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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 11月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2014年11月02日 Sun. AM 09:54:01

Leo Forecast for November 2014

By Susan Miller

Your career is on fire, and you'll see this for yourself at the grand full moon, November 6, due to light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. This will be the only full moon in your career house of 2014, and it is likely to bring spectacular news. Work you've been doing on a project appears to have gained you the attention of VIPs at the top and put you on the short list of stars in the making. You've been working very diligently on day-to-day assignments, and now the reward may be a better title and with more responsibility. It'll be important to mark this moment - celebrate!

You may be wondering if your heavy workload will lighten in time to enjoy the holidays. The answer is yes. You should see an immediate lifting of the day-to-day pressure the moment Mars leaves Capricorn, December 4. That should allow plenty of time to shop, attend parties, and enjoy love in the festive month of December. In the meantime, you appear to need the relaxation that moderate exercise can provide. Gyms report lower than usual attendance in their facilities at this time of the year, but make sure you are not among the absentees. Even a short workout would do wonders for your mind, body, and spirit.

A difficult day for you may come up November 18, when Saturn conjoins your ruler, the Sun. Concern for a male family member may mean you will need to leave work and attend to what is going on in your parent's home. Or, it may be that a situation involving your residence or other property you own brings news that you will have to address immediately. Stay flexible.

Love will reign supreme for you at the new moon, November 22. Get your outfits ready, for you will be stepping out. Falling in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, this new moon will light your fifth house of true love. The actions you take in the week following this new moon will have the power to benefit your love life for a year or more, possibly forever. If you are single, it will be important to take full advantage by being out of the house, seeing friends and generally showing your face to the world. By being out, you increase your chances of a fateful, random meeting. Jupiter is still in your sign, Leo, considered an aspect that is the very best one possible for meeting one's true love. Jupiter only comes by every twelve years, and you will have this benefic planet at your side until August 2015. This month's combination of the new moon and Jupiter in Leo makes November a winner for socializing.

Saturn will conjoin this new moon, so if you do meet someone, that person may be a bit older than you, but you will be intrigued, and the relationship could work. If you are single, enter a relationship slowly as Neptune will be turning out its famous beautiful, but at times, treacherous, fog at the time of the new moon. Neptune may make you may miss important clues about your new love. Your partner may or may not warrant the accolades you may be using to describe the relationship. In the absence of information, it is human nature to want to think the best of a new intriguing lover, but be careful. Give the relationship time, and get to know your partner's circle of friends and family before becoming deeply involved. Love won't fly away if you wait - it will actually bond more fully, for Saturn, so prominent at this new moon too, will see to that.

Attached and married Leos will have more fun and may decide to plan an important overseas trip together, or plan to take on an important goal, such as to buy a house. If you hope to have a child, wait to attempt conception after the new moon, November 22, to increase your chances of success.

Dates to Note for LEO

Luckiest days for luck but also for other purposes in your life: November 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30.

November 1 would be an ideal day to sign a contract, to negotiate a deal, give a speech or travel.

You will have another outstanding day, November 3. when Pluto signals the Sun, your ruling star. A work project will be right on track, and a visit to your doctor may bring good news too.

The full moon of November 6 will fall in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. It's a big moment - the only full moon of 2014 to fall in this house. A better position may be in the cards. Do you have a creative job? Neptune will favor you. Not in a creative job? Neptune may confuse your understanding of your duties, so ask questions.

A lot of work and corresponding pressure will come up November 10, due to Mars conjunct Pluto.

Do not travel on November 12, when Mars and Uranus will work at cross-purposes. This is a hot aspect, so choose another day.

A situation involving your home or a family member may concern you on November 17-18.

Any document you sign on November 21 will be in place a very long time.

The new moon, November 22 is likely to open a very romantic period for you, just in time for the year-end holidays.

You may get praise from a VIP for your work on November 26, thanks to a sweet aspect between Venus and Uranus.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-11-02 09:54:01
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 303 
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