看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 1月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2016-01-06 Wed. 12:00:38

Leo Horoscope for January 2016

By Susan Miller

As you get into January, life is busy. You have a crown of sparkling stars filling your sixth house of work and health, so let's look at your health and fitness goals first. It appears you might have a goal to look sleek and perhaps to lose a few pounds. Although many people, of every zodiac sign, may have this goal, you have ideal aspects to make this happen.

Begin with the once-a-year new moon, January 9 in Capricorn 19 degrees, for it is poised to allow you to make your health and fitness resolution materialize. You have the Sun, new moon, Pluto, and Mercury, all in the powerfully disciplined sign of Capricorn, so your will power will be strong. Of course, will power has been overly emphasized, especially in weight loss, as science tells us, but these planets will also set up a routine you like, and that is where the value may be.

In my experience, I have found that the most important element in losing weight is portion control and calories, which I have found more important than doing excessive exercise, which might undermine your program by making you very hungry. This is only my opinion, but I formed it by watching friends who succeeded and those who did not. Crazy diets don't work, but if you give your body all nourishing foods it requires, after two to three weeks, it will begin to crave those good foods, especially if you always have fresh fruits for dessert (maybe with a little ricotta cheese) instead of processed sweets. Consult a nutritionist to double-check my thinking. I feel you should exercise too, but gently so that you can feel energized and toned, but not to the extent where you will feel worn to the bone, or to the point that exercise makes you ravenous. In my opinion, what you eat (and don't eat) is more important than the number of hours you spend at the gym.

Little daily changes to your diet can have huge impact. Also, don't use diet sweeteners. I used to drink diet soda all the time and until my gut became sick. Now I am not allowed soda, for bubbles are bad for me. (Champagne is off the list too. That's something I miss at this time of the year.) I sweeten my iced tea with real sugar and I have not gained an ounce after 18 months of when my gut first became problematic. I am back to my original size, a size 4 or 6 depending on the manufacturer. It really is true that diet sugar can make you hungry. Nuts are good for you, so keep them in your diet, but watch how many you eat. Eating the entire big bag of nuts won't help you lose weight!

Keep fats low in your diet, so avoid fried foods, and use olive oil instead of butter. Careful with alcohol - I generally don't drink because I am always writing and have keep my mind clear as a bell. Last but not least, I have always found that coffee makes me hungry. I am not allowed coffee anymore, but occasionally I cheat with only one tiny half cup with milk no sugar, but overall, coffee is off my list. (Yes, that's been hard when I am at deadline and would love a little pick-me-up at midnight as I keep going, but generally I usually have water. I have never been a heavy coffee drinker, so I got used to the ban on coffee. You will not likely get hungry after a meal if you stick to fresh mint, chamomile, or most green teas.

I hope I have given you something to think about. Some TV shows devoted to weight loss make you assume you have to quit your job and exercise for ten hours a day to see the weight come off. Maybe that works for some people, but not for me. Everybody is different and what works for me may not necessarily work for you. Of course, you must check with your doctor first to see if your thyroid is working properly and to know if you are well enough to begin a sensible diet and exercise program. Your doctor will tell you if you need any daily medications or certain vitamins, and she will list what foods she recommends you eat and those to avoid, depending on the results on your medical screenings. Begin at the new moon, January 9 and in the days that follow, for this will be the finest new moon of the year to see an exciting transformation in you.

This same new moon of January 9 will also be the right time to attend to a physical or dental concern that you need to attend to now. Get it over and done, and you will be glad you listened to your doctor. If you have not done your annual physical lately, schedule one. The difference between great health and not so great health is often as simple as having a few tests and following doctor's orders.

Also indicated by this new moon is that you will have plenty of new projects coming across your desk, from January 9 onward. With planets in Capricorn, it looks like you will have the job of budgeting projects, or doing accounting, reviewing of the past year, or forecasting. Capricorn also is tied to matters involving history and things of value from the past, from valuable stamps, rare books, old coins, to estate jewelry, old quilts, and autographs of famous historical figures - you get the idea. One of these areas may figure prominently into your work this month.

Mercury will be retrograde from January 5 to 25, so it is not that surprising that you would looking back at previous actions, successes, and disappointments, all financially-related. Mercury is the planet of thinking, perception, and communication, so when Mercury is out of phase (something it does typically three times a year for three-and-a-half weeks), we are all urged to review recent projects to see if we can find ways to make them better and more viable.

Mercury retrograde represents a time when conditions are changing rapidly, so all month you will see the wind begin to change direction (or, you may not notice this until later, in hindsight). If you make decisions based on priorities you set previously, unbeknown to you, those priorities will be soon out of date. It is never wise to buy a new electronic item during a Mercury retrograde period, for your decision- making ability will be flawed in some way, or later you may regret not waiting for the new model of the product to be introduced. These are just a few examples.

It's impossible to try to outrun Mercury retrograde, as you began feeling the unmistakable slowdown and crossed messages late last month, in December. As you begin January, it is already too late to buy an electronic item, sign a contract, take a new position, or launch a new product or service. However, if the opportunity (or contract, sale, and so forth) is emanating from someone from your past, then you can proceed, as you already started that relationship or project a long time ago. It is not new, and you are not starting that venture now.

The one area Mercury retrograde will not hurt you is if you give birth to a baby during Mercury retrograde. Actually, that aspect will make your child grow up to be a deep thinker, quite philosophical and reflective. You have nothing to be concerned about.

If you would like to learn more about Mercury retrograde, go to my homepage on the Internet and find my black homepage www.astrologyzone.com on your computer or tablet (this is not on the app - you would have to go online.) Look under my blue logo to find my essay, in white letters: "All You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde." I think you will like my comprehensive report that I wrote for you, for you will be able to apply what you learn to all Mercury retrograde periods, now and in the future.

In matters of love, Venus will be touring your fifth house of true love from the very start of the month until January 23. You are a fire sign, and Sagittarius is a fire sign too - this is excellent news. On January 8 Venus will conjoin Saturn and make you very realistic about a current dating situation. This may also be good news, for seeing things as they are is always a plus. If you have a hope for a commitment, this date, January 8, may bring a proposal (yours or from your significant other). Much depends on how your relationship has been going along until now. If you have assumed certain things about your partner or that certain things would happen in time, Saturn will help you adjust your thinking about your relationship by bringing it to a more realistic place.

One day to watch for possible problems will be January 7, when Uranus and the Sun will be at odds. The Sun is your ruling star, and Uranus is the planet of surprises, so you may have problems when traveling; in regard to a legal matter, import-export or a customs matter, immigration, green card or visa; or a difficulty in regard to the media or academia. January 7 will not be a day to take a risk, as you are likely to lose out if you do. Sit tight and hopefully, this day will go by without incident.

Two days this month will be outstanding, and I would like you to mark them on your calendar. They arrive one after the other: January 12 and 13, with January 13 getting the biggest gold star. First, on January 12, Venus in Sagittarius will receive a sparkling beam from Uranus, the planet of surprise. Single? You may meet someone new and exciting on this day. If you are attached, you can enjoy this evening with your special someone, so quick, plan a sweet surprise for the one you love.

Your BEST day will be January 13, when the Sun, your ruling star, will be in ideal alignment to Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. You may hear outstanding news about money on this day, most likely money you have earned (or soon will), but the news would not likely be about money you will win. This is one of your very best days of the month!

Dreams may come true on January 23, when the full moon will arrive at 3 degrees Leo. If your birthday falls on July 25, plus or minus four days, you will feel this full moon very strongly. If your birthday does not fall at the end of July, you might have a natal planet in Leo within five degrees of 3 degrees. If so, you will feel this full moon too, quite strongly. (Those with Leo rising near 3 degrees, or a natal planet near 3 degrees of Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius will also feel the glow.)

This full moon will put the spotlight on a romantic or business partner, and it will be someone you may be eager to make your relationship official, or to break off from one another forever. You only get one full moon during an entire twelve months in your own sign of Leo, so this is a key moment. You seem to want to make a decision official, with papers. This full moon will be powerful for a plus or minus four days from January 23, so within that time frame, on January 25, Mercury will go direct. If you can delay acting on your plan until February's new moon, February 9, you would be in a better period. Mercury does not regulate his orbit instantly but rather gradually - it will not be until February 14-15 that Mercury will be back to his former strength. If you have a vital initiation, then try to wait until at least after the new moon, February 9.

Now let's look at the position of Mars, which will be lighting your house of home and family from January 3 to March 5. If you have to move house, find a new roommate, do extensive repairs, reorganize closets, order in the painters, or have your upholstery, rugs, windows, and window treatments cleaned, Mars will make you very efficient and also bring you suitable options.

The new moon five months from now, on May 6, would normally be your time to settle home-related questions, but with five out of eight planets retrograde (and I always include Pluto), I feel you will find something wrong with the options that come up in the ten days that follow May 6. The planets that will retrograde in May include Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. That's an unusually large crowd of planets to retrograde in one month, so don't depend on making any action in May - you and the rest of the world will be walking through glue. It will be very hard to make progress, as these planets will urge you to look back on your previous decisions and actions, not forward.

I suggest that you aim to make your home or family-related choice on March 15 or March 16, when Jupiter and Pluto will be in ideal sync. Pluto rules your fourth house of home, and with Jupiter in contact with Pluto, you are likely to be very pleased with the financial arrangements you may agree to at the time. If you need funds, you will get them.

I want to remind you to see my 30-minute TV show on the Internet that is on top of this page (look for my large logo and see the words The Show with an arrow to click). In my January TV forecast, I give you a general peek of the Year Ahead 2016. You can always see my show free, with global access, any time that is convenient to you. Go to this link: http://bit.ly/1eTnXol

For a different, big, detailed forecast in video, done by sign, each one lasting 22 minutes for each sign, go to www.Healthwire.FM, and buy the high-quality films I did in collaboration with Deepak Chopra and Martine Dubin, Chairman, CEO, and Executive Producer of www.Healthwire.FM. This TV show with a digital-platform has beautiful visual production values. The cost to you will be one dollar US ($1.00) and you will own the show, to view as many times as you like. I suggest you get one for your Sun sign, and one for your rising sign too. You can buy the entire bundle of 12 signs for $9.99 to share with family. Go to http://healthwire.fm/healthwire.php

Or, go to www.Healthwire.FM and look at the menu that says "Choose your Shows" - mine comes up first. It was an honor to work with Deepak Chopra's team on this project, and until now this show that I did in early December has been a total secret!

If you don't know your rising sign, start the year off right by ordering a color illustrated book, perfect bound, called My Personal Horoscope that I will write custom for you. This 65+ page book is made possible by print-on-demand technology. It will take a little over two weeks to receive your copy, and it will cost US $55.00 plus shipping. You need only do your natal chart once, for your chart will never change. This is a wonderful keepsake. I offer several versions (such as one for babies, couples, and so forth), but I urge you to choose the book for your own natal adult horoscope chart, with the yellow and deep blue-purple cover.

When you order, you will need to supply your precise time of birth to the minute, your day, month, year and city of birth. If you don't know the precise time of your birth, I can't be as accurate, and the rising sign cannot be calculated. In that case I default your time of birth to sunrise, and doing that, you will know where all your other planets were on the day you were born. Knowing those will be valuable to you too.

Check to see if your mother had a baby book where she may have recorded the time of your birth. Also check the Hall of Records or Bureau of Vital Statistics where birth records are stored by your municipality. You need the handwritten birth certificate, not the computer copy - if it costs five dollars in the US, it's the wrong certificate. It should cost a bit more and each state sets its own price. You will be glad you had your natal chart done, for you will always get more out of my monthly free reports on Astrology Zone if you do. You'll know so much more about your nature, your talents, and how you love to be loved! For more information, go to www.SusanMillerMyPersonalHoroscope.com

Now, I will summarize January for you!


Your assignments will be pouring in, and you'll have to be ready to hit the ground running as soon as the new moon, January 9, arrives. In the days that follow, more than one project is likely to be approved and sent your way. With Mercury retrograde in your workaday sector from January 5 to January 25, opt to summarize what the client needs you to do in an email to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunication. Planets in Capricorn suggest you may be working on a project that allows you to delve into the historical past or into family lineage or estates. You may also have to appropriate funds, or manage a large budget, too, as Capricorn's association with big money is well known in astrological circles.

The full moon will fall in Leo on January 23 and will bring to culmination something of deep significance to you. At the same time, you seem conflicted over what to do about a home living situation. You and your romantic partner or roommate may not to agree with a plan you want to institute at home, so you may be debating what to do. Mars in your home sector is generating noise there, so you may be reorganizing the position of your furniture to create a better flow, or you may clear out clutter, or ask workmen to put up a wall to create a partition or another room.

Love has its privileges but also some powerful responsibilities. While you may have always been aware of this truth, you seem to be especially cognizant of it now. Venus in Sagittarius is an ideal placement for you, a sign Venus entered on December 30 and will remain until January 23. In that time, Venus will orbit close to Saturn, making an exact conjunction January 8. By learning the give-and-take necessary in any relationship, you gain considerable personal growth this year. If you have children, through your care and protection of them, you will grow in maturity as well.

Saturn's fairly new position in your fifth house is having other ramifications. If you work in a creative industry, you may now be given the project of your dreams and produce your best work in 2016 and 2017. In that time, however, be aware that a project will likely take longer and require more money than you may anticipate when you estimate the job. This is due to Saturn's presence, so adjust your future estimates accordingly. No one will ever know the conditions you worked under or how much you were paid. Your work will speak for itself and, and because you will be giving great concentration to your projects, they are likely to bring you great acclaim. You've not likely entered a phase like this before, because Saturn takes 29 years to revolve around the Sun. (If you did undergo this cycle, you will recall it happening nearly three decades ago.)

Now that you have Jupiter in your second house of earned income for the first time in a decade, you are setting the standard for quality work and will earn generous compensation - 2016 should be exceptionally lucrative. Don't assume VIPs will necessarily give you a raise without presenting your case, but rather, if you speak up for yourself, the result should please you. The full moon on February 22 next month may be an especially special time to see a large uptick of income. Start this month thinking about how you will present your case.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-01-06 12:00:38
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