看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 10月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2015-10-04 Sun. 16:46:58

Leo Horoscope for October 2015

By Susan Miller

As the month begins, you will be very busy, with many phone calls, messages, meetings, and details to track. You always love to be in the middle of a vortex, and this month that describes exactly where you will be. Everyone will want to hear what you have to say, too, so if you have to appear on TV, give a speech or a lecture, or defend your thesis, you are lucky, as you will not have any problems holding others' attention. In fact, your audience, whether comprised of one or a thousand, will be rapt with attention. If you work in sales, you will be highly effective now and come back with quite a big order.

As the month begins, Mercury will still be retrograde in Libra, in the house of communication, until October 9. You seem to be negotiating a deal, but you must be very sure-footed and careful of all you say and write. For example, if you find yourself invited to speak on your expertise along with several other distinguished experts, make sure you don't say anything private when you have an open microphone, unbeknown to you. It's not so easy to know if it is on or not! Or, after taking a Xerox copy of something private, don't leave the sensitive document in the copier machine. When you push "reply all" on your email, make sure you have not included someone who should certainly not be part of the group email. Embarrassing things like this can happen when you have a planetary pattern like you do, but if you are careful, you can avoid all these types of instances.

I want to flag a certain date: October 6. Do not have any important interviews or presentations when the Sun, your ruler, and powerhouse Pluto will be at odds. You won't get any special favor from a VIP, but will probably get push back on almost anything you say. Sit tight and wait for better days. You may have some problems just six days later.

A very troublesome new moon, October 12, will appear in Libra, 19 degrees, again in the very same house that you and I have been discussing above, your communication house, which also includes short distance travel. What makes this new moon difficult is that Uranus, called the "great awakener" by astrologers, delivers its messages fast, like lightning without warning. This time Uranus will be in direct opposition to that new moon, and a moon is very sensitive. This will be quite nerve wracking. Uranus will also directly oppose the Sun, your ruler, so you will feel this new moon.

This new moon will particularly affect you if your birthday falls on August 11, or within four days of this date. The same would be true if you have Leo rising at 19 degrees or a natal planet of that degree in Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius. Apply a plus or minus five degrees to those planets or rising sign, and you will be within mathematical tolerance. The comforting news is that Libra, the sign of the new moon, is an air sign that blends beautifully with your Leo fire-sign element.

What do I make of all this? I surmise that you may run into problems with a current negotiation when it suddenly takes a turn that you won't expect. Or, you may find out a certain fact about the other party that makes you want to pull out. Pluto will also be exerting a lot of pressure from your sixth house, suggesting a job you hope to do may run into delays or unexpected problems getting that assignment off the ground. Or, you may wonder if you have enough staff to help you do the project, but not get the support from management that you need to hire recruits.

A new moon sets up a trend that can last six months, and only the full moon in the same sign (Libra) can put a final finish to the situation so that you can put it to rest. That would be the full moon in Libra, March 23, 2016, which remarkably happens to be a lunar eclipse. This tells me to watch this area of your chart for at least that long, as it will be an important area as you move forward.

I would advise you not to travel short distances this month, as you might run into auto mechanical problems. To make sure you don't, keep your automobile in tip-top condition by having your mechanic look at your car. Alternatively, you may have problems with directions. Once I flew to Detroit from New York for an important meeting. I got to the location just outside of Detroit, but when the taxi pulled up at the address (the cab cost a fortune, as the address I had was far from the airport), I found an empty building. The executive I was meeting never told me the company had moved recently. Fortunately the taxi had not left yet as he waited to see me get inside safely, so I was able to get to the new location - far from the place I was standing - as fast as possible. It was an unnerving experience. This could happen to you, so check everything.

The experience I just shared may sound to you like a Mercury retrograde experience, but this new moon is a bit of a witch, so she will act as if you were under Mercury retrograde (which will end October 9). The third house of communication IS Mercury's natural house of rulership. Double check everything, including your hotel accommodations, before you head out. You will be glad you did.

The third house is where this jarring new moon of October 12 also rules your siblings and cousins. You may be doing something important with your sister, for example, such as to buy or sell property together, or go into business together (or you may already be in a business). You may be doing something simpler like planning an anniversary party for your parents. Keep an eye on your sibling and cousin, whether you get along well or not, for this new moon seems may bring up unexpected news about your sibling or cousin.

The day prior to this new moon, October 11, will bring a difficult aspect too, Uranus opposed to the Sun, which is folding into the new moon. Whatever goes on at that new moon the next day, it seems to cost you a sum of money that you did not expect to have to lay out. Don't stress about this expense, because you are about to get a big break financially.

On the same day, Sunday, October 11, we have a gorgeous aspect, one that will give you the potential to make a great deal of money. (Keep in mind that the planets involved move extremely slowly through deep space, so this aspect will be in place all month.) Jupiter and Pluto, two very financial planets when together, a rare situation, almost always spell huge success.

Pluto is in your workaday project sector, so that is where your victory will emanate, and Jupiter is in your house of earned income. This aspect will bring you such a high level success that any money that you may have to pay out at the new moon will seem like a tiny pittance compared to the large amount you are capable of bringing in this month due to Pluto working with Jupiter.

Your second house of earned income is interesting too, for it holds three twinkling stars: Jupiter (good fortune and optimism), Mars (energy and action), and Venus (pleasure, luxury). Anytime Mars moves through your financial house, it burns a hole in your pocket. It appears you will be spending quite a bit this month through mid-November, and with Venus and Jupiter close, you may be giving yourself several luxuries, spa treatments, or other treats you have denied yourself in the past. Money will go out this month, but lots of money will likely come in too. With Jupiter and Pluto so beautifully angled, I feel you will end the month with a large surplus of cash and that you will be smiling like a Cheshire cat.

You may think that this is such a busy month that you wouldn't likely have any other news, but you do!

Your career is likely to bring hugely exciting news at the full moon in Taurus on October 27. This full moon will be in perfect angle to Neptune. This suggests an artistic project will get you much fanfare - a film, your role as an actor, a composition of music that you wrote, or it may have to do with your work as a choreographer, sculptor, gallery owner, lighting expert in the theatre, as a novelist or screenplay writer - you get the idea. The type of artistic professions that you may work in is nearly limitless. Your creativity seems to be at the core of your success. You need not be the creator, for you may work in a job that supports the creative staff, say as an agent, talent executive, casting agent, or something of that nature.

This full moon could bring you a major promotion, new offer for a new job, and/or great publicity for your work. The fact that Neptune is so active suggests your face will be on TV or in print - people will recognize you, and you will create a buzz about you!

This full moon will be boosted by a rare alignment of Venus and Jupiter on October 25, a gorgeous five-star aspect for your career. With the full moon falling so close to this day, you are in luck, as this aspect will blend in with the full moon's positive outlook, making your prospects even bigger and better. Venus and Jupiter will combine energies in your financial house, so this is another powerful indication that your hard work is now about to add up to a generous salary or compensation benefits package, possibly along with a signing bonus, in any way the deal is structured. Wow, dear Leo!

When it comes to love, Venus will still be in Leo during the first seven days of October. That's when to buy new clothes or to see about refreshing your appearance. It's always wise to improve your "package" to get Cupid to work harder for you! Mercury will still be retrograde, so save receipts in a red envelope in your desk, in case you need to make an exchange or return. (I use red envelopes - so easy to find the newest receipts when I need them.) I have found shopping with Mercury retrograde works fine, but I have to make more exchanges than usual. Still, you can find some beautiful things.

You may want to travel for fun and love over the weekend of October 17-18 when Mars will conjoin Jupiter. You would have a great time; you would fly quite a distance (possibly overseas). It is likely you'd find an intriguing travel package that will speak to you. You will feel this rare aspect (Mars conjunct Jupiter) on Friday, October 16, as it builds in strength.

This same conjunction on October 16-18 would be ideal for international exchange of goods, services, or information; a legal court action; any actions involving academia; to work on an immigration question including passport, green card, or visa; and to gain from publishing and broadcasting.

A graceful contact between Neptune and your ruler on October 30 will have your imagination soaring - again! The Sun is your guardian star, so anytime the Sun makes an aspect, it's important to note. On October 30, focus on a current artistic project. Don't have one? Fair warning: Halloween this year will have fantastic costumes by the other guests if you attend a party. If you want to win first prize, start designing your costume and work hard on it!


You've had a lot of emphasis on travel lately, and it appears you are now home, after having taken a long and enjoyable trip. Matters relating to university study are still being emphasized, and you also have an unusually strong emphasis on publishing, broadcasting, and legal matters. You may now be dealing with the details in one of these areas, as well as what was brought up at the eclipse just days prior to October, on September 27.

The new moon in Libra of October 12 will give you clarity and help you make decisions, allowing you to move forward after a period fraught with delays and others' indecision. Mercury will go direct on October 9, soon to bring swift progress to your agenda. You may be signing a contract, or you may be launching an advertising or publicity campaign. It would be a superb time to begin work on a book or screenplay idea. You have the Sun and new moon in Libra, and Mercury (news, communication) in Libra too, so working with a writing partner would be the right way to go. Libra is the quintessential sign of partnership, the reason that forming collaboration would be so effective for you in October as well as in months ahead.

Financially, even though your costs appear to increasing, your outlook for making a substantial amount of money in October is excellent. Watch for an exciting project, a career offer, or promotion in the days leading to October 12, when Pluto and Jupiter will combine forces. That's a very powerful aspect for enjoying prosperity, for Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will enlarge the power and opportunity of Pluto. Your financial bounty will be tied to a project you did recently, but things are about to get even more lucrative in regard to future projects. It's all very exciting.

Your career will reach new heights at the sole full moon of 2015 to light your house of honors, awards, and achievement. It's due to be one of your finest career moments, and it will link your salary to your performance. You are likely to enjoy praise, be given offer to shine in a new setting, or assume a new title. If you are self-employed, you will have a chance to bring in the client of your dreams. All your hard work will come together in one big turquoise box, tied with a white satin ribbon, and handed to you on a silver platter on or near October 27.

Venus, the ruler of your house of fame, will meet with Jupiter on the same day, suggesting that you will get support from VIPs and from underlings as well.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-10-04 16:46:58
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