to circulate to feel the full benefits of this important date for love. If you already found your true love, then celebrate the love you share with a dinner out in a beautiful restaurant.

Venus will be retrograde on September 1, but will turn direct on September 6. If you are single and meet someone new and intriguing, play it cool - things may not click into place immediately but might a week or two later. In fact, Venus will ramp up throughout September and be back to her former strength by October 9. Have patience.

Mars will continue to tour Leo, a holdover from August 9, and will stay in Leo until September 24. Mars is now giving you a podium and a microphone, dear Leo, and so you will have a strong competitive edge. You will be in charge, so use this time to your fullest advantage. Ideas you present now, whether in your private life or in your career, will be likely to be accepted if you present them at some point in the first three weeks of September. Having Mars in Leo will be a big advantage, giving you greater control, courage, and drive than usual, and bestowing you with a sexy aura few will be able to resist.

For Dates to Note: Please watch my September TV show broadcast. You can get your special dates, with explanation, there instead this time.

Here is the link to use: http://bit.ly/1eTnXol 

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-09-01 20:48:26
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